Her father exiled her because of her bad temper, most recently for fighting with her older sister, the water goddess ka-lee-oo-maai (Namaka), which Pele's husband seduced. She traveled from Tahiti, in a canoe guided by her brother, the shark god ka-moho-ali, followed by her older sister. Every time she landed on an island and created a volcanic abode, the sister would sink. Finally the final battle ended near Hana, Maui, where Pele defeated the water goddess. The legends say that the bones of this one, still are in a mountain called Ka-iwi-o-Pele .
After that battle she found new enemies, in the snow goddess Poliahu, whom she fought against in Manau Kena, and the fertility god Kamapua'a, whom she sometimes loves.
Pele is known for her violent temper, but also for visiting mortals, usually appearing as a tall, beautiful and young woman or as an old, ugly and fragile woman. Sometimes she is accompanied by a white dog that she uses to test people, asking if they have any food or drink to give. Those who pass the test for showing compassion are spared and rewarded. However, those who do the opposite and are cruel, disrespectful or even insensitive are punished by having their homes destroyed. When angry she appears either as a woman on fire or as pure flames.
She likes social dancing and is known to be very jealous and vindictive when she doesn't get the man she wants. Stories involving Pele are common around the campfire. They say that his presence can be felt near the Kilaueu volcano, and that he usually curses those visitors who bring volcanic stones from Hawaii.
Appearance: They are red and have blue or green eyes.
Personality: They are courageous and maintain their honor regardless of what happens, they simply do anything to defend others.
Passive Powers
Fire, Magma and Heat Resistance
Pele is the goddess of fire and volcanoes, her home is a volcano that exists in Hawaii. Fire, magma and heat are not a problem for the goddess since she lives surrounded by them. Thus, they will also not be problems for your offspring.
Level 01-15: In the beginning, no matter the temperature of the environment, the heat or the cold do not affect Pele's son, because as his mother lives in a volcano, the heat will not bother them. The cold will not be a problem for them either, because their high internal temperature does not allow them to feel cold, also because of the constant struggles with the snow goddesses, enemies of their mother.
Level 16-30: Now the flames will not affect Pele's son, and he can dance through the fire without getting burned. Against more powerful flames such as the infernal flames of demons and fallen angels, you will have a greater resistance than most other beings, however you should avoid prolonged contact with them as this resistance is not immunity to them.
Level 31-45: Now the magma will not be offensive to Pele's son. The same can take the same in the palm of your hand and walk with your skin in contact with magma and lava, without suffering any damage. Your resistance to the most powerful flames has also increased.
Fur Fury
It is said that when Pele was enraged, she transformed into a woman of fire or living flames, causing great destruction.
Level 01-20: When enraged, Pele's son will be surrounded by an aura of fiery fire, capable of burning flammable things to the touch and causing first degree burns in living beings.
Level 21-40: When infuriated, Pele's son will be surrounded by the aura of fire and part of his skin will also become flames, immediately igniting whatever it comes into contact with, which may melt metals such as steel and iron and cause burns. second degree in living beings.
Level 41-60: When enraged, Pele's son will have his body totally transformed into flames, these having one of the greatest burning powers of all types of fire, setting everything on fire and melting metals to the touch (like titanium and adamantium) and to the touch it causes burns of third degree in alive beings, being able to completely burn members through the continuous touch.
Level 61-80: When enraged, Pele's son will have his body totally transformed into flames, being able to increase and decrease his size while maintaining his intense heat. It can set a whole area on fire just with its transformation, more resistant metals will melt when close to the demigod (vibranium) and with the touch I could immediately burn any living thing. Even those with fire resistance will suffer terrible burns when touching Pele's son, including gods.
Level 81-100: When enraged, Pele's child will be like living flames, and can take any shape and size. Even meters away, everything will start to burn. Resistance metals of the best qualities will melt to the touch (Divine Iron) and living beings will die charred immediately when they come into contact with it.
Note: The demigod will have no control over his form, being awakened when he is enraged. The only ways to stop him is to calm him down or knock him out. Water can even extinguish its flames and return it to its normal form momentarily before its flames re-ignite.
