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Iemanjá (Yemọjá in Nigeria , Yemayá in Cuba or Dona Janaína in Brazil ; see Name and Epithets section) is the orisha of the Egba people, a fertility deity originally associated with rivers and outlets. Its main cult was established in Abeokuta after forced migrations, taking as support the river Ògùn from where it manifests in any other body of water. It is also revered in parts of South America , the Caribbean and the United States . Being identified in the merindilogun by Odus Irosun , [2] [3] Ossá [4] and Ogunda , [5] is represented materially by the sacred settlement called Igba Iemanjá . It manifests itself in initiates in its mysteries (eleguns) through possession or trance.


Appearance: They have African descent as well as all African demigods.

Personality: They are quiet, and tend to be more at home, spending most of their time observing rivers or ponds.


Passive Powers

Homeostatic control

Level 1-10: The control and connection over the water that the children of Yemanjá have is so great that at this level it starts to affect their body fluids. In this way, they are no longer so affected by bleeding effects, which cause 30% less damage, regardless of the level

Level 11-25: The control and connection over the water that the children of Yemanjá have is so great that at this level it starts to affect body fluids. That way, they can deal additional damage by dealing with bleeding powers and effects, which do 30% more damage, regardless of level.


Level 1-10: It controls the water, not very well, but it can control even a little. You can make small needles with water, for example.

Level 11-25: Now you can create a medium amount and control the water better, being able to make daggers or water knives, for example.

Level 26-35: He became an expert in Hydrokinesis, being able to control and create larger amounts of water, and make shields or powerful jets of water gush over the enemy.

Level 36-50: It has a great command over water, being able to create and control large volumes of water, with millimeter precision. The water can become denser if you wish.


Inverse Nature

Level 1-10: That water is the anti-fire element everyone knows. Yemanjá's children inherit the nature of their mother, becoming more resistant to attacks by the fire element, being able to pass through flames or even touch lava without receiving (great) damage, as long as the contact is brief. [20% DEF AGAINST FIRE ELEMENT]





Level 100-150: [

Aquatic Regeneration
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Level 1-10: For each shift that remains in direct contact with water (at least up to the waist, or at the knee, in the case of running water) it will regenerate by 15%.

Level 11-25: For each shift that remains in direct contact with the water, it will regenerate 30%.

Level 26-35: For each shift that remains in direct contact with the water, it will regenerate 40%

Level 36-50: For each shift that remains in direct contact with the water, it will regenerate 50%

Level 51-99: At its peak for each shift that remains in direct contact with the water, it will regenerate 60%

Supreme Aquatic Breathing

Level 1: You can make other people breathe under the water

Lost Island
We are a family owned and operated business.

Level 1: Once per event, if you are almost dead, the sea / river will take you to Cuba, an island located in the country; Yemanjá's servants will heal you completely, and you can choose to return to the event or not

Master of Storms

Level 1: Yemanjá's son cannot be hurt, hit, taken or harmed in any way by storms (such as hurricanes and earthquakes).

Aquatic Evolution

Level 1: When they find themselves submerged in water, their power will increase considerably, if we improve more diverse aspects such as strength and agility, you will feel totally comfortable to perform complex movements and use skills with great precision and power.

Active Powers


The user can generate and manipulate the water charged by electric current conveyors. In other words, potentially electric water. This allows Yemanjá's son to inflict Electrical and Water damage on a particular user, as well as helping him to suffer less damage when struck by electricity. After a lot of training, the user will be able to generate pure electricity when in water currents (river for example) and shape this energy as he sees fit.

Level 1-50: Can fire small bursts of water charged with electricity

Level 51-99: You can generate pure electricity when in water currents (river for example) and shape this energy as you wish.

[Three times per mission or battle].


Yemanjá's son will be able to manipulate the droplets suspended from the air to create storm clouds laden with dense rain. In addition, you can use the negative charges of these clouds to create rays. There is no control over them, but by the simple fact of being able to create a powerful lightning bolt, it is already a victory for Yemanjá's son. The black clouds can serve as a distraction for escape, direct hit, defense, or whatever you want. In addition to creating storms, you can also manipulate them as you wish.

