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Grays (also referred to as " Roswell Grays ", "Grays" or "Grays") are supposed to be extraterrestrial beings that receive this name due to their skin color.

About half of all sightings reports in the United States are described as extraterrestrial Gray. The Grays' origin is commonly associated with the Roswell Case and the claim of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill .

These beings are studied in the field of Ufology and Exobiology , but have never been captured or officially sighted. Furthermore, the collection of information about such beings comes from the most varied sources, including: ufologists , abductees , contacts , informants , hypnosis , mediums , psychophony , psychography , mythologies, among many others.
Previously the Grays lived on their planet until it was destroyed, the survivors went to the land where they joined the demigods, they can choose to ally themselves with a camp.

the grays

Appearance: Gray must mandatorily have a unique appearance that connects him with an alien being (For example: Gamora of the Avengers) There is no limitation regarding the alien appearance, as long as he is a human being and the actor who plays that alien is available.   

Personality: Grays are aliens who take great pride in their duties. The last surviving Grays went to live on planet Earth and often do not get along with humans, this idea may be due to their extreme loyalty to their home planet, so they often do not agree with the campers' views, and may go against even leaders.


Passive Powers

Instant Cell Regeneration

Gray cells have an incredible capacity for accelerated reconstruction, regenerating damaged cells and thus healing wounds. Old cells are replaced by new cells, preventing graying. It can also form tissue from new cells and rebuild lost limbs or organs.

In addition, gray cells are extremely resistant to toxins, diseases and radiation, curing the causes and symptoms immediately

Level 1-10: Grays can regenerate a serious injury, such as a deep cut in seconds.

Level 11-25: You can now regenerate a lost limb in seconds.
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Level 26-35: Now they can regenerate even if they are cut in half

Level 36-50: A single cell will be enough for Gray to fully regenerate.


Gray has a spaceship where it spends most of the time, the spaceship serves as a type of floating seat and travels at an amazing speed.

Level 1-10: The ship reaches speeds of up to 1600km / h.

Level 11-25: The ship can reach speeds of up to 2400km / h.

Level 26-35: The ship can reach speeds of up to 3200km / h.

Level 36-50: The ship can reach speeds of up to 4400km / h.

Level 51-99: The ship can reach speeds of up to 5500km / h.

Level 100-150: The ship can reach speeds of up to 6500km / h.

Level 151-200: The ship can reach speeds of up to 8500km / h.

Alien's body
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Level 1: The body of the grays are simply unique, as they are aliens, the body is totally different, all the organs, cells, tissues, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen existing in a common human body are NON-EXISTING in the body of gray , if the opponent tries to control something like blood against gray he will fail, or try to control his brain he will also fail, if a demigod can see inside the body of gray he will be having the impression of seeing the body of a undecipherable and will be totally confused, he will never be able to decipher how this body works, only the grays themselves know.


Level 1: Manipulating gravitons (subatomic particle associated with the force of gravity), manipulating magnetic fields and controlling their molecular movement (telekinetic effect). They give Gray the ability to fly great distances with little fatigue and at great speed. Gray can also fly in space without difficulty, and in space it can fly at speeds that allow it to follow lightning (limited to space).

Matter Absorption

Level 1: Grays have the ability to absorb foreign matter and add it to the overall volume of your body. Attacks from materials can simply be absorbed by the gray body passively, causing no damage against the gray.

Environmental Adaptation

Level 1: Gray is able to survive and adapt to any environment and / or condition, being able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels, any quantity / quality of sustenance, breathable medium, etc. with little or no discomfort. Gray can also survive and adapt to the vacuum of space without help and is able to withstand atmospheres (heat intensity and any toxic chemical elements), cosmic media (radiation), strange gravity (even sometimes that of a black hole) and shortness of breath.


