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The First Grand Master of the Order of the Templars


Hugo de Payens (1070 - 1136), a French nobleman from the Champagne region, was the first master and founder of the Order of the Templars.

He was from a family that, according to letters that belonged to the Abbey of Molesmes, was related to the Montbards (family to which Saint Bernard of Claraval and André de Montbard belonged) and was originally a vassal of Count Hugo de Champagne. With him he visited Jerusalem once and stayed there after the count returned to Champagne County. It was there that he organized a group of nine horsemen to protect pilgrims who were heading to the Holy Land following the initiatives proposed by Pope Urban II. De Payens approached King Baldwin II with eight knights, two of whom were brothers and all were his relatives, Hugo de Payens, some by blood and others by marriage, to form the Order of the Temple in Jerusalem. The other knights were: Godofredo de Saint-Omer, Arcambaldo de Saint-Aignan, Payan de Montdidier, Godofredo Bissot, Hugo Rigaldo, and two men registered only with the names of Rossal or possibly Rolando and Gondemaro.


Appearance: Because they are children of other gods or Special Figures, they have a free and diverse appearance, not having a specific pattern. Naturally, those who choose to become followers of Hugues receive the title: Knight Templar.

Personality: His followers of Hugues make vows of chastity, devotion and obedience to Christianity, and cannot have sex with other beings, if they do, they cease to be a Templar becoming a shame to the temple and being expelled (losing their powers eventually), until he repents before his Templar brothers. They exhibit a very honorable personality, adopting a monastic style, being faithful to their principles and code of conduct.


Passive Powers

Forged by faith


Level 1: Unlike most campers, followers of Hugues de Payens do not have their powers because they were born with them or signed a contract with some being, the powers come from the Templars' own faith, growing accordingly. Thus, their powers cannot be copied or replicated, in addition to having a certain resistance to their cancellation, managing to resist cancellation for two entire rounds.

Unshakable Faith


The great faith in your heart makes you independent and loyal only to your belief and to the Church. Thus, your body, mind, soul and energy cannot be manipulated by others.


Level 100: Initially, you have great resistance to all these controls (mental, sentimental, soul, body, energy, vital force; that is, anything that can influence your behavior), and can only be carried out against you if the enemy has higher than yours.


Level 200: Your resistance has become a complete immunity to this control.


Level 300: The faith of the follower of Hugues de Payens has become unshakable. His immunity became unbreakable, being affected only by beings of higher power (tier).


Sacred Movement


Payens followers have superhuman speed, achieving a good speed of movement or reaction.


Level 1-10: Initially your speed is 150km / h.


Level 11-25: From this level they reach a speed of 300km / h.


Level 26-35: They reach a speed of 450km / h.


Level 36-50: They have a speed of 600km / h.


Level 51-99: They have a speed of 750km / h.


Level 100-150: They reach a speed of 900km / h.


Level 151-200: Near the peak of their powers, they have a speed of 1,050km / h.


Level 201-250: They reach a speed of 1,200 km / h.


Level 251-300: At their peak, they reach a speed of 1,350 km / h.


NOTE: Regardless of the level they can break the speed limit, increasing them by 200 km / h during combat.

Divine Force


Hugues' followers as well as his speed also exhibit great strength.


Level 1-10: They have the strength to break wood. The impact of their punches generates small craters.


Level 11-25: They have the strength to break and bend iron. The impact of your punches is strong enough to destroy walls.


Level 26-35: They have the strength to break and bend steel. The impact of your punches is strong enough to destroy a home.


Level 36-50: They have the strength to break and bend titanium. The impact of your blows is strong enough to destroy buildings.


Level 51-99: They have the strength to break diamonds. The impact of their blows is strong enough to destroy a neighborhood. Now they can generate seismic shocks just by punching the air.


Level 100-150: They have the strength to break and bend adamantium. The impact of their blows is strong enough to destroy several neighborhoods. The power of such an ability extends its short-range weapons, allowing feats such as generating cuts in the air strong enough to cut entire neighborhoods.


Level 151-200: They have the strength to break and bend vibranium. The impact of your blows is strong enough to destroy entire blocks. The ability even affects immune to physical attacks.


Level 201-250: They have the strength to break and bend divine iron. Their blows are strong enough to destroy an entire city.


Level 251-300: They have the strength to break and bend heavenly iron. His blows are strong enough to destroy even a state.


Note: You can break your opponents' physical immunity.

Purge Evil


Payens' followers are masters of exorcisms, having knowledge of the various types of exorcisms. They are able through their words to affect evil beings (evil spirits, demons and beings related to hell), dark / underworld around them.