Level 1-10: Can create clouds that will fire a single powerful ray with a chance to miss the target.
We are a family owned and operated business.

Level 11-25: You can now create clouds that fire more than three rays that can miss the target.

Level 26-35: Allows you to create clouds that fire multiple rays and a ray will surely hit the target.

Level 36-50: Allows you to create clouds that fire countless rays and at least three powerful rays will hit the target.



Level 60: It is extremely rare for a son of Yemanjá to control the blood and even when he succeeds it is only 50% of it because the blood is not only composed of water. it can convert water, which has blood in any of the 3 physical states of water or even freeze and heat [Once per mission].


Yemanjá's children will be able to transform their body into one of the physical states of water: solid, liquid or gaseous.

Level 1-10: Can transform only one member into such a state.

Level 11-25: Can transform three members of the body into such a state.

Level 26-35: Can transform half the body in such a state.

Level 36-50: Can transform the entire body into the state you want.

Water Soldiers

Level 1-10: The son of Yemanjá can summon, when in contact with the water, 5 soldiers with bronze breastplates, spears and shields. Soldiers will be tough, due to high pressure


Level 11-25: The son of Yemanjá can summon, when in contact with water , 15 soldiers with bronze breastplates, spears and shields. Soldiers will be tough, due to high pressure

Level 26-35: The son of Yemanjá can summon, when in contact with water , 25 soldiers with bronze breastplates, spears and shields. Soldiers will be tough, due to high pressure

Level 36-50: The son of Yemanjá can summon, when in contact with water , 35 soldiers with bronze breastplates, spears and shields. Soldiers will be tough, due to high pressure

Level 51-99: Yemanjá's son can summon, when in contact with water, 50 soldiers with bronze breastplates, spears and shields. Soldiers will be tough, due to high pressure

Level 100-150: The son of Yemanjá can summon, when in contact with water
, 100 soldiers with bronze breastplates, spears and shields. Soldiers will be tough, due to high pressure

Heavenly Cry

A technique in which the energy of Yemanjá's son is mixed in his body, transformed into water and then molded in senbon in the mouth before finally being released at high speed. The needles are fired in an attempt to catch the enemy off guard, at the same time, with the aim of hitting their vital points

Level 1-10: Senbons are fired at sound speed and can pierce through metal.

Level 11-25: Senbons are fired at mach 2 speed and can pierce pure steel.

Level 26-35: Senbons are now fired at mach 20 speed and can drill diamond.


Cutting Water Waves

Level 10: After crushing energy in his stomach and converting it to water, Yemanjá's son expels it as a high pressure stream that is powerful enough to cleanly cut through his thick trees with ease. mouth.

Water Clones

Putts can make copies of themselves the clones are made of [water, but they can attack the opponent each clone lasts for around 3 turns [maximum clones created is 5].

Level 1-10: You can create 1 clone.

Level 11-25: Can create 2 clones.

Level 26-35: You can create 3 clones.

Level 36-50: You can create 4 clones.

Level 51-99: You can create 5 clones.

Water Dragon Projectile

Yemanjá's son molds a large amount of water into a giant and powerful dragon, which strikes the opponent with formidable power, causing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is close to a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is no amount of water.

Level 1-10: The dragon is about 3 meters.

Level 11-25: The dragon is about 6 meters long and can cause serious damage to the opponent if it reaches the opponent.

Level 26-35: The dragon is now about 15 meters long and can crush all the opponent's bones upon reaching it.

Level 36-50: The dragon is now about 30 meters long and can devastate villages.

Level 51-99: The dragon now reaches the size of 50 meters.

Level 100: The dragon reaches the size of 100 meters and due to its pressure can devastate entire cities.

Concealment in the Mist

Yemanjá's son creates a fog across the battlefield that cannot be controlled or dispelled. The thickness of the fog is controlled by the amount of energy accumulated in the son of Yemanjá, if his energy runs out the fog will also disappear.

Level 1-10: The fog at this level serves only to distract the enemy, the enemy cannot see you or hear you

Level 11-25: From that level your presence disappears while you are in the fog, it is as if you did not exist, the enemy cannot locate you under any circumstances.

Level 26-35: You are now able to create illusions from the mist.

PS: The fog lasts 4 rounds

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