It is about the divine potential of a Half-Blood, according to the time and the battles and wars that the half blood acquires in its history, it ends up surpassing itself, from the release of more powers to even a greater increase in its divine energy which makes the energy storage of a demigod at the level 200-300 somewhat disproportionate to someone at the level 50-100 for example. From level 300 onwards, the demigod undergoes an evolutionary process in his even greater divinity, releasing from new benefits to new powers.
Level 300: Unlocks Gamma Transformation (Free)
Level 300 : Characters who have a wall unlock the "Level 300" emblem.
Level 300 : Can be nominated to become a Holy King or Infernal Lord.
Level 300: Can win a divine position in some saga (It is not a fixed position, the character can lose the position at any time)
Level 300: Semi-gods / Semi-monsters and Semi-Demons at this level will passively and naturally have, without the need for divine transformations, the base power of a mythological monster like Medusa and Cyclops. It should be noted that this is only the base power and not the total power.
Level 350: Unlocks Delta Transformation (Buy at the Diamond Shop.)
Level 400: Release a Mini Plot (Free)
Level 400: You can now create the powers of the divine office you hold. (Powers leveled between level 400-800.)
Level 450: Semi-gods / Semi-monsters and Semi-Demons at this level will passively and naturally have, without the need for divine transformations, the base power of a mythological monster king like Kuzenbo. It should be noted that this is only the base power and not the total power.
Level 500: Unlocks Beta Transformation (Free)
Level 500: Characters that have a wall unlock the "Level 500" emblem.
Level 500: Semi-gods / Semi-monsters and Semi-Demons passively and naturally, without the need for divine transformations, the base power of an Angeli Creatures Dei, an angelic creation. It should be noted that this is only the base power and not the total power.
Level 500: Angelis Creatures Dei passively and naturally, without the need for divine transformations, have the basic power of a pagan god like Apollo and Morpheus. It should be noted that this is only the base power and not the total power.
Level 550: Release the Zeta Transformation (Buy at Comercial Center.)
Level 600: Unleash a Mini Plot (Free)
Level 600: Earn a castle as a gift from the gods.
Level 600: Can be nominated to be a Supreme Emperor.
Level 700: Unlocks Alpha Transformation
Level 800: Unleash a Mini Plot (Free)
Level 800: Semi-Entities now passively and naturally have, without the need for divine transformations, the basic power of a primordial god like Nyx and Chronos . It should be noted that this is only the base power and not the total power.
Level 850: Unlocks the Eta Transformation (Buy at the Diamond Shop.)
Level 900: Semi-gods / Semi-monsters and Semi-Demons have passively and naturally, without the need for divine transformations, the basic power of a pagan god like Apollo and Morpheus . It should be noted that this is only the base power and not the total power.
Level 950: Angelis Creatures I gave in a passive and natural way, without the need for divine transformations, the basic power of a primordial god like Nyx and Chronos . It should be noted that this is only the base power and not the total power. .
Level 1000: Divine Heritage:
- Demigods (in general) descendants of Kings of the Gods (EX: Odin, Zeus) or a Kingdom (EX: Hades, Hel, Arthur) may inherit a minor deity position in some saga. In addition, the demigod will also have book access to the divine world of his pantheon, example: A Greek camper will have access to Olympus whenever he wants.
- Semi Entities (Tehom, Luz, Eldricth's) can create a divine world / kingdom having pseudo omnipotent control over it. It will also be considered "Valid" among other deities. They can create their own armies and creations with the power of mythological monsters.
- Children of Knights (Death, War, Plague and Hunger) of the Apocalypse receive their own Horse as well as a Divine Position. Becoming a Pseudo-Knight of the Apocalypse.
- ANGELI CREATURE DEI (Miguel, Metatron, Gabriel and etc.) cannot create their own domain, however they manage to reach the evolutionary state, becoming a true Angel. Having access to Paradise and Nigh-Omnipotent control over a part of it.
- Children of Demons and other infernal beings (Azazyel, Samhain, Lucifer, Lilith and etc.) cannot create their own domain, however, they manage to complete their evolutionary state, becoming true demons, gaining full access over Hell, and control Nigh- Omnipotent over a part of it.
Level 1000 : The character has earned the respect of monsters and other mythological creatures, and for that reason, whenever he calls a mythological creature, he will answer you.
Level 1000 : Omega Transformation
Level 1000 : Characters that have a wall unlock the "Level 1000" emblem.
Level 1000: The demigod / monster / demon / angelic creation has already earned the respect of the gods, and for that reason his STATE can be deflected without any consequence.