Level 1-10: With simple words, he can use his exorcism by weakening his abilities by 15%, decreasing at that level powers directly related to hell, dark or Underworld, such as infernal fire, underworld ice, darkness, etc.


Level 11-25: Weakens your targets now by 25%, rendering your perception / awareness and healing powers useless.


Level 26-35: Weakens your targets now by 45%, rendering your space, darkness and spiritual powers useless.


Level 36-50: Weakens your targets now by 65%, weakens your powers by lowering your scales for basic control.


Level 51-99: Weakens your targets now by 75%, removing your active powers and immunities / resistances


Level 100-150: Weakens your targets now by 100%, leaving them extremely weak, where they can barely walk, having their powers weakened to a level where they are completely useless.



Sanctification of Arms


With his exuberant faith and words of acclaim, the Templar knight manages to bless weapons and the like in order to help him on his crusade.


Level 1-10: Weapons blessed by you gain resistance equivalent to iron. In addition, you have skill with the weapons you bless.


Level 11-25: Weapons become as sturdy as steel. With the power of faith, you can get a thrown weapon back at you. His skill with the blessed weapons becomes total, being able to perform any movement and having perfect aim.


Level 26-35: Resistance is equivalent to titanium. Projecting your faith you can create blessed weapons, capable of cutting any material.


Level 36-50: Weapon resistance is now equivalent to diamonds. By hurting the target, the sanctified weapon is also able to reach your soul, in addition to preventing that wound from regenerating until the battle is over.


Level 50-99: Weapons have a resistance equivalent to adamantium. Once you are able to achieve intangible things, you are now able to reflect, using the weapons, material and energetic attacks launched against you.


Level 101-150: Resistance is equivalent to that of vibranium. The sanctified weapon manages to break physical and magical barriers, in addition to ignoring physical immunities against its blows.


Level 151-200: Weapon resistance is divine iron. Covered with faith, the weapon is no longer controlled by third parties, even if indirectly, serving only the original owner or the person who sanctified it. The Templar can sanctify a weapon or item to make it his own, and when a being tries to control his weapon so that it cannot resist, it will self-destruct in order not to be used.


Level 201-250: The weapon is as sturdy as celestial iron. By wounding a non-Christian target (pagans, demons, etc.) with a blast from the blessed weapon, you are able to seal up to 3 abilities of the target until the end of the battle.


Level 251-300: The weapon proves to be a symbol of faith, managing to kill its targets with a single cut mainly dark beings and related to the underworld / hell / pagan. Being able to seal after a single cut 5 powers of the target until the end of the combat. The weapon at this level is practically indestructible, only beings stronger than the follower can destroy.

The Templar Horse


All the Templars received one in addition to their clothing and weapons, they also received horses that helped them both in wars and in the protection of pilgrims.

Level 1-10: Initially, the horse will have great affection for its owner and the ability to find it wherever it is, even if something prevents it such as concealments for example, always going to meet it. Initially the horse will have a speed of 300km / h, also being able to run on water.


Level 11-25: The horse will now have skin and teeth as hard and resistant as iron and the ability to move at a speed of 600km / h.


Level 26-35: The horse will also be able to run along the walls, moving at a speed of 900km / h


Level 36-50: The horse will now have the ability to go against the laws of physics, moving at a speed of 1,200 km / h and managing to ride through the skies for an indefinite period of time.


Level 51-99: The horse's body will now become as resistant as the titanium itself, it will also be able to move at a speed of 1,500km / h.


Level 100-150: The horse's body becomes as hard as the diamond, it also moves at a speed of 1,800km / h. The horse when in contact with the follower becomes able to absorb the effects thrown at him, receiving them during a scene, and this can only be used once in combat.


Level 151-200: The horse moves at twice the speed of its owner. The horse's body is also as hard as the vibranium.


Level 201-250: The horse moves at a speed three times that of the follower. The horse's body is as hard as adamantium.


Level 251-300: At its peak, the horse's body is as hard as the divine iron and it moves at a speed four times faster than that of the follower.



Sacred Vase


Those who wish to follow Hugues de Payens solemnly swear never to break their oaths of poverty, chastity, devotion and obedience, but these vows are not in vain, there is a reward beyond his powers the Templar receives a purification in his body forgiving any sin or evil that he once committed, even bad and horrible acts like rapes, are forgiven in the eyes of the Vatican and its Templar brothers.


