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Anubis (in ancient Greek : Ἄνουβις) or Anupo was how the ancient Egyptian god of the dead and dying was known to the Greeks, guided and led the souls of the dead in the underworld, Anubis was always represented with the head of a jackal, but other sources claim that the animal in question is the coyote , however the most conservative Egyptologists claim that there is no way to know for sure, it was always associated with mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology , also associated with protecting the pyramids. In the Egyptian language , Anubis was known as Inpu (also spelled Anup, Anpu and Ienpw). [1] The earliest mention of Anubis is in the Pyramid Texts of the Ancient Empire , where it is often associated with the burial of Pharaoh . [2] At the time, Anubis was the most important god of the dead, but during the Middle Kingdom , Osiris . [3] , came to have the function of primordial god of the dead, while Anubis had minor functions such as preparing the body and embalming the dead.

He takes on names linked to his funeral role, such as the One who is on his mountain, who emphasizes his importance as protector of the dead and their tombs, and the title The One who is at the embalming site, associating him with the mummification process. [2] Like many Egyptian deities , Anubis took on various roles in various contexts, and no public procession in Egypt was performed without a representation of Anubis marching at the beginning.

Anubis's wife is the goddess Anput , her feminine aspect, and her daughter is the goddess Kebechet .

The Egyptians believed that in the judgment of a dead man his heart was weighed on a scale and the Pen of Truth (which belonged to the consort of Anubis, Maat , the goddess of truth). If the heart was heavier than the feather, the deceased was eaten by Ammit (a demon / demon whose body was composed of hybrid parts of lion, hippo and crocodile), but if it were lighter the person in question could have access to paradise or the soul would return to the body. Anubis was the one who guided the souls of the dead.


Appearance: They are thin, have brown hair and brown skin.

Personality: Although they are the sons of a feared god, they are kind due to the affection of their faithful companion.


Passive Powers

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Anubis was represented as having the head of a jackal, an animal that surrounds the tombs of the dead, to whom the Egyptians attributed the role of guardian of the tombs. Jackal has great speed, which is manifested in both Anubis and his offspring.


Level 1-10: Your speed is 400 km / h.


Level 11-25: Your speed is 800 km / h.


Level 26-35: Your speed is 1200 km / h.


Level 36-50: Your speed is 1600 km / h.


Level 51-99: Your speed is 2000 km / h.


Level 100-150: Your speed is 2400 km / h.


Level 151-200: Your speed is 2800 km / h.


Level 201-250: Its speed is 3200 km / h.


Level 251-300: Your speed is 3600 km / h.

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Being Anaerobic

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Level 20: Living day after day, for years with the dead, Anubis ended up acquiring a characteristic that finally manifests in his offspring. Dead people have no ability to breathe, whether they are in fact dead or have been summoned by a being with Necromancy power. Without breathing, the dead person has no need for oxygen to survive, or rather, no need for air to survive. Anubis and his offspring manifest this characteristic, being able to survive in environments without having to breathe, being able to stay in the vacuum of space or else on the bottom of the sea for as long as they wish without breathing.


Lord of the Dead


Anubis is the God of Death. Although he lost his throne to Osiris, his father, his power has not diminished, his importance has not been lost and his title has not been removed from him. He remains one of the most important and powerful Egyptian deities, for if they die, the gods will pass through him, as his own father did.


Level 1-10: The offspring have an imposing presence, causing fear and intimidating all their enemies, reaching the point that if they have up to 30 levels stronger than she, they will feel deeply terrified of fighting with her, reaching the point that they will not be able to move or think while they are in a situation of fighting or confronting it, for fear of the death represented in their person. They will also be able to see spirits and interact with them, being able to speak freely with them, having their respect due to their parent.


Level 11-25: The offspring can feel places where deaths have occurred and in those places or in resting places for the dead (cemeteries), can call the spirits from the world of the dead and the afterlife to the world of the living, and can keep them there until you release them, returning them to their resting environment. Being close to the offspring (up to 100 meters and only those you called), spirits can become visible to others and touch people and objects.


Level 26-35: The offspring acquire the respect of all the spirits of the dead, good or bad. In places where the offspring is where there is death, it will be strengthened, its attributes and powers practically doubling at that time. The offspring can now rule the spirits, be they good or bad, ordering them to possess other bodies and / or haunt objects or environments, being able to distort them in such a way as to cause such terror in others who cannot do anything else.


Level 36-50: In places with spirits of the dead and / or spirits, the offspring will triple all their attributes and powers. The offspring are also allowed to come and go from the Egyptian underworld whenever they wish, without being hindered by any external powers. The offspring is able to see and also the aura of beings, whether they are alive or not, through this way to be able to know if the person is good or not, locate powers and measure how strong they are and what type of power they are (type is of a magician, demigod, god, monster, etc.).


