Arachne, in Greek mythology , was a young Lydia with extraordinary skill in the art of embroidery. His works were so perfect and admired that they caught everyone's attention. Nymphs left streams and vineyards; peasants, toil. Due to so much admiration from everyone, Aracne began to compare herself to the goddess Athena in the quality of her works. When the news reached Olympus, Athena was furious at the mortal's petulance. She felt challenged and decided to promote a competition with Aracne to see who really deserved to be considered the best in the art of embroidery. When they went to check out the works, Athena found no defect in Aracne's so she furiously hit her head and tore her embroidery, Aracne, disappointed with what happened, decided to hang herself but Athena arrived in time and saved Aracne by turning the rope into that was in a web and turning it into a spider so that Arachne's perfect weave would stay alive forever. Another version says that the people were in doubt and Athena, out of anger, turned her into a spider.
And there is another one that says that Aracne made a play to a king who was dazzled and said that only Athena would do better so Aracne decided to challenge her to see who was the best. Athena accepted and so it was. During the challenge Athena saw that she had no chance, so she said that if Aracne gave up she would become the greatest spinner and weaver of all time, and Aracne accepted. However, instead of turning Athena into what she said, she turned her into a spider.
Appearance: The hair color is very light, a platinum blonde or even pure white.
Personality: They are cheerful and happy, they usually socialize with everyone around them.
Passive Powers
Arachnid Manipulation
The offspring of Arachne have a mental capacity to control arachnids, being of any type, being able to call spiders or even scorpions among several other types.
Level 1-10: can initially control, summon and call only small spiders.
Level 11-25: Now they are able to control, summon and summon spiders and common scorpions (of any kind).
Level 26-35: It already demonstrates the ability to summon and control any arthropod being belonging to the class of arachnids.
Level 36-50: Already demonstrates the ability to call extremely large and poisonous arachnids (scorpions, spiders, acarina, opilia and others), with enormous sizes reaching 40 meters.
Level 51-99: At this level it reaches the level of calling hybrids like arachne (man and arachnids)
Outstanding Force
Levels 1-10: Sons of Arachne are strong enough to destroy punched rocks.
Levels 11-25: They are able to destroy iron with force.
Levels 26-35: Can destroy diamond with physical strength.
Levels 36-50: Can destroy metals with force.
Levels 51-99: They are able to destroy steel with force.
Level 100-150: They manage to destroy adamantium by force.
Arachne's children are capable of making great leaps.
Levels 1-10: Can jump up to 10 meters.
Levels 11-25: Can perform jumps of up to 20 meters.
Levels 26-35: Can jump up to 30 meters.
Levels 36-50: Can jump up to 40 meters.
Levels 51-99: Can jump up to 50 meters.
Levels 100-150: Can perform jumps of up to 60 meters.
Flexibility and Agility
Level 1-10: Arachne's daughters demonstrate enviable flexibility. Being able to move and deliver physical strikes in ways impossible for other demigods.
Level 11-25: Its flexibility extends in a way that allows it to deflect blades and projectiles in a sensual and very exhibitionist way that can distract your opponents most of the time. These movements do not damage your spine.
Level 26-35: The flexibility of the arachne is extremely advanced when compared to mitosis, allowing it to dodge almost all types of physical blows that come towards it (it needs to notice it beforehand and know what will hit it)
Level 36-50: Reaches the peak of his superhuman capacity, managing to make incredible movements that no human or demigod could do, being able to perform movements that would break, or cause pain in his body and bones without the slightest problem.
Arachne offspring are able to scale any solid surface easily.
Levels 1-20: They are able to scale such surfaces extremely fast overcoming a common spider.
Levels 21-40: While climbing your speed doubles.
Levels 41-60: While climbing, your speed triples.
Levels 1-20: The offspring of Aracne are capable of materializing 2 more arms.
Levels 21-40: Can summon four more arms.