Level 1: The purification in your body also acts by cleaning the impurities and any unclean things that may be due to this cleansing the follower's body becomes pure allowing him to act as a container for Heavenly Beings like Angels and their creations for example . In this way the followers of Hugues de Payens can offer their body to an angel in an event or saga, or even to an angel creation, allowing such beings to inhabit their body through angelic possession, through the consent of the Templar, a Once ownership takes place, there are no side effects (for angel creations), in cases of angels (creations by Miguel, Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael and etc.) it can vary a lot depending on the type of angel that is inhabiting your body. When possession occurs, the attributes of the angel and its shell (the follower) are increased by 10x, also allowing them to not only work as a team, they can share each other's powers (including transformations and etc.)


NOTE: The follower simply accepts that they can simply transfer their celestial essence into the Templar and use it as a shell to fight.

Holy Resistance


Forged to defend the faith to the extreme, Hugues' followers are endowed with great resistance.


Level 1-10: Initially, you have a body as resistant as wood.


Level 11-25: Your body is now as tough as iron.


Level 26-35: Now it is as resistant as steel, in addition to having a certain resistance to attacks that involve shadows and darkness, ignoring 25% of their damage.


Level 36-50: Your body is as resistant as titanium, and ignores 50% of damage from attacks involving shadows and darkness.


Level 51-99: With a body as tough as diamonds, you ignore 75% of damage from attacks involving shadows and darkness and 30% of necrotic attacks.


Level 101-150: You are totally immune to attacks involving shadows and darkness, and resist necromancy 60%. In addition, its body is as resistant as adamantium.


Level 151-200: Your body becomes as strong as vibranium and you are now completely immune to necromancy.


Level 201-250: Your body is as sturdy as divine iron, and you acquire the ability to be completely invulnerable for one turn (three times per event).


Level 251-300: Your body is now as sturdy as celestial iron and you can stay invulnerable for up to three consecutive turns (three times per event).

Divine blessing


Followers of Hugues de Payens have a blessing directly granted by Christ that increased their divine and physical / mental capacities, allowing them to deal with their enemies.


Level 1-10: Quod perceptio sacris: The followers of Hugues have divine senses, capable of detecting evil, the use of powers, the presence of other beings, mainly dark, underworld, infernal and demonic beings.


Level 11-25: Lectio meam: They can see souls and spirits, in addition to being able to analyze the souls of those around them, seeing their state and how they are emotionally.


Level 26-35: Sacrum Deambulatio: Followers are able to walk on surfaces such as water, for example, or in the air.


Level 36-50: In'yu Shōmetsu: A technique that consists of anticipating the place where the enemy is going to attack and preventively applying medical treatment to it, reducing the damage to a minimum. The user passively concentrates energy for that area and begins the process of recreating the cell even before the target area is damaged. Using the facial expression and the opponent's movements, speed and power of the technique, the follower is able to analyze everything in an instant and accurately deducts perfectly where the attack will hit him. Even more than accurately predicting the attack or instantly measuring the situation, a great capacity for resistance is necessary, so it can be said that this technique is exclusive to the Templars who are used to pain.


Level 51-100: Suaviter pugno: The followers acquire a fighting style of their own among the Templar brothers which consists of causing internal damage through attacks on the body's Energy Circulation System, subsequently injuring the organs that are closely connected with the area of the network that has been reached. To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of his own power unconsciously into the opponent's energy circulation system, causing damage to adjacent organs due to its proximity to the circulatory energy system. Even the slightest touch can cause serious internal damage. Hence the name of Suaviter pugno.


Level 101-150: Beatus Tactus: Your blessed touch can heal injuries. You have a well of healing power as big as your faith. When touching a wounded person, his faith goes astray and initially serves as an intermediary, transferring a small portion of his vital energy to the wounded person, who is then healed by his own faith. With this technique, it is possible to save someone from a fatal wound, they come to nullify the effect of poisons and diseases.

Active Powers

The word of God


The technique is based on uttering Latin words that actually act as divine words, capable of generating miraculous effects, which seek to help the follower of Hugues during his battles.


Level 1-10:


• Oratio Praesidium: Will create an energy shield that will protect you up to the area of ​​a building from attacks being indestructible.


• Immobilization Orandi: When facing the follower's eyes, the enemy will be paralyzed for 2 rounds.


• Gravitas Oratio: It will create a gravity field so high that the enemy will not be able to move properly, affecting even attacks.


Level 11-25:


• Ignis Orationis: Summons the head of a dragon that will send rays of fire towards enemies, which cannot be controlled in any way.


• Tempestatem Orationis: will invoke an electric bird that will cause a lightning storm in the surrounding area, which cannot be controlled in any way;


• Nigrum Serpens Oratio: Invokes a black snake that will spit and inject enemies with poison, which will leave the enemy confused, hallucinating while sucking his energies to unconsciousness.