Level 51-99: In locations with spirits of the dead and / or spirits, all their attributes and powers will be increased by 4x. At that level, the offspring acquire the ability to reach the souls of other living beings, which can cause damage to the body even if it has immunities, or pull souls out of the body, making the victim a living corpse, but it can only keep the body of those of its own. level outside the body for 3 rounds and the strongest just for one round.


Level 100-150: In locations with spirits of the dead and / or spirits, all their attributes and powers will be increased by 6x. Now the offspring have authority over demons from Egyptian hell, and can call them to the normal world to help them in combat. At this level, too, the offspring acquire the ability to absorb the vital energy of living beings. It naturally absorbs the energy of all living beings, but a very small amount of each living being, to the point of making no difference. Still, combining all the energy, it allows you to restore 40% of your own energy per round.


Level 151-200: In locations with spirits of the dead and / or spirits, all their attributes and powers will be increased by 8x. The offspring now acquire the ability to also absorb spiritual energy alongside vital energy, now restoring 70% of their energy per round. Once per event, if the child dies, the offspring may be resurrected. The offspring will also have Necroscience, acquiring all knowledge and memory about the dead at the moment they die, also being able to learn techniques that the dead person knows.


Underworld Sovereign

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By the time Anubis was sovereign of the underworld, he possessed enough power to stop formidable resistance, one that was not lost even when his father assumed his post as God of the Underworld. Other aspects also related to the fact that he is god of the dead granted him some extra bonuses. This resistance will be passed on to your offspring.


Level 1-30: The offspring have the resistance of iron and can resist the destruction of a house. Anubis's main function is to mummify and judge the dead, which always takes a long time due to the number of people who died and to judge all their actions. In this way, the god developed a total lack in relation to human needs (eating, sleeping, etc.). His offspring has this same characteristic.


Level 31-60: The offspring have the strength of steel and can withstand the destruction of a building. Because he was practically the Judge of the Dead, Anubis could not be taken in by his feelings. Thus, he acquired a resistance to the manipulation of his feelings, a characteristic inherited by his offspring.


Level 61-90: The offspring have the strength of titanium and can withstand block destruction. For the same reason as his feelings, Anubis also acquired resistance to psychic powers.


Level 91-120: The offspring have the strength of titanium and can withstand the destruction of cities. By living in an environment of the dead and where the demons also lived, Anubis came to develop an immunity to possessions, which was passed on to her offspring, and she could even resist possession of demonic beings 50 levels stronger than she.


Level 121-150: Offspring have diamond resistance and can resist state destruction. Due to his creation with Isis, goddess of magic, Anubis developed a little resistance to magic in general.


Level 151-180: The offspring are adamantium resistant and can resist the destruction of countries. Reaching its maximum, the offspring has a very high resistance in its own soul, not allowing it to be affected by anything and in any way, being practically immune to spiritual attacks.


Jackal Head

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Anubis is a god represented with the head of a jackal. For this reason, the offspring, despite their human appearance, will possess powers common to, or attributed to, jackals.


Level 1-10: The offspring will have advanced senses, being able to see for miles, hear very low noises, even inside the earth, and feel very weak and subtle smells, and even see in the dark. The offspring will have claws in their favor, normally disguised as normal nails, but in combat they would grow, acquiring a black color and becoming completely black. The claws can cut steel with extreme ease.


Level 11-25: Offspring acquire the facility to adapt to any environment or any change in the environment they are in. You will also have a great sense of location and position, hardly getting lost or confused with an environment. At this level, the claws can now easily cut titanium, now possessing a toxin that hallucinates anyone, even the immune ones, as long as it is stronger than them.


Level 26-35: Offspring acquire the great intelligence of jackals, being able to learn various things easily, analyze situations quickly and understand anything they perceive. It also acquires an ability to omit, being able to camouflage and hide in different environments, being able to become imperceptible and inaudible in this way, only being perceptible to others with similar ability to omit or to become imperceptible. The claws can now cut diamond easily.


Level 36-50: The offspring acquire primordial instincts, which they cannot control, but which can help them in almost any situation. The main skills would be to be able to escape in any situation, find tickets for both escape and entry into other places (because of the characteristics of jackals to invade tombs). They also acquire the ability to create items and tools. The claws now cut adamantium and now the toxin is stronger, making the enemy sick and paralyzed for 3 rounds.


Level 51-99: The offspring now have battle instincts that allow them to react to attacks up to 4 times faster than themselves, acquire hunter and survival skills for almost any environment they are in. Your eyes now allow you to detect enemy weaknesses and weaknesses, as well as being able to see hidden and guarded objects. The claws of the offspring now cut through vibranium.


Level 100-150: Upon reaching its maximum, the offspring acquire the best claw they could have. They are now able to cut Divine Iron and due to their relationship with the world of the dead, the claws do significant damage to the souls of enemies, their poison now reaching their souls, causing great pain in the body of the enemies in addition to taking them to coma in up to 3 rounds if their souls are hit.

