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Amaterasu (天 照? ), Amaterasu-ōmikami (天 照 大 神 / 天 照 大 御 神? ) Or Ōhirume-no-muchi-no-kami (大 日 孁 貴 神? ) Is a part of the Japanese mythological circle and dominates the pantheon of the Shinto religion. She is the goddess of the sun, but also of the universe. The name Amaterasu is derived from Amateru which means "that it shines in the sky." The meaning of her full name , Amaterasu-ōmikami, is "the Great Goddess Augusta who illuminates the sky". [N 1] The Emperor of Japan is said to be a direct descendant of Amaterasu.

It was born from Izanagi's left eye (伊 邪 那 岐) and dominates the Shinto pantheon, which features a number of personifications of natural forces. It is represented wielding a solar disk. Kojiki (古 事 記), the oldest document on the history of Japan, did not use pronouns or genres. Some books like Hotsuma Tsutae described the deity as a man.


Appearance: The hair, almost always and in most cases, is blond or light in a "sunburnt" tone, sometimes curly. They are tanned, also sometimes in sunlight, they often have dimples and freckles on their faces so they are hardly tall, but they are athletic and sometimes defined.

Personality: They are usually very friendly, communicative, warm and playful. They will always be focused on an art, regardless of its essence.


Passive Skills


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Improved Speed


Levels 1-10: Amaterasu's offspring will be able to start at the top speed of 300km / h at the beginning.


Levels 11-25: Offspring run at 600km / h.


Levels 26-35: Offspring run at 900km / h.


Levels 36-50: Offspring run at 1200km / h.


Level 51-99: They run at 1500km / h.


Level 100-150: They run at 1800km / h.


Level 151-200: They run at 2100km / h.


Level 201-250: They run at 2400km / h.


Level 251-300: They run at 2700km / h.


Kaizen Sa Reta Kyōdo


Levels 1-10: Amaterasu was never a goddess of much brute strength, which is more characteristic of her brother Susano, however, she was very strong and of course her children end up inheriting part of that strength that at first is only able to break the wood easily.


Levels 11-25: He is able to break the iron with his strength from now on.


Levels 26-35: The strength of the goddess' offspring rises, starting to break even the steel at this stage.


Levels 36-50: From now on, the offspring can manage with their strength, which only increases more and more to break titanium.


Levels 51-99: In this phase, not even the diamond escapes the strength of Amaterasu's son, who can easily break it.


Levels 100-150: The demigod easily breaks adamantium using only his strength as a method to accomplish this feat.


Levels 151-200: The strength of the offspring is enough to easily break the vibranium at this stage of its life.


Level 201-250: At its peak, the children of the sun goddess are able to break even the purest Divine Iron by simply using their more than sufficient strength for such an action.




Levels 1-10: The children of Amaterasu are able to levitate in this way by taking off quickly, arriving at a speed of 300km / h but when passing through the clouds it reaches a speed of 600km / h.


Levels 11-25: Now the flight speed of the offspring is 600km / h but when passing the clouds it can reach 900km / h.


Levels 26-35: The initial flight speed of the offspring is equivalent to 900km / h, when passing the clouds it reaches 1200km / h.


Levels 36-50: Your flight speed is now 1200km / h but you just need to pass through the clouds to reach 1500km / h.


Levels 51-99: The speed of the offspring while flying is 1500km / h but when passing the clouds it goes to 1800km / h.


Levels 100-150: The offspring flies at 1800km / h, however, when flying above the clouds it reaches a top speed of 2100km / h.


Level 151-200: The offspring flies at 2100km / h, however, when flying above the clouds it reaches a top speed of 2400km / h.


Level 201-250: The offspring flies at 2400km / h, however, when flying above the clouds it reaches a top speed of 2700km / h.


Level 251-300: The offspring flies at 2700km / h, however, when flying above the clouds it reaches a top speed of 3000km / h.


Solar Healing


Amaterasu, always very close to the sun, its main symbol, possessed the natural ability of when exposed to the light of the giant fireball it healed much faster than the "normal".


Levels 1-10: When exposed to sunlight the offspring of the goddess can quickly regenerate from small cuts suffered.


Levels 11-25: Offspring regeneration now covers the medium cuts suffered.


Levels 26-35: The cure provided by sunlight is now able to regenerate broken bones from the offspring, it is indicated that before the healing process is initialized the limb is positioned correctly or may occur if it "fixes" in the wrong way.


