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Grand Duke of Hell


Astaroth is a demon represented as a naked man with dragon hands and feet, feathered wings, wearing a crown, holding a snake in one hand. He rides on a winged dragon, looking like a wolf or dog . Other medieval versions indicate Astaroth as a huge black knight, mounted on a Scorpion . He is a demon of the first hierarchy who seduces through beauty, vanity. It inspires demonic and / or other bad works to mathematicians , artisans, painters and other liberal artists, it can make men invisible, it can lead men to hidden treasures that have been buried by magicians' spells and it challenges any question asked in letters and numbers in several languages. According to Francis Barrett (pagan occultist), Astaroth is the prince of the accusers and inquisitors. According to some demonologists of the 16th century , the attacks of this demon against humans are stronger during the month of August. His name seems to come from the pagan goddess Ashtart / Astarte , which the Vulgate Latin is translated Astharthe (singular) and Astharoth (plural). This last form became the King James Bible in Ashtaroth. The plural form was taken from ancient Hebrew by those who did not know that it was a plural form or that it was the name of a goddess, seeing it only as the name of another god apart from God and therefore a demon.


Appearance: Astaroth's children have light eyes, lightly tanned skin and brown hair color. (MANDATORY).

Personality: They are manipulative, treacherous and only think of themselves. His father is the Prince of Accusers, because of that, the Children of Astaroth usually preach hate and are extremely proud. They are charming and bisexual, relating to both sexes (MANDATORY).


Passive Powers

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Improved Strength


Naturally children of warriors, these offspring acquire a superhuman strength, which differentiates them from others.


Level 1-10: Can destroy iron.


Level 11-25: Can destroy steel.


Level 26-35: Can destroy titanium.


Level 36-50: Can destroy diamond.


Level 51-99: Can destroy adamantium.


Level 100-150: Can destroy vibranium.


Level 151-200: Can destroy divine iron.


 Level 201-250: Can destroy Celestial iron.



Weapons Master


These offspring are children of the Angel responsible for teaching humans how to create weapons and equipment, thanks to this, they inherit a great natural ability from their father.


Level 1: These offspring have knowledge about any and all types of weapons, items or equipment (armor, shields, etc.); no matter what it looks like, the way it looks or the complexity behind it, the offspring will always know exactly everything about them. Knowing your strengths, your weaknesses, your advantages (powers / abilities) and even the specific methods to create an equal or to disable, damage and even destroy such things. He also knows how to use any existing weapon, achieving great feats.



One Who Faces Challenges


Sometimes Azazyel's son will find himself at a disadvantage in battle by the strength of his enemy. Even so, he will not be frightened by the unequal situation and will be able to turn the tables, regardless of his disadvantage.


Level 01-50: In battle, when your opponent increases his attributes, be it speed, strength or energy recovery, the semi-fallen will be able to proportionally increase his own attributes to fight with the enemy on equal terms. This, however, will cause great strain on the offspring of the angel who will only be able to keep the attributes elevated for 4 rounds, being unable to use this ability for the next 5 rounds.


Level 51-99: Stronger, Azazyel's son will now be able to keep his stats high for 6 rounds. The semi-fallen will feel less tired than before, but will still be unable to use this ability for the next 4 rounds.


Level 100-150: In his near-peak, the son of Azazyel will be able to maintain his high attributes until the end of the fight. Also, if you are fighting directly against a group (that is, it is against a group that is against it, not everyone against everyone), if the members of that group increase their attributes, the group will be considered as an individual and the offspring of the angel will increase his attributes in proportion to what was increased by the group. Even at this level, you end up being unable to use this ability for the next 3 rounds. (Increases +3 rounds per person in the group you are fighting against).


Levels 151-200: At its peak, it is able to evolve all its powers to adapt to that opponent, managing to create resistances against any type of attack. Medium resistances, such as: If the enemy releases a beam of electrical energy, with the medium resistance, he will not suffer in that turn, but in the third, if he does not leave or defend himself. 



Warrior angel


The reason for Azazyel to present the weapons to men and teach them to do so was to present the war to them with the intention. The semi-fallen by nature will have an intimate relationship with war. Being children of the angel who taught mortals how to create weapons, they inherit from their father the ability to create, manipulate and mold any type of weapon and equipment, including armor.


Level 1-10: From a very young age, the semi-fallen when seeing acts related to war, however treacherous they may be, will not be affected emotionally by it. In fact, he will have a great interest in them, having a great knowledge about all the wars that have happened between humans and deities, knowing almost all the tactics used in them, from the most intelligent to the most dirty. In addition, he will have the knowledge of a warrior experienced in the use of all weapons, unlike other campers. Besides, when you are on a battlefield, be it friendly or not, you get a red aura around your body. The aura buffers all of your fire-related attacks, causing them not to extinguish for anything. The semi-fallen, in the beginning, will be able to create bladed weapons such as swords and other types of blades,



Level 11-25: Stronger, Azazyel's son already knows everything he needs to do in battle. His mind is rich in sentimental protections and ties, becoming resistant to any attack of a sensitive nature. When the semi-fallen man finds himself in the midst of a war or fighting environment, his presence will cause combatants to become tired using weapons around them, making them use more energy than normal and getting tired much faster, and may stop to fight for tiredness in 5 rounds. The semi-fallen will be able to take minerals from the earth and the rocks, being able to make weapons more resistant, having the resistance of titanium now. Their weapons, regardless of the material they were made, would be lighter than a feather, but still capable of deflecting strong physical blows, besides having a perfect balance in the hands of those who wield them.