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Golden Follower

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Golden jackals were animals commonly found in cemeteries and tombs, as they excavated tombs to steal bones to eat, however the Egyptians believed that they were guardians of the dead, which is why Anubis was represented with the head of this animal, having the function of guide, judge and guard the dead. However, there are disagreements that say that Anubis had a dog's head. In this way, the Anubis offspring will receive a canine companion (the appearance of any dog) who will have some special abilities, both from dogs and jackals due to ambiguity.


Level 1-40: The strength, speed, resistance, claws and senses of the animal are equivalent to the demigod. The animal can normally speak the human language and also speak telepathically with the offspring. If he is killed or destroyed in any way, at the end of the event he will return as if nothing had happened to him.


Level 41-80: The canine will not be afraid of anything and will not be affected by it in any way. The animal will have the ability to detect enemies, no matter how well they are hidden, in addition to being able to sense threats of any kind to both themselves and their offspring, being able to react to them in a way that, for brief moments, reaches up to 5 times your own speed.


Level 81-120: The animal will have the regeneration capacity of the offspring and will be able to go and take beings and objects to the underworld. At this level, the animal acquires a transformation ability, being able to turn any weapon or fire that the offspring wishes to fight, establishing a connection with their soul and mind, as if they were one. The weapon will normally be enveloped in a black aura that allows you to cut the souls of your enemies.


Level 121-160: The animal can now control the spiritual energy of the surrounding souls, thus being able to create energy attacks that will target its enemy, this energy being able to destroy the metal equivalent to the resistance of its claws. Concentrating this energy, he can transform into a large, two-headed jackal for 5 rounds, whose roar causes a strong gale followed by a sandstorm and summon disincarnated spirits to confuse enemies.


Level 161-200: The animal gains the ability to exchange items without others noticing, or simply steal without feeling. Jackals break laws, due to the paradox of stealing bones from the dead when they would be their protectors, so no rules imposed on them will work, and it is impossible to see what they are doing or predict what they will do, they are indomitable (that is, nothing to subject them to) will somehow work), are able to mix in any environment without being noticed and will be very lucky, thus not having their luck or probabilities manipulated against them. Finally, he will be able to manipulate his spiritual energy, combining with the energy of the souls of all beings around him, thus generating a powerful tornado that will cause irreparable damage to the souls of enemies if they have no resistance, but if they have, they will still have half of their energy sucked out. Only offspring are unaffected by this attack and can only be used once per event.


Level 201-240: Reaching this level, the animal can become a demigod, acquiring the ability to use all powers with the same effectiveness as the demigod. He is also capable of summoning a tomb from the ground, from which hundreds of jackal warriors will emerge (body of people, claws similar to that of the offspring, head and jackal skin, speed equivalent to half of the offspring), these carrying different weapons in their hands with the resistance of the Divine Iron.


God of Pests

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In some media, Anubis is related to plagues, curses and diseases, showing authority over them or at least making them manifest with his presence. It turns out that Anubis, after being hidden by his mother so that her husband, Seth, would not kill him, was welcomed by Isis, thus being raised as his son. As Isis, goddess of magic, during her creation, Anubis learned some spells, also developing a powerful magical aura that causes curses and manifests effects that he is unable to control. The offspring will develop the same uncontrollable aura, at the most evident moment during the fight against one or more enemies.


Level 50: When the enemy puts himself against the offspring, he will lose his immortality.


Level 100: When the enemy is against the offspring, he will lose his resistance.


Level 150: When the enemy places itself against the offspring, he will have wounds opening throughout his body and his regenerative powers (if any) will be completely nullified.


Level 200: When the enemy is against the offspring, he will lose his 5 senses.


Level 250: When the enemy attacks the offspring, he will lose all his energy.


Note: Losses last three rounds.


Guide of the Dead

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Anubis was known as the Guide for the Dead, the one who took the dead to his judgment, also made by the god with the jackal's head. It was he who chose the fate of the dead through judgment. The good went to eternal life, the bad were devoured by a demon who accompanied the offspring. As Judge of the Dead, the god demonstrated new skills, these that helped his work, which were inherited by his offspring.


Level 1-10: The offspring can see the feelings of others, knowing exactly how they feel.


Level 11-25: The presence of the offspring will cause others to speak only the truth, unable to lie. Even if someone lies unconsciously, he will know the truth.


Level 26-35: The offspring can see the past of others, knowing, specifically, the sins and mistakes made by that person.


Level 36-50: Offspring can dispel illusions, knowing when they are being used.


Regeneration of the Dead

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When the dead go to meet the god, regardless of the death he died, they present themselves exactly as they were before whatever killed them. The god, having lived with them for so long, ended up developing a special regeneration, which was also manifested in his offspring.


Level 1-10: Offspring can heal minor and superficial wounds in seconds.


Level 11-25: Offspring can heal medium wounds in seconds.

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Level 26-35: Offspring can heal deep wounds in seconds.


Level 36-50: Offspring can heal serious injuries in seconds.


Level 51-99: Even though they are on the verge of death, the offspring can heal quickly and can also regenerate limbs.