Level 26-35:


• Orationis Perniciosius: Around the follower and his allies, there will be explosions of energy that can each disintegrate a large house. It will destroy enemies, but it will not do any damage to your allies.


• Orationis Rosarum: Will generate the representation of a large animal (the player's choice) that will attack the enemy, causing great damage. If he is unable to defend himself and has no regeneration skills, his body will fall apart in small red lights. * 1 time per event. *


Level 36-50:


• Crystalli Orationis Carcerem: Around the enemies, a crystal box will be created that, when hit from the inside, will reflect all attacks back to the attacker.


• Oratio Purificatione: A brilliant cross will appear that will nullify any demonic power, fallen or coming from evil beings that are launched against the follower. Any enemy that meets these conditions will also be left without power. * Lasts 3 rounds. 3 times per event. *


• Rubra Venisset Orationis: A ruby-colored stone will appear on the back of the follower's hand, increasing all her powers 5x times for 4 rounds, but after that time, she will be weak, without energy and with her body showing great damage.


Level 51-99:


• Animae Orationem De Duplici: Next to the follower, two winged beings made of light will appear, one carrying a shield and the other carrying a large sword. The shield and the sword will have the resistance of the vibranium, and both beings will fight alone to protect the follower and whoever is with him, being able to move at 1500 km / h. 1 time per event.


• Corpus Orationis Stone: Only if the target is paralyzed, either by its own power or by the power of others. The follower can turn the enemy to stone for 4 rounds.


• Nigrum Orationis: It will bring up a small black sphere that now looks like a black hole, sucking the enemy into it, killing it. Affects any element and attacks. 2 times per event.


Level 100-150:


• Rubrum Oculus Oratio: In the sky, the image of a giant eye, of scarlet color, appears over the target and shoots a destructive red ray, capable of destroying a complete city and Divine Iron. 2 times per event.


• Est Telum Orationis: A black spear will fall from the sky and can only be used by the follower, having the power to wound the enemy to nullify any regeneration (except those stronger than him, but even so, the regeneration will be delayed for the initial level) while causing terrible pain that begins to spread throughout your body. If the enemy is pierced by the spear, it will be impossible to remove it and in two rounds the weapon will consume the victim's body and soul, unable to resurrect or go to the world of the dead, being trapped in the weapon. The spear should not be used for more than 3 rounds, as the power is dark and will corrupt the follower, leading him to an irrational state of fury, unable to think and attacking anyone in his path. The only ways to stop him are by killing him, knocking him out or making him regain consciousness in some way. * 1 time per event *


• Orationis Autem Mors Mortis: The follower will acquire yellow eyes and may cause explosions as far as his vision can reach, being concentrated in an area of ​​10 m² with the strength to destroy an entire block. The follower will be able to perform up to 12 explosions before their eyes return to normal. To use again you will need to wait 3 rounds. * 3 times per event *


Level 151-200:


Sanctus altaris: Summoning five orbs of energy above his fingers, the follower transports them into the air around his opponent. Each of these orbs fires a beam of energy at the opponent, creating a large Altar with the target in the center, and steals energy from the target to give to the follower himself.


Divina gladio: The follower makes a slide-down movement with the hand that can cut an opponent. This attack is powerful enough to seriously injure even those who have good physical stamina.


Divine Framea: He pushes his index finger at his opponent with enough force to pierce him, the attack is strong enough to create an explosion of energy within his target decimating this.


Level 201-250:


Ultima Caelo et in Terra: This is a Kamikaze attack, where the follower converts his own life force into sacred power to not only maintain the combat but be able to use his powers to the maximum (effective when he is without powers), but also greatly increase his 5x power. This technique is the follower's last resort and a double-edged sword, as using it will completely burn your own life force and eventually kill you. Once used it allows the follower to use his powers for 5 rounds, after 5 rounds he dies.


Conventu: The follower channels his power and uses it to create an incredibly destructive explosion. The effects of this power turn opponents' pain and suffering into pleasure, making them sleepy and finally dying.


Chimoku non OGA: The follower with an object in hand uses it to make a scythe that marks anyone hit with the sacred seal, which seals their magic.


Level 251-300:


Sol Sine Pietate: The follower using the sacred energy, he creates a miniature Sun, which radiates so much heat that it melts the nearby armor. He can control him with hand gestures and strike his opponents with him, and he will increase in size as his power increases by decimating his targets.


Fortis sol pugno Dei: After concentrating the sacred power from within his body in his fist, Seuigodr throws a punch that shoots a torrent of fire at his opponent.


