Angurboda or, in Portuguese, Angerboda (Angrboða in Old Norse) is a Jotun (Giant) wife of Loki and goddess of fear, with whom she generated the three monstrosities: Jormungard (the terrible serpent of Midgard ), the wolf Fenrir and Hela ( the goddess of the underworld).
Appearance: Both men and women have an enviable physique, men must be at least 1.90 in height and women 1.75 in height.
Personality: They are considered kind of wild, do not become friends with someone overnight, it takes time to get the trust of a son of Angurboda.
Passive Powers
Booming Force
Level 1-10: Your physical strength is hundreds of times stronger than the other Nordic ones. In this way, the demigod is able to perform numerous feats, such as launching his targets by meters or creating small cracks with a simple flick or touch the ground. When hit by a blow from Angurboda's son, the victim may have broken bones, damaged organs or even die.
Level 11-25: You already have a gigantic superhuman strength and are able to crush giant stones with a single finger, acquire a monstrous physical strength with this technique, allowing you to create giant craters or fissures with just a swipe of your heel or finger.
Level 25-35: You already have the power to knock down mountains with your fists.
Levels 36-50: You already have the strength to drop pure diamond with your fists.
Levels 51-99: Can break materials with strength above the diamond with its handles.
Immunity to fear / panic
Level 1: All the Children of Angurboda are practically not afraid or panic after all, they are her children, so they manage to act calmly in the most extreme circumstances. In other words, they will be immune to fear and will resist panic.
Mental stamina
Takes possession of attacks that affect the brain better than other campers, such as illusions, seductions and other types. Upon passing a certain level that the demigod possesses, the resistance becomes even greater, due to the fact that fear is directly linked to the psychological.
Levels 1-10: The demigod gains an extra delay in his brain, making it take longer to get dizzy and hypnotized about mental attacks, unlike others.
Levels 11-25: Even though he is still hypnotized by the delayed time, the camper already ceases the dizziness circulated by the mental power.
Levels 26-35: Now the demigod gains an invigorated resistance, further slowing the brain. Even though he is still dizzy, he is no longer hypnotized by mental attacks.
Levels 36-50: Now it becomes with an extreme resistance coupled to the brain in relation to mental attacks - including active ones -, never being affected by them. They are indifferent to those possessing that power.
Phobia location
My children felt fears of various demigods and creatures so they will know where their enemies are.
Levels 1-10: Angurboda's children feel demigods and creatures within ten meters.
Levels 11-25: You can now feel within a radius of twenty meters.
Levels 26-35: Can feel within a radius of thirty meters.
Level 36-50: Now you will be able to feel within a radius of one hundred meters.
Level 51-99: You can now feel it within 1 km
Creation of the Renaissance
A secret technique of regenerative Jotuns. The technique itself does not regenerate old cells, on the contrary, it speeds up the creation of new ones through fragmentation.
Level 1-10: Angurboda's son releases his energy reserve and manages to take advantage of this reserve when using this other one. Activating this technique passively, the demigod forces the stimulation of protein creation, resulting in the cellular fragmentation of the organism, reconstituting all tissues and organs in the organism. So lighter wounds are regenerated quickly.
Level 11-25: Now if the demigod is whose tissues and vital organs are seriously injured, he will almost instantly be restored to his unhurt state.
Level 26-35: Now the creation of Angurboda achieves the ability to regenerate certain parts of the body or cells that have been dismembered or destroyed and to replace them with new cells, or simply to regroup all their separate parts.
Level 36-50: Can regenerate several dismembered body parts at once, or even regenerate if the camper is split in half without any difficulties.
Level 51-99: You can now automatically regenerate fatal parts like the heart and the head. It becomes impossible for him to be killed in any way, as such, he gains a form of "immortality" due to his unstoppable self-regeneration.
Super Jumps
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 5: In spite of not being able to fly naturally, Angurboda's children have the ability to make incredible jumps, being able to jump up to more than 10 meters in height in one go.
Active Powers
Dark Transformation
You become your own fear of the enemy (as if it were a mutation), making you afraid and afraid of the attack.
Levels 1-10: You will see the person you love most in the form of an evil spirit
Levels 11-25: Now she will see optical effects of herself undergoing frightening mutations from the enemy itself.