Level 26-35: Now the offspring of the fallen angel will be at the intermediate level in all types of fighting in the world and their handling of weapons is equivalent to that of a master. When the semi-fallen is present, all those he considers enemies and take up arms before his eyes, will have them exploding in his hands. This is because his energy will spread to all the weapons around him and when they are raised against him, they will explode. This ability does not work with allies of the semi-fallen, with weapons already in the hands of enemies or those caught out of sight of the semi-fallen. The semi-fallen can take with rare minerals and make super resistant weapons, having the resistance of the diamond. He is capable of making any weapon and can assign some abilities to them as they are bathed in his energy. At the beginning,


Level 36-50: At this level, the semi-fallen will have skills in all types of fighting at the level of masters in all types of martial arts and fights. His weapon handling is perfect, allowing him to fight with more than one weapon in hand, one in each hand. When an atmosphere of war or struggle appears before Azazyel's son, his presence will cause everyone who is armed in front of his eyes to tire quickly, and part of their energy will be sent to the semi-fallen, restoring his strength at 20% per round (when the energy reaches 100%, the rest is lost). Enemies will stop fighting in 4 rounds due to exhaustion, however, if they receive a lot of energy at once, they are able to die. The semi-fallen can use legendary materials to make their weapons, now resistant like adamantium. The demigod can now make any weapon and armor to be used, either by him or by his companions. Your burn damage will be greater and you may also be able to freeze to the touch. It can also imbue weapons with its own abilities, such as putting Hellfire on a weapon and it doesn't suffer, but does damage to the opponent. 


Level 51-99: Azazyel's son is able to overcome the greatest master and fighters in all types of fights, being able to get the best out of his fighting skills with minimal effort. He can also make incredible and almost impossible moves with his weapons, while fighting with three different or equal weapons at the same time (one in each hand and one in the mouth, for example). When aware of an environment of war or struggle, the offspring of the fallen can feel the same and move to the middle of it. Faced with his presence, combatants who carry weapons will tire much faster and part of their energy will be sent to him, restoring his strength by 30%, but what is not used to restore his strength can be stored for use. as a reserve for a more powerful attack. The forces will stop fighting in 3 rounds due to exhaustion. The semi-fallen was able to use even rarer materials for his weapons, which will now have the resistance of vibranium. He can create any armor, weapon or item he can imagine. The energy of the semi-fallen allows the weapons to burn, froze and shock enemies in contact with them.


Level 100-150: He will be able to feel any point of war or conflict and be transported to it immediately. In view of their presence, those therefore weapons will quickly become tired and have their energy sucked by the semi-fallen one who will be able to restore his energy (50% of this maximum) and what is not used to restore will be stored as a reserve for a more powerful attack. . The forces will stop fighting in 2 rounds due to exhaustion and can potentially pass out. The weapons created by the semi-fallen will have the resistance of the Divine Iron. Some weapons will have special abilities depending on the energy deposited on them at the time of their creation. By putting the demonic energy your father acquired after his fall, the weapons will have a red tint, causing more damage and giving him resistance to fire, magma and heat. By putting the angelic energy that your father once had for being an angel, the weapons will have a bluish tint, being faster, causing more damage as it hits your enemy (like a combo) and will give you a resistance to the ice and to the cold. The same goes for items and armor. 


Note: This ability is passive, so the semi-fallen cannot "activate" or "disable" it. Where there is conflict and Azazyel's son is in the middle of it, whether he is participating or not, the skill will work. 



 True Voice


For ordinary people, the voice of a Fallen Angel is a deafening, high-frequency sound capable of shattering glass. Only some special people, with the authorization of the semi-fallen, can hear the voice without suffering damage. 

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Levels 1-10: If any demigod hears the voice of a son of Azazyel without his wanting to, he begins to feel the loss of all senses, however partially. Everything the same person says will seem sweet and smooth, being able to easily lie to older people.


Levels 11-25: Your voice is capable of shattering the glass itself, including completely destroying a demigod's ear, causing it to explode. Now his voice is extremely beautiful, managing to convince with a little difficulty anyone who hears his voice. 


Levels 26-35: Acquire more skills with the voice, and one of them is singing. His voice is extremely beautiful for everyone who listens to him with his permission, but he is also a real weapon to kill and control the minds of others. With his singing, he is able to make demigods flee in fear, as well as erase recent memories. Now when singing, the demigod's voice becomes capable of deceiving even demigods with mental resistance, and can ask favors for them.


Levels 36-50: Your voice is extremely sweet, adorable, and can easily make any human fall in love with you. In demigods, it starts with a simple sexual attraction, and that over time listening to your voice (five rounds) starts to make you go crazy. The victim will not control himself, doing everything to keep hearing the voice of Azazyel's son. Including, killing; steal and etc.


Levels 51-99: Your voice manipulates the sound; Being able to imitate, intensify, silence and distort, as well as deform, strengthen, echo, accelerate and decrease the sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high speed movement. At low frequencies the sound is potentially fatal for living beings, causing internal damage. High frequencies cannot be heard by demigods and humans, but can be used for sonar effects. Sound vibrations can travel through air, land, water and any form of medium, and because of this, defense using physical barriers is difficult. His cry is already capable of shaking an entire city, causing everyone who hears his voice - and without permission - to perish, having his eardrums blown up.


Levels 100-150: You have already learned to use the famous death song, which is the ability to sing, speak or just scream, and your enemy has his whole body destroyed. But for that, it is necessary for the semi-fallen to focus on the person he will destroy.


Weapons of Azazyel


Being the son of the angel who taught humanity to make weapons, the semi-fallen will also be able to invoke his own weapons, all made by Azazyel himself. All weapons are given by your father when you are children, and blessed by himself so that whenever they need, they appear. Because of this, this ability is passive for not expending energy from the offspring, and it also works even if the offspring are without their powers or in a place without power. 