Grays are known to be the most powerful telepath in the milky way,    and are one of the strongest telepathic beings in the universe. Gray is able to read any camper's mind without difficulty, even if they have absolute immunities or defenses, and the only minds that can cause problems are insane minds. Gray can even read the subconscious mind as well. He is able to read minds over great distances and is known to have the ability to scan the minds of everyone on Earth in a matter of hours. This telepathy extends to distances as far away as the moon, as it is known that gray can communicate telepathically with someone on Earth while away from the planet. There is no limit to the number of beings he can be in tune with or if there are any special requirements to be in tune with him. In addition to reading minds, gray has a multitude of other telepathic capabilities, one of which allows you to literally reprogram a subject's mind so that he believes what he wants. He can use this ability to help subjects forget about things he doesn't want them to remember, in addition to making post-hypnotic suggestions

Level 1-10: During this level, gray can use telepathy as mentioned in the previous description.

Level 11-25: You can use your telepathy to create illusions in your opponents, taking advantage of the factor that is able to break immunities and absolute defenses.

Level 26-35: Now gray can also control the minds of other beings with insane minds, with less difficulty than before and also has the ability to move objects with your mind.

Level 36-50: Gray can also use his telepathic skills in an offensive manner. He has the ability to cause a target to mentally shut down using his psionic powers.

Level 51-99: Gray can use a being's mental signature to track him, and can detect life forms by his empathic and telepathic signatures. It can detect whether a being is intelligent or not, and it can communicate with empathy if it does not have a communication-oriented frame of reference with which normal telepathy can function. It can also detect various states of mind from anywhere in the world.

Level 100: One of the most valued skills of grays is Parallel Reality. It is the ability to reach another mind and create a mental reality as real as any normal reality on the victim. The tension of Parallel Reality is such that it can only be used once during the event, leaving the target trapped in an infinite loop.


Level 1-10: Grays can move and send objects through portals, reaching the point of moving between dimensions. NOTE: You can send as many objects through portals as you can send as many people as you wish. With the manipulation of portals, gray can also perform:

Portal Explosion: It can create portals that emit explosions, either for short energy surges or explosions similar to long-distance beams.

Denial of Portals: It has the power to deny portals of its adversaries, canceling, closing or destroying them, depending on the level of its opponent.


Port Location: Gray can find open portals and possibly find the destination while they remain open.

Level 11-25: Now with your dimensional control you get access to Extra-Dimensional Flight, being able to fly, glide and levitate through the manipulation of dimensional forces. They can fly at varying speeds or propel themselves without taking off, including improved jumps for a short flight. With extra-dimensional flight, gray can perform:

Space Flight: This way it can control its location in space, and use it to levitate or fly, preventing its location from being altered, as it would happen if someone succumbed to gravity and fell. They can also control the direction and speed of their flight by increasing the speed of a jet by close.

Level 26-99: Now with your dimensional control you get access to portal physiology, gray now has the ability to transform itself into a living portal to another location, time or dimension, possibly limited to a single location / time. Gray can teleport to the destination, attract people to the portal and expel objects or environmental or physical conditions from the destination dimension of themselves, the transformation is limited to 2 rounds only and can be used only once per event.

Level 100-150: At its peak over dimensional control, gray is able to banish a target from one location or to another location, through a dimensional crack, preventing its exit or return. He can imprison you in the place you want or in places that have some kind of connection with it, making you a mere prisoner despite the fact that you have divine powers. 1 time per event

Active Powers

Universal Toxicinosis

Grays are masters of toxins that are not limited only to the standard toxins of the earth, but of the entire galaxy.

Level 1-30: Initially, the grays will be able to poison weaker creatures and ordinary humans, putting them in real danger, perishing in up to two rounds. Demigods and monsters are also affected, but more mildly; initially getting dizzy, and perishing in up to five rounds.

Level 31-60: Demigods and monsters begin to suffer a faster effect from the poison, dying in up to two rounds. Minor gods are also affected, but instead of dying, they are stunned and then pass out (in up to five rounds).

Level 61-90: The poison already hits minor gods in severe effects, killing them in up to two rounds. In addition, it starts to affect bigger gods, however, instead of killing them, it stuns and then passes out (in up to five rounds).

