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Ares was the Greek god of war, of bloodthirsty savage war, also known in Rome as Mars, son of Zeus and Hera, from whom he inherited his mother's evil genius and his father's strength. It belongs to the generation of the great twelve gods of Olympus. Ares was a warrior, he loved wars, battles and fights, he was very violent, bloodthirsty, unlike many he only found his peace in his struggles and battles. It was he who ruled the city of Sparta. In his struggles his arrival was announced with screams that caused people to panic.

Ares's lover was the goddess of love, Aphrodite. With her, she had two children, Deimos and Fobos, who accompanied their father in battles. She also had with her son Eros who had the same power as her mother, the god of love, stole hearts with her arrows, and even Aphrodite was one of them, she also had Harmony and Anteros. However, Hephaestus as Aphrodite's husband discovered his betrayal, and learned that they were going to meet at his palace and set a trap for them both. In bed he placed an invisible net and trapped them, the Sun who was watching, helping Hephaestus saw that the trap had worked and warned all the Gods so that everyone could see and witness the betrayal.

Aphrodite and Ares were then arrested and after a long time when they were released, they separated. He was always a great protector of his children and even though he was a god of bad reputation, he was the only god who acted in this way with protection. As Roman god Ares also had children with Rhea who were the twins Remus and Romulus.

Ares with his fame was detested by the gods, even his father Zeus did not like him. Although Ares enjoyed many wars and battles, he was not invincible, he lost many times. Its main rival is the goddess Athena who was the goddess of strategic wars, unlike Ares who really liked blood. Athena defeated him many times. In his wars Ares wore a helmet, spear, shield and armor, he also wore a cart drawn by four horses that let out fires through their nostrils.

Many Greeks used to ask the help of the god Ares for their struggles and for that they killed animals the night before the fight.


Appearance: They are big, sometimes tall, some can be athletic, muscular or just frowning. They don't care much about beauty, since they usually walk around loose for lack of interest, or with some armor. When they get irritated, which can happen for any reason, their eyes look like they are on fire, a characteristic that pulled the father.

Personality: They are children of the warlord, they have in their eyes a malice and evil that no other Semi-God has. They usually do not take shit home and it is the cottage that fights the most with others, and may not even mix with the other campers.


Passive Powers

Warrior Resistance

Seeking to last longer in their combats and make better use of them, these offspring acquire great resistance.


Level 1-10: The offspring initially have a common resistance that allows them to resist the pain, finding it rather amusing rather than bad.


Level 11-25: The offspring are now able to withstand punctures and bleeds. Taking a long time to get tired.


Level 26-35: The offspring of Ares will be able to withstand physical blows easily, managing to last a long time in combat.

Level 36-50: Can resist physical attacks easily, and resist kinetic attacks with a little difficulty.

Level 51-99: It is able to resist attacks involving its interior and can sometimes fail. At this level, he can partially resist magic damage.


Level 100-150: It already acquires a good magic resistance.



Improved Strength

The offspring of Ares have a very defined body, in addition to a heavy fist. Its strength reaches average achievements in addition to being able to resist attacks like these.


Level 1-10: Your punches are capable of breaking every bone in a human body. They can open small craters with their feet.

Level 11-25: Your strength is capable of destroying houses easily.


Level 26-35: Your strength is able to easily destroy large buildings and raze entire neighborhoods.


Level 36-50: You can devastate entire cities with your strength, being able to open medium craters and easily destroy materials like diamonds.


Level 51-99: With his strength he is able to raze entire regions and destroy materials such as vibranium. It can open huge craters.


Level 100-150: With his strength he is able to raze entire states and create immense craters.


Lord of War


The children of Ares are experts in matters involving fights, conflicts, wars, battles and among other types. Being able to come up with strategies at any time during the fight.


Level 1-10: The demigod son of Ares initially manages to handle any type of weapon, in addition to also knowing how to fight without weapons, knowing the basics about these styles. The demigod has a basic sense of fighting, knowing how to analyze the situations he finds himself in, the situation his opponents are in, and easily formulate small strategies against his opponents in order to defeat them.


Level 11-25: The demigod son of Ares can handle any type of weapon in a basic way, as well as knowing how to fight without weapons, knowing almost everything about these styles. The demigod proves to be more observant, managing to analyze the entire place where he is with more accuracy and precision, also managing to formulate average strategies using the elements present both in the scene and his companions. The offspring are now able to accurately analyze a person's physical and mental condition according to the way he behaves in combat knowing easily what it takes to defeat him.