Egyptian Soul

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In Egypt, the ancients believed that people's souls were divided into nine parts, each with a name and a meaning, even the gods had souls like that. Anubis, being the god of the dead, has knowledge of souls superior to any other god, which allowed him to have some special techniques with the most in-depth knowledge he had in class, this combined with what he acquired from his aunt, also knowledgeable from the soul. The knowledge will be of your offspring consequently.


Level 1-50: Ba, according to the Egyptians, was his soul, which could leave his body during meditation or while sleeping, usually having the shape of a bird with the person's head. Anubis' offspring are, at the same time, in their physical state (Khat) and in their state of soul (Ba), allowing them to go in places where only souls and spirits are allowed. In cases where others suffer damage as it is a sacred place of the dead, where the living could not enter, nothing will happen to the offspring, as they are both alive and spirit.


Level 51-100: Ka, according to the Egyptians, was his double, the vital energy of the being, always accompanying him like the shadow, until the moment of the death of the being, when he goes to the world of the dead. Anubis' knowledge of souls allows him to see the vital energy of a being and to feel the vital energy of other beings around him.


Level 101-150: Ren, according to the Egyptians, is someone's real name, which defines his essence, his being, his person. It is the greatest secret of the Egyptians to the point that only the bearer or whom he trusts very much knows, because whoever knows his real name has authority over his being, total power over that person. Anubis' offspring is able to know anyone's name, just by looking into that person's eyes, as long as that person is even your level. Upon knowing someone's real name, the offspring will be able to rule over that person and they will not be able to disobey him. It is not possible to discover the real name of someone who is stronger than herself.


Level 151-200: Reaching that level, the offspring acquire full authority over the being he knows his name, thus knowing everything he should know about that person, more than he knows himself. The offspring are also able to know the names of those stronger than themselves, but they must have that person's permission to do so.


Note: In order to exercise their will over the person who knows the real name, the offspring must speak the real name out loud, but it is not simply by hearing the real name of someone that the offspring or other people acquire the same authority over the person. Because it is something very deep, related to someone's soul, contact with the person (in the case of offspring) or with their soul (in the case of other people, including other offspring, even those of Apophis) is necessary. The offspring can also "return" the name to someone, not forgetting the person's real name, but no longer having authority over them. To have that authority again regardless of the person's level, the offspring have the person's permission.

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Active Powers

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Symbols of Anubis

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When Anubis was represented in the paintings, he appeared with a scepter, a key, a whip and / or a scale. Like their parent, the offspring will also have access to a copy of all of them, which will give them special power. Each weapon will have a resistance equivalent to that of the claws of the offspring.

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Level 1-40: The first item the offspring will receive is the Whip. From the beginning, with this weapon, the offspring will be able to make several random rapid movements capable of cutting their enemies and arresting them with the same. The whip can also release electricity throughout its length, it can multiply into several smaller ones, very thin and very sharp (equivalent to the claws of the offspring), making each attempt to break free, it is cut even more easily, it can present several thorns along its entire length, which if they come into contact with the enemy will begin to suck all of their blood, but if they come into contact with something physical, they will begin to vibrate in various intensities until they find the corresponding object that hit and so will break it, and is capable of releasing a powerful poison that can be released both in gaseous form, 


Nível 41-80: O segundo item que a prole receberá é a Chave. Desde o começo, a prole pode usar a chave para abrir e fechar qualquer objeto que se tenha na vista da prole e pode abrir fendas dimensionais para qualquer lugar que não esteja bloqueado. A chave também pode fechar ferimentos e os curar também, assim podendo ser usado para até mesmo curar membros decepados, permite selar parcialmente os poderes dos outros seres, podendo diminuir assim para até 10% do seu poder original, selar espaços, impedindo que sejam atingidos, ou abrir passagens para esses espaços assim podendo adentrar dimensões que normalmente não poderia chegar, liberar qualquer selo que esteja diante da prole, bem como criar selos que prendam inimigos dentro destes, dos quais não podem sair e seus poderes não afetarão o exterior, e selar poderes, assim os cancelando no momento que acontecem ou até mesmo depois de terem sido ativados.


Level 81-120: The third item the offspring will receive is the Scepter. From the beginning, the offspring can use the scepter to manipulate the shadows and dark energies through magic, which is known thanks to their adoptive mother and aunt, Isis. The scepter also allows you to use spells that involve the four basic elements (water, fire, air and earth), in addition to lightning and ice, spells that increase your power, enchant objects with elemental abilities or plant magic traps in the environment, spells of different elements and characteristics, these being large-scale attacks and capable of destroying cities completely, and managing to change the environment around them with this magic as well.


Level 121-160: The fourth item the offspring will receive is the Scale. This item has a single power, different from others that have more than one. Its power is to judge a person, regardless of whether the offspring knows his name or not. With the balance in hand, the offspring will take a manifestation of their enemy's heart, which will be placed on the scale and weighed against the Pen of Truth, the result of which cannot be manipulated. The power of swinging allows killing anyone, without exception, regardless of their powers, blocks the victim's resurrection (if he dies and has the ability to revive, it won't work) and regardless of the person's level, and when the offspring are judging the enemy , it cannot be attacked in any way. Offspring can only kill 1 enemy at a time.


