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Artemis, Greek goddess, or Diana, as she was known among the Romans, the deity responsible for hunting activities, is represented as a wild and wild lunar image, constantly followed closely by wild beasts, especially dogs or lions. She always carries with her, in the shelter of her hands, a golden bow, on her shoulders an arrow holster, and she can be seen wearing a short tunic.

It is said that when she was still a child, Zeus questioned her about her greatest wish for her birthday, and she asked, without hesitation, that she could move freely through the woods, beside the ferocious animals, forever relieved of the obligation to marry. The father immediately fulfilled his dream.

This famous goddess of the Greeks was conceived by Zeus and Leto and was Apollo's twin sister - while he symbolized sunlight, she represented the lunar sphere. This powerful figure is always found, in whatever myth, running through woods, forests and woods, free as a bird, rehearsing his choreography and singing alongside the nymphs that are very close to him.

At parties in honor of the moon, dances of extreme sensuality were always performed and there was constantly the presence of a branch considered sacred. Artemis is considered to be both a sacred prostitute and a virgin responsible for childbirth, as myths portray her equally as the baby who was born first and helped her mother to give birth to Brother Apollo.

Although this ambiguous personality of Artemis seems contradictory, in fact it is associated with the double facet of the feminine, which protects and destroys, conceives and kills. This image of the goddess is spread especially in Asia Minor. It is not known exactly where and when his cult emerged, as the authors who study the myth differ on this point.

Some researchers believe that his birth dates back to the Anatolian tribes, expert hunters, considered the birthplace of the famous Amazons. Others believe that she is descended from the divinity Cybele, protector of Nature, worshiped in Asia Minor, also represented as a Queen of Beasts, surrounded by lions, deer, birds and other fauna.

There are studies that place Artemis alongside other lunar powers, such as Hecate, also associated with the infernal spheres, and Selene; the three made up a kind of trinity of the Moon. Italians know her as Diviana, an expression that can be translated as Goddess, and can easily be linked to the name Diana.

In Italy, they celebrated their feast on August 13, when hunting dogs had their moment of glory and ferocious animals were left at ease. This event was consecrated by the Church as a Catholic cult that marks the Assumption of Our Lady, transferred to the 15th of August.

This goddess of animal fertility had several disciples, who were called bears. They recognized his authoritarian and repressive nature. The ferocious animals that are always with her represent, on the other hand, the impulses that need to be mastered. Undoubtedly, she is the greatest symbol of the feminine, of her freedom and autonomy.


Appearance: As they are daughters of other gods, even though they disown their powers, they still have their characteristics.

Personality: They are extremely faithful to Artemis and value their virginity. Even if they have such personalities as their parents, they are usually serious at all times, and especially in their hunting. They are usually arrogant with all men and women who do not renounce love.


Passive Powers

Bow Skill

It has a high handling with archery, in addition, it is totally skilled in making incredible and unusual maneuvers with bows and arrows, and can even stake it on its opponents.

Levels 1-10: Even though he is new to the camp, the demigod has a high skill that lets him know the basic use of a bow, unlike other campers.

Levels 11-25: Your character can now use his bow as a club, now not just to shoot arrows. In addition, it has the ability to shoot with the bow from another meter away. You will learn to shoot two arrows with your bow, instead of one at a time.


Levels 26-35: The demigod discovered all the tricks and privileges exercised by the skill with the bow, being able to control it perfectly, besides having the ability to make impossible movements with the same aim and perfect techniques.


Lunar Efficiency

As one of the hunters of the goddess representing the moon, the half-blood acquires a resistance when exposed to lunar rays, in addition to becoming stronger, faster and more skilled.


Levels 1-10: Hunters have a remarkable sense of direction and precision during lunar contact, although at this level of skill they are still low. You can run for much longer than normal, breaking speed records and reaching 100 km easily.


Levels 11-25: The ability to shoot from a distance increases 5 meters, as well as its efficiency. Although, while it is day, that will decrease, obviously. The lunar glow also helps in the blows of weapons such as swords or axes, hammers, increasing impact and damage.


Levels 26-35: Your character becomes almost unbeatable in the moonlight. Highlighting almost, because it means that you are capable of losing a battle. The lunar glows when in contact with the demigod becomes capable of hardening the cellular tissues and the skin thus preventing it from being pierced by objects made of material similar or inferior to diamonds.

Domesticating Animal

The demigod spends some time training her acquired animal when she joined the hunt, be it the fox, the hawk or the wolf - cases acquired in the camp store - to be her faithful companions in battle, enjoying them for the defense or even a last minute escape.


Levels 1-10: The maiden begins light training with her animal that is still a puppy. With that, she will be able to understand him perfectly, in addition to imposing orders that are easy to handle. It is worth mentioning that the animal is still too young to be used in attacks.