Levels 36-50: The cure can even recover crushed bones, but the risk of error still exists because if the cure is done during a lot of movement it can end up hindering the process causing the bone to be reconstructed with some defect, irreparable or not.


Levels 51-99: Solar healing is now able to quickly regenerate large cuts suffered.


Levels 100-150: In case of bleeding, exposure to sunlight can help stop it quickly and effectively, but it requires concentration and immobilization so that everything can be cured without complications.


Levels 151-200: Now while Amaterasu's son is in the presence of sunlight, brain damage directed at him will be quickly healed.


Levels 201-250: Now even damage directed at the offspring's aura will be healed quickly and effectively as long as it is in direct sunlight.


Levels 251-300: At its peak, the offspring can heal even from limb disappointments, but of course, if the neck is the target, the cure will not be possible because he will already be dead. This goes for important organs like the heart for example as well.




Fotokineshisu is nothing more than the manipulation of sunlight and its derivatives, something that the offspring inherits from their mother known as "The Goddess of the Sun."


Levels 1-10: At first the offspring is limited to controlling only small amounts of sunlight during the day, of course, for this reason during the night it is practically impossible for them to be able to use any attack or defense using the light.


Levels 11-25: It is able to absorb sunlight, meaning the demigod will be able to use his powers even in the darkest places, but it will be like a battery that if you use too much your stock of sunlight will end and so he will be unable to use this ability again until he absorbs more of the light from the great ball of fire, known as SOL.


Levels 26-35: Amaterasu's son starts to generate his own light from nothing, simply through his will, nothing too exaggerated since now that he is learning to perform such an action he can sometimes lose control of the situation or just can't do it.


Levels 36-50: The offspring have a higher control of their ability involving light, can create and shape their light more easily with just a little attention and with this the user can now raise two shaped wings from his back with giant hands that will serve both as a defense, as an attack or even as an impulse or things like that, because they are made of light they can even be destroyed but they can regenerate quickly.


Níveis 51-99: O filho da deusa consegue 'dobrar' a luz de modo que afete a visão de seu oponente, todos nós conseguirmos enxergar apenas o que é iluminado e usando dessa condição o mesmo consegue dominar a luz que o circunda e a dissipar de modo que a luz não o afete assim o tornando invisível aos olhos comuns por tempo indeterminado; Este ainda consegue também emanar dele uma "Aura de Luz" que serve como uma proteção pois enquanto a aura estiver ativa aquele que se aproximar do semideus será queimado pelo grande calor que ali se faz presente.


Levels 100-150: The demigod manages to transfer light to nature in order to illuminate the environment or to decorate it, this process is called bioluminescence that occurs only with the action of touch and wanting, for example: It touches on a tree and according to your will the tree will begin to emit colored lights as the leaves shone in green and the trunk in brown and so with any plant (this does not damage them because it is something superficial); Offspring have the ability to create illusions but these do not affect the mind, only the target's vision, like holographic projections, thus making them even immune to this type of ability end up falling into it.


Levels 151-200: As colors are the decomposition of white light, Amaterasu's son now has the ability to manipulate them as part of his photokinesis, he can change the color of objects and beings without damaging them and can create perfect camouflage environments or places very different from everything that already exists, recreating the color of everything around you; The demigod is now able to manipulate infrared light too so that even tracking through it is null, shuffling levels of that light so that it can hide better and better; Finally, he still manages to create and manipulate the laser, being able to shoot it from his eyes and hands smoothly.


Levels 201-250: Returning to the subject of colors, now the offspring can also manipulate the so-called rainbow by shooting it from their hands, projecting it anywhere and enjoying it naturally as a derivation of conventional light; The son of the goddess can at this stage of his abilities use teleportation through light so that he simply dissipates in the environment in a matter of milliseconds and reappears wherever he wants, as long as that place has light, obviously; As teleportation is something more individual and he will not always be alone, the demigod develops the ability to also create portals of light that took him instantly to wherever he wants and so he can also take whoever he wants with him;


Levels 251-300: Reaching the peak of all its power, the offspring of Amaterasu awakens the complete solar manipulation in which the user can create, model and manipulate all aspects of a sun, from its immense heat, luminosity, mass / field gravitational, magnetic field, crude nuclear energy and reaction, etc. More specific effects include solar winds, geomagnetic storms and promoting plant growth; The demigod, after all the possible evolution of his powers, awakens the ability to control sacred and divine energies, often connected to one or more gods or the light. 