Level 26-35: Now he shows excellent leadership skills, managing to lead his teammates firmly and in an extremist manner. The demigod son of Ares can handle any type of weapon perfectly, as well as knowing how to fight without weapons, knowing everything about martial arts. His views on battles, wars and conflicts are greatly improved by knowing how to analyze events at an extremely fast speed while he is moving, also knowing how to provoke his opponents, being a Master at it. The demigod at this level already shows dishonorable skills, such as lying, provocation, blackmail and among other things.


Level 36-50: The offspring of Ares now have an overwhelming strategic sense which allows him to develop strategies worthy of a war general, his strategies are now capable of leading armies in wars and among other types of battles being considered a genius, managing to formulate in his mind countless strategies, through the possibilities. At this level, the demigod acquires the ability to see the possibilities of things happening through his eyes, being able to see clearly everything that could happen if he did a certain action or movement (he can also see what his opponents could do).

OBS .: The chances of things happening are 99%, the offspring will be able to see everything, from the actions with less probability of happening to those with greater.

Level 51-99: Your strategies reach a global level, managing to surpass even the greatest strategists. Now, not only do you know all the secrets about the use of weapons and all styles of armed struggle or not, but you can also create new styles, whether bloody or not.


Abrupt Adaptation

Ares' children from a young age have a very strong and resistant body, managing to overcome several factors imposed against their offspring.


Level 1-10: Your body is more developed being able to swim for hours underwater without losing your breath and being able to fight in the sea freely. Also managing to have an excellent balance being able to fight under precipices and among other similar places. Also having great lungs managing to perform incredible activities such as descending from falls and also can spend hours performing physical activities having a much greater vigor.


Level 11-25: The demigod will have a good resistance to climate change, having a body immune to diseases and viruses.


Level 26-35: The demigod now becomes immune to climate change, managing to fight in any type of place even on Mount Everest or under temperatures like that of a volcano. Offspring are also capable of resisting poisons, radiation and exposure to certain types of gases. Your body at this level suffers a decrease in its physiological needs (such as eating, sleeping, resting, etc.).


Level 36-50: The demigod becomes immune to poisons and bacteria, also managing to be immune to the effects caused by radiation, exposure to harmful / toxic gases.


Level 51-99: The demigod now has an incredibly strong body and can now have a body immune to worldly evils (diseases; viruses; radiation; poisons, etc.). The demigod's body becomes so resistant that it acquires the ability to adapt to the harms imposed by any place, kingdom, dimension or reality.



Improved Speed


Ares demigods have well-developed leg muscles, achieving great speeds during combat or in pursuit. His legs also allow him to make great jumps, being an excellent athlete.


Level 1-10: The offspring of Ares can run at speeds of up to 200 km / h, and can perform jumps of up to 50 meters.

Level 11-25: The offspring of Ares are able to run at speeds up to 400 km / h, and can perform jumps of up to 100 meters.

Level 26-35: The Ares offspring can run at speeds of up to 600 km / h, and can perform jumps of up to 150 meters.

Level 36-50: The Ares offspring can run at speeds of up to 800 km / h, and can perform jumps of up to 200 meters.

Level 51-99: The Ares offspring are able to run at speeds of up to 1000 km / h, and can perform jumps of up to 250 meters.

Level 100-150: The offspring of Ares can run at speeds greater than Mach 1, even surpassing military jets. Jumping up to 300 meters.



The demigod of Ares whenever he enters combat, 2 rounds after he starts, his body will begin to emanate an electric aura throughout his body which will make all his senses, every part of his body, every organ, bone and etc ... get more active, increasing your reflexes, your perception and your instinct, leaving your offspring more and more focused on the battle. During this ability the secondary and tertiary thoughts of the offspring will be left aside, keeping only the primary ones, which are related to the combat.


Level 1-10: At this level your reflexes, your perception and your instinct will improve 2x more.


Level 11-25: At this level your reflexes, your perception and your instinct will improve 3x more.


Level 26-35: At this level your reflexes, your perception and your instinct will improve 4x more.


Level 36-50: At this level your reflexes, your perception and your instinct will improve 5x more. At this level your perception will allow you to see

mentally everything around you in 180 degrees.