Warrior Goddess
Pele is a goddess who because of her temper ends up in conflict with other deities, going to war against her sister, whom she came to kill in the end, and the snow goddesses. She is also the goddess of violence, so for that reason, Pele's son will have the characteristics of a great warrior.
Level 01-20: The demigod's speed is 300 km / h and he has the strength to break steel with his bare hands. The demigod will also have a basic knowledge of how to handle weapons and martial arts, but due to his violence, the damage caused will be 50% greater.
Level 21-40: The demigod's speed is 600 km / h and he has the strength to break titanium with his bare hands. The demigod will also have intermediate knowledge in the handling of weapons and martial arts, but due to his violence, the damage caused will be doubled.
Level 41-60: The demigod's speed is 900 km / h and he has the strength to destroy diamond with his bare hands. The demigod will also have a knowledge equivalent to that of a master in the handling of weapons and martial arts, but for his violence the damage caused will be triple.
Level 61-80: The demigod's speed is 1200 km / h and he has the strength to break adamantium with his bare hands. The demigod will be better than human masters in handling weapons and martial arts, and his movements are perfect, but due to his violence, the damage caused will be fourfold.
Level 81-100: The demigod's speed is 1500 km / h and he has the strength to break vibranium with his bare hands. The demigod will have the ability to make very difficult movements with perfection in the handling of weapons and in the martial arts, but due to his violence the damage caused will be five times.
Level 101-120: The demigod's speed is 1800 km / h and he has the strength to severely damage Divine Iron. The demigod will be able to make impossible movements in the handling of weapons and in the martial arts, but due to his violence, the damage caused will be six times greater.
White Hair
Fur was sometimes presented with a white-haired dog. She visited people in the form of a beggar lady. Those who were good with the goddess, passing the test, would be spared and rewarded, but those who were selfish and malicious would have their home destroyed. Your mother will present your offspring with a white dog like hers. In addition to the powers mentioned in the levels, the animal will be able to communicate with the demigod and maintain a mental connection with it.
Level 01-10: The animal will have absurd strength and speeds, being able to break steel with a bite and run at 300 km / h.
Level 11-25: The animal will be able to intimidate enemies that are malicious and / or cruel to the demigod.
Level 26-35: With a loud howl, the animal will make the sky darken and volcanic rocks wrapped in fire will fall on that area, destroying everything there.
Level 36-50: The animal will undergo a transformation, increasing in size until it reaches the height of the demigod. The animal's claws will increase, becoming 15 cm long, the paws will become black and flames will fly around it and come out of its nostrils. It will be able to destroy diamond with its bites and claws and cause great damage to adamantium and its speed will be 900 km / h. When howling, the earth will shake, as if it were having a volcanic eruption. The animal can stay like this for 4 rounds before returning to its normal shape.
Dances to the Skin
Pele is also a goddess of dance. When the demigod begins to dance, he can also fight.
Level 01-10:
Initial Dance: The first dance that the demigod learns, knowing from an early age. This dance makes the demigod's movements unpredictable and random. He can combine attacks while dancing. It is the basis for all other dances, that is, when the demigod begins to dance, he will be doing the initial dance. During this, he can use the other dances one at a time (except for Capoeira). The other dances will be like special movements that will be done in the middle of the initial Dance, starting and ending in the same round. Only one of these "moves" can be used per round.
Level 11-25:
Capoeira: Combining his skill in martial arts with his dance, the demigod will have a great fighting capacity when dancing capoeira, a mixture of dance and fighting techniques. His strikes will be fast and accurate, having the strength to fracture the bones of those he hits while dancing.