Levels 26-35: Now you can transform yourself into anything you want from every fear your opponent felt.
Levels 36-50: Will have the ability to use on demigods who have immunity to fear / terror / panic
Scream of fear lady
With a cry, the son of Angurboda increases the power of all the allies of the night (Semi-gods who get stronger during the night). During the battle or absorb the enemy's negative energy to become stronger.
Levels 1-10: Your character's scream is weak only takes effect during the night, in dark or closed places, giving a 10% increase to the nearest night's ally.
Levels 11-25: Now the offspring of Angurboda have the power to increase the allies by two.
Levels 26-35: The scream got louder giving the opponents a little chills still increasing 35% of the powers of the two allies.
Levels 36-50: Angurboda's offspring will now be able to choose who should have increased power
Levels 51-99: With the cry, the offspring can stun enemies for ten seconds.
Levels 100-149: Has the ability to absorb the bad feelings of his opponents making Angurboda's spawn increase by 80% of his powers the actor gets stronger at night, in closed or dark places.
Level 150: Reached the peak of the scream of fear can increase power by 100% at most ten team allies and with the scream causing despair in the opponents hindering your combat performance even the immune.
The offspring of Angurboda are considered semi-gods in relation to night as well, the same can be transformed into one of the most feared beings of mortals, demigods, creatures etc. Dementors are soulless creatures, considered to be from darkness, they are below all the dirtiest beings on Earth and are capable of repressing human intelligence, as well as sucking their happiness and vital energy. Dementors are described as grotesque humanoid creatures, with more or less 3 meters tall, they wear long, tattered black hooded cloaks, which only reveal their decomposed hands. Under the hood a Dementor has no eyes, so it is believed that he is blind and has the ability to slide without making any noise to his victims feeling his emotions and movements.
Levels 1-10: I managed to turn into quite dark places or during the night with a lot of concentration you can only assume with your appearance you will not be able to use the creature's powers (2 rounds).
Levels 7-15: The demigod manages to interpret the feelings felt by the people around him, knowing if they are nervous, happy, sad, in short, any feeling like this as soon as he interprets the feelings can be transformed even more with the demand for concentration (1 round).
Levels 11-25: Now you can use the transformation without the need for concentration but only at night after all Dementors don't like light.
Levels 26-35: Wherever a Dementor passes, all the joy is sucked in, he exhales a freezing breath, which is able to consume the good emotions of humans and demigods making them relive their worst memories. The higher the level from the semi-gods, the effects caused by them are cumulative, the colder and darker the place will be.
Levels 36-49: Little is known about their mysterious origin, but it is believed that they arose in dark and humid places, came from depressive memories, thus grew and reproduced like fungi, creating fog. Thus the offspring of Angurboda may leave o the place with a totally dark fog making the enemies stay totally in the dark thus seeing their depressive memories.
Level 50: With his transformation to the apex he reached a fatal point of the power of this creature called the Dementor's kiss, his most powerful attack. He opens his mouth of darkness, and sucks his victim's vital energy, causing his soul to drain and remain in a vegetative state, without any memory or feeling.
Anti social
Because you are children of the fear goddess, people will not like you very much because you have an aura that causes fear with the evolution of your powers. The aura of fear can reach such a point that no one wants to come near you.
Levels 1-10: Emits an aura of fear that drives people away, as they feel their presence and become afraid.
Levels 11-25: My children can now leave chills for having panic as it leaves both fear and panic in the environment making semi-gods feel vulnerable to disrupt their combat performance.
Levels 26-35: Now my children can leave demigods and creatures of levels below their own to feel scared making them obey Angurboda's offspring.
Levels 37-50: My children reaching that level can terrify so much demigods and creatures that he will go mad indefinitely depends on the enemy's phobia if it is levels below Angurboda's offspring suffered more easily.
Levels 51-99: All monsters and even demigods know your name. You are known among them as the Prince or Princess of Fear thus making enemies feel fear only by your name.
Battleship Transformation
We are a family owned and operated business.
Angurboda's son turns into a giant, he is 15 meters tall. Its body is covered like a hard skin like a carapace, except for the joints allowing it great mobility. Angurboda's son has several combat skills, as well as great concentration and great physical fitness. As a Battleship Giant, his body is protected by hardened, armor-like skin, robust enough to completely repel cannon shots and concentrated attacks. He also has incredible strength and speed . However, this hardened skin does not manifest itself on your joints in order to allow you to maintain your high speed and mobility.