Note: All items can only be used by the offspring, and can be summoned during the battle several times, except the scale, which can only be invoked once per event and if separated from the offspring, it disappears, unlike the others, who will return to your hand. Please note that when the offspring reaches level 160, they can kill up to 100 individuals at once.

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Mortal Gaze

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Anubis, by concentrating energy in his eyes, acquires some eye powers that he can use in combat.


Level 1-20: When concentrating, the offspring create defensive barriers as far as their eyes can see, the barrier having resistance equivalent to that of their claws. To keep it, you need to stay focused on it, and you can't use another eye power when it comes to awakening.


Level 21-40: By concentrating, the offspring can clearly see the aura of enemies and objects, even with their eyes closed. Everything before moving, it has an aura that moves before this, so seeing that aura, the offspring can avoid attacks when seeing the auras.


Level 41-60: By concentrating, the offspring can create explosions large enough to surround a large house, being able to destroy the material that their claws cut through.


Level 61-80: By concentrating, the offspring can send powerful laser beams towards their enemies, melting the material that their claws cut.


Level 81-100: When concentrating, the offspring can launch a beam of energy capable of cutting through an entire city, but it will not affect any object or energy. It will only affect the body and soul of your enemies, like several blades attacking it at once.


Note: It is necessary for the offspring to be concentrated to use each of the powers of your gaze, but when you reach level 100, you hardly need to concentrate to use them, using a minimal part of your energy. Also at this level, it is possible to maintain the barrier while using other powers, without destroying it.

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Anubis, before having his throne taken by his father, was the god of the dead, but even after ceasing to have that title, Anubis did not lose any of his powers. They say that he just did not take his throne back out of respect for Osiris, implying that as God of the dead he was superior to his father. In this way, Anubis preserved his power of Necromancy and this was passed on to his offspring.

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Level 1-30: The offspring can summon evil spirits from the dead, through their energy giving them a partially physical form, allowing them to reach the body and soul of their enemies. Offspring can summon up to 20 beings with their necromancy.

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Level 31-60: The offspring can now summon skeletons to fight alongside them, these having up to half the speed of the offspring, bringing the most diverse weapons with them. The bones of the skeletons have the same resistance as the claws of the offspring and have the ability to separate part of their bodies and then join without problems, these being pulled close to the original body (you can remove the "arm" from one of them and then put back without problems). The weapons have the same resistance as the claws of the offspring. Offspring can summon up to 40 beings with their necromancy.


Level 61-90: The offspring can now summon zombies, these are fully dressed in armor and wrapped in armor and with better weapons than the others. Zombies have resistance equivalent to the claws of their offspring (the same goes for their armor and weapons), regeneration and strength equivalent to that of their master and also a curse that cannot be removed in any way: at every disadvantage that their enemies put on they, not only will they not be affected by them, they will also become stronger, becoming twice as strong as they already are, for each disadvantage they receive, which can come from any source. Offspring can summon up to 60 beings with their necromancy.


Level 91-120: The offspring can now summon parts of the dead, hands and body parts that will arise from any surface and attack the enemy, striking hard to destroy the claws of their own offspring, going directly into the opponents' souls, causing wounds that delay regeneration. When the enemy is badly wounded, he will be pulled into the Egyptian underworld, being dropped there, simply wounded. The hands have no resistance or regeneration, but they will always reappear more when one is destroyed. They will stay that way for 3 rounds, before they stop appearing. With respect to the other beings that the offspring is able to summon, it becomes capable of summoning up to 80 beings with its necromancy.


Level 121-150: The offspring can now summon any dead being from Egyptian mythology to fight by their side, having the equivalent of the powers they had when alive, but only being able to do this for people and monsters, and not yet working with demigods or beings superior to them, but the offspring now acquire the ability to absorb the souls of others and control the energy of death, which can make enemies grow old, weaken, go crazy, get sick and also experience a near death from which only the offspring can remove them . Regarding the beings that the offspring is able to summon, it becomes capable of summoning up to 100 beings with its necromancy.


Level 151-180: The offspring can now summon any demigods killed in their presence, offering them a temporary life to continue fighting, while still maintaining their own personalities and consciences. The offspring is able to externalize and infect enemies with their deadly energy, allowing them to manipulate their bodies (including their powers) for 3 rounds before they come around. It only works once per event on the same individual. The offspring are also capable of summoning demons of death, those capable of reaping any being weaker than the offspring with just a touch, trapping their souls within themselves and taking them to a special "storehouse" of the offspring in the world of the dead. The offspring can summon up to 120 beings with their necromancy.