Sword Skill


Level 1: Amaterasu no matter how peaceful she was, she was also an expert warrior and swordsman fighting bravely with her kusanagi sword given by her brother Susano to her, her children are as good with the weapon as she, always being very fast and accurate in their skills. movements involving swords.


Radiant Beauty


Amaterasu, besides being a very strong and powerful goddess, was also a very beautiful and graceful goddess attracting looks and causing admiration wherever she went, her children are as beautiful and graceful as their mother, having an effect similar to that of her beauty caused in people.


Levels 1-30: Amaterasu's children at first only manage to attract glances wherever they go, being one of the most beautiful campers in their camp.


Levels 31-60: The same now causes some admiration in the people where to pass.


Levels 61-90: This one now manages to avoid being the target of the first attacks of any being or creature thanks to its beauty.


Levels 91-120: The offspring are able to achieve small favors using only their appearance to induce the target to do as they please.


Levels 121-150: The favors that can be achieved are average like putting the 'victim' to do heavy duty in your place.


Level 151-180: People close to the offspring will have such a strong admiration for them that from now on they will protect them at all costs.


Inherited Resistance


Levels 1-50: Initially, the goddess's offspring inherit one of their resistances, which includes poisonous attacks of all kinds.


Levels 51-100: The new resistance that the offspring develops is that involving attacks that affect the emotional of this


Levels 101-150: The son of the goddess now has the stamina that makes it difficult for him to be hit by any disease whatsoever.


Levels 151-200: The offspring now acquire resistance to abilities that reach the mental in any way.


Amaterasu's Blessing


Level 50: After becoming familiar with the powers inherited from their mother, the offspring gains a blessing on them at a specific time of the day, at the exact moment when the sun is at its peak at 12:00 (noon). its powers are elevated to absurd levels reaching the global level as long as it is at that time and only at that time.


Contagious Lull


Unlike Susano, Amaterasu has always been a goddess of peace and calm and always brought this with her wherever she went through an almost imperceptible aura that transmits those sensations to those reached by her, since her birth her children have this same aura that works the same way as the goddess.


Levels 1-30: The aura is limited to covering an area of ​​about 2 meters from where the offspring are found, calming the beings and creatures that are covered by it.


Levels 31-60: The aura expands up to 5 meters from where it is.


Levels 61-90: The aura reaches about 8 meters from now.


Levels 91-120: Aura range is 12 meters at this level.


Levels 121-150: 15 meters is the new area of ​​reach for the offspring's aura.

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Active Skills




Amaterasu was also known by some as the goddess of agronomy, since she was the one who blessed the plantations so that they would grow strong and healthy. 


Levels 1-10: At first, as the offspring are not yet so familiar with their powers and all their abilities, they can only communicate with the plants and get information from them, whatever they may be. 


Levels 11-25: The demigod now manages to grow some plants more quickly and use this to his advantage, except that through them the offspring can make use of seismic perception to feel and track beings and objects within the reach of the plants. 


Levels 26-35: Amaterasu's son already develops the ability to control the plants by determining where, how and how much he will grow without being able to completely control his movements. 


Levels 36-50: The son of the goddess is now able to fully control the movements of the plants, moving branches, vines and roots as he pleases so that he can use these elements to attack, defend himself, etc. 


Levels 51-99: The offspring are now able to control the flowers of the trees and create them from scratch and thus use them as a way of attack making them shuriken, etc., or of defense by creating giant flowers that served as shield. 


Levels 100-150: The manipulation of plants by the son of Amaterasu now extends to the manipulation of seeds in which the offspring will be able to create and shoot the most varied seeds and from them create plants in somewhat unusual places as well as within a living being ; Now it will also have the ability to manipulate the wood itself, creating it wherever you want and using it for different purposes. 


Levels 151-200: The demigod now manages to create the most varied types of poisons and toxins as well as the cure for them, he manages to release these as he wishes either in liquid or vaporous form. 


Levels 201-250: The son of the goddess is able at this stage to revive dead plants and in addition to actually give life to the plants he wants so that they rise from the ground and walk like humans and can act according to the will of their creator . 


Levels 251-300: The offspring finally release the ability to take advantage of mutation induction where they can reorganize the genetic structure of plants, and can even create mutant plants.