Level 91-120: Larger gods are also severely affected by the poison, perishing in up to two rounds. Titans are also affected, but instead of dying, they are stunned and then pass out (in up to five rounds).

Level 121-150: The poison is now capable of killing Titans in up to two rounds.

In addition, it also works on primordial beings but instead of killing them, it stuns and then passes out in up to five rounds.

Level 151-180: At its peak, the grays' poison becomes capable of killing even primordial beings, causing them to perish in up to two rounds.

Note: by controlling the poison, the gray can make it disappear, healing the affected person instantly.

Alien Invisibility

Gray can cause the biopolymers in your body to lose their ability to reflect light, making gray invisible to normal light and human vision.

Level 1-10: Can remain invisible for 2 rounds in a row.

Level 11-25: Can remain invisible for 5 rounds in a row.

Level 26-35: You can remain invisible in an unlimited way this way.

Level 36-50: It can now become completely invisible along the electromagnetic spectrum, including the infrared and ultraviolet bands of the spectrum.


Level 50: Sometimes confused with "Intangibility", Phasing is a term used to describe the ability of grays to move around solid objects. It differs from intangibility by its fundamental process, the grays that pass through the phasing pass through physical objects, while the intangibles cannot be touched. Although they are different powers, phasing can be an effect of intangibility.

The use of phasing includes the passage of its atoms by other atoms during movement, the temporary fusion with objects, as well as the gradual reduction of time. Certain limitations, such as other 'phasers' or energy, can prevent the action or ability to occur. Gray also has the ability to change its mass to another dimension or outside the vibrational phase with other objects in that dimension. Or change the density of your biopolymers, becoming less substantial than solid matter, thus decreasing the molecular density of your body, loosening the bonds within the biopolymers. The ways that gray has to exercise this power are several.

The Alien's Knowledge

The grays, being beings older than humans, have access to an extreme knowledge. Upon reaching it, your eyes will begin to shine in an entirely silver tone, just as your entire body emits a glow of the same color.

Level 51-100: Upon entering this form, the Grays become able to know everything since the golden age of the Egyptian empire (3,100 BC).

You can use this ability once per event / saga.

Level 101-150: You will now have access to all information from the creation of the fire, including locating gods, hidden items, and power rituals.

You can do this ability twice per event / saga.

Level 151-200: Grays will now have access to everything from the creation (or evolution) of humanity, and will be able to visualize the future, in a limited way (1 round).

You can use this ability three times per event / saga.

Level 201-250: Grays will now have access to all knowledge since the creation of the gods, including prohibited and / or protected knowledge; will also be able to view future events
up to 3 rounds.

You can use this ability four times per event / saga.

Level 251-300: At their peak, offspring using this skill will have access to all knowledge stored since the creation of the world, and will also be able to predict events of up to 5 rounds in the future.

You can use this ability five times per event / saga.

Body Alteration

Because they are beings from another world, they have a body somewhat different from the others.

1-10: Initially, grays have the ability to stretch their body or limbs up to 30 centimeters, using this in the way that suits them best.

Level 11-25: Now, they can stretch their body up to 50 centimeters, and they are also able to use this flexibility of their body to change their appearance.

Level 26-35: Grays are already able to stretch their body by up to 1 meter, and can also change their shape, but proportionally.

Example: when transforming into a snake, it will not become just one, but the amount that is equivalent to the size of its body.

Level 36-50: Grays manage to change their shape more disproportionately, as long as the animal is medium / large; also being able to increase your body, staying up to 3 meters; or shrink it to a little more than 50 centimeters. Your stretch limit is now up to 3 meters.

Level 51-99: They are already able to stretch their limbs up to 5 meters, staying also in this giant form. When the demigod shrinks, it may be at least 5 centimeters high.