Omni Potestas: This is an exorcism capable of banishing demonic beings and related to hell / underworld far away.



Ark is a sacred power that followers have, which consists in creating and manipulating particles of light and even pure light, which are used by the Templars. The target is often surrounded by a dazzling sphere of light that breaks your body. It is mainly used to neutralize darkness by disintegrating it, although it can also cause physical damage. This technique is compared to the holy light of the creations of an angel, managing to break immunities and decimate their targets.


Level 1-10: It exhibits the ability to manipulate these particles and the sacred light on a small scale. It can be used in different ways, such as forming energy bundles, explosions, energy blades, barriers, myriads, etc.


Level 11-25: It can control on a medium scale. The same manages to fire concentrated beams of Ark that pierces his opponents, such beams can pierce almost any material, at this level followers can already use Ark as a form of healing to return to their normal state (body and mind) or to heal others. people.


Level 26-35: Using Ark, the follower at this level quickly heals his targets, neutralizing negative effects such as strong corrosive substances, restores health and vigor, whether for serious or minor damage. If not controlled enough, this healing power has the opposite effect on the infernal / underworld / dark ones by injuring them and purifying their bodies, causing them to die. A characteristic of this technique is that it is able to completely purify the body of its targets by eliminating any negative influence. Controls on a large scale.


Level 36-50: It already controls on a perfect scale, managing to generate and control immense amounts of energy and release a sacred light, capable of decimating its targets. He could also use it as a powerful burst of light that seems to manifest itself as a kinetic force, throwing or repelling objects and beings concussively at a considerable distance. It demonstrates full control of the intensity of the explosion, being able to decimate or damage any target.


Level 51-99: The Templar is already capable of creating practically unlimited amounts of light, managing to nullify the powers of darkness / shadows around it. Being able to use Ark, making it when your body or an object of your choice shines, and then it merges with all the other lights. When he lets go, he can use that light to take control of the shadows and attack his opponent with them. The object is invisible, until the follower attacks its opponent. The ability also allows him to manipulate light for a variety of other effects. The follower manages to create a multitude of sparkling lights that appear, which then form around his opponents, creating a huge sphere that wraps everything within a significant radius. Anyone within that radius will potentially be caught in it. Immediately after that, the sphere collapses on itself, using the compressed light to crush everything inside it destroying its targets. Only beings strong enough can push back and destroy that power. Its light and particles already exhibit the ability to affect the astral plane.


Level 100-150: They already have a control capable of affecting blocks easily, managing to break immunities at that level.


Level 151-200: They already have a control that can easily affect a neighborhood.


Level 201-250: They already have a control that can easily affect a city.


Level 251-300: They already have a control capable of affecting a state easily.


The First Grand Master


Hugo de Payens was the First Grand Master of the Temple, being the leader of all the Templars, as well as he and his followers also gain significant influence over the intended targets and allies, allowing them to control, strengthen or weaken physically, mentally or by sacred means and manipulate their victims as they wish, even summon beings to serve them or dismiss those who wish.


Level 1-10: Initially, the follower can extend his power to shift his victims' loyalty to the Templar without focusing on controlling them and the victims see followers as their true masters. Being able to command other beings (weaker, or even tier), giving them orders to carry out their orders, regardless of what the victim thinks or feels. It can also imitate basic telekinesis, managing to attract and repel beings and objects around it as a kind of domination.


Level 11-25: At this level, the Templar manages to command not only living beings but the things around them, they simply start fighting for you, commanding, summoning animals, and Templar warriors. Being able to make the plants help you instead of being your enemies they start to affect your opponents.


Level 26-35: At this level, the Templar can command objects and / or living beings, demigods and related beings that are weaker, and turn them into his servants, with exact numbers. The Templar at this level is able to manipulate the "controls" of any person or thing and place them under the complete domain of the follower, for example, if the user wants to manipulate the "controls" of a person's leg, that part of the body will obey his will. The follower can also manipulate the "controls" of any object, controlling them similarly to a puppet.


Level 36-50: It now displays the ability to spread its power around making everyone in range to become its "slaves", its influence can now even affect items and summons of its opponents managing to disable the effects of items and armor, as well as undo summons. It can also undo controls on the body, mind and soul. The followers of Hugues manage to release their Will, surrounding themselves affecting everyone who is close and who are weaker in tier than the follower, they suffer a physical, mental and spiritual shock, leading them to unconsciousness.