Levels 11-25: Your animal has spent a good deal of time with part of the training, being able to help the hunter in her combined attacks, generally more used for the main defense of the girl.


Levels 26-35: The creature starts to acquire twice its size, enough to carry out more precise attacks and so that the hunter can move with it, being able to fly with the falcon.

Refined Directions

Artemis hunters reach an incredible level of understanding of nature, managing to harmonize with the environment and double their senses. Therefore, they have the vision, smell and hearing supernaturally above human capacity.


Levels 1-10: Their irises are enlarged, increasing focus, and consequently the distance at which they can see. The character takes possession of the concentration so that he can see if there are people in the room through his nose. By getting your ears sharp, you can perceive movements up to ten meters, if they make noise.


Levels 11-25: Her iris focuses so that the hunter has a detailed view of things from a distance. It can increase the sensitivity of smell to distinguish smells, and can chase targets with precision. You can already see the different movements around you, never being caught off guard.


Levels 26-35: The view of the bloodstream becomes very accurate, making it see people hidden among foliage. He has a sense of everything that is happening around him, distinguishing the smell from things. The character starts to acquire an almost infallible hearing, being audible to movements of minimum details. Now the Hunter of Artemis is able to sense if she is in danger as a sixth sense for what may happen to her. It works like a bad feeling, that is, it only says if she is in danger or not, and it does not say what can really happen.

Night vision

Level 1: By living at night hunting the hunters develops a keen vision seeing in the night as if it were day, facilitating the use of the bow and arrow

Hate Men

Level 1-10: Artemis hunters when in combat with male beings, they will have a 30% increase in each of their physical and individual abilities. In addition, they become 30% resistant to persuasive skills or to make them do things they don't want when done by men.


Level 11-25: Acquire a 60% increase in your physical and individual abilities, while also having 60% resistance to persuasive skills or to make you do things you don't want when done by men.


Level 26-35: Acquires a 90% increase in physical and individual abilities, now they are immune to persuasive skills or to make them do things they don't want when done by men.

Battle field

Level 1-10: Artemis' hunters, for living a good part of their life in forests or in natural environments (such as the jungle and among other types), made them acquire primary hunter instincts, always allowing them to know how to locate themselves anywhere they is.


Level 11-25: Your instincts now arise, being able to act intelligently and aiming for your own safety. So the hunter learns to always improvise during conflicts, being able to invent a hiding place just by seeing a bunch of leaves, or even creating a raft or hut (you need to have the equipment in sight or in hand), among other things. Your hunter instincts increase, knowing when you are being followed, or when someone is watching you, even when there is a predator nearby or within 10 meters of the hunter.


Level 26-35: Your hunting instincts develop in an even better way, allowing you to survive days without food or water, being able to learn animal habits in addition to copying their basic skills. Her instincts allow her to generate information in a more primary way, allowing her during confrontations to forget any secondary information for a few seconds, focusing only on what she is doing (be it a fight, a conversation, or even hunting). His patience is incredibly improved compared to that of a wild wolf while hunting.

Hunting Nose

After so long hunting monsters around the world alongside Artemis, her hunters learn to identify any creature with just the scent, with almost perfect precision.


Level 1-10: They are able to locate their opponents within a 5 km radius.

Level 11-25: They are able to locate their opponents within 10 km.

Level 26-35: They are able to locate their opponents within a 15 km radius.

Level 36-50: They are able to locate their opponents within a 20 km radius.

Level 51-99: They are able to locate their opponents within a 30km radius.

Hunting Silence

Level 1-10: As a hunter, it is always important to remain silent during the hunt or your prey may notice you before silencing you. Hunters at their initial level learn to walk with some effort in a totally silent way, having difficulties in controlling their heart rate and breathing. Just like a sniper, these hunters are able to calm their senses in their heart and lung pulses for up to 3 seconds, thus allowing them not to be noticed while walking. (this ability does not make you invisible, only your presence that diminishes enough to make you appear invisible)


Level 11-25: The hunter is now able to walk quite easily without being noticed, and can mislead human hearing

easily for unlimited time. Its presence can still be perceived by other animals if it gives any hesitation, the hunter must remain calm and remove any type of unnecessary information, thus allowing her to walk without her opponents noticing her. Just like a sniper, these hunters are able to calm her senses, her heart and lungs for up to 6 seconds, thus allowing her not to be noticed while walking. (this ability does not make you invisible, only your presence that diminishes enough to make you appear invisible).


Level 26-35: Now she can walk normally, without making a single sound, and can even fool the animalistic senses of animals or wild monsters, using these abilities in fights in forests or places with the ability to hide the hunter becomes able to become its totally silent presence to the point of making your opponents think you are in Sthealth. The hunter at this level, in addition to being able to increase the time to 9 seconds, she can run with a certain care and effort silently and may have knowledge of how to neutralize her victim perfectly without being perceived (totally silent) as if she were a snake.


