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Karakasa-obake ("Chinese umbrella", 唐 傘? ) Or Kasa-obake is a Japanese youkai , a tsukumogami , that is, a spirit that originates from objects that are 100 years old, giving them life. Karakasa in particular are umbrella spirits that reach 100 years. They are usually represented with an eye, a long tongue protruding from his mouth and only one leg that wears a geta , a kind of Japanese footwear.


Appearance: They are thin, and have an unusual look, they usually only wear black clothes and dress similar to emos and goths.

Personality: They are quiet because they are the children of a demon, their highest priority is always to be with the umbrella.


Passive Powers

Umbrella Expertise

Levels 1-6: Kasa-Obake's children have Umbrella handling like a warrior uses a sword.

Levels 7-12: They can leave the Umbrella with an iron resistance.

Levels 13-20: They can sharpen the Umbrella like a katana.


Level 1: To camouflage or go unnoticed, Kasa-Obake's son can choose to transform himself into a simple Umbrella.

Intense Jumps

Levels 1-6: Kasa-Obake's son can jump up to five meters high with extreme ease.

Levels 7-12: You can perform jumps up to ten meters high.

Levels 13-20: You can perform jumps of up to fifteen meters.


Levels 1-6: Just open the Umbrella and use it as a shield, and the blow that comes your way will be completely neutralized.

Levels 7-12: Now the blow will be sent against its creator.

Levels 13-20: Will be sent back twice as strong.

Third Eye

Levels 1-6: Kasa-Obake's son can summon his father's eye at the back of his head, I try a warned front and back.

Levels 7-12: Your vision will be like that of an eagle.

Levels 13-20: Your vision is like a telescope.


Levels 1-6: With the Rain Umbrella open, the Kasa-Obake offspring will be able to fly at up to 100 km / h.

Levels 7-12: You can fly at up to 500 km / h.

Levels 13-20: You can fly at sound speed.

Stretched Tongue

Levels 1-6: You can stretch your tongue up to five meters, and use it as a rope or something to hold your opponent.

Levels 7-12: You can stretch your tongue up to ten meters.

Levels 13-20: You can stretch your tongue up to fifty feet.

Umbrella Plan

Children of Kasa-Obake can glide, as well as affect opponents.


Levels 1 - 6: You can glide at any time you want, as long as there is air.


Levels 6 - 13: You can simply levitate in the air as if there is no gravity for you.


Levels 13 - 21: You can create a curse on something flying that instead of flying or levitating, it will start to glide in the air, falling slowly without control of itself.


Umbrella Resistance


Levels 1 - 6: They are totally immune to water and any attacks of this type, even managing to survive underwater without the need to breathe.


Levels 6 - 13: Children of Kasa-Obake are electrical superconductors, but are unaffected by electricity.


Levels 13 - 21: They are able to survive peacefully in places without air, such as the space vacuum.


Levels 21 - 29: They are immune to mental attacks.


Invocation of Umbrella


Level 1: You can summon an umbrella of the style you want.


Offspring Guard


Levels 1 - 6: It can make your umbrella look indestructible.


Levels 6 - 13: Your Umbrella can repel low-power attacks.


Levels 13 - 22: Can repel medium-sized attacks.


Levels 22 - 29: Can repel attacks of great power.



Children of Kasa-Obake may disappear and reappear in a RANDOM location near you upon receiving an attack. The lack of coordination proper to the place to appear can make you fall into trouble.


Levels 1 - 6: Resurfaces anywhere within 10m.

Levels 6 - 13: Resurfaces anywhere within a 15m radius.

Levels 13 - 21: Resurfaces anywhere within a 25m radius.


Levels 21 - 29: Resurfaces anywhere within a 30m radius.


Levels 29 - 34: You can teleport anywhere in your field of vision without having to receive an attack to do so.

Active Powers


Levels 1-6: You can make the whole area around you start to rain, except for you who will be with an Umbrella open.

Levels 7-12: The rain will be more intense now.

Levels 13-20: It can rain hail.

Rain of Needles

Levels 1-6: Kasa-Obake's offspring will throw the Umbrella into the air, and in the same instant it will start to spin, spreading needles all over the place at sonic speed, except for Kasa-Obake's son.

Levels 7-12: In addition to cutting, it has the temperature of a magma.

Levels 13-20: Needles can even cut diamond.

Lightning Rain

Levels 1-6: Now you can make the area around you start to launch small rays.

Levels 7-12: Electrical discharges are now average.

Levels 13-20: Electric discharges are now super powerful.

Acid Rain

Levels 1-6: It may cause the area around you to start to rain acid. (10 meters around you)

Levels 7-12: 15 meters.

Levels 13-20: 20 meters.

Rain of Magma

Levels 1-6: It may cause the area around you to start to rain magma. (10 meters around you)

Levels 7-12: 15 meters.

Levels 13-20: 20 meters.


Your physical attacks can deeply pierce your opponent.

Level 1-6: Only 1 stroke

We are a family owned and operated business.

Level 7-13: Up to two strokes.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Level 14-20: Reach 4 strokes.




Level 10: Can cause a mental retardation in your opponent with your presence alone.




Level 20: Hydrokinesis is an elemental and kinetic power, consisting of the ability to freely manipulate and invoke water




Level 15: Telekinesis is a mental power. It allows the user to be able to move objects and people through the hands or with the power of the mind, which is more difficult to control.




Level 40: Metallokinesis is a skill that gives the user the ability to control and generate any type of metal, as well as to break anything derived from such ore, deform the metal like paper, create armor or exotic bladed weapons, among other ways of use.

Complaint gifts



Umbrella that when pointed at the sky will cast a beam of light, this will cause a series of rays to fall on the opponent's head.

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