Level 51-99: Followers are able to manipulate trust and loyalty in people, animals and other creatures, increasing, decreasing or changing as they wish, manifesting emotional energy at the physical level, etc; he is able to summon armies to help him, be it creatures, knights or even "Angels", these creatures being similar to huge monstrous birds with wings and knights. The follower is also able to increase the abilities of his allies, increasing his kinetic powers to perfect scale (for 4 rounds), as well as can also grant blessings to them.


Level 100-150: The Templars were recognized for being a close-knit order just like Payens' follower allies, they can share their powers, initially they can only share physical attributes, allowing allies to use force, speed, endurance, regeneration and perception of each other. If you want, the follower can also "own" your ally, managing to interact from it, also having a shared conscience with your allies allowing one to perceive through the other being in perfect sync. The follower can place items / beings in a separate dimension to keep them safe and can summon them back with relative ease.


Level 151-200: At this level, the follower is able to share powers, allowing his allies to use each other's powers (up to 3 assets maximum) thus being able to share his virtues in an army reaching the level of a perfect army. The follower is able to induce the presence of a Leader within a great radius, or a "government" ruled by a king, queen, emperor or empress, thereby protecting both himself and his allies from powers related to the law and territories and psychic controls. Followers can manipulate, modify and control higher brain thoughts, mentalities and functions, allowing the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories and deny the use of skills, increase / decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be pleasant, control minds, influence sensations to induce altered perception, grant / cure mental disorders, create / penetrate mental barriers, etc.


Level 201-250: He starts to bring good luck to his allies managing to create practically perfect strategies almost without fail. At this level, they have perfect control over the manipulation of loyalty.


Note: Generally this power can fail in beings that are much stronger than the follower, and can affect beings up to 20 levels higher than the follower.

The Templar Armor


A Templar Knight is truly a fearless and secure knight on all sides, as his soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as his body is protected by steel armor. He is, therefore, doubly armed and need not fear demons or men. "―Bernard de Clairvaux, c. 1135


Followers of Hugues have a heavenly armor created and protected by Jesus Christ, possessing many unique blessings and abilities. The appearance of this armor is very reminiscent of the traditional white robe with a red cross and some protective ornaments. Armor is as sturdy as heavenly iron.


Level 1-20: Initially, the bearers of this armor have immunity against powers related to the manipulation of Matter and Soul. It also has wings that allow it to fly at up to 3x its speed.


Level 21-40: He now acquires a weapon made by celestial metal (it shapes its shape according to the follower's imagination) it was blessed by Christ, having the ability to absorb energy attacks (needs to disperse energy or weapon destroys), managing to radiate white light from it capable of triggering energy attacks capable of decimating its targets, in addition to cutting off any solid and / or intangible material (intangible beings, souls, beings in mimicry and etc)


Level 41-60: Your helmet that was blessed by Christ grants strong psychic powers, allowing the follower to use powers such as telekinesis and telepathy. The helmet also grants invisibility and the ability to see invisible beings and the astral plane.


Level 61-80: They now receive the shield of faith, a metallic shield capable of repelling and reflecting attacks (skill shot).


Level 81-100: The Follower will now receive a red cross marked on his chest, this cross allows him to ward off spiritual beings, banished spirits that try to harm him, besides guaranteeing him a 50% resistance against demonic / dark beings / do underworld (stronger beings this resistance may not be very effective)



Power of Prayer


Many of the Templars were recognized for spending much of their time in Monasteries and places of worship for God, being organized in a monastic order or monasticism, it is a way of religious life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote himself entirely to spiritual work. Monastic life plays an important role in many Christian churches, especially in Catholic and Orthodox traditions, as well as in other religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. They are able to perform miracles and conjure blessings through their faith and prayers that can always help and help them in the fight. Since your prayers when in combat do not need to close your eyes, kneel and the like, as this would put your life in combat at risk.


Level 50-100: Initially, the follower succeeds through prayer and his faith to ask for simple miracles such as the ability to go to a place, for example allowing him to teleport for example. When lost he can say a prayer and through his faith they will find the way out. Their prayers and requests are based only on simple things, and they can ask for help to find places, hidden beings, to acquire objects and the like. Summon things and items.


Level 101-150: Your prayers are able to ask for greater things, allowing them to, for example, heal wounds that they could not heal for example, increase their attributes by up to 5x, free them from temptation and the wrong way. At this level, he can ask for God's help through prayer and faith, he will respond through elements, energies and matter in powerful attacks; for example ask for the help of god and it will materialize through lightning on the enemy damaging these, or even in divine flames that burn your targets.


Level 151-200: Through faith and prayer he is now able to ask for more serious blessings, being able to ask for the same, blessings like knowledge, power, energy restoration and the like.