Level 26-35:
Attack Dance: This dance, when danced, will increase your target's physical strength by 50%, whether it be him or someone else. (2 times per fight)
Defense Dance: This dance, when danced, will generate a powerful barrier around the demigod that will be able to resist attacks capable of destroying a forest. The demigod will also be able to dodge attacks quickly. (3 times per fight)
Speed Dance: This dance, when danced, will increase the target's speed by 50%. (2 times per fight)
Dance of Weakness: This dance, when danced, will decrease the target's speed and strength by 50%. (1 time per fight)
Level 36-50:
Puppet Dance: This dance, when being danced, the demigod will be able to manipulate his opponent's body as if he were a puppet. He can control an enemy's body as much as he wants, but not their mind. (up to 5 enemies, 3 times per fight)
Great Impact Dance: This dance, when danced, will concentrate the energy of the demigod, where he can deliver a punch, kick or stomp strong enough to make a crater in the ground and cause an earthquake. (3 times per fight)
Dance of the Great Blade: This dance, when danced, will concentrate the energy of the demigod, where he will be able to strike a blow with his members who will cut like a blade capable of cutting diamond. (2 times per fight)
Level 51-99:
Dance of the Flames: This dance when danced will concentrate the energy of the demigod, forming a circle of flames that will form around him, then be released, forming a 5 meter wall of fire that will follow for up to 50 meters around him before to disappear (the demigod being in the center, 50 meters radius). (2 times per fight)
Dance of Lights: This dance, when danced, will concentrate the energy of the demigod, forming 5 spheres of light that will fly towards the enemy and explode, launching it away with the impact. (3 times per fight)
Explosion Dance: This dance, when danced, will concentrate the energy of the demigod, raising small elevations on the ground that when the demigod punches the floor or stomps it, it will create five mini volcanoes that will launch great magma pillars for the sky (5 meters high) and will form a wall 10 meters high around the demigod up to 100 meters around it (the demigod being in the middle 100 meters in radius). (2 times per fight)
Note: After finishing dancing, having used the "special moves" or not, the demigod will have to go without dancing for 3 rounds to recover his energy.
Goddess of Light
Skin is also considered the goddess of light, thanks to which the demigod will resist light attacks.
Level 01-25: The demigod will have a small resistance to light, but the damage he will suffer will already be less than what others would suffer. He cannot be blinded by the light.
Level 26-50: The demigod will have a greater resistance to light, the damage being much less than before.
Level 51-100: The demigod will have a great resistance to light, damage is now minimal.
Level 100-125: The demigod will not suffer any damage from light attacks, having immunity to attacks from this element.
Hawaiian Beauty
Pele was said to be a very beautiful goddess capable of seducing many men. When she appeared in human villages, she presented herself as a beautiful woman. Your children will have the same beauty as your mother.
Level 1-20: The demigod's beauty is such that it enchants everyone who sees him. At parties, you can remain hidden and discreet, but when you call attention, it will be the feeling of the party, the main focus of it.
Level 21-40: The demigod's beauty allows him to ask small favors from other people, and it cannot be anything too exaggerated.
Level 41-60: The demigod's beauty allows him to ask for more favors from other people, which can be something more, however, not too big, difficult or out of reach.
Level 61-80: The beauty of the demigod enchants all mythological creatures, even several demigods, allowing him to make bolder requests, usually being satisfied by those enchanted by his beauty.
Skin Wisdom
Pele also appeared among humans as a lady of great wisdom and who announced future events. Your child will inherit the same wisdom.
Level 1-20: He will know the history of all mankind, from the beginning to the present day. Because your mother warns you of future events, your child may have predictions about the future now and then, but because he is not very strong, he will not have control over it, he may even want to know, however he will see the destination of the place where he is, without knowing how it will culminate in it or why, let alone what happens to specific individuals (2 times per event).
Level 21-40: He will know everything about all the mythologies, their history and their original languages. He will now be able to know how the fate of the place and an individual will take place, but he will not be able to see if it is related to him, that is, he can predict the fate of anyone other than him or who has his destiny influenced by him directly (2 times per event).
Level 41-60: He will be able to know the fate of a person related to him, knowing everything he would need to know about him (2 times per event). He still won't be able to see his own future.
Level 61-80: When touching someone, he will know the person's history, all his past. He will now be able to see his own future (twice per event).