Level 51-99: At this level your reflexes, your perception and your instinct will improve 6x more. At this level your perception will allow you to mentally see everything around you in 360 degrees.


Level 100-150: At this level your reflexes, your perception and your instinct will improve 7x more.


NOTE: While this ability is active, the Ares offspring will have the pain semiconductors in their brains will have their pain level reduced to a minimum, so the offspring will experience almost no physical or mental pain while fighting. Your mind becomes immune to mind games (illusions; mind control, etc.) and mind reading.

Active Powers


Provoke Wars

The demigod son of Ares from a young age is capable of provoking wars, conflicts, fighting and other forms of conflict, being the son of the god of war they have the power to influence all forms of conflict, including mental, physical, spiritual and conceptual, regardless of the area and numbers involved, control how they progress and draw power from both the conflict alone and the dying. Also managing to start conflicts that can influence future events, and so on.


Level 1-30: Can affect an entire neighborhood.


Level 31-60: Can affect an entire city.


Level 61-90: Can affect an entire state.


Level 91-120: Can affect an entire region.


Level 121-150: Can affect an entire country.


Level 151-180: Can affect an entire continent.


Level 181-200: Can affect an entire nation.


NOTE: This ability affects even immune.

Equipment of a Warrior


Level 20-40: Ares's son will initially be able to summon his father's big carriage when he needs it. This carriage is composed of four horses that exhale Greek fire through their nostrils, the carriage has wheels created from Greek fire that move with the horses. This carriage allows you to carry up to 5 people. The offspring of Ares can also choose to summon only one or even four horses without the carriage, which they can ride with them, these horses can achieve superhuman speed (The offspring can create a psychic channel between the horses and can communicate with they).


Level 41-60: Now the offspring is able to summon the sword of Ares, a huge sword as resistant as the diamond, this sword is quite thick, at the same time quite sharp. Being able to break barriers or defenses of your opponent, this sword has the ability to absorb any type of energy and imbue those energies, coating your sword with this same energy and using it in combat for various purposes. It is also possible to summon your shield which has the appearance of a Spartan shield having the same resistance as your sword. This shield is able to absorb attacks derived from energy and then reflect these attacks against its opponents.


Level 61-80: The demigod will now be able to summon his father's illustrious armor, which will materialize in his body, increasing his physical and perceptual capacities by up to 10x, this is as resistant as Adamantium. This armor has 4 large tentacles attached to its back which can be used only with simple thoughts, imposing orders for the tentacles and the same will do, it also has pyrokinetic blades on its tips which serve for offensive and defensive purposes. When wearing their armor and summoning their chariot or one of their horses, the offspring can make their horses and their own body acquire a pyrokinetic shape which will also allow them to manipulate Greek flames with complete freedom.

Level 81-100: The demigod is now able to summon the Spear of Ares an impressive weapon, possessing the same resistance as the vibranium. Her spear, besides being able to cause both physical and spiritual damage, she is capable of causing psychological damage to her victims which tends to increase the damage with each damage suffered by this spear (she will make her victims terrified until reaching a point they can't fight anymore). The spear can also be used in a variety of ways in combat and can freely deform its appearance during combat, as well as being able to call out or appear wherever your spear is.




Level 70: The children of Ares have the ability to control the sensitivity of themselves and that of their opponents. It can decrease or increase it (both psychologically, spiritually and physically) and can carry out various types of torture, and can even make your blows more painful due to the high sensitivity of your opponents.



Weapons Manipulation


The children of Ares can create, control, manipulate and shape weapons in their various forms or modalities. Being able to change their properties, being able to create them in their own body, materialize them or even control them telekinetically. It is capable of creating equipment (armor, grenades, etc.) and bombs.


Level 1-10: These weapons have iron-like resistance.


Level 11-25: These weapons have metal-like resistance.


Level 26-35: These weapons have steel-like resistance.


Level 36-50: These weapons have diamond-like resistance.


Level 51-99: These weapons have similar resistance to adamantium. These offspring learn to create biological, nuclear, atomic and other weapons (it is necessary to gather the necessary ingredients for creation.

Level 100-150: These weapons have resistance similar to vibranium.

Level 151-200: These weapons have resistance similar to divine iron.


Offering to the God of Death


The son of Ares whenever he kills a certain number of beings or people during events or sagas, they can offer their victims to the God of Death (Thanatos) in exchange for a reward.