Level 201-250: Your blessings can now be greater, through prayer and faith being able to revive up to 2 allies.


Level 251-300: Your blessings can now be greater, through prayer and faith to be able to recreate up to 2 allies. At that level, they can ask for practically anything but negative things, like asking the enemy to die for example.


Note: 3 times per event or saga.


The Inquisition


Hugues' followers have the ability to manifest and manipulate flames capable of burning those that the church considered evil and diabolical, such as witches and demons for example. Being the heavenly flames direct from the heavens that can burn even the soul and other materials.


Level 1-10: Controls celestial fire on a small scale.


Level 11-25: They control heavenly fire on a medium scale.


Level 26-35: They control celestial fire on a large scale.


Level 36-50: They control heavenly fire on a perfect scale.


Level 51-99: Heavenly fire can affect entire blocks at this level easily.


Level 100-150: Heavenly fire can easily affect an entire neighborhood at this level.


Level 151-200: Heavenly fire can easily affect an entire city at this level.


Level 201-250: Heavenly fire can easily affect an entire state at this level.


Level 251-300: Heavenly fire can easily affect a small country at this level.


Note: They cancel regeneration and take time to heal.

Sanctified Energy


As knights of Christ, followers of Hugues are able to manipulate a pure and divine energy, known as sacred or sanctified energy. A pure energy that cannot be corrupted, which is capable of affecting even negative forces, neutralizing them, such as chaotic energies, black magic, etc.


Level 1-10: The Follower will have control of sanctified / sacred energy on a small scale of the energy, and can make constructs that could destroy steel. By manipulating his body's energy and causing it to flood (be more present in a specific part), he acquires the ability to be able to touch his enemies' physical body even though they have become completely of an element, being able to attack and still cause damage that way. Passing your energy to a weapon has the same effect. It also manages to manifest its sanctified energy in the form of countless biblical pages and use it for various purposes, such as when spreading around to create protections, warding off bad luck and demonic / pagan beings, it also manages to teleport.


Level 11-25: The Follower will have a medium scale control of his energy, being able to make constructs that can destroy titanium resistance. By concentrating your body's energy at one point, you can externalize it and launch it towards your enemies, exploding on contact with them. At this level, he can also feel the energies of other things and other beings, for example attacks or living beings, so he can feel and see the energy through his manipulation. The same manages to use the sacred scriptures to imprison other beings, in sacred seals which severely burns those who try to leave or enter the seal. At this level, you can use the sacred energy to nullify darkness and related attacks.


Level 26-35: The follower will have a large-scale control of his energy, being able to make constructs with the resistance of the diamond. By externalizing your energy, you can form a powerful energy barrier equivalent to the resistance of your own skin, which is capable of being hit by energy attacks, converting / corrupting your own energy, thus being able to absorb and restore your own energy. . The effects and damage of holy energy are somewhat similar to those of Holy Light, managing to decimate your targets easily with your attacks.


Level 36-50: The follower will have perfect control of his energy, his constructs will be able to destroy the adamantium. It is now able to vent its energy in the form of an explosion. By pointing your hand at the enemy, you can release your energy in the form of a powerful shock wave that will launch the enemy or nearby objects away, without having to touch them. At this level, he is able to manifest his sacred energy in the form of a holy sword, 'Better Half', it is made of a celestial metal (天 銀 tianyin). It can only be used by Christian and related beings. Being created from a fragment of Yesod, a piece of the mythical Tree of Life, the blade has the ability to assimilate other fragments, thus increasing its power. Previously held in possession of the Church, 'Better Half' was given to Hugues' followers so that he could battle and defeat the Demons, it displays the ability to kill weaker demons (in tier) including semi-demons. Using his blade as a means, the follower can release a swarm of sacred fire daggers capable of wounding even the strongest of demon demons, the blades upon contact purify the same and eventually die, or have their energy destroyed. By striking against an opposite energy force, the Better Half can produce an icy atmosphere capable of freezing magic and blocking its effects.


Level 51-99: The follower will have control of his energy on a scale compared to that of a block, his constructs may destroy the resistance of the vibranium. The follower can emit a wave of his energy that affects his enemies, causing the weakest ones to faint, those of his level to be paralyzed for two rounds and the strongest to be stunned for one round. The follower creates a strong tornado. The tornado then engulfs your opponent. Inside the tornado, the wind cuts your opponent like a sharp knife, in addition to purifying them so that if they are pagans, demonic or unrelated to celestials or the church they have their energies destroyed and are destroyed both physically and spiritually. At this level, sacred energy is able to cancel the chaos and related energy (of beings weaker in tier) in addition to being effective on the astral plane.