Levels 41-60: Can summon six more arms.
Extra eyes
The arachne has 8 eyes in total so its offspring acquire the ability to open up to 8 eyes that can be opened on different parts of the body and can assist the offspring in combat. These eyes are 8 times better than the eyes of an ordinary human, being able to see things clearly having the ability to look at some places that emit great light without suffering wear and tear.
Level 1-20: Arachne's offspring are capable of materializing 1 more eye.
Level 11-25: Can manage 2 more eyes
Level 26-35: Can materialize 3 eyes.
Level 36-50: Can achieve 4 eyes.
Level 51-99: You can materialize 6 eyes.
Level 100-150: You can materialize 8 eyes.
PS: These eyes can manifest in any part of the offspring's body.
Alert sensor
The hairs on the body of the offspring are supersensitive to movements on surfaces and the wind, and you can use this as a way to guide the offspring.
Level 1-10: These hairs act as an alert sensor which allows the offspring to perceive physical blows coming towards them, at a speed of up to 500 km.
Level 11-25: You can already see blows and physical skills at a speed of 1000 km.
Level 26-35: Your perception is now able to perceive both physical and spiritual abilities at the speed of sound.
Level 36-50: This sensor allows you to perceive abilities of any modality (less psychic) in up to 2440 km.
Level 51-99: This sensor allows you to perceive abilities of any modality (less psychic) in up to 4880 km.
Level 100-150: This sensor allows you to perceive abilities of any modality (less psychic) in up to 9760 km.
Ps: The ability works like the Spider-Man sensor, with any attack coming a dangerous reaction will be triggered on the arachnid, however he will not be able to perceive from whom or where spiritual attacks come from.
They are incredibly fast offspring, having a lightness in their legs capable of surpassing any other demigod, being able to run at great speeds and easily stop, being able to continue without feeling pressure in the legs.
Levels 1-10: Being incredibly agile and fast creatures they are able to run at speeds of 250 km, when in their initial form, when in their true form they were able to run at speeds of 290 km / h.
Level 11-25: They are already able to run at great speeds, being able to run at 350 km when in their initial form, when in their true form they were able to run at speeds of 390 km / h.
Level 26-35: They are already able to run at great speeds, being able to run at 450 km when in their initial form, when in their true form they managed to run at speeds of 490 km / h.
Level 36-50: They are already able to run at great speeds, being able to run at 650 km when in their initial form, when in their true form they were able to run at speeds of 690 km / h.
Level 51-99: They are already able to run at great speeds, being able to run at 850 km when in their initial form, when in their true form they managed to run at speeds of 890 km / h.
Level 100-150: They are already able to run at great speeds, being able to run at 1000 km when in their initial form, when in their true form they managed to run at the speed of sound.
Active Powers
Arachne's offspring inoculate an extremely lethal poison into their prey, and they can bathe their weapons with this toxin, or even bite their opponent. The toxin is able to block the entire airway of your opponent, killing him quickly by asphyxiation.
Level 1-10: The toxin takes 5 rounds to take effect.
Level 11-25: The toxin takes 4 rounds to take effect.
Level 26-35: The toxin takes 3 rounds to take effect.
Level 36-50: The toxin takes 2 rounds to take effect.
Level 51-99: The toxin takes one round to take effect.
Level 100-150: The toxin kills 3 seconds after being infected.
PS: The toxin can be transmitted by physical contact, bite, food, sexual intercourse (both with infected and offspring if she wants to).
Wire Manipulation
The offspring of Aracne can manipulate any form of existing thread and can use them for different purposes, be they medicinal, defensive or offensive. These webs are like semiconductors to manipulate heat, sound and electrons. This power allows the offspring to control the wires both telekinetically and manually.
Level 1-10: In their initial level, the offspring can use the threads and can reach great distances, initially being able to weave threads capable of reaching 20 m. These wires are as resistant as iron.