Level 1-10: When killing up to 5 enemies in an event or saga, when offering them to the God of Death, the corpses of their victims will be revived and will serve their will. Acting like zombies.

Level 11-25: When killing up to 10 enemies in an event or saga, when offering them to the God of Death, the corpses of their victims will be revived and will serve their will. Having a little intelligence (being able to use powers if they have).

Level 26-35: When killing up to 15 enemies in an event or saga, when offering them to the God of Death, the corpses of their victims will be revived, but now they will undergo a certain metamorphosis making them acquire animal aspects / characteristics.

Level 36-50: When killing up to 20 enemies in an event or saga, when offering them to the God of Death, the corpses of their victims will mutate making their bodies grow twice the size they once had, now gaining great resistance both physical as well as magic. Their attributes will increase twice the normal capacity of an ordinary person (if they are a demigod, it will be double the capacity of an average demigod and so on).

Level 51-99: When killing a large number of soldiers greater than or equal to 25, then the bodies will be consumed by a black liquid that has impregnated the battlefield. The 25 victims, when consumed, will transform into a beast made entirely of darkness, having paws like an animal and several limbs throughout its body. Having an appearance similar to a goat of darkness.
This kid will be invulnerable to physical damage, in addition to not being affected by attacks that involve its interior. (The darkness of the goats cannot be controlled).

The war


Level 100: Upon reaching this level, the offspring will be able to change the whole scenario around them within a radius of 100 meters, managing to make a series of changes in the scenario in which they are creating, being able to relive scenarios from different times (such as the scenarios where Trojan War, World War II, and among other events) being able to place warriors from different eras and times in these scenarios as obstacles to face their opponents. Everything that happens within this scenario is real, as is the pain.

3 times per event or saga.

Greek Annihilation

Level 100: When you raise your arms upwards, then several weapons will materialize infinitely, stopping only when the offspring so desires. These will be weapons of all types and sizes, and they can be giant, normal, small weapons, etc. These are all types of weapons that have been created, designed and developed throughout Greek mythology for their respective heroes, demigods and figures of enormous importance in the Greek world. This ability allows the offspring to materialize these weapons in infinite quantities for a single annihilating attack (1 time per event or saga), or it can also summon them to their teammates or to themselves, and can use them in combat. (Among these weapons may be included, swords, sickles, blades, etc.). The player must quote the name of the weapon he materialized and its capabilities at the time it was created.



When the offspring are facing someone stronger than themselves, they will be able to materialize a purple aura around their body which will begin to suck the energy of their opponents with each physical hit that they hit. Its attributes may rise according to the amount of energy absorbed.


Level 1-10: Your capacities rise up to 2x more.


Level 11-25: Your capacities rise up to 4x more.


Level 26-35: Your capacities rise up to 6x more.


Level 36-50: Your capacities rise up to 8x more.


Level 51-99: Your capacities rise up to 10x more.

Level 100-150: Your capacities increase up to 12x more.


Level 151-200: Your capacities rise up to 15x more.


NOTE: 3 times per event or saga.



Deadly Weapons


When Ares' son is in possession of a melee weapon, he may grant some of his aura to that weapon, and it will then undergo sudden changes in its formation according to the will of the offspring.

Level 1-10: The first modification to your weapon is then made, when you wish you can activate your abilities, by saying the following line "raise your head". When activated then the blade will lose its curve and straighten, where the sword will form two 90 degree angles, forming three sides of a square, resembling a hook and has its cutting edge inside the angles. Your first weapon will have the ability to double the weight of anything it hits (even inanimate objects or people), increasing its weight by 10 kilos with each hit it will have an increase of 2x its current weight. The opponent will not even feel that his body or whatever he is holding will be heavy, this in the first moments when the opponent will still be able to stand.


Level 11-25: Ares' son is now able to activate the second modification of his weapon, which when pronouncing "Collapse". The hilt of the sword becomes a large ring that allows it to rotate around the offspring's hand without it actually taking any part of it. The first few centimeters of the blade are covered by an extension of the cross protector. This sword becomes straight and thin, with the tip ending on a razor-tipped edge rather than being tapered to a point. There are five holes along the length of the sword. When the sword is turned, it creates a pink mist, which affects those who smell its pleasant aroma, leaving them subject to an optical illusion. Its effect is activated, causing not only its direction to be altered, but its vision, the opponent's vision, the direction of the attacks received and the locations of the injuries are also reversed. No matter how powerful the opponent is, especially if the person is used to fighting, their body will not be able to adapt due to their reflexes preventing proper reaction, which causes them to continually succumb to the effect of power. It also severely affects the balance of whose power is used to make them dizzy, causing confusion, disorientation and / or nausea.