Level 01-50: The first weapon that the demigod can receive is a sanchaku, which would be an equivalent of the nunchaku, however bigger and with 3 bars instead of two. The bars of the weapon appear to be made of crystal or ice, being "smooth" along its entire length until reaching the tip, where it will have something similar to the face of a furious dog with thorns on its head, these capable of causing damage by themselves, the chains that connect them to a large ring are black. This weapon has ice skills, and in addition to making a big impact on the enemy, it creates a layer of ice that partially limits its movements. Each of the three dog heads can be "awakened" and each will have a different effect. The first head when hitting the ground, it will freeze the entire surface of it and trap the feet of others who will be frozen and trapped in ice crystals. The second head will launch large ice stalactites that will fall from the sky (or ceiling) towards the enemy. The third head, when swung towards the enemy, will launch large and fast blocks of ice towards the enemy, which will hit him with the force of a locomotive going towards him.


Level 51-99: The second weapon that the semi-fallen can summon is a pair of scimitars, swords with long blades with a sharp side. Both weapons will have serrated blades, with a golden handle and the head of a bird at the end of it, with their eyes closed, however the blades and heads of the bird will have different colors, one red and one blue. The blades are twin, working together, being impossible to use one without wielding the other, so each one is used in one hand. Blades can awaken a power, each having its own power. The blue sword, when opening the bird's eyes, will create a draft around it that will cause attacks in a larger area, but with less damage than when hit directly by the weapon. The red sword will burn in flames, causing more damage on contact with the enemy, causing no area damage. Both abilities of each of the swords can be used at the same time, and using them together can cause more damage than one of them activated alone.


Level 100-150: The third weapon is a pair of gauntlets and greaves (a kind of shin guard). The gauntlets totally involve the hand and almost the entire arm and the greaves totally involve the feet and almost the entire length of the legs, looking like a pair of gloves and boots. They are completely black with some white lines along their length, with claws at their ends. This weapon has great resistance, but is incredibly light, being a combination of strength and speed to fight. The weapon can be released and will have its attacks combined with light, giving the semi-fallen more speed when executing the attacks. By focusing the light on the weapons and releasing, it will do even more damage. When it hits the ground with this concentrated energy, it will cause a wave of brilliant impact that in addition to launching nearby enemies away, also leaves them blind for 2 rounds.


Level 151-200: The fourth weapon is an upright sword (Claymore) the size of the semi-fallen. The sword will be white with a black hilt and feather designs along the length of the long blade. The weapon, despite its size, is light enough to make quick attacks without losing Momentum or balance and still reaches a larger area than other swords. When activating this weapon, the hair will shine and the blade will be surrounded by electricity that will shock the enemies hit by it. The semi-fallen will also be able to concentrate the electricity and release it in a large area around it, reaching everyone close to it.


Level 201-250: The fifth weapon is a staff with two blades, one larger and one smaller, each located at one end of the staff. The weapon is gilded with a dark colored jewel at the base of each blade. The stick can be divided into two, thus forming two blades that can also be used by the semi-fallen as sword days. Such a weapon allows Azazyel's son, regardless of the weapon's form, to make several consecutive attacks while defending or dodging attacks that come against him. When separated, each of the blades will have a different effect, the activated one will disappear and be unavailable for use while its ability is activated. The smaller blade will allow the semi-fallen to summon energy swords that will be launched towards the enemy, piercing with the same efficiency and being able to explode, according to the will of the semi-fallen. The larger blade will create a series of blades that will fly around the semi-fallen, defending it from attacks and sometimes fighting enemies that come close to it, as an almost perfect defense.

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Angelic Corpulence

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Angels are immortal beings created directly by God, they do not age, they do not get sick and they are extremely difficult to kill, few items, powers and beings can cope with one. Some parts of that immortality are passed on to your children.

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Level 01-10: Nephilim cannot age from the age of 25, looking the same forever. It also has great resistance, having its interior covered by some fabric similar to steel. It shows a great resistance to poisons and diseases and radiation too, not being killed by it (only in large quantities). Your body regenerates in a matter of a few minutes of deeper damage, such as: A cut in some non-vital organ. It runs at up to 500km / h. As they are part of the "angel", they naturally have the ability to perceive the spiritual plane and interact with it.


Level 11-25: Its interior is already very similar to titanium, and also its exterior which has the same resistance as the interior. It is already completely immune to radiation, diseases and poisons. The speed at which it regenerates also slows down, in addition to being able to heal against stronger damage, such as the breaking of a bone. It runs at up to 1000km / h. 


Levels 26-35: Because they are the children of a Fallen Angel, they show great resistance in physical attacks, being immune to abilities that aim to change their entire body. Its internal and external resistance is similar to diamond. He does not need air or is bothered by the pressure. It regenerates even faster, even against deep cuts in more vital organs. It runs at up to 1500km / h. The Angelic blood of these blood means is bad for other beings that have no relation to demons or fallen angels, because of this, it can be used as a deadly poison, which when in contact with the organism of some being, quickly begins to intoxicate all their organs and muscles, making them wither.


Levels 36-50: Your regeneration begins to encompass more complex damage, such as damage to the mind and soul. Your body regenerates in seconds, even if it is crushed by a much greater force. It is already immune to abilities that affect its interior, such as hemokinesis and derivatives. Its internal and external resistance is similar to adamantium. It runs at up to 2000km / h. 