Another element that represents the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu, is the element of fire that ends up giving rise to pyrokinesis in which the children of the goddess end up inheriting. 


Levels 1-10: The offspring are able to control the flames in the environment in which they are able to ignite, extinguish and redirect them, however, they will not be able to create their own flames yet. 


Levels 11-25: The son of the goddess is now able to generate his own flames, no longer limited to only those that are already in the environment, thus expanding and creating new opportunities for it. 


Níveis 26-35: Os herdeiros de Amaterasu terão a capacidade de induzir o processo de ebulição com apenas seu olhar, através da concentração o mesmo foca sua visão no alvo e conseguirá fazer com que aos poucos ele entre em ebulição, podendo usar isso em oponentes para fazer eles suarem mais rápido e se cansar mais rápido ainda. Em alguns casos essa Indução é tão forte e contínua que acaba fazendo que o alvo pegue fogo como se fosse "do nada". 


Levels 36-50: Now the offspring will be able to make their combustion induction so strong that it will pass through the fire and reach the melting point, of course it will not be instantaneous but after about 3 shifts on the effect of the induction the melting will begin and even human bodies gave in to it; In addition, with the development of their skills involving the creation of fire more directly, the offspring develops the ability to spit flames through their mouths without suffering any damage. 


Levels 51-99: The children of Amaterasu at this stage of their powers have the ability to create a kind of layer of fire on their body and use it as armor, becoming less affected by attacks that cannot pass through the layer of fire. fire. In order to reach the user's body, one must first overcome the fire barrier in the user's body, even though it is made of fire, it is as resistant as the best real armor. Affects immune.


Levels 100-150: The children of the goddess as they have completely or almost completely mastered the common flames they evolve and are now able to summon and make use of the so-called blue flames which in general are hotter and more destructive blue flames than the common flames. 


Levels 151-200: The offspring now that they have exceptional control over common flames and at least good control with blue flames, are able to make use of green flames that are stronger and hotter than blue flames. 


Levels 201-250: The demigod now awakens a variation of flame handling that is "explosive fire", with such capacity it can create a fire that explodes or turns anything that the fire burns into a time bomb. Whatever comes into contact with the user's flames, begins to burn and explodes; along with this he starts to be able to deny the flames of his opponents becoming almost invulnerable to pyrokinetic attacks. 


Levels 251-300: The son of the sun goddess at its peak is capable of generating and controlling now a variation of fire originating from space, common in celestial bodies such as stars, meteors, planetoids, etc. One of the main characteristics of this type of flame is its power overwhelmingly greater than ordinary fire, blue and green, since most of its users acquire a destructive capacity with a level that goes from the planetarium to the galactic. In addition, as they originate from space, these flames do not depend on oxygen to burn, which means that they can be created in almost any environment.


Wire Manipulation


Amaterasu was a weaver goddess, known for weaving and sewing the most varied things with other weavers. That is why their children end up developing the ability to create, shape and control threads. 


Levels 1-10: The offspring has the ability to create, shape and manipulate threads, long, thin and flexible material, cutting and combining them as needed, or moving as telekinesis and using these to control other people like puppets, such strings initially have the resistance of iron.


Levels 11-25: The wires produced by the children of Amaterasu now gain strength in steel. 


Levels 26-35: The offspring wires now have the strength of titanium, just as these have the ability to cut human flesh with ease. 


Levels 36-50: The resistance of the wires is now diamond and they can easily cut bones. When using these wires to control other beings such as puppets, the wire as soon as it "connects" to its target, it will remove its movements facilitating its control. 


Levels 51-99: The wires now have the ability to cut capable of breaking whole trees with ease. 


Levels 100-150: The wires now cut rocks with extreme ease. 


Levels 151-200: The cutting capacity of the wires in this phase includes even huge rocks that broke easily with their movement. 


Levels 201-250: Using only the wires the offspring will be able to cut entire mountains without the slightest difficulty.


Yasaka Magatama


Through the use of his energies, the demigod is able to create Yasaka in Magatama through any of his hands, which can include a single magatama or several, connected through their respective centers by a wire of energy. Due to this structure, the tools act in a similar way to that of a shuriken when they are thrown by Amaterasu's son - turning quickly and advancing on the intended target - and results in a strong collision after impact. The size of the projectiles created depends on the intention and situation of the user, with minor variations, often used in combat indoors or in confined spaces


Levels 1-50: A single magatama created between the two hands of the offspring or from just one, which is launched at the target. 