Level 36-50: At this level the hunter not only increases the time in which her lungs are calm for 15 seconds, she is also able to walk, run, jump and make various types of movements in a silent way (sometimes she needs little or great effort, to make the movements quiet). The offspring is able to surprise their opponents in the best possible way, being able to launch arrows or projectiles at their opponents and easily disappear, without even being noticed (when in places similar to forests, which allows them to hide, otherwise they can fail easily).


Level 51-99: Your time increases to 25 seconds, thus preventing anyone from finding you. At this level, the hunter is not only a master at acting silently, but is able to silence her presence in a way that makes her imperceptible to the 5 senses of her opponents (1 time per fight). His ability to hide acts passively after calming his heartbeat, deactivating him as soon as his heartbeat returns to normal, having an almost entirely zero presence, making his opponents think he is fighting someone invisible so weak that his presence becomes.

PS: It is not possible to hide without having something or someone who can hide you. It is not possible to have an extremely weak presence if your character becomes featured in events or missions.


Summon a guide

Level 1-10: When any hunter who is without energy, wounded or without food can call on a wild animal to help him, find shelter or food, and can also protect him.


Level 11-25: When any hunter who is out of energy, injured or out of supplies will be able to summon a nymph to help, find shelter or supplies, and may also protect you.


Level 26-35: When any hunter who is out of energy, injured or out of food can summon a satyr to help him, find shelter or food, and can also protect him.


Level 36-50: When any hunter who is without energy, wounded or without food can call on a centaur to help him, find shelter or food, and can also protect him.

Wild aura

Level 30: Artemis hunters are experienced hunters who have managed to develop a very unusual skill, which can be used during conflicts they are in. It would be the ability to "imitate" an animal. The hunter becomes able to embody the spirit of an animal.
Whenever she is in need, she will be able to manifest an animal-green aura around her body, at the same time people around her will be able to see a personification of an animal above the hunter which benefits her with physical powers over humans. Being able to manifest an elephant and acquire its resistance and abnormal strength, being able to impersonate a gorilla and acquire its physical abilities over humans, also choosing to impersonate a rabbit and develop a fragility when its ears become incredibly sensitive and can make great leaps. Not only that, the hunter can impersonate any type of animal, be it from any kingdom (less than creatures, deities and any type of being).

Enchanted arrows

This power transforms the arrows placed in the Hunter's bow, just by saying a word:


Level 10:
Poisoned Arrows ~ By pronouncing the word "Luare", the Huntress manages to enchant the arrows in her bow so that they become poisoned arrows. These arrows release a deadly toxin into the opponent's blood, killing him in about 5 minutes.


Level 15:

Flaming Arrows ~ Pronouncing the word "Fuego", the Huntress manages to enchant the arrows present in her bow so that they become Flaming Arrows. These arrows are a small sample of Apollo's solar car, after all, they are as hot as the same.


Level 20:

Toxic arrows ~ By pronouncing the word "Toxic", the Huntress manages to enchant the arrows present in her bow so that they become toxic arrows. Poisoned arrows may look the same, but it does not act inside the opponent's body, but outside. It creates a huge wound where the arrow was launched, and if the wound is not treated, it will increase more and more, turning into a hemorrhage.


Level 25:

Sonic Arrows ~ By pronouncing the word "Sonys", the Huntress manages to enchant the arrows present in her bow so that they become sonic arrows. These arrows produce a hellish noise, managing to distract the enemy, and in some cases depending on the amount of arrows that you have launched, you can kill him.


Level 30:

Curved Arrow ~ The Huntress can launch the arrow towards an enemy and make the arrow change direction to attack an unsuspecting enemy or attack another point of the enemy to confuse him

Gravitational Arrow ~ The hunter enchants an arrow that is attracted to its target. As soon as it touches it, the earth's gravity increases by 10 times within 10 meters of the target.

Supersonic Ears

Level 1-10: Being an extremely skilled and expert hunter, she has very good hearing, which allows her to hear any type of sound, within a radius of 1 km.


Level 11-25: Being an extremely skilled and expert hunter, she has very good hearing, which allows her to hear any type of sound, within a radius of 2 km.


Level 26-35: Being an extremely skilled and expert hunter, she has very good hearing, which allows her to hear any type of sound, within a radius of 3 km.


Level 36-50: Being an extremely skilled and expert hunter, she has very good hearing, which allows her to hear any type of sound, within a 4 km radius.


Level 51-99: Being an extremely skilled and expert hunter, she has very good hearing, which allows her to hear any type of sound, within a 5 km radius.

Active Powers

Lunar Protection

Artemis' hunter materializes a colorless energetic shield in front of or around an area, used to protect against magical or physical attacks, and even bounce off objects depending on her stature, which are aided by the power.