Level 26-35: The third modification can be accessed. The air currents revolve around the offspring before wrapping their weapon, which turns into a combat knife with a bronze shield, wielding a leather handle in the center of the hilt, a gray leather grip and a small ring on the guard . The offspring can activate the effect of the blade, which will allow them to explode the path of their cuts, in addition to being able to use wind energy around the scene in their attacks during the battle.


Level 36-50: You can now activate your third modification. The blade does not undergo visible changes in this form. In this form, the blade glows white and extends at high speed (900 km / h) to impale your opponents from a distance. The blade also carries tremendous strength when it extends, allowing the offspring to push both long-lasting enemies. In addition, the offspring will be able to maintain the extension and swing the Blade in wide arcs, attacking multiple targets quickly and simultaneously.


Level 51-99: You will now be able to activate your fourth modification. Upon release, the offspring's weapon will take the form of a large hybrid ax / battle ax with a long handle wrapped in cloth and a tassel attached to the top. In its released state, your weapon will achieve tremendous attack power, easily destroying any type of solid matter with its attacks. Its cutting power is also greatly enhanced, allowing Ares' offspring to cut effortlessly through the bodies of their opponents and even through space itself.

Level 100-150: In this form the weapon remains the same appearance as a regular sword. The blade can be separated into a thousand small fragments of thin blades, which flew away from the hilt, leaving only the hilt of the sword in the hand of the offspring. Although the blades are supposed to be too small to be seen normally, they reflect light to look like cherry blossom petals. By swinging the weapon's handle, the offspring will be able to control the blade fragments, allowing it to destroy opponents from a distance and break any defense. The blades can be used for defensive purposes, as they will be able to protect the offspring, from certain enemy attacks. In order to protect its wearer from its own attacks, the weapon has an uninjured area, where it does not cut anything within 85 cm, unless Ares's son allows the blades to enter the area.

Heralds of War


The demigod son of Ares, being the son of a god of war, is always looking for strong warriors to face you and defeat them. This ability allows the demigod to summon all the warriors that he once killed in combat (it is necessary that he killed, directly or indirectly). Whoever he is, the demigod will be able to bring him once more into combat now as a herald of the offspring of Ares who will serve as soldiers who can be used by the offspring freely, they will have the same powers and extras that they previously had.

Level 50-100: You will be able to summon up to 5 of these heralds. They will follow him and heed all the orders that the offspring order without any resistance.

Level 101-150: You will be able to summon up to 10 of these heralds.


Level 151-200: You will be able to summon up to 15 of these heralds.


Level 201-250: You will be able to summon up to 20 of these heralds.


Level 251-300: You will be able to summon as many heralds as you want.


OBS .: These heralds will not have any remnant of Humanity and can kill anyone in front of them without feeling any trivial and trivial feeling. Even if they are entities or supreme beings and are killed by the offspring of Ares they are still subject to this ability.

My Army

The son of Ares during his battles can summon a large army of soldiers to help him.


Level 1-10: The demigod is initially able to summon only 300 soldiers, they will have a cadaverous appearance, demonstrating that they are not very resistant, but appear to have some degree of intelligence, being able to use skills they had when they were alive (sailors, expertise , Medicine, weapons expertise, etc.).


Level 11-25: Now able to summon a troop of 600 medieval warriors armed with melee weapons and armor from this era, they can also take advantage of skills obtained when alive. These warriors are more resistant than the previous ones.


Level 26-35: Now able to summon a troop of 900 medieval knights armed with melee weapons and armor from this era, they can also take advantage of skills obtained when alive. These horsemen are more resistant than the previous ones.


Level 36-50: You are now able to summon a troop of 1200 Spartans armed with melee weapons and armor from this time, being considered vile and brutal warriors. These warriors are more resistant than the previous ones.


Level 51-99: Now the demigod is capable of summoning 2000 more warriors, being able to summon even the Amazon warriors to help him in his battles. Armed with horses and with bladed weapons and equipment of their time.


