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Francisco Cândido Xavier, better known as Chico Xavier (Pedro Leopoldo, April 2, 1910 - Uberaba, June 30, 2002), was a medium, philanthropist and one of the most important exponents of Spiritism. His christening name, Francisco de Paula Cândido, in honor of the saint on the day of his birth, was replaced by the paternal name of Francisco Cândido Xavier as soon as he published the first books, an official change in April 1966, when he arrived from his second trip to the U.S. The medium's legacy goes beyond religious barriers and he is recognized as the greatest "spiritual leader" in Brazil, being one of the most admired and acclaimed personalities in the country and highlighted mainly by strong altruism.


Appearance: Chico Xavier's followers do not have a predetermined appearance, the same as they are children of other deities, they tend not to have a mandatory standard.

Personality: They tend to be calm, patient and mainly to worry a lot about each other, especially those who love them most and even those who call them enemies, however, they tend, like their master, to have limits of their inner peace, being able to have rare outbreaks of negativity that may or may not affect your actions and abilities


Passive Powers

Solar immunity.


Level 1: They are immune to any type of attack involving solar energy, light, fire or ice.

Solar absorption.

Level 2: Malina's children are able to gather energy from the sun during the day and then use it during the night, the more time you spend in the sun during the day, the more energy you will have at night.


Level 1: Malina's children have a very hot body, preventing them from feeling cold or hot.

Little sun.

Level 5: They are able to create 3 suns the size of a soccer ball, such suns help Malina's son to use his powers at night or when the sun is not present during the day.

Solar brightness.

The children of the sun goddess, manage to emanate a natural glow from the body, to illuminate dark environments.

Level 1-6: the brightness covers 2x2 squares around the demigod.

Level 7-12: the brightness covers 5x5 squares.

Level 13-20: slow down 10x10.

Solar ability.

Malina's children, when exposed to sunlight, have their skills improved.

Level 1-6: they don't get tired easily, their perception of the environment improves, and they can run faster than many normal demigods.

Level 7-13: your reflexes are better, you can jump up to 4m, your flexibility is amazing.

Level 14-19: your punches, kicks, blows from weapons become more efficient, your vision and hearing are perfect, nothing like those of your senses, they can raise rocks, throw trees.

Level 20-25: reaches its peak, being able to run at the speed of light, they become super strong, agile and flexible, their perception is surprising, as if they have a third eye that is attentive to everything, they can dodge moving objects , your aim and almost accurate, emanates a natural heat that makes it difficult for the enemy to fight hand to hand with you.

Active Powers

Solar glare.


Malina's children are able to release a burst of light, which stuns their enemies leaving them blind, giving them time to flee or attack.

Level 1-6: Stun lasts for 3 seconds.


Level 7-13: lasts for 5 seconds.

Level 14-19: lasts 7 seconds.


Level 25: A dangerous skill, consists of overheating the body itself for 1 turn, and then releasing a huge explosion made of sun rays, which came out disintegrating everything within a radius of up to 25m. Such rays have the power that the sun's core has, after which Malina's children fall to the ground almost exhausted.

Note: Once per mission, saga or event.

Solar disks.

Malina's children are able to create discs made of pure solar energy to attack their targets.

Level 1-6: create two discs that just cut the skin.

Level 7-13: create up to 4 discs that already leave deeper cuts.

Level 14-20: create 6 discs that can cut off an arm, leg, head.

Solar mount.

Malina's children with a whistle are able to summon golden horses or birds to serve as her mount.

Level 1-6: summon a golden horse that runs at 300km / h, or A beautiful 3m eagle that flies at 300km / h.

Level 7-13: now summon up to 3 horses and eagles, which travel at the speed of sound.

Level 14-19: summon up to 5 horses or eagles, horses can run on water, and both run at lightning speed.

Solar shape.

Level 10: Children of Malina are able to transform themselves into pure solar energy, thus tripling their strengths and powers, for 5 rounds, when in this form they are impossible to be faced by any other type of demigod, except those who have ties with solar deities , because the shine emanated and so strong that it can blind, not even a type of shadow and able to get close.


During the day, Malina's children can camouflage themselves in any type of environment.

Level 1-6: lasts two rounds.

Level 7-12: lasts 4 rounds.

Level 13-20: lasts 6 rounds.

Eyes on fire.

Level 15: Activating this skill, the children of Malina will have their eyes surrounded by solar flames, and when they look at their target they will start to overheat, thus limiting their movements, and if Malina's son faces them for a long time they can do the same. even pass out due to the heat.

Increase temperature.

They are able to drastically increase the temperature of the environment they are in, thus causing limitations on the movements of their enemies, and the longer the enemies spend in the area affected by the power, they begin to see mirages, and may even faint due to the excessive heat.

Level 1-6: the affected area is 10m².

Level 7-13: the area increases to 15m².

Level 14-19: now and 20m².

Level 20-25: affects 30m².

Vision Failure

Malina's children are able to make their enemies see a false future, such as the deaths of their family members or a possible attack.

Levels 1-6: After emitting a few bursts of light, they become projections before the target's eyes, leaving them at the mercy of a small illusion, such as a sudden attack, or a fall from a ladder.

Levels 7-12: Light transmissions can reach people within a 5x5 radius of Malina's son, allowing him to create a group illusion, like a fire, a creature or something. Individually, it is already possible to project death for family members or loved ones. Note: At this level, it is already possible to use the skill in unofficial battles.

Levels 13-20: You become an expert illusionist, and with the help of lighting tricks, you can create huge illusions, such as creatures, gods and huge explosions. Often, individually, it manages to bring the target into a state of psychotic trance that may be permanent or not. (The target can often be on the verge of madness with illusions).

Solar shields.

Malina's children will be able to produce a luminous malleable film that extends to their pleasure, this film serves to protect the Children of Amaterasu, in larger levels this film becomes more resistant.

Levels 1-6: The shield of light is created in both hands, they create a kind of bracelet on the wrists of the demigod, can be used to protect from normal arrows, attacks from daggers and swords.

Levels 7-13: The shield is the size of a normal, protecting it from explosive arrows, stronger blows from swords and etc ...

Levels 14-19: They can now resist attacks from black fire spheres and explosive spheres.

Levels 20-25: It becomes extremely resistant to resist even strong explosions.

First Light

A movement of the sword of Malina's son generates a blast of sharp light, which not only cuts but burns. It is a ranged attack, with a range of 25m.

Level 1-6: generates only one.

Level 7-13: up to two.

Level 14-19: can cast 4.

Level 20-25: launches 6 light cuts.


Flaming Flowers.

Level 10: A kind of shield, where Malina's son spawns several flowers of fire around him that are at a distance of 1m, preventing physical attacks, such flowers emanate a heat that is equal to the sun itself, those who come in contact, they will have their skins burned, and if they insist on touching, they will have their arms charred and turned into ashes, it lasts 4 rounds.

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