Level 25-35: In this transformation it can reach a speed of 900 km / h.
Level 36-50: In this transformation you can reach the sound speed.
Level 51-99: Can overcome sound speed up to almost 10 times.
Level 100-150: Can reach lightning speed in this form
PS: The transformation lasts 5 rounds and can be used 1 time per combat.
Self-Cursing Seal
This is a seal technique applied during combat, and can be secretly placed on an opponent's body. When Angurboda's son activates him, the marks of the cursed seal spread across his opponent's body, paralyzing him. Taking away your ability to speak or move.
Level 1-10: To be able to apply the seal to the opponent it is necessary to touch the opponent for only 3 seconds in a row.
Level 11-25: To be able to apply the seal to the opponent it is necessary to touch the opponent for only 2 seconds in a row.
Level 26-35: To be able to apply the seal to the opponent it is necessary to touch the opponent for only 1 second in a row.
Level 36-50: To be carried out the attack requires a touch without time.
Level 51-99: For the attack to be carried out, just stare into the opponent's eyes.
Uncommon Torture
Fear can lead both demigods and caricatures to madness or even death.
Level 20: You can torture opponents, creating panic and fear in your mind, your torture is unusual and cruel. If you use it too much, it could bring the enemy to the brink of death, and Angurboda's children became totally tired.
Level 40: The creation of your fear becomes advanced and unusual by using and focusing more on creation, it can drive the opponent crazy, dementia related things, the effects will last for two rounds.
Chains of Jotunheim
Level 30: A technique that allows Agurboda's son to manifest special chains from the kingdom of Jotunheim to trap his target. These chains are strong enough to attach several beasts to a son of Angurboda, even remotely. Through the use of energy receivers , the user can manifest the currents of other beings, connecting to a target of the user. These currents are also able to trap anything that touches the energy receiver and causes a great deal of pain.
Vision Failure
By controlling fear and causing mild disturbances, Angurboda's children are able to make their enemies see a false future, such as the deaths of their family members or a possible attack.
Levels 1-10: After emitting a few bursts of light, they become projections before the target's eyes, leaving them at the mercy of a small illusion, such as a sudden attack, or a fall from a ladder.
Levels 11-49: Light transmissions can reach people within a 5x5 radius of Angurboda's son, allowing him to create a group illusion, like a fire, a creature or something. Individually, it is already possible to project death for family members or loved ones.
note: At this level, it is already possible to use the skill in unofficial battles.
Levels 50-99: You become an expert illusionist, and with the help of lighting tricks, you can create huge illusions, such as creatures, gods and huge explosions. Often, individually, he manages to bring the target into a state of psychotic trance that may be permanent or not. (The target can often border on madness with illusions).
First Dark Fire
A movement of the hand of Angurboda's son generates a blast of sharp black fire, which not only cuts but burns at a super high level. It is a ranged attack, with a range of 25m.
Level 1-10: generates only one.
Level 11-25: up to two.
Level 26-35: can cast 4.
Level 36-50: launches 6 cuts of fire.
Flaming Rocks .
Level 10: A kind of shield, where Angurboda's son causes several fire rocks to appear around him that are at a distance of 1m, preventing physical attacks, such rocks emanating a gigantic heat capable of melting almost everything around him, those who come into contact, will have their skins burned, and if they insist on touching, their arms will be charred and turned into ashes, it lasts 4 rounds.
Mother of the Three Monsters
It's a Prohibited Technique accessible only to Angurboda's children
Level 1-10: When activating the technique, the black "ribbons" spread throughout the whole body of Angurboda's son, he gains a 50% buff in his full potential.
Level 11-25: Acquire the ability to heal allies from serious wounds by just touching them.
Level 26-49: Acquires immunity to the four main elements, water, earth, fire and air.
Level 50-99: Acquire the ability to use Fenrir's active powers up to level 36.
Level 100-150: Acquire the ability to use Jörmungandr's active powers up to level 36.
Level 151-199: Acquire the ability to use Hel's active powers up to level 36.
Level 200: Acquire the ability and use all the active powers of the three monsters without limits.
PS: This form lasts 5 rounds and can be used 2 times per event.