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Level 181-210: Offspring reach their maximum, being able to summon their own kingdom. She becomes able to summon her necropolis, a fortress that will emerge in the middle of the battle in which the offspring will be at its center, protected by her army of 280 beings she can summon, including those she herself killed and saw die. They are a total of 9 floors, a maze full of traps to separate the groups, arrest enemies or take them away. The offspring will be able to maintain their necropolis for as long as necessary, but once undone, it will not be able to summon it again in the event. Also when reaching this level, none of the beings commanded by the offspring can be sent by another being, except by their own father, the god Anubis. Outside their necropolis, the offspring can summon up to 140 beings with necromancy.


Dark Magic

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Due to her creation by Isis together with her proximity to death, Anúbis developed a special death magic that cannot be compared or copied by other beings due to her unique characteristic.


Level 100-150: The magic of death awakens in the offspring from now on. Every time it touches an object or surface, it will, in seconds, turn into sand, more specifically, Duat sand, this being manipulated by the offspring only. When it touches a being, the place will begin to necrotize, rot and twist, and cannot be healed in any way, as if it had been pulled out of the victim's body, but remained there. The offspring can also physically manifest their energy of death, creating an explosion that hits the area of ​​a building around them, causing all living beings weaker than the offspring to lose their energy and fall dead on the ground. Those at your level or higher will lose half of their strength.


Level 151-200: Combining with your scepter, energy can be controlled more easily. Now the offspring can create spheres of energy that when they reach their target, they can create a connection that the enemy cannot feel. The offspring can make up to 5 connections with different enemies. Whenever the offspring takes damage, it will be transferred immediately to the enemy, leaving the offspring intact. The offspring can also create shadows with the energy of death, these taking the form of a being that the offspring chooses, and going after their enemy. This enemy will be killed immediately if it is weaker than the offspring, but it will remain in a state of near death if it is stronger than the offspring.


Level 201-250: Reaching this level, the offspring acquire the ability to use blood to make complex spells, referring to the sacrifices that were made by the priests to the gods to obtain grace. The offspring may use their own blood or that of other beings to do so. Offspring are also capable of invoking a great flood, as the Nile River did in ancient Egypt. Enemies caught in the flood will lose their powers until they come out of the water. The offspring will remain on the river's water surface, unaffected. This power exists because in addition to his mother being considered a goddess of water, it was believed that on the left bank of the Nile was the world of the dead.


Flames of Egyptian Hell

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Anubis has control over a special type of fire, this coming from his old domain, Egyptian hell. The offspring will also have control of it, as will their father. The flames of the fire will be the color of desert sand.


Level 1-10: The offspring can generate some Egyptian infernal fire, their control being small-scale, especially fireballs to be launched by enemies. They can melt and break steel, being impossible to be erased by water or wind.


Level 11-25: The offspring can now generate greater amounts of Egyptian infernal fire, with their medium-scale control now capable of fully charring an enemy's body with just one fireball. They can melt and break titanium.


Level 26-35: The offspring can already generate large amounts of Egyptian infernal fire, their control being of a high scale, with a single ball of fire capable of completely carbonizing a large forest. They can melt and break diamond.


Level 36-50: The offspring can generate absurd amounts of Egyptian infernal fire, being their perfect control, now their flames can reach cities, choosing who will be their target. They can melt and break adamantium, being able to make weapons and beings with these flames.


Level 51-99: The offspring can generate incalculable amounts of this flame, their control being of a global scale, now consuming other flames from those weaker than themselves and becoming stronger. They can melt and split vibranium, now reaching an enemy's soul. 


Level 100-150: The offspring's flames now reach their maximum level, which can destroy Divine Iron.


Duat Sands

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In certain stories, Egyptian Hell is presented as a great desert. To live in this environment, Anúbis developed a connection with the sand in that environment, acquiring the ability to control it. In this way, the offspring acquire the same ability.


Level 1-10: The sand is gray in color. The offspring have small-scale control of it, which can generate a small amount, but can make quicksand around it, without being affected.


Level 11-25: The offspring have control on a medium scale, being able to make constructs with the resistance of the claws, generating a greater amount of it now.


Level 26-35: Offspring have large-scale control of the medium, which can generate intense sandstorms.


Level 36-50: The offspring have high control over the sand, and can even transform into the sand and change its shape freely, maintaining their normal powers.


Level 51-99: The offspring have perfect scale control of the area, being able to generate such a large amount of sand to swallow a city with it, buried and crushed.


* Demon of Judgment *


Ammit is a goddess who inhabits the Egyptian underworld, but she is often regarded as a demon not only for her appearance, but also for what she represented: eternal suffering for the wicked, whose hearts were heavier than the Pen of Truth and that were devoured by her. The goddess was described as having a crocodile head, lion's mane and forelegs and hippo hind legs, the three largest man-eaters. The goddess worked alongside Anubis and Osiris, who gave the hearts of the wicked to her and thus ended them. Through Anubis' relationship with the goddess, the offspring can call on the goddess to help her momentarily in combat or other situations.