Levels 51-99: Having managed to completely regenerate his mind, soul and body, the nephilim acquires immunity to possessions. Another demon or semi-demon will not be able to enter your mind, and if you do, you will only be able to see hatred and terror. Its internal and external resistance is similar to vibranium. It runs at up to 2500km / h. He can discover the weaknesses of his opponents, just by looking at him, and he can also perceive the approach of other beings close by without necessarily looking at them.

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Levels 100-150: Its internal and external resistance is similar to adamantium. It runs at up to 3000km / h.

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Levels 151-200: Run at up to 3500km / h. Its internal and external resistance is of divine iron.

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Levels 201-250: Curses are immune, white / black magic. It regenerates from any damage, both physical, mental and spiritual, almost instantly (some take longer than others, it is up to the narrator to inform); It runs at up to 4000km / h. 

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Levels 251-300: Now you can only be killed for things that kill your soul and physique together. It runs at up to 4500km / h.

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Note: It does not mean that it does not receive damages.

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Azazyel's armor


Being the son of the angel who taught mankind to create armor, the semi-fallen will also be able to summon his own armor, all made by Azazyel himself. All the armor is given by his father when he was a child, and blessed by him so that whenever they need it, they will appear. Because of this, this ability is passive for not expending energy from the offspring, and it also works even if the offspring are without their powers or in a place without power. 


Level 1-50: The first armor that the semi-fallen one acquires is silver and black armor with blue jewels in certain points such as the chest, back of the hand, back, elbows and knees. The armor covers the semi-fallen completely, even having a helmet and a mask to protect its head and face. The armor will have a high resistance, being able to easily resist attacks capable of destroying mountains, whether direct physical attacks or others such as kinesis or of great destructive force. The jewels in the armor of the semi-fallen one can invoke shields of great resistance, this one being greater than that of the armor. The shields can be used to protect only the semi-fallen, a group or even a city from a major attack, the shield assuming a larger form for this,


Level 51-99: The second armor is bronze-colored armor with spikes over several parts of it. The armor covers the semi-fallen much less than the first, having a mask, a breastplate, armbands and shin guards, as a whole having a somewhat animalistic appearance, as if he had combined several beasts to make it. Although this armor has less protection than the previous one, it compensates with other attributes, such as the increase in speed and agility of the Azazyel offspring both for the energy of the armor and for its lightness, increased strength of the punches and kicks of the son of the fallen and the perception for attack speed, reaching the point of seeing attacks at the speed of sound. Due to its somewhat animalistic appearance, the semi-fallen can invoke the powers of 5 animals: Lobo, who will give him great speed; Eagle, that will give you sharp claws to cut diamond; Bear, who will give you a supernatural strength; Snake, will make you more agile and flexible to dodge attacks; and Owl, which will give you a wide view as well as perception of fast attacks.


Level 100-150: The third armor is black and dark gray armor. This armor does not have a helmet, having a thick breastplate, shoulder pads, armbands and coarse leggings with spikes protruding from its surface. This crude armor grants the demigod an absurd physical capacity, being superior to that granted by the second armor. The semi-fallen will receive the power to break diamond easily with the armor in its normal state and will be able to generate impact waves capable of destroying houses and rocks easily. Upon activating the armor's power, the Azazyel offspring will be surrounded by a black aura and their eyes will shine completely red, their strength will be sufficient to cause great damage in adamantium, open cracks in the earth with their punches, create craters with their stomps and generate impact waves capable of destroying a forest.

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Level 151-200: The fourth armor is half purple and half gold. This armor has a mask that covers the entire face of the semi-fallen, a breastplate, shoulder pads and a protective belt, having at most boots and leather gloves for the hands and legs. The armor is literally in two colors, the left side being golden and the right side purple. The mask is also divided into these two colors and each one seems to represent an expression, the neutral gold and the purple, laughing maleficiously. The armor does not offer defense, strength or agility like the others, however when activated, the mask's eyes will glow (blue left eye and red right eye) and a doppelganger (dark clone) of the demigod will appear wearing the same armor. The clone will have the same powers and abilities as the demigod, and the armor he is wearing for another,

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Level 201-250: The fifth armor is completely black with shades of lighter purple and lilac details. The armor covers the entire body of Azazyel's offspring, but it is at the same time light, and does not negatively affect its movement or speed and agility. The armor does not have a high resistance, however its main characteristic is revealed when it is activated. When this occurs, the eyes of the fallen child shine green and a slight white aura surrounds the armor and the semi-fallen. All the attributes of the fallen improve drastically, being able to reach high speeds that many would not see, being resistant as much as Celestial Iron, strong to easily destroy it and still affect the souls of enemies with its attacks. This activated armor, however, takes a lot of energy to maintain, then the semi-fallen can be activated for 4 rounds before it disappears. After that, Azazyel's son will not be able to invoke again for the rest of the event / mission / saga, being used as a last resort, as he will be exhausted after using it.

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Note: Armors can be summoned more than once per event, however if they are completely destroyed, the semi-fallen cannot use them until the end of the event. If they are severely damaged (and not completely destroyed), the angel's offspring can dematerialize them so that they can be restored within 5 rounds.

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Final Strength


Level 100: In the Apocalypse, Azazyel will need to fight Miguel and Gabriel before being taken to be judged by Rafael, that is, he will not surrender easily in a fight. It activates itself if either condition is met. 