Level 11-25: These wires are able to reach 40 m. These wires are as resistant as diamond.
Level 26-35: The wires reach 60 m. These wires are as resistant as metals.
Level 36-50: The wires reach 80 m. These wires are as resistant as steel.
Level 51-99: The wires reach 100 m. These wires are as resistant as adamantium.
Level 100-150: These wires are able to suck your opponents' vital energies easily.
NOTE: According to Xinwei Wang, the web surpasses good heat conductors, such as aluminum and pure iron. Few materials would have a higher thermal conduction capacity, such as silver and diamond. Compared to other organic materials, the superiority of the web is even greater: it actually conducts heat a thousand times better than silk from silkworms.
Silk Handling
Arachne offspring naturally have the ability to produce webs that are actually made of silk, so they are able to create, shape and manipulate silk freely.
Level 1-10: Become capable of creating silks as durable as iron.
Level 11-25: Become capable of creating silks as durable as diamond.
Level 26-35: Become capable of creating silks as durable as metals.
Level 36-50: Become capable of creating silks as durable as steel.
Levels 51-99: Become capable of creating silks as durable as adamantium.
Invisible Trap
The offspring is able to create a trap made of web, wherever they want, using this to trap the opponent.
Levels 1-10: The trap is 3 meters long.
Levels 11-25: The trap is 4 meters long.
Levels 26-35: The trap is 5 meters long.
Levels 36-50: The trap is 6 meters long.
Level 51-99: The trap is 7 meters long.
Level 100-150: The trap is 8 meters long.
PS: Aracne's son just needs to think that the trap will appear.
Queen Spider
Arachne's offspring are capable of summoning a large queen spider.
Levels 1-10: The spider is 10 meters long.
Levels 11-25: The spider is 20 meters long.
Levels 26-35: The spider is 30 meters long.
Levels 36-50: The spider is 40 meters long.
Levels 51-99: The spider is 50 meters long.
Level 100-150: The spider is 60 meters long.
A unique transformation where arachne shows all its individual capacities expanded at least 2x more than before. Having improved perception, strength, agility, endurance, durability and speed (according to leveling.
Level 1-10: Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 11-25: Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 26-35: Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 36-50: Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 51-99: Lasts 6 rounds.
Level 100-150: Lasts 7 rounds.
PS: 3 times per event or saga.
Spider Cocoon
This technique makes a cocoon of resistant web like adamantium around the opponent, immobilizing it and leaving it open for other techniques. The technique is so refined, that even after you leave your body, your energy will still continue to flow through the wire to hold your opponent in place.
Levels 1-10: Suck your opponent's energy in 6 seconds.
Levels 11-25: It sucks its energy in five seconds.
Levels 26-35: Suck energy in four seconds.
Levels 36-50: Suck energy in 3 seconds.
Levels 51-99: Suck energy in 2 seconds.
Levels 100-150: Suck energy in 1 second.
Arachnid entities
Arachne has a psychic link with totemic entities of spiders, that entity lives in each spider, that is why the spawn of arachnees have been able to seek power with these deities, and can ask for help whenever they need it.
Level 60: Kótyangwúti, the Spider Woman, is a goddess adored by the Hopi people, native to the United States. It plays an important role in the creation myth of this people. It was created by Sótuknang, the primordial god, to help you create things and living beings. This goddess gives Arachne a blessing that allows her to create arachnids and materialize things that already exist in the world.
Level 80: In the Cherokee creation myth, the world had already been created, but lived in darkness. The sun already existed, but it was on the opposite side of the Earth, where it was not so useful. After other animal-gods were burned while trying to seek the sun, Grandma Spider decided to try it too. She created a thick clay pot, and wove a web from one side of the world to the other. Without fanfare, he put the sun in the pot, put the pot on his back, and came back following his web. Only she managed to bring the sun to the "right" side of the world. Spider grandmother gave Arachne the ability to make the sun hit harder or weaker wherever the arachne offspring wanted.