Destruction of Skin
When enraged, Pele's son will be out of control emotionally and psychologically. Flames will appear throughout the area around the demigod, lava will spring from the ground, volcanic stones will fall from the sky, a great earthquake will shake the earth and open cracks. Even with all the wrath in the world, fortunately, the demigod will not be able to maintain this disaster for long, staying at most for 2 rounds, ending completely exhausted. The only ways to stop him are to knock him out or calm him down, but he will still be exhausted.
Level 31-60: The destruction area is within a radius of 10 m.
Level 61-90: The destruction area is within a radius of 25 m.
Level 91-120: The destruction area is within 50 m.
Level 121-150: The destruction area is within a radius of 100 m.
Note: The rage necessary for the demigod to activate this power is greater than the "Fur Fury", as the demigod will be out of control. It does not undergo transformation, focusing on the common form, except for the scarlet eyes. When the anger reaches that point, the demigod will lose the form of "Fur Fury" and return to its normal form.
When she was expelled from her home by her father because of her temperament (according to other versions due to a love disillusionment), Pele asked to build a boat capable of withstanding the wrath of the tides. Ka-moho-ali'i is the name of the canoe made for the goddess who allowed her to reach Hawaii. The demigod will be able to summon a similar canoe capable of sailing alone even in the worst of storms without turning or breaking.
Level 01-15: The canoe only takes one person, in addition to the demigod.
Level 16-30: The canoe takes 3 people, in addition to the demigod.
Level 31-40: The canoe takes 7 people, in addition to the demigod.
Level 46-60: The canoe takes 15 people, in addition to the demigod.
Level 61-109: The canoe takes 31 people, in addition to the demigod.
Active Powers
Fire Manipulation
Since his mother is the fire goddess, the demigod will have the ability to generate and control the same.
Level 01-20: Can control on a small scale, making small fireballs (baseball) to be thrown, each being able to burn a tree completely.
Level 21-40: You can control on a medium scale, being able to generate larger fireballs (handball ball) to be thrown or a 2 meter fire whip, each being able to burn a house completely.
Level 41-60: Can control on a large scale, making even bigger fireballs (basketballs to be thrown or whips of 5 meters in length, each being able to burn a large building or a small forest.
Level 61-80: You can perfectly control and create your own flames, which cannot be controlled by third parties. The fireballs will be the size of a large beach ball and the whips 10 meters long, and can set a medium-sized forest on fire. Combining with the ability to manipulate light, you can make a pair of wings that will allow you to fly at 750 km / h.
Level 81-100: Can control on a global scale. The fireballs will be 2 meters in diameter, looking like a mini sun in the hands of the demigod, and the whips will be 20 meters long, each having the potential to burn a large forest.
Magma Manipulation
Since his mother is the goddess of volcanoes, the demigod will be able to generate and control magma.
Level 01-20: Can control on a small scale, being able to make small weapons with it.
Level 21-40: Can control on a medium scale, being able to make a simple defense like a wall of magma and larger weapons.
Level 41-60: You can control on a large scale, making small volcanoes around you, trapping the enemy under the magma (if you don't want to, you risk burning it || 2nd degree burns), making a better defense of magma and even bigger weapons.
Level 61-80: You can perfectly control and create your own magma, which cannot be controlled by third parties. It can stop and cause volcanic eruptions, trap the enemy under the magma (it will only cause 1st degree burns if you don't want to burn it), make a better defense and make any weapon, including firearms if combined with the manipulations of fire and light . In fact, it is at the level of being able to do anything using magma.
Level 81-100: You can control on a global scale, being able to cover an entire area with magma, leaving it sterile, you can arrest the enemy (now without risking burning, if you want) and you can do whatever you want with the magma.
Light manipulation
Since his mother is the goddess of light, the demigod will have the ability to generate and control it.
Level 01-20: Can control on a small scale, making some small spheres of light capable of piercing steel.
Level 21-40: Can control on a medium scale, being able to make smaller spheres of light or a thin chain of 20 meters, each one capable of drilling / cutting titanium. The chain can also handle 250 kg.