 Neither do your offspring. This ability can only be used if it meets 2 conditions: the first is that the semi-fallen has lost to an enemy more powerful than himself or against a group of enemies; the second is that Azazyel's son must have lost a fight against them, having fought alone. Corresponding to the conditions, the semi-fallen can take the enemy more powerful than he or a group that is fighting against him to a particular dimension of him. It will be a slightly rugged terrain with different weapons (Divine Iron resistance) scattered around the site, which only Azazyel's son can use to fight. His speed and strength will be at maximum, he will not feel pain (he may be hurt and suffer damage, but he will not feel any of this), your energy will be restored (only for the duration of the skill and you will not be able to use other skills). Besides, the enemy will suffer differently, having only his powers active in that dimension. He can keep enemies in dimension for four rounds. The offspring of the fallen must defeat the enemy (s) completely within these four rounds, or else they will return to the dimension / world they were in before and he will be unconscious for two rounds. 

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Offensive Mode


Azazyel's offspring when he becomes very serious or very irritated will undergo a small mutation in his body; its wings will undergo an alteration having its wings altered and modified for the celestial iron, its body will be equipped with an armor of the same material as the wings, gaining an angelic purple appearance but with white parts. The Form is activated passively whenever you are in a state of anger, but it consumes energy like any active form. The difference is that it is not activated, but a reaction of the body itself.


Level 01-50: Initially the fallen only a big increase in his strength and speed reaching the ability to fly at least three times more than he normally could, just as his strength rises and can completely deform a person with just one punch ; their fortified feathers prove to be able to rebuild themselves whenever they are damaged, in addition they can fire those feathers or use as incredibly sharp weapons whenever they wish, such feathers have a small neurotoxin which poisons anyone who is hit or injured, having the paralyzed body.


Level 51-99: Your body is more durable than before managing to resist damage capable of destroying houses easily, and your wings can now display the ability to project their own energy onto their metallic wings, ensuring the ability of the feathers to pass through any solid matter , as well as making the toxin even stronger, guaranteeing the paralysis not only of the body but it guarantees the closure of the airways and even the pores, even the circulatory system is compromised by closing completely. At this level the offspring is capable of emitting a great hypersonic cry similar to an eagle, but even more intense than this, being able to cause internal bleeding in a terminal state. When transforming, the offspring will be able to change shape freely, acquiring the appearance of any living being, having their eyes shining,

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Level 100-150: Your strength is able to raze blocks, managing to resist blows capable of destroying a neighborhood. Your eyes now undergo a change taking on a violet color, which in addition to allowing you to see in infrared, still guarantees you the ability to see the true essence of other beings, seeing them as they really are (including divine, demonic and etc.). Their wings are able to absorb a greater amount of their own energy, and now, in addition to causing highly concentrated beams of energy in their opponents, they are able to connect this energy to each metallic feather that it fires or to any other type of iron ore to which it is attached. within a radius of 25 meters wrapped around it, being able to manipulate them by thought inducing them to do what they think.


Level 151-200: At its peak the offspring reach the peak of their mutation, undergoing a major change in their mind, becoming more brutal and aggressive; soon he acquires the ability to create post images with his movements and now he can not only do that but create small mirages while flying, confusing his opponents who will barely be able to see him. Acquiring the ability to survive without having to breathe in this mode, he is also able to use the energy that his wings absorb from him, like a kind of mirror, reflecting sunlight against his opponents, besides being able to fly so fast that he exceeds his speed. sound at least five times more than normal.


Note: This mode lasts 5 rounds. This metal cannot be manipulated and does not serve as an energy conductor.

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Active Powers

Teleport and Flight

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Level 1-10: You have a pair of gray or black wings (the player chooses) that emits an intense glow that blinds anyone when they are opened and closed. At the initial level, this glow can last up to 3 seconds and its flight speed is 600 km / h. You can teleport to any place that you have already visited or seen in person.

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Level 11-25: The brightness now lasts up to 5 seconds and its flight speed is even higher than many others, being 1200km / h. You can teleport to any place you have seen, whether in person, in magazines or on TV, just have the image of the place on your head.

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Level 26-35: The brightness now lasts up to 7 seconds and your flight speed reaches 1800km / h. You can teleport to any place that has the name, even though you have never heard of that place.

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Level 36-50: The glow now lasts up to 9 seconds and its flight speed is 2400km / h. You can teleport to any place on Earth, as well as enter spiritual worlds, you just need to, but for all trips you need to know the name or location of the place.

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Level 51-99: The brightness now lasts up to 12 seconds and its flight speed is 3000km / h. You can teleport to alternative dimensions and realities, even the private ones, but the owners of them can actively try to prevent their entry, if they do not you can enter them maintaining their powers freely.

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Level 100-150: The glow now lasts up to 15 seconds. Now you can teleport freely anywhere in existence, with the exception of a few exceptions, such as Heaven (which needs authorization from the ruler or chief archangel), etc. Its speed reaches 3600km / h.

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Level 151-200: Your speed reaches 4200km / h.

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Level 201-250: Your speed reaches 4800km / h.

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Level 251-300: Your speed reaches 5400km / h.

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Upon falling into hell with Lucifer and the other rebellious angels, these same fallen ones acquired new skills, one of which was the ability to control the flames coming directly from hell. Their offspring inherited this ability.


Level 1-10: Initially the offspring of the fallen can generate small potions of these flames, being able to mold in fireballs, or in solid constructs. At this level, they can generate these flames into small fragments or particles which burn the skin of their victims slowly, as it mixes with air.


Level 11-25: You are able to release these flames in greater proportions now being able to release bursts of fire against your opponent, being able to control these flames better. The offspring are also able to control the heat around them and can increase the temperature to extreme levels.


Level 26-35: Your flames are able to materialize in an aura around your body that allows you to quickly burn everything that comes close.

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Level 36-50: Achieves excellent control of these flames, being able to freely generate, control and shape them, but still not being able to affect the internal of their victims.