Level 100-150: The stretch limit has been increased to 10 meters, and the Grays learned a new technique with this skill. With concentration, they are able to leave their body naturally malleable, as if it were made of rubber, thus being able to withstand punctures and bruises without sustaining any injury for that reason.

Level 151-200: The limit for how far your body can stretch now is 20 meters and, when it goes into its "rubber" form, the grays are resistant to high speed impacts, which would kill an ordinary person, and are also completely attacks like bullet proof.

Space Teleportation

Teleportation is the power to move instantly from one location to another. It is a technique often used by them.

Level 1-10: Gray is capable of teleporting short distances, from one side of the room to the other or a few blocks away. Gray can only teleport itself and a very limited amount of mass, such as what they are wearing.

Level 11-25: Gray is capable of transporting great distances, from one side of a field to another, or a few kilometers or more. Gray can teleport limited mass, just like many heavy appliances.

Level 26-35: Gray is capable of transporting great distances, from one side of a field to another, or a few kilometers or more. Gray can teleport limited mass, just like many heavy appliances.

Level 36-50: Gray is capable of teleporting thousands of kilometers, on a continental scale. Gray can teleport a bus-like mass.

Level 51-99: Gray is able to teleport on a planetary scale, moving anywhere on the planet or possibly to the nearest satellite, such as the Moon. Gray can teleport mass equal to that of buildings.

Level 100-150: Gray is capable of teleporting over distances of light years, on a cosmic scale. Gray can teleport mass equal to that of planets.

Level 151-200: Gray is able to teleport almost anywhere, including the dimensions or havens of other beings, even the mind, even conceptual things, such as wounds and diseases teleported out of a body.

Wormhole Creation

Level 50: Grays have the ability to make two points in space-time connect through the wormholes it creates, creating a "shortcut" to travel between time and space much more quickly and efficiently. With this ability, it can transport not only itself, but a large number of individuals and objects to almost anywhere in space. In some cases, this power can be used offensively, usually with the user creating wormholes to suck enemies and launch them at any point in space-time. You can use it once per event.

Level 100: Can use 2 times per event.

Level 150: Can use 3 times per event.

Cosmic Aura

Cosmic Aura is the power to surround yourself with cosmic energy, gray can release and surround itself with cosmic energy, which can cause others to submit to it.

Level 1-10: You can keep the aura for 1 round.

Level 11-25: You can keep the aura for 2 rounds.

Level 26-35: You can have the aura for 3 rounds.

Level 36-50: You can keep the aura for 4 rounds.

Level 51-99: You can keep the aura for 5 rounds.

Level 100-150: Gray can keep the aura for an unlimited time.

Alienization conversion

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Gray is capable of transforming its targets into typical aliens portrayed in films, a big-headed being with big and small eyes. Just a single tap on the target.

Level 1-10: The target will be transformed into an alien for 2 rounds, during which time the target will not be able to use its active powers.

Level 11-25: The target will be transformed into an alien for 3 rounds, during which
time the target will be unable to use its active and passive powers.

Level 26-35: The target will be transformed into an alien for 4 rounds, during which
time the target will not be able to use its active and passive powers and will not be able to use additional powers as forms.

Level 36-50: The target will be transformed into an alien for 5 rounds, during which
time the target will not gain any power.

Level 51-99: The target will be transformed into an alien for 6 rounds, during which
time the target will be unable to use any of its powers and will be fragile and helpless as a baby.




Nanorobots are small robots that reside within the body of the gray itself, having a mental connection with it that allow them to be controlled by telepathy over great distances. Nanorobots can reorganize themselves to form various technological objects such as laser guns, armor, some simple constructs, all done thanks to the very advanced alien technology. Each one has a small nuclear energy reactor inside, which in addition to feeding them, allows them to fly from micro propellants. Nanorobots now have the resistance of adamantium, in addition to acquiring the capacity for biological scanning, which allows nanorobots to scan an object or a being and copy its characteristics, such as scanning a magnet and starting to release and create magnetic forces for example. (It is not possible to copy powers and divine items)

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