Level 41-60: Can control on a large scale, making a good amount of small spheres of light or thin chains of 40 meters, each capable of cutting / drilling diamond. The chain can hold 500 kg.
Level 61-80: Can control perfectly and create light. You can make a considerable amount of light locks and thin chains of 80 meters, each capable of drilling / cutting adamantium. The chain can handle 1 ton.
Level 81-100: Can control on a global scale, being able to make arrows of light enough to target a whole city and thin currents of 160 meters, each capable of cutting / drilling vibranium. The chain can handle 2.5 tons
Ohi'a Lehua
A tree with flowers sacred to the Skin, responsible for the separation it transformed into the tree and the flower. In the Hawaiian islands, they have several uses and will also have to the demigod.
Level 01-30: The demigod will be able to summon the Ohi'a tree for defense. It will arise and involve the demigod, protecting it from attack. The tree will have the resistance of titanium, but when it is destroyed, the demigod will appear in another location, further away from the battlefield. Can be used 2 times per event.
Level 31-60: The demigod can summon the Lehua flower. It will arise, coiling around the body of the targets and relieving any pain you may be experiencing. Can be used 3 times per event.
Level 61-90: The demigod will be able to summon Ohi'a Lehua. The tree will appear decorated with flowers and from within the flowers will drip a nectar that a drop is able to heal large wounds and restore 50% of energy. After the nectar is taken, the tree will disappear. Can be used 3 times per event.
Volcanic Weapons
The weapons will be made combining the manipulation of magma, fire and light from the demigod. They will be made of magma, with lines of fire and crystals of light adorning it (regardless of the scale of manipulation of these elements).
Level 01-20: They will have the strength of the steel and the ability to cut it.
Level 21-40: They will have the strength of titanium and the ability to cut it.
Level 41-60: They will have the strength of the diamond and the ability to cut it.
Level 61-80: They will have the strength of adamantium and the ability to cut it.
Level 81-100: They will have the resistance of the vibranium and the ability to cut the same.
Level 101-120: They will have the strength of Divine Iron and the ability to cut the same.
Volcanic Armors
The armor will be made combining the manipulation of magma, fire and light from the demigod. They will be made of magma, with lines of fire and crystals of light adorning it (regardless of the scale of manipulation of these elements).
Level 01-20: They will have the strength of the steel.
Level 21-40: They will have the strength of titanium.
Level 41-60: They will have diamond resistance.
Level 61-80: Will have adamantium resistance.
Level 81-100: They will have the vibranium resistance.
Level 101-120: Will have the resistance of Divine Iron.
Servants of Kilauea
The demigod will be able to summon beings (as elementals) to fight alongside him. There will be 3 types of servants.
Level 10-40: You can make 5 magma minions.
Magma Servant: The servant will look like a Golem made completely magma. They will be 2 meters tall and have the strength to break steel easily.
Level 41-70: You can make 10 fire minions.
Fire Servant: The servant will have the humanoid form, being completely made of fire. They will have the height of the demigod, speed of 400 km / h and heat to melt diamond.
Level 71-100: You can make 15 servants of light.
Servant of Light: The servant will have the form of a small swarm of insects, being completely made of light. They will have the size of a small swarm, speed of 600 km / h and the strength and heat to pierce / melt vibranium.
Note: As the demigod "unlocks" new servants, the number of servants will add up, that is, at the maximum level, if the demigod so wishes, he can make 5 lava servants, 10 fire and 15 light in total.
Kilauea Goddess Mode
The demigod can awaken a form that will give you more power. The demigod's appearance will not change much, his eyes becoming black with small red streaks / lines in his iris, his hair becoming completely black and black tribal tattoos appear on his arms and legs.
Level 31-60: Your skills increase by 200%, that is, they triple. It also acquires the diamond resistance and regeneration that heals multiple injuries quickly. His limbs can extend and harden, being made magma, expanding the range of the attack.
