Special Packages
The special packages are nothing less than drachma / diamond / vip packages together for a special price, only VIP RED / DIAMOND / PLATIN players can purchase them.
40,000 drachmas
200 diamonds
4 MONTHS VIP diamond
4 MONTHS VIP platinum

23,000 diamonds 3,500 drachmas

23,000 diamonds 3,500 drachmas

15,000 diamonds + 1 month of vip
46,000 diamonds + 1 month of vip + 1 ss

15,000 diamonds + 1 month of vip
46,000 diamonds + 1 month of vip + 1 ss
15,000 diamonds + 500 RUBYS + 3,500 DRACMAS
45,000 DRACMAS + 1 month of vip

15,000 diamonds + 500 RUBYS + 3,500 DRACMAS
45,000 DRACMAS + 1 month of vip

Many players end up having unforeseen events in their personal lives that end up making them leave the RPG, most of the time these players are great players and after a while they end up returning to the RPG, but without their old characters who made history, the option ' 'Bring Character' 'allows the player to have his character back with the levels, titles, history and additional items / pets / pets, the cost of this benefit is R $ 10 or R $ 20 for each character, the rules are as follows:
1 - Have a seat for the god, if it is a test / limited one
2 -Have VIP, if the character is VIP
3 - Have the avatar available, if it is already in use, you can choose to choose another one.
4 - Create a scene when you return to the camp, explaining the reason for your absence from the camp.
5 - Paying R $ 10 the player will have the history and the titles again.
6 - Paying R $ 20 the player will have the story, titles, items, levels, pets and extras.