Level 1-20: At first, the goddess cannot physically manifest in the world of the offspring because the offspring is not strong enough for this, however an illusion of the same will appear behind the offspring, causing a great terror of the enemies, making even even if monsters freeze in fear right where they are. After two rounds, the image of the goddess disappears.

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Level 21-40: Stronger, the offspring can bring a small passage to the Egyptian underworld, where the goddess is. Only your eyes will be visible to enemies. When looking into the goddess's eyes, everyone will feel a terrible pain in his chest that will quickly spread to his body, leaving him unable to move right for 3 rounds. After two rounds the passage disappears. It is not possible to go to the Egyptian underworld through the passage.


Level 41-60: Now, the offspring can make a larger passage, through which the goddess can pass her giant head. The passage can be the size of a grain of dust, move through space and then expand to allow the goddess to pass. When the goddess bites the goddess, she will directly hit the enemy's soul in that part that bit her, devouring her. The part of the body you bit will be greenish with black veins all over your body, inhibiting its healing until the end of the event. The ticket will remain for 3 rounds.


Level 61-80: The portal is now larger, allowing the goddess to come out almost completely. Their paws are enough to cause earthquakes. The goddess is said to live in a lake of fire, so she will be able to bring the flames from that lake to reach the entire area around the offspring, reaching all but the offspring and their allies. The passage will remain for 4 rounds before closing.


Level 81-100: Now the offspring can fully bring the goddess to their side of the battle. The goddess will serve as a mount for the offspring, her scales resisting attacks by elements, physical and sharp against her skin, capable of generating and spreading fire throughout the area of ​​a city. Because the flames are from the lake where she lives, no one will be able to control the flames as well or better than she does, making it virtually impossible to control her flames. The goddess will remain for 5 rounds before leaving.


Note: It is possible to call the goddess once per event.

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Anubis was responsible for embalming the dead, being the creator of the first mummy, his own father. Because of this important role, he developed powers related to that.


Level 1-10: The offspring is capable of generating bandages that can trap the enemy, being controlled only by the offspring, having the resistance of their claws.


Level 11-25: At this level, the bandages completely trap the enemy, trapping and enveloping them like a mummy.


Level 26-35: Now the bandages can partially seal the powers of those weaker than the offspring, leaving them with only their powers at level 1.


Level 36-50: The offspring can release a scent that will make the enemy fall into a deep sleep for 4 rounds.

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Final Death

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Level 200: It is said that if a person is judged and has his soul eaten, his shadow, Shwt for the Egyptians, would still be preserved and if Osiris wanted to revive that person for some purpose, the person could be fully restored, even his soul recreated from its shadow, as this was like a backup of it. Upon reaching this level, the offspring acquire the ability to reach even that shadow. The offspring can destroy the Shwt of someone who died in front of you, thus preventing that person from being able to come back to life in any way. The destruction of the soul was so serious that even the gods kept their shadows hidden for fear of dying. Also with the shade, the offspring can revive someone, restoring their powers and the state of their body completely.


Jackal Mode

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Anubis was a god represented as a jackal head, guardian of the dead, god of the dead, emperor of the underworld, judge of souls. Your offspring will have a shape that will strengthen you while you fight.


Level 30-60: In this mode, the offspring will still not undergo many transformations. Your skin will be black as night, your eyes glowing blue, your body being dressed in Egyptian clothing. With this transformation, the offspring has three times its strength and speed. The offspring acquire the ability to form swords with their energy, and shoot them at their enemies and control them from a distance, being able to attack from afar, they can follow movements up to 2 times faster than theirs.


Level 61-90: In this mode, the offspring begin to acquire hair that appears on their body, especially on the hands, making their claws also grow greatly. Their senses are much sharper, allowing them to hear, smell and see everything that happens in the area of ​​a city without other powers affecting their senses or using them to their advantage (like, using a loud noise, by your hearing) . At that level, too, the offspring can concentrate their energy on small spheres and throw them in the direction of enemies, one of which being able to pierce a building and the ground below it for hundreds of meters until it stops. With this transformation, the offspring is four times faster in strength and speed and can follow movements up to 3 times faster than yours.


Level 91-120: In this mode, the offspring acquire the head of a jackal, just like their father's. At this level of transformation, the offspring can summon a pack of jackals that reach hundreds of members, all moving at the same speed as she. They will attack the enemy naturally, according to the commands of the offspring, but when they bite the enemy or stay a short distance away, they will explode in a beam of energy, capable of totally devastating a block each, in addition to opening a crater with hundreds of meters deep, destroying everything in the blast radius. With this transformation, the offspring is five times faster in strength and speed, and can follow movements up to 4 times faster than yours.


Note: This transformation will take 5 rounds.

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Underworld Sovereign

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Upon reaching this level, the offspring will receive a new power, this accompanied by a transformation. The offspring will be entirely clad in black armor, with some gold and blue details, a scarlet stone on their chest and the symbol of Ankh, symbol of the afterlife, shining red on their chest. Your face will be covered by a mask in the shape of a jackal, by the eyes of the mask emitting the scarlet red glow of your eyes. In this form, your speed easily reaches 8 mach. Transformed, the offspring acquire semi-absolute control over death, being able to revive anyone who dies in front of them, including themselves, and bring as many dead as they wish in that form. It also acquires absolute control in the control of the flames of Egyptian Hell and global control of the Duat sands. The enemy that the offspring touches dies immediately,


Level 180-200: The transformation will take 2 rounds.