Level 100-150: Your energy constructs can destroy Divine Iron. The wave of his energy causes those of his level or lower to faint and the strongest he is stunned for 1 round. You can now choose who your targets are. The sacred energy at this level can be used to combat attacks derived from energies or dark elements like hellfire for example. The follower is also able to use the sacred energy to infuse into his body or an ally's, it purifies the target's body by eliminating any negative effects that weaker beings the follower has caused. Being able to control the health of his allies through sacred energy, being able to restore part of it, eliminate harms such as poisons, bacteria, diseases, psychic / astral misfortunes of practically any type. (Which were caused by beings of a weaker or equal tier to the follower).


Level 151-200: Your energy constructs can destroy Celestial Iron. Now you can unleash an attack of pure energy strong enough to destroy a city, the shock wave of the attack ravaging kilometers around the area, destroying everything in its path. At this level you can feel and manipulate the virtues of yourself and others, whether increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise generating envy, even manifesting emotional energy at the physical level.


Level 201-250: This level is able to manipulate virtually all forms of positivity, physical and spiritual positivity, including Creation, Healing, nature, etc. It can also control everything that can cause or be used to clean, purify and not contaminate the environment, life or objects, including bubbles, flowers, plants, cleaning materials, cleaning monsters, cleaning elements, cleaning individuals and etc. Its capacity allows it to disappear, purify and clean practically anything that is dirty or in some negative state.


Level 251-300: Your control of sacred energy now extends to a golden equivalent to a state.

Holly Land


The Templars have a part of the Holy Land in their domains (equivalent to an entire neighborhood), being a gift given by the Vatican to the Templars, it is an area approximately located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea that also includes the bank east of the Jordan River. Traditionally, it is synonymous with both the biblical land of Israel and the region of Palestine. The term "Holy Land" generally refers to a territory that roughly corresponds to the modern State of Israel, Palestinian territories, western Jordan and parts of southern Lebanon and southwestern Syria. Jews, Christians and Muslims consider it sacred. The location of this holy land is completely restricted, only the followers of Hugues know its location, being strongly hidden and protected against invaders, and those who do not have permission from the follower lose their powers within the holy land, within this territory they have control absolute about it, managing to change it in all its aspects, whether spatial, geographic, structural and etc.


Level 1-10: Only offspring can go to and from the Holy Land via a teleport. When inside the holy land, they are able to recover their energy and heal their wounds.


Levels 11-25: You can banish up to 1 beings there with your touch, being completely vulnerable to offspring. Within this place your powers and attributes are increased by 4x.


Levels 26-35: You can ban up to 2 beings there.


Levels 36-50: You can ban up to 4 beings there.


Level 51-99: You can ban up to 8 beings there.


Level 100-150: You can ban 10 beings.


Level 151-200: You can ban 12 beings.


Level 201-250: You can ban 14 beings.


Level 251-300: You can ban 16 beings.

Sacred Temple


Level 200: It consists of a technique where the follower releases his sacred power within a certain radius (500 meters), around it. Once this is done, he manages to create a unique sacred temple similar to the temples used by the Templars. The affected space becomes their domain, allowing them to be able to manipulate this space at their leisure, in addition to being able to control vectors, create and annul the laws of vectors within this space. The image of Jesus crucified appears above the affected space as a symbolic image preventing evil beings from trying to enter, or invade, taking away the powers of those who are already within the space (only those who are weaker than the level or tier follower) .


Enemies of the Church


Level 50: As Christians and warriors of Christ, the followers of Hugues are able to nullify and decimate things that go against God and the Church, that is, profane things. The main target of this ability is magic, and so the offspring are able to completely nullify magic, curses, witchcraft and derivatives / related, since God abhors such a practice. The cancellation will be done according to the level of the offspring, since the higher your level, the more magic can be canceled. If the enemy has a higher level than the offspring, this annulment will fail, negating little or even none of the sorcery / magic / etc used.

Sacred Transformation of the Grand Master


The Templars also have a transformation, they channel their sacred power in their body, elevating them consuming their whole body, then it resurfaces inside a dark armor similar to the Sergeants' armor, but shining, which hid any place that could show the part of a possible user, it displays the same capabilities as the Templar armor. Cold, sacred blue light escaped through the cracks and a long, torn red cloak flies behind it. A sword, almost as big as armor, is made of the same material, but with the aim of being wielded with just one hand. His attributes increase by 10x, so he is able at this level to manipulate the celestial flames and sacred energy on an absolute scale.


Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.

Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds.

Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.

Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.


NOTE: 3 times per event or saga.

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