Levels 1-10: The hunter channels much of her strength, projecting a medium kinetic field around some part of her body, such as the head or even the chest, used for defending offensive powers.


Levels 11-25: After the force field is projected, it changes, being guided by a vacuum inside it, but allowing the user to breathe during the process. It can now be wrapped around your caster's entire body, lasting for two rounds. It is worth mentioning

that the field is dematerialized after being hit by a spell and during its defense, it does not allow the hunter to make attacks during.


Levels 26-35: The user channels her energy to create a kinetic field four times larger, which can also protect the four people inside her. This time, it is only dematerialized after five attacks, and we still emphasize that it will not be possible yet realize powers in its use.


The maiden has the ability to transmute into her training animal provided by the goddess Artemis. If the character has the Animal Domestication ability, she can perform combined attacks in her second form.


Levels 1-10: The demigod will create claws in place of her nails for a few minutes - be they wolf, hawk or fox - and thus she will be able to make an almost deep cut that draws strength from her opponent, cut fragile metals and wood in general .


Levels 11-25: You can mimic like your pet, making some combined attacks that don't require a lot of effort or an improved acrobatics. Lasts for five shifts.


Levels 26-35: Now the hunter of Artemis will be able to mimic the animal in its large version, being able to carry out attacks combined with a better improvement.

Invocation of the Bow

She has the ability to summon a replica of her goddess's divine bow - bow made of lunar light - that can shoot arrows of energy, in addition to giving an impeccable aim to the girl.


Levels 1-10: Artemis' hunter projects a silver bow by raising one hand towards the moon, previously recomposing it with whitish beams of light, which can fire spheres of energy instead of simple arrows - still requiring action to arm - that can impact the target.


Levels 11-25: The energy spheres become infinite, and the energy arrows can already pierce the target. In addition, your character's shot may hit someone behind another object or person. Any unforeseen events that may impede your vision, such as fog, smoke, water, will not be unforeseen, and the demigod will be able to hit your arrow.


Levels 26-35: The projection of the energy spheres starts to take greater control, being able to arm the bow with up to two, which in addition, can follow until the target, until it hits, even for unforeseeable deviations.

Silver Arrow

Using lunar energy, Artemis' hunter launches an extremely powerful silver-colored arrow that can only be used at night. Depending on its level, at its tip, it houses a powerful gas, when the tip hits somewhere, it releases the gas.


Levels 1-10: The arrow when it hits the target, throws it two squares back and emanates a silver flash that leaves enemies around -2 squares away - blinded by one round. The gas is weak and can at most make people around where the arrow hit tear and scare monsters away.


Levels 11-25: The arrow when it hits the target, throws it back three squares and leaves enemies around: 3 squares away - blind for two rounds. The gas, if inhaled for a long time, can make the person pass out; if covering your nose or leaving the site does not work.


Levels 26-35: When the arrow hits the target, it throws five squares back and blinds them all around - 5 squares away - for two rounds. The gas faints the person when it is released if they do not have a nose protector

Quiver Unlimited

Level 1-10: Artemis hunters have an unlimited quiver of arrows. This quiver has a magic writing inside which makes the arrows infinite. Allowing the hunter to shoot multiple arrows without worrying about running out. Initially it has simple arrows, causing bleeding depending on where to pierce. Such arrows have a speed of 250 km / h. The hunters' arrows can have a very intense shine that is able to impair the enemy's vision making it easier to hit the arrow.

The Great Hunt

Level 50: The Huntress summons the beings of the forest to help her in battle. This skill brings to the battle at least: 7 species of wolves, 5 species of deer, 4 species of felines, elephants, primates, wild boar, rhinoceros, hyenas among others. The ability intensifies at night, especially in the presence of the moon.

PS: Once per event or saga.

Orion's Fall

Level 80: Orion was a brave Greek hunter, who acted under Artemis' orders, and was immortalized in the stars. When necessary, hunters can call on Artemis for help from her faithful servant. With a little prayer to the goddess, Artemis will be able to claim Orion's services, as in the old days. But not as you imagine; instead of simply returning from the dead to help them, hunters will be awarded the "fall" of 4 silver stars in the constellation of Orion, which rain on their enemies, which can cause great destruction.

PS: Once per event or saga.


Waning Moon Shaped Arch

Looking like a "C", this one is silver due to the moon stones that adorn the cable, it shines at night and allows perfect vision, besides that every arrow launched in this bow becomes faster than ever

Quiver of Moon Arrows

From the moon stones, the arrows contain the carved tip of the jewel, in general it is made of silver and because it is resistant it penetrates and breaks most things

Hunting Ring

Silver ring with a wolf's head that, on command, becomes a light silver dagger in which the blade can retract on the handle.

Hunting Wolf

A silver wolf and summoned by the hunter and lasts for a few turns.

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