Level 201-220: The transformation will take 3 rounds.

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Level 221-240: The transformation will take 4 rounds.


Level 241-260: The transformation will take 5 rounds.

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Note: 3 times per event.


Jackal Amulet:

This amulet, the ability for Anubis' offspring, to become a jackal for a time determined by the Player.

(NOTE: When the amulet is transformed, it becomes a collar with the symbol of the god Anubis.)

Anubis Scepter:

This scepter gives the power to summon 5 undead from the elite of Egyptian hell. These undead have the power of their summoner for 3 scenes after they return to Egyptian hell (Ex: When summoning they have my power in this case the power of an offspring of Anubis level 20).

Scythe of Anubis:

A sickle with the power to suck the souls of those touched by the blade, leaving opponents paralyzed for 2 minutes.

(NOTE: After the determined time has passed, the soul returns to its body.)

Divine Collar

You can train any four-legged animal related to the Jackals, it will always be faithful to you and will inherit the same powers as the dog that your father gave you. The animal limit is 3.


Chacal do Submundo

Nível 01-30: Este mascote se revela como uma criatura espiritual que acompanha a prole de Anúbis, não possuindo corpo físico e tendo uma aparência que homenageia o seu deus-criador, sendo um chacal negro de tamanho comum, mas com olhos brilhantes para aqueles que são realmente capazes de lhe perceber. Não possui muitas habilidades inicialmente, mas desde já se mostra capaz de perceber e ser percebido pelo seu mestre, existindo um elo empático entre eles que permite com que o mascote possa entender suas vontades e as atender. Possui uma velocidade de viagem de incríveis 3 mach.


Nível 31-60: Evoluindo, passará a mostrar uma velocidade de viagem de 6 mach. É capaz de perceber as almas que existem dentro de corpos materiais, tal como interagir diretamente com essas, ou seja, caso tente, suas garras e dentes podem rasgar ou perfurar o espírito de um ser vivo, apesar de não se limitar a esses gestos e membros. 


Nível 61-90: A velocidade passa a ser de 9 mach, mas não só isso, pois agora demonstra a capacidade de rastrear o “cheiro” da alma de alguém, sendo exatamente como um cão farejador, mas ao invés de procurar por um corpo, procurará por um espírito, também demonstrando-se capaz de memorizar o perfume da alma de cada ser.


Nível 91-120: Sua velocidade passa a ser de 12 mach, e agora ele se mostra capaz de puxar almas de dentro de seus corpos com uma abocanhada com força de um pequeno país, levando o afetado a ficar inconsciente pela perda de seu espírito. Caso o chacal espiritual solte o espírito, ele retornará para seu corpo voando, apesar de que o indivíduo irá despertar normalmente após a passagem de duas rodadas.


Nível 121-150: Sua velocidade passa a ser de 15 mach, mas o que realmente muda é o fato de que o chacal é capaz de se teletransportar por um raio de até dez metros de si, permitindo uma maior versatilidade em suas ofensivas, e tendo isso graças ao fato de Anúbis ser o “Abridor de Caminhos”. Também passa a conseguir aumentar seu tamanho, podendo ter até cinco metros de altura e um corpo proporcional a isso, o que se mostra útil, dado sua leve resistência a ataques espirituais.


Nível 151-200: Sua velocidade passa a ser de 18 mach, e agora possuirá uma resistência mediana contra ataques espirituais. Recebe uma nova capacidade ofensiva, onde ao abrir sua boca será capaz de liberar esferas de energia espiritual que se propagam a uma velocidade de 70 mach, que possuem um peso de um continente, e que podem repelir a alma de alguém de dentro de seu corpo, deixando-o inconsciente por duas rodadas.


Nível 201-250: Próximo ao ápice, o chacal passa a ter uma velocidade de 21 mach. Sua boca servirá para mais do que cuspir, pois também será capaz de engolir. Sim, engolir, pois ao abrir sua boca, será capaz de atrair as almas que estejam até trinta metros (30m) a sua frente para si, engolindo-as, até mesmo funcionando contra almas que estejam dentro de corpos materiais, e bom, novamente, a retirada da alma deixará o afetado inconsciente por duas rodadas. E sim, as almas ficam armazenadas em seu interior. Quando tocando o chacal, a prole de Anúbis é capaz de sentir as almas que estão ali dentro e também a quem elas pertencem.


Nível 251-300: No pico, o chacal astral possuirá uma velocidade de 25 mach, mas não só isso, pois ele também possuirá acesso ao poder Portões do Duat plenamente, apesar de possuir as mesmas restrições que um filho de Anúbis possuiria normalmente.

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