Level 1100: Increase in your level of natural power.
Semi God / Semi-Monster / Semi-Demon - Conquer the base power of a primordial god.
Angelic Creation - Conquer the base power of a primordial demon like Lilith or Belial.
Semi Entity - Conquer the base power of an elf.
Level 1200: Release of the Chronos Room for Training: The same besides being able to use it to age, it also manages to release 2 new powers, these being a passive and an active one (created by the player himself and evaluated by a responsible of the Rework)
Level 1200 : The character has earned the respect of the gods , and for that reason, whenever he calls a god, he will answer you.
Level 1250: Fixation of divine position, if your character has any position, there will no longer be the risk that he will lose the position he has in future sagas.
Level 1300: You can earn a new divine position in some saga, being able to have two divine positions at the same time. (The second position is not a fixed position, the character can lose the position at any time)
Level 1300: It manages to release 2 new powers, these being a liability and an asset (created by the player himself and evaluated by a person responsible for Rework)
Level 1300 : Increase in your level of natural power.
Semi God / Semi-Monster / Semi-Demon - Conquer the base power of a primordial demon.
Angelic Creation - Conquer the basic power of an elf.
Semi Entity - Conquer the basic power of a Pleiadian.
Level 1400: 1 Mini Saga focused on the story of your character, and as a reward you can even purchase a Divine Position. (Free)
Level 14 00: It manages to release 2 new powers, these being a liability and an asset (created by the player himself and evaluated by a person responsible for Rework)
Level 1400: You can now create the powers of the second divine office you have. (Powers leveled between level 1400-1800.)
Level 1500: Increase in your level of natural power.
Semi God / Semi-Monster / Semi-Demon - Conquer the base power of an elf.
Angelic Creation - Conquer the basic power of a Pleiadian.
Semi Entity - Conquer the base power of an angel like Ariel and Jael.
Level 1500: The gods present you with a planet. (Free.)
Level 1500 : The character has earned the respect of the goblins , and for that reason, whenever he calls a goblin, he will answer you.
Level 1500: It manages to release 2 new powers, these being a liability and an asset (created by the player himself and evaluated by a person responsible for Rework)
Level 1500: Unleash the Epsilon Transformation (Buy at the Drachma Shop.)
Level 1600: Special Training with a Divine Being. Acquiring with it the ability to completely dominate a (purchased) transformation that has the limit equivalent to the power of an angel, without any time limitation.
Level 1600 : The character has earned the respect of angels , and for that reason, whenever he calls an angel, he will answer you.
Level 1600: It manages to release 2 new powers, these being a liability and an asset (created by the player himself and evaluated by a person responsible for Rework)
Level 17 00: It manages to release 2 new powers, these being a liability and an asset (created by the player himself and evaluated by a person in charge of Rework)
Level 1700: Increase in your level of natural power.
Semi God / Semi-Monster / Semi-Demon - Conquer the basic power of a Pleiadian.
Angelic Creation - Conquer the base power of an angel.
Semi Entity - Conquer the base power of an archangel like Uriel and Salatiel.
Goblins - Conquer the base power of an archangel like Uriel and Salatiel.
Level 1800: Receives a second access to the Chronos Room, where the demigod can now unlock an exclusive divine transformation even stronger than his natural one (his base power may be increased to a level compared to that of purchased forms). The transformation is created by the player himself and evaluated by a person responsible for Rework.
Level 1850: Fixation of the second divine position, if your character has a second divine position, there will no longer be the risk that he will lose the position he holds in future sagas.
Level 1900: Receives Blood Training. + Permission to become a Captain Titanic (may vary). The training increases your divine power even more, suffering an increase in your natural base power.
Semi God / Semi-Monster / Semi-Demon - Conquer the base power of a Primordial Angel like Gabriel, Metratron and Raphael.
Angelic Creation - Conquer the base power of a primordial monster from Tehom like Enuma.
Semi Entity - Conquer the base power of a legendary angel like Lucifer and Michael.
Goblins - Conquer the base power of a legendary angel like Lucifer and Michael.
Level 2000: At its peak, Blood can create its own Divine Item, such an item can become as powerful or / and important as the Three Eyes. Such item will be evaluated by Yuri. This item may vary as he may use his position to create such a power or his own divine power.
Level 2000: You can win a new divine position in some saga, being able to have three divine positions at the same time. (The third position is not a fixed position, the character can lose the position at any time) There is no leveling in the powers, since you have reached the maximum level.