Levels 51-100: Three magatama linked together by a single, circular wire, which are created between the two hands of the offspring or from just one, which are then launched at the target, as a single combined projectile.


Levels 101-150: A considerable number of magatama strung between the two of Susanoo's hands, using an interconnect wire. These then separate from each other as it heads towards the target, in order to make each magatama a separate projectile. The power when the magatama are separated is comparable to dynamite.


Golden aura


Levels 1-10: Amaterasu's offspring are able to emanate a golden glow from their hands that will serve to heal their allies (does not work on the offspring itself) and with this regenerate minor damage from them. 


Levels 11-25: With the healing coming from the golden aura in his hands, the son of the goddess now manages to remove the pain from his companions and allies. 


Levels 26-35: During a battle many of your allies may have their bones broken, with the golden aura the demigod is able to treat and regenerate these bones that will quickly be like new. 


Levels 36-50: The regenerating power of the golden aura from the hands of the offspring now covers and covers even medium damage your allies suffer. 


Levels 51-99: The healing ability of the son of the sun goddess even manages to reconstruct bones that were crushed in battle, in addition he manages to remove bone fragments with mastery if necessary. 


Levels 100-150: The regeneration caused by the powers of the golden aura of the offspring's hands can heal even the greatest damage done to their allies. 


Levels 151-200: The healing power of the demigod is so great that it stops bleeding and effectively treats the most varied diseases so that the "patient" is completely cured in a very short time. 


Levels 201-250: From this stage onwards, it heals and regenerates its allies from giant damage suffered in battle with ease and speed as well as great effectiveness. 


Levels 251-300: At its peak the son of the sun goddess becomes one of the camp's greatest healers, capable of healing any illness or extreme damage suffered by his allies during the battles that arise.


Solar Vision


Amaterasu's offspring are able through their eyes to access one of their mother's most powerful abilities, the divine flames she consumes burns anything.


Level 150: The offspring's eyes then change to yellow, their vision gradually improves, acquiring the peculiar ability to generate divine flames at the focal point of the offspring's vision. Whenever it focuses its vision on a specific target, things or be these flames will materialize and consume at an extremely fast speed, even the soul and the body are affected. These flames can also be used to consume even other types of flames, absorbing them for themselves and strengthening themselves, even beings that are intangible or mimicked are affected.


Ps: These flames cannot be controlled or extinguished (unless the offspring wants to), besides canceling regeneration.


Summoning Crows


One of the symbols of the goddess Amaterasu is the raven animal since in addition to this being an animal that in Japan represented dawn, the sun goddess also had a pet raven in which she was very attached. 


Levels 1-30: At first the offspring will be able to call crows that are close to where they are and talk to and understand them, being able to ask them for favors such as getting information, causing distractions, etc. 


Levels 31-60: The demigod is now able to summon his own crows without a problem and control them as he pleases. 


Levels 61-90: Amaterasu's son has the ability to divide himself into several crows to escape attacks, and he can create a kind of connection with birds by seeing what they see and hearing what they hear. 


Levels 91-120: Amaterasu's son's maximum ability now is to create clones of ravens that are durable and when hit by strong attacks they crumble into multiple ravens.


Mirror Manipulation


Another very important symbol of the sun goddess is the mirror. The mirror is one of the three treasures belonging to the goddess in which it was used to remove it from inside the cave and thus return the light to the world. 


Levels 1-10: The demigod can create shields, blades and different melee weapons made entirely and purely of celestial glass. Such molded objects move at impeccable speed, being able to make several cuts on your opponent without him even realizing it. They are compared to shots from the best revolvers, but they are fragile nonetheless. 


Levels 11-25: It can invoke entire mirrors, but the mirrors that are invoked are not made of any glass either. Heavenly glass is practically equated with steel as hard and resistant as it is. Only its reflection, which is thin and fragile, being its biggest weakness. The demigod manages to go unnoticed in small crowds, hide in foliage and derivatives, when he is in dark places, or too bright, he can confuse his image with that of other objects. It also acquires initial characteristics of a mirror, being able to anticipate attacks. 


Levels 26-35: Mirrors can absorb and send back physical blows from a long distance, such as fireballs and shurikens. The same manages to manipulate his own image too, mixing with large forests and disappearing in crowds, however, not invisible. It reflects the image itself in the vision of up to 3 people, creating illusions and hallucinations from your body. Your skin gains a lustrous layer that reflects everything around you. 


