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Avó Aranha is the creator of the world according to the religions and myths of the Pueblo Indians , including Hopis and Navajo. According to tradition, she is responsible for the stars in the sky. He took a net he had spun, and tied it with dew. Then he threw it into the sky, and the dew became the stars.


Appearance: They have brown or black hair and green or blue eyes.

Personality: They are calm and cheerful with everyone.


Passive Powers


Levels 1-6: Can fly freely.

Levels 7-12: Can fly at sound speed.

Levels 13-20: Can fly at lightning speed.


Level 1: Can communicate mentally with others.

Amplified Force

Levels 1-6: Can break walls with punches.

Levels 7-12: Can break diamonds with punches.

Levels 13-20: Can destroy buildings with mere punches.


Levels 1-6: Withstands physical blows like punch with ease.

Levels 7-12: Can withstand cuts.

Levels 13-20: Can withstand fire.

Web Control

Levels 1-6: Can create unlimited webs that have iron resistance.

Levels 7-12: Can create webs with steel resistance.

Levels 13-20: Your webs now have diamond resistance.

Active Powers

Dark Scripture

Level 1: Grandmother Spider's son's primary ability, which allows him to write runes in the air, either with his sword or his own fingers. Such runes, depending on what is written, will have different effects.
It is a form of different skill , an extremely useful form of magic, runes can be used in offensive ways, which can inflict excruciating pain on a person, which makes it impossible to counterattack, or even make them feel specific feelings. It is also capable of changing the appearance of the demigod himself, to make him more formidable in combat or to grant him additional advantages and abilities.

Scripture of Fear

When writing the word "fear" on its target, The offspring brings the emotion of fear on its target, causing them to lose their courage.

Levels 1-6: Lasts 1 round.

Levels 7-12: Lasts 2 rounds.

Levels 13-20: Lasts 3 rounds.

Scripture of Suffering

By writing the word "suffering" on its target, the offspring causes the affected person to suffer severe pain.

Levels 1-6: Lasts 1 round.

Levels 7-12: Lasts 2 rounds.

Levels 13-20: Lasts 3 rounds.

Scripture of Death

Write the word "death" and look at the opponent who will die.

Levels 1-6: You will have to face it for 10 seconds.

Levels 7-12: You will have to face the same for 7 seconds.

Levels 13-20: You will have to face the same for 5 seconds.

Wings Scripture

When writing the word "wings" on themselves, the offspring acquire a pair of runes.

Levels 1-6: The wings double their speed.

Levels 7-12: The wings triple their speed.

Levels 13-20: The wings quadruple their speed.

Darkness Scripture

By writing "darkness" on its own body, the offspring turns into a massive demonic creature. When he transforms, he passes the claim that "Only a demon can dominate a demon", which implies that ability grants him demonic powers and abilities. In this transformation the offspring acquire the following taxes

- Shadow Control
- Increases all your attributes by 100%.
- Tornado: Vary dark energy and models it in the form of a highly destructive tornado, damaging its intended target
- Sphere: The demigod creates a sphere bomb made of dark energy capable of destroying matter and impacts it against the enemy at close range. The pump creates a huge pressure wave, which launches it over a long distance.

Levels 1-6: Lasts 2 round.

Levels 7-12: Lasts 4 rounds.

Levels 13-20: Lasts 6 rounds.

Absolute Shadow Scripture

When writing "absolute shadow" on himself, the demigod's upper body becomes covered in dark armor, complete with large shoulder pads and a menacing-looking helmet; The hair becomes combed back and protrudes from the opening in the helmet. In such a state, the offspring are able to produce electricity as they wish and become a shadow.

Levels 1-6: Lasts 2 round.

Levels 7-12: Lasts 4 rounds.

Levels 13-20: Lasts 6 rounds.

Scripture Reflect

When writing runes in the air, the demigod can reflect an attack back to the attacker.

Levels 1-6: May reflect a combat attack.

Levels 7-12: Can reflect up to two attacks per combat.

Levels 13-20: Can reflect up to three attacks per combat.


Also a scriptural form, the offspring is able to erect magical barriers in the form of rune enchantments in a certain area, preventing those within it from leaving. Each spell has specific "rules", which are created freely by the demigod, and which must be fulfilled so that prisoners within the barriers are able to leave it. Escaping is impossible unless the rules are followed, and even an immensely powerful god is unable to break them.

Levels 1-6: Arrest a single opponent.

Levels 7-12: Arrest up to two opponents.

Levels 13-20: Arrest up to three opponents.

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