Level 100-150: The children of Ares are now able to summon their brothers Phobos and Deimos. When these two twin brothers appear in combat, they will bring terror and fear to their opponents (the player will be able to control the two manifested deities), they will also bring with them the greatest warriors, heroes, knights, kings and etc ... that made history around the world (such as Perseus, Achilles, Alexander, Hypolita and others) that helped the demigod in combat. These warriors will be much more skilled and more resistant than the others.


NOTE: The invocation of Phobos and Deimos and that of heroes, warriors, knights, Kings and etc ... will only last 6 rounds. After that they will leave (you can only summon them once per event or saga). This does not apply to the other armies.


Level 151-200: The son of Ares will now be able to summon his sister Eris the goddess of discord and also the Mákhai (spirits of battles and battles) these spirits will be visible only in the spirit world, their attacks have affected the soul of their opponent (if they find dead or alive bodies on the battlefield they can possess them and use them as a receptacle to be able to move through the physical world). The Mákhai are the strongest troops of the offspring, and she can summon them whenever she needs and also as many as she wishes, with hundreds, thousands or even more.


NOTE: Éris will remain on the field for only 6 rounds, after which it will also disappear (you can only invoke it once per event or saga).


Living Weapon


Ares' offspring can telekinetically control a weapon without having to hold it.


Level 1-10: You can reach a distance of up to 15 meters with this weapon.


Level 11-25: Reach up to 25 meters.


Level 26-35: They reach up to 35 meters.


Level 36-50: They reach up to 45 meters.


Level 51-99: They reach up to 55 meters.


Level 100-150: Reach up to 65 meters.




The offspring during combat with several enemies, the offspring through a serious look, can release a large invisible dome in front of everyone around them. Those who are below the level of offspring will automatically fall unconscious to the ground.


Level 1-10: Affects an area up to 10 meters.


Level 11-25: Affects an area of ​​up to 20 meters.


Level 26-35: Affects an area of ​​up to 30 meters.


Level 36-50: Affects an area of ​​up to 40 meters.


Level 51-99: Affects an area of ​​up to 50 meters.


Level 100-150: Affects an area of ​​up to 60 meters.



Total Revenge


Ares' offspring is capable of absorbing the damage from all the attacks it may feel during its combats and then releasing it against its opponents in the form of a powerful wave of energy which cannot be manipulated.


Level 1-20: Can absorb up to 2 attacks.


Level 21-40: Can absorb up to 4 attacks.


Level 41-60: Can absorb up to 6 attacks.


Level 61-80: Can absorb up to 8 attacks.


Level 81-100: Can absorb up to 10 attacks.


NOTE: 1 time per event or saga.


God of War

The offspring then acquire the ability to release their divine energy, and thus be able to access their divine form. Your body will acquire a well-defined body, your eyes will be red. In this form his physical capacities rise dramatically to the level of a deity like his father Ares, acquiring his father's spear that is able to cut through any existing matter as well as destroy atoms as well. The offspring will have absolute control over the war, where it can cause, provoke and generate any type or form of war, conflict, combat and etc. in any way they wish. Its red eyes are able to see great distances (up to 30 meters easily). The offspring acquire a skill called cellular memory where they can react and attack their opponents without their brain having to send any information. Its speed reaches mach 5.


Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds. It can react and attack at speeds up to 900 km / h.


Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds. It can react and attack the speed of sound.


Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds. It can react and attack at lightning speed.


Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds. It can react and attack the speed of light.

NOTE: Once per event.


Boar Shield

Guinean gold, indestructible, withstands great forces and impacts, bathed in blood and red and even at night it still draws attention, it has a wild boar carved in the center, with ruby eyes

Weapons Coin

Of imperial gold, on one side the image of a sword and on the other side of a spear, when one side is pressed, it becomes the corresponding item, Sword: Half silver half bronze, both red, extremely sharp, Spear: Long and black gold, black and resistant leather handle

Phebo Shield

Solar clock that turns into a shield. When activated, the front of the shield reveals Apollo's caricature, which pointed directly at opponents, leaves us with blurred vision for one round.

Dark Crow

Black cloak of raven feathers, which allows the sun's young to disappear in the night. Letting its glow hide in the darkness of the crows' mantle. The individual does not disappear, only his presence is hidden from the world.

Electric Spear

Its handle is unbreakable and the tip is electric, which can make the enemy move away or hesitate, but not enough electricity to cause burns.

Trojan Helm

Trojan helmet with red plume. Protects against mental invasions. [Semi-Impenetrable]

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