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Level 51-99: You are now able to control the flames skillfully, being able to make an entire city devastated by these flames easily, managing to affect and manipulate the internal and external of your victims with these flames, creating combustion, etc.

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Level 100-150: They acquire perfect control of the flames, which can affect an entire state with these flames and can increase the climate throughout the planet if desired and among other things.

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Note: Being flames from hell, they naturally affect the souls of their enemies and can easily burn them, once your physical body is burned by them, it will take at least 24 hours for all wounds to heal (slowly), for not even powers of healing or regeneration work very well when exposed to these flames.



The Avenger

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By activating this ability, Azazel's son is aware of his opponent's entire past, then knowing everything they have done since they began to exist. Two boards are formed in front of the offspring, on one side are the ten commandments together with the seven deadly sins, on the other, all the existing information regarding the target. Every time the opponent has "broken" a divine law, the offspring has the ability to punish him, just as Azazel was once charged with doing so. The boards cannot be broken or undone and remain active until the offspring's death, as no one escapes judgment, not even the Challenger has fled.

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Levels 50-100: With each infraction of the target the offspring can choose to take away an active or passive power, their senses are completely lost and their mind goes into confusion, having false coordinates. It affects a small group of people, at most three.


Levels 101-150: Now, with every sin the sentenced person is condemned to all blows directed at the bastard being absorbed by the boards and felt by him, as the weight of his sins before the judgment. It can create an illusion, where the victim will have all his sensitivity diminished making him incredibly sensitive sensitive to everything, even to the touch of a drop of water. Time in that place will pass faster, the offspring will make their victims experience eternal torture, having their mind and spirit destroyed. 

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Levels 151-200: At the height of power, offspring can consume almost all the energy of sinners, leaving them on their knees for two rounds, managing to act in front of a small town, with each sin committed, they become stagnant, feeling the weight of their hearts increase little by little; if you count 3 infractions, they become a kind of crystal from the inside out and later become a shiny powder. Their tormented souls keep the semi-fallen for emergency protection or in cases where these souls need to sacrifice themselves for the son of Azazel, as in a decisive blow from the opponent, acting as foci of light that intercept the front of the offspring when these need. Souls sacrifice themselves in the following way: if Azazyel's son dies, he may sacrifice a soul to return to life.

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The fallen angels, despite having been expelled and disowned from heaven, continued to have the knowledge and intelligence of angels. This ability gives Azazyel's son the ability to sense the supernatural, see the invisible and even hide his presence through the mind, it also provides him with telekinesis, telepathy, psionic manipulation and vast mental powers. 

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1-50: At the initial level, the semi-fallen is already so intelligent that he has knowledge about everything that exists since creation and some skills, such as seeing the invisible, feeling the supernatural and creating small illusions that do not move (a small group of people or animals). It also demonstrates some psychic powers (telekinesis, telepathy, force field and kinetic waves), but still light, limiting them to a strength of 100 kg and requiring effort and concentration of the offspring. She cannot use other powers while using mentalism. You have basic control of the four elements of nature (water, fire, earth, air) in a basic way, being able to invoke, manipulate, control and change the temperature and shape according to their nature, but you cannot control the derivatives.

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51-99: Your skills move to a new level where your attributes evolve into an area and greater strength, telepathy can be aggressive to hurt the opponent's mind, force fields and kinetic waves can now be done in the head and on the opponents' bodies, thus applying more serious and deadly blows. The strength of psychic strikes is now 250 kg. You can use two more powers while using Mentalism. It now has medium control and the ability to control the derivatives of the four elements.


100-150: The skills now provide mind control for the nephilim, who can invade and control the minds of demigods and creatures that have no resistance, having more work with the latter in proportion to the percentage of resistance. The strength of psychic strikes is now 500 kg. You can use 4 more powers while using Mentalism. It now has medium control and the ability to control the derivatives of the four elements. Gain high control of natural elements, such as wood, the material of plants and fruits, etc.

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151-200: His mentalism now encompasses campers and beings immune to mental powers, having no barriers that prevent him from using his psychokinesis. The strength of psychic strikes is now 1000 kg. You can use 6 more powers while using Mentalism. It obtains the highest control of organic matter in general. Now you get perfect control of all elements freely.


201-250: You can already use your powers at will even while using mentalism, although your energies will be spent faster. The force of psychic strikes is now 2000 kg.


251-300: It obtains molecular telekinesis. The force of these blows reaches 3000 kg.

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Az Code

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The Code of Az is the power to impose absolute commands on any individual. The user can impose irresistible commands on any type of being, natural and supernatural, living and non-living. Although commands are often spoken, the user's intentions are what really matter. They can impose complex commands with a single word, through a specific gesture or a simple act of will, undoubtedly bending anything and everything to their will. It requires a clearly identified policy. To enter someone's mind in order to use this skill, it is necessary that the person has touched him for at least ten seconds, without also losing eye contact.

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Level 200: Can say commands to the opponent, breaking their mental immunities or resistances. It basically works like hypnosis, whose, once the semi-fallen enters the opponent's mind, the code of Az can be used. You can dictate any commands.

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Note: You cannot make anyone self-erase. If the victim is killed, if he resurrects, he will have lost the effect of the ability, and it will be necessary to do everything again.

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Aura of Wrath

Azazyel's offspring when in a state of anger or some very strong feeling, is able to proliferate an aura of red color similar to destructive energy, but not erasing from existence.

Level 1-100: The offspring release an aura that is capable of killing every living animal and plant. The aura is around the offspring just inches from your body, and it will take life from everything you touch, without distinction. The slightest physical contact with the offspring will cause their vital energy to be sucked out of their body and passed to the offspring, healing wounds and restoring their energy. Offspring can release the deadly aura over an area of ​​up to 25 meters.