Levels 36-50: They can absorb and send back even magic strikes against the offspring. They can also absorb and send their handler and whoever he wants to other locations as if they were portals. Amaterasu's son now changes his body parts to a clear and silvery shape, with much of the skin protected. It has the ability to soften physical blows. 


Levels 51-99: The illusion of this power is immeasurable. You can copy and reflect your opponent's worst memories, in addition to your deepest fears and nightmares. Creating enormous psychological pain, of course. To be done, all you need is several thin mirrors that are camouflaged and invisible to everyone (except for the manipulator) and that lodge around the opponent and begin to make the illusions with perfection and mastery. Such illusions can be broken with punches and physical blows directed at the mirrors, in the part of the reflex. At this level, the demigod can shatter his body in a thousand pieces of mirror, floating and crawling at will. When in proximity to the water, it manages to attract it and to erect several mirrors, depending on the quantity. 


Levels 100-150: The manipulator can shape his body with mirrors and cutting blades to attack or better resist the advances of the opponent, forming strong blows that can cut the whole body of those who challenge them. 


Levels 151-200: Mirrors can also clone attacks from your handler or have him copy (only physical) blows from your opponents. An example is: if he invokes a being, the mirrors can clone that being in the same way. However, the clone made is fragile and is broken with just one strike. The goddess's son now also mimics the entire body in a mirror, reducing himself to a crystalline powder. You can manipulate your pieces freely and shape them freely. 


Levels 201-250: When exposed to sunlight and lunar, it absorbs all its energy and clarity, gaining an extra point in resistance. You can petrify your opponent with a simple touch, turning your body into crystals; lasts 6 rounds.


Inverted Dimension


Level 50: Amaterasu's son will now have access to his own dimension based on the manipulation of mirrors. This dimension is a dimension in which it is an exact copy of the central dimension (Earth) that can be shaped and reconstructed at will by the offspring who will have total and absolute control over the place there. The offspring can enter there through a mirror-portal or break the line that separates reality from one dimension of the other so that the one who is close to them will go to that place together or banish their enemies there through the simplest touch, whoever enters or is sent there will only be able to leave with the permission and help of the goddess's son. It is worth remembering that nothing done in that parallel space affects the earth.


Level 100: At this stage the son of Amaterasu controls everything within the dimension, when we refer to everything it means that even those who are sent there are now subject to the will and whims of the demigod who may diminish their powers or block them completely, reverse psychological characteristics, etc., of course, when leaving everything that the "prisoner" had changed within the dimension will return to normal.


Obs: The domain only works with beings of level / power equal or inferior.




Ōdachinagi is a unique ability of the descendants of Amaterasu, which allows him to create indestructible weapons from a formation of special malleable energy, red and shiny that floats behind his back. 


Level 30: The user is able to produce various types of weapons and improvised tools by pulling them from the formation of chakram on his back. The variety of weapons that can be produced is unlimited, allowing its user to adapt to almost any situation during a battle. When necessary, the energy disintegrates as if it were glass, and then reformulates into another weapon. A multitude of weapons can also be manifested at the same time, as the user is able to manipulate them telekinetically.


Ten no Sōzokujin no Katachi


At one stage of their life, the children of the sun goddess are able to release a hidden form until then, such a shape completely transforms the offspring, their hair has grown long, their irises become red like a supernova with black lines drawn in it, her robes will be exchanged for a white kimono with gold and light blue ornaments; it will have absolute control over photokinesis, pyrokinesis and mirror manipulation. All of his skills and senses will be improved dramatically as he will be able to summon his own Kusanagi sword much like his mother's, she is indestructible and can cut anything, when used on a living being it is able to seal your soul on the blade for all eternity, or even when it wants to release it and can only be handled by its summoner. 


Levels 180-200: The form lasts 2 rounds.


Levels 201-220: The form lasts 3 rounds.


Levels 221-240: The form lasts 4 rounds.


Levels 241-260: The form lasts 5 rounds.


Note: Can only be used three times per event

Complaint gifts

Taiyō ni kagayaku


A ring with Rubies studded that when saying “Taiyō”, it will shine and a red aura will cover your body, making it flaming and an armor will be created. No one will be able to touch you without getting burned.

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