Level 61-90: Your skills quadruple, your resistance becomes adamantium and regeneration regenerates members in a short time. When damage is done, flames will rise from the wound and when they disappear they will reveal the flesh of the demigod without wound and the clothes intact. The demigod can turn hands and feet into flames, burning quickly.
Level 91-120: Your skills quadruple, your resistance becomes vibranium and regeneration heals the most serious injuries. Once transformed, it can turn light and teleport behind an enemy, making extremely powerful attacks, killing several humans with a single blow and causing a lot of damage to those with high resistance (having a lower level than the demigod).
Note: This form lasts for 5 rounds. The flames, magma and light that your body changes cannot be manipulated.
Volcanic Smoke
The demigod could release smoke from his body similar to the ash cloud that comes out of the volcano when it erupts. The smoke will have different effects on the enemy, changing according to the demigod's will, but never affecting the same.
Level 21-40:
Ashtray: The smoke will be composed of ashes that will stick to the enemy's skin, being impossible to remove from it. The ashes will start out black, but will turn white as they absorb the enemy's energy. In 4 rounds you will have absorbed all the target's energy, no matter how much energy it has. Only then will the ashes come out of the target's body.
Level 41-60:
Toxicity: The smoke will have toxic gases that will leave the enemy confused and disoriented. Breathing these toxins too long will make the target sick and blind for 4 rounds. It does not kill the target.
Level 61-80:
Suffocating: The smoke will make it impossible for the enemy to breathe properly, cutting off the oxygen source of the enemy and leading to unconsciousness. When unconscious, the smoke will stop making it difficult for you to breathe, making your body feel extremely heavy and having difficulty moving when you wake up.
Level 81-100:
Mortal: The smoke will have poisonous gases, taking the enemy's senses out quickly, then leading him to unconsciousness and potentially death if he remains in the area with the smoke. If removed, it will take 4 rounds to wake up.
Note: The smoke will affect an area of 20 m² and stay in place for 3 rounds before disappearing.
Skin Magic
In her myths, Pele blessed her sister Hi'iaka for her to fulfill her mission, but she also curses those who take volcanic rocks from Hawaii and take them away as a souvenir. These skills can be given to others, never to yourself.
Level 21-50:
Blessing: Will give great resistance to attacks of fire, magma and light.
Curse: Will give extreme weakness to attacks of fire, magma and light.
Level 51-80:
Blessing: It will bring great luck, many attacks missing the target of the blessing and other things favoring the target.
Curse: It will be bad luck, not allowing attacks to work and other things disfavoring the target.
Level 81-110:
Blessing: Heals all the target's wounds at great speed.
Curse: All damage that the demigod suffered and suffered will be passed to the target immediately.
Note: Blessings and curses will last 3 rounds and only one blessing and one curse per fight can be used.
Awakening of Kilauea
After awakening all his powers, the demigod reaches his maximum potential: a powerful transformation. The demigod's skin will be dark, his eyes shone yellow, his hair will grow and be flushed, floating like flames, tribal tattoos will cover his entire body, shining like lava. The demigod's body will be covered by a simple black armor made of Divine Iron and will have on its head a crown made of volcanic rock. The demigod will also receive a staff similar to his mother's, made of Divine Iron. The attributes of the demigod increase dramatically. Your speed will be 6 mach, your attacks will be able to destroy Divine Iron, your wounds will heal to an absurd level, severed limbs falling into flames and growing back to the demigod's body, your resistance will be equivalent to Divine Iron. The demigod will be able to transform his body momentarily into light, being able to teleport to wherever he wants quickly, having absolute control in light, fire and magma. His power is above minor gods at this time.
Level 180-200: This form lasts 2 rounds.
Level 201-220: This form lasts for 3 rounds.
Level 221-240: This form lasts 4 rounds.
Level 241-260: This form lasts for 5 rounds.
Note: Can only be used once per event. When transforming into light, you will not be able to have your body manipulated, even with absolute control, being affected when transformed into light by darkness. It will only return to its normal form if immersed in water long enough to extinguish its ability to generate fire and heat.