Level 101-200: The offspring can release a wave of deadly energy over an area of ​​up to 50 meters, where it will affect everything in their range. Everything that is alive will have its vital energy sucked into the offspring. Worldly beings (humans, plants and ordinary animals) will be killed instantly by the aura. Demigods with levels below that of the offspring will also be affected by this aura, if the offspring so desires, being able to choose who will be the target of their mortal energy. However, demigods are not killed but infested by a disease similar to Black Death, whose cure is beyond the blood of the offspring. 

Level 201-300: Worldly beings will be killed immediately and smaller and weaker monsters (usually the most common to appear) will suffer the same fate. Other demigods (still with levels below that of the offspring) may be absurdly weakened by the offspring, even getting between life and death in this way. Demigods on the same level as the offspring will be weakened, becoming only able to use their passive powers. Even after releasing the aura, the energy around the offspring will still be strong enough to kill with just 5 seconds eye contact with the target. Even if the offspring wishes that the enemy does not die at that moment, when caught once, they will be contaminated by it. One thought is enough to receive the original damage.

Note: This ability works only on characters with lower levels than the semi-fallen. The aura lasts in all, one round, and when used, it takes ten rounds to "reload".

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Az - Azel

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Azazel, typically called by Enochio Azazyel, means "resignation capp" or "departure capp", this makes reference to when the people of Israel performed the rite of sacrificing a goat to God and taking another one to get lost in the desert with their sins, which would later be consumed by Azazyel. But there it is, according to deciphered texts, the fallen has a barren part in the desert of his own, in which God does not act in a fruitful way, not exercising power in a certain area.


Level 50-100: The bastard gains access to his own dimension, where there is nothing but deserts and sandstorms. The dimension serves as a refuge, and there can be no fighting on the spot. You can take up to five people with you, but only to take refuge. It controls the sand perfectly, as well as all ores.


Level 101-150: The Dimension can now be used even if it is not inside it, for example, to make a hole open on top of the enemy and all the sand of the dimension falls over it. The sand sucks the victim's vital energy (20% per turn), and it burns as if it were the infernal fire itself. Within the dimension, there are all the existing elements, which can be invoked by the offspring for their use.

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Level 151-200: Another gift and affinity that bastards gain is to control Azazyel's special sands. This sands comes from the time when Azazyel acted with a certain activity, still in the Old Testament, in the middle very close to the flood. The sands of Azazyel are used for tank and dense protection of the offspring, which are rebuilt at all times, but also for attack, being able to break barriers or any existing material, interrupting healing or restoration, but its main characteristic is to imprison anything, sedating totally involved. 

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Ex: sand covers the enemy's hands and from there he will no longer be able to enjoy his powers.

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Angel of Wrath

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For Demonology, or the cataloging of the demons of the Catholic tradition Azazel is one of the 7 arche-demons of Satan, who make a counterpart to the 7 archangels of God. He is also commonly known as the one responsible for the sin of Wrath among the Seven Princes of Hell (which correspond to the seven deadly sins), so his offspring inherit a personality deviation when they are angry and this triggers special skills in the half-blood.

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Levels 1-50

  • Revenge Counter: This skill is very dangerous for the semi-fallen, but very decisive; When the semi-fallen is already very weak and injured, almost on the verge of death, he basically transfers all the damage and injuries from his body to that of the enemy in an even more drastic and strong way. As much as he ends up winning the fight, it wears out his soul, making him unable to use the skill for the rest of the event.


Levels 51-100:

  •  Full Counter Strike: With this ability the bastard no longer takes the hit and accumulates it, having his body reversed by diamond. The blows launched against the offspring are transformed into energy and are "kept". If you store too much, it could explode. It lasts five rounds.


Levels 100-150:

  •  Lostvayne: It allows the ability to create clones, being able to create even 50 without the power embezzlement. The clones last ten rounds, and have no intelligence of their own.


Levels 151-200:

  • Black Matter: This black matter can leave the user's body, when used the bastard will lose part of its rationality. The bastard can mimic himself in this matter, he can be tangible or intangible (intangible he can reach souls and destroy them). Darkness can swallow the light and overlap against enemies that use light and are lower in level than their offspring. It lasts two rounds.

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Levels 201-250:

  • Hellblaze: The skill offers a whirlwind of black fire that comes out of the user's hands. Fire does not conventionally dissipate with water or wind, this fire is capable of killing immortals and has a burning of 1,000 times more than any other fire, managing to circumvent resistance and immunity. 

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Levels 1251-300:

  • Divine Slayer: With this ability the bastard can improve his senses in an absurd way, lasting five rounds like this, also possessing a kind of sixth sense, getting to know everything that happens, will happen or occurred within a radius of an entire big city and being able to foresee offensive moments before they happen. 


  • Counter Vanish: The ability basically makes a gesture enough for Azazel's offspring to nullify other abilities such as blasts, shields, spells and an infinite range of skill modes, causing them to cease to exist in that very second. In the case of physical objects or blows, such as a punch, for example, the enemy is also affected, being disintegrated. It is important to know that this does not work on enemies stronger than offspring.


Note: This ability is exclusive to the children of the angel of wrath, therefore, they cannot be copied. However, without being irritated the form is not conquered, after entering the mode there is a great physical and mental wear and tear, which can result in trauma and fragility in front of the opponent.

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Dark Manipulation

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Upon being expelled from heaven, the fallen lost most of their powers related to light, so they learned to manipulate shadows and darkness with a mastery superior to gods and primordials of darkness.