Level 100: Anansi, the spider god of West Africa, is probably having more visibility than ever before in the history of this planet. Anansi creates are stories. And stories have power. All creation myths are stories (true or false, it doesn't matter). This includes the mythological versions, but also the scientific ones. And that is why Anansi, despite being a deceiver (which is of the nature of the Spider), is venerated as a god of wisdom and of stories. If stories are important to us, imagine how essential they are for the people where Anansi originated, where oral tradition is practically the only form of knowledge transfer. Anansi gave the arachnin the unusual ability to create stories that are both false and true, such stories not only being able to give life it can make it come true. An example of this would be the ability to forge his own death, both of her and of some demigod. However, this technique is somewhat complex, since the offspring basically need to create a summary of the story, which can be any way they want (summary of 10 lines). If arachne dies in battle she can use this ability to create a story where it would happen in the story, failing to happen in reality, or she can create a story about a character she herself invented and bring him and her life to life. history / reality itself (If you do, the scenario changes completely and Aracne becomes omnipresent because it is something she created herself.)
PS: The only way to break reality when arachne chooses to bring it to life, is to defeat the protagonist or overcome the imposed challenges. If arachne forges his own death by creating a story with it, it will only happen in the story thus canceling the ability that the opponent did (This type of ability can only be done 2 times per event or saga)
Killer Bullets
Level 1-10: Creating some threads in the shape of small balls compared to bullets from a revolver .50 the offspring of arachne can mimic these balls in bullet shapes in a revolver. She can shoot 10 of those bullets directly at her opponent, after the 10 shots she needs a 2 second interval, such bullets go at the speed of a bullet normally, but the offspring can change that.
Level 11-25: Can shoot 20 of those bullets, such bullets have such strong strength combined with the speed of a field rifle, it can tear through the enemy's skin by going straight if he is caught by the bullet. The break time is 1 second.
Level 26-35: Can shoot 30 of those bullets, at that level the bullet is so fast that the opponent must deflect by 0.3 thousandths or have his body destroyed, if his heart or lung is pierced he will have a huge hole in his body and will suffer from kidney failure not being able to breathe properly and will suffer bleeding.
Arachnid Queen
Level 130: It is based on a power that arachne deepens more in its arachnid powers given by Athena in the past. Aracne would be a hybrid mixture of woman and spider, in this form she acquired a transformation where she becomes a giant spider completely, her powers are shown to be absurdly increased by earning a buff of 500%, her manipulation of threads acts regardless of the will of the offspring always thinking for her sake thus protecting her at an amazing speed (10 times the speed of sound). In the form of a giant spider she acquired total immunity to mental damage, mind reading, blows that involve the soul, because in this way she is protected, the only way to force her soul to leave (or be affected) is if the opponent go through the pain of taking a very serious sting from the Arachnids, which are a total of 60,000 species.
NOTE: There was no immunity if the opponent wants to go through this, he will be totally vulnerable to these bites by killing him after the bites of the 60,000 thousand Arachnida species end.
Arachnid Ecdise
The offspring of Aracne are able to change the skin, managing to recover from any type of injury, disease, virus, radiation, poison, toxins, bacteria, mental damage and among others (any physical or mental damage). After changing the skin, the old bark is molded into several spiders.
Level 1-10: The skin change takes 10 seconds to complete.
Level 11-25: The skin change takes 8 seconds to complete.
Level 26-35: It takes 6 seconds to change the skin.
Level 36-50: The skin change takes 4 seconds to complete.
Level 51-99: It takes 2 seconds to change the skin.
Level 100-150: Becomes instant.
PS: The ability can only be used 3 times per event or saga.
Complaint gifts
Web of life
It is based on a Primordial Web being humanly said to be an ecological link between everything that happened in the world. Arachne's offspring can create these webs and use them to find out about things that happened in the past and possible events that may happen in the future.