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Level 1-50: At this level you master the darkness well, although you don't have as much control as others due to lack of practice. Within the limits you can invoke darkness in bright places, manipulate, use it to arrest and hurt people and opponents and even to hide you and your companions in the dark from those who want to go unnoticed, but not being able to do this for long without exhaust.

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Level 51-99: You already have a good level of control, can summon suck and extinguish shadows anywhere, acquire the ability to shape sketches with darkness, from common objects, medium and small animals to even adults, these shapes can institute physical strikes to help you in the battle. You can use the skill without stopping any longer now.


Level 100-150: At the medium level of control the semi-fallen manages to mold any animal, object, person and creature with darkness, making it now more real than a sketch, making the shadow gain a humanoid or animalistic shape capable of emitting sounds, but noticeable that it is a shadow since it is black and flies when they cross it, like a fog. You can also manipulate the darkness to cover yourself and your companions to make them invisible to others, even in the clear. You can now use the skill with only the basic energy expenditure.

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Level 151-200: Now you can suck dark transformations for yourself and destroy them, absorbing your energy, and use the shadows to hide completely from other people, no matter how much light is in the place. As long as you are under your cloak of darkness you cannot be tracked by ordinary and magical means, only very strong or superior supernatural methods will break that protection. Their shapes can take on colors and look real, as if in an illusion, but they will still have their fluttering shape and will fall apart when something passes through them. Your energy expenditure is basic, but using the direct skill for 10 rounds will force you to stop attacking for 1 round to regain your strength.

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Level 201-250: You can control the hidden, abstract darkness, which is inside people, and with that you can manipulate it, causing a decrease or an increase in the person's negativity, leaving them at your mercy as they know how to manipulate their feelings. , also gives the nephilim the ability to discover all the black thoughts, secrets and feelings of whoever he is manipulating. It also acquires complete immunity from dark attacks and the ability to control any being in the form of dark transformation, except for other semi-fallen or higher. The manipulation now consumes the minimum energy, allowing the character to use it during the whole fight, falling to his knees only at the end, in case it was a lasting fight.

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PS: This power does not fit as a manipulation of feelings, since it controls the darkness within each one, it is up to the player to know how to use the ability in a way that fits that too. Due to its ability to control darkness, it can fail against "enlightened" people or those who are very good with life, but it is completely effective in any being related to darkness or a dark past (eg, gods related to death, darkness, night and darkness, murderers and people who keep dark secrets, etc.).

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Level 251-300: Reaching its peak, the son of the fallen angel can control any kind of darkness, from the primordial to the underworld, whatever. Your control is so extensive that it compares to children of gods like Nyx and Erebus, just the darkness of stronger beings that you can reach and not be under your control. You don't waste any energy using that power and you get stronger with every shadow or piece of darkness you absorb.

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Nephilim Form of Wrath


Azazyel's son entering his nephilim form, where he ends up undergoing a kind of transformation, becoming a living weapon. Your entire physical body becomes one with the armor that is indestructible; in this form there is no physical body, only the armor inside (it is possible to equip an ally with this same armor); inside the armor there is a kind of seal which represents the very soul of the son of Azazyel, the spirit of the same, allowing him to interact physically and even think, speak and so on. Thanks to the fact that it does not have an organic body, the offspring are not affected by physical or mental abilities; becoming invulnerable to physical attacks, since only that mark can affect you; the armor can move at Hypersonic speed (Mach 10). Being the son of the fallen angel Azazyel, the offspring acquire perfect fabrication, being able to materialize with their own energy any type of weapon and equipment and armor, but not limited only to melee or firearms, managing to create energy cannons, energy bombs, etc; the offspring being able to define exactly what he wants to create, the properties, the complexity, being able to use any energy, the capacities that it offers and etc; all weapons created by the offspring have one thing in common, which their father insisted on granting him such a capacity for, that he was able to wound even beings as creations of angels. It can also cause the opponent's own armor or clothing to destroy you from the outside in. being able to materialize with his own energy any type of weapon and equipment and armor but not limited to bladed or fire weapons, managing to create energy cannons, energy pumps and etc; the offspring being able to define exactly what he wants to create, the properties, the complexity, being able to use any energy, the capacities that it offers and etc; all weapons created by the offspring have one thing in common, which their father insisted on granting him such a capacity for, that he was able to wound even beings as creations of angels. It can also cause the opponent's own armor or clothing to destroy you from the outside in. being able to materialize with his own energy any type of weapon and equipment and armor but not limited to bladed or fire weapons, managing to create energy cannons, energy pumps and etc; the offspring being able to define exactly what he wants to create, the properties, the complexity, being able to use any energy, the capacities that it offers and etc; all weapons created by the offspring have one thing in common, which their father insisted on granting him such a capacity for, that he was able to wound even beings as creations of angels. It can also cause the opponent's own armor or clothing to destroy you from the outside in. the offspring being able to define exactly what he wants to create, the properties, the complexity, being able to use any energy, the capacities that it offers and etc; all weapons created by the offspring have one thing in common, which their father insisted on granting him such a capacity for, that he was able to wound even beings as creations of angels. It can also cause the opponent's own armor or clothing to destroy you from the outside in. the offspring being able to define exactly what he wants to create, the properties, the complexity, being able to use any energy, the capacities that it offers and etc; all weapons created by the offspring have one thing in common, which their father insisted on granting him such a capacity for, that he was able to wound even beings as creations of angels. It can also cause the opponent's own armor or clothing to destroy you from the outside in.


Level 180-200: Lasts two rounds.


Level 201-220: Lasts three rounds.


Level 220-240: Lasts four rounds.


Level 241-260: Lasts five rounds.


Note: Three times per event.

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