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Behemoth or behemoth (in Hebrew transcribed as בהמות, Bəhēmôth, Behemot, B'hemot; in Arabic بهيموث, Bahīmūth, or بهموت, Bahamūt) [1] is a creature described in the Bible , in the book of Job , 40: 15–24. His description is traditionally associated with that of a giant monster, and can be portrayed as a hippopotamus, although some creationists identify him as a sauropod or a three-horned giant bull. This creature has an armored body and is typical of deserts (although Behemoth was also what the Hebrews called hippos ). Some young Earth creationists believe it is a description of a dinosaur . "Behold now the Behemoth, which I have created like you, who eats grass like an ox. Behold, its strength is in its loins, and its power in the muscles of its belly. It nests its tail like the cedar; the nerves of his thighs are woven together, his bones are like tubes of bronze, his ribs like bars of iron. He is a masterpiece in the ways of God; he who made it provided him with his sword. pasture, where all the animals of the field play. It lies under the lotuses, in the hide of the cane fields and in the swamp. The lotuses cover it with its shadow; the willows of the brook surround it. he trembles; he feels safe even if the Jordan rises up to his mouth. Can anyone catch him when he is on the lookout, or with snares to pierce his nose? "


Appearance: The appearance may be that of a teenager or any other child, since he was a human who had the beast sealed within him.

Personality: He is extremely calm. However, it does not support when someone acts silly or stupid, and can cause irritation. As a result, Behemoth's son does not stop talking badly about stupid people and is also known for scolding them on serious occasions. It seems to be much more expressive than normal, in addition to being more responsible. However, he has a very strong connection with his friends, helping them as much as possible.


Passive Powers


Bestial Physiology


Because he is the son of Behemoth, the Masterpiece of God, his descendants have a unique corpulence. Its beauty is extremely extravagant, managing to charm anyone who looks at it. Internally his body is almost the same as that of a human, except that instead of having blood, it has a brown viscous liquid with properties similar to the earth. Their blood is poisonous to foreigners.


Level 1-10: The semi-entity cannot grow older from 25 years of age, looking the same forever. It also has a superior resistance to all angelic creations, having its interior covered with fabric similar to celestial iron. Demonstrates great immunity to poisons, diseases and radiation as well, not being killed by it. Your body regenerates in a matter of seconds, even though it has suffered an attack that would totally destroy your physique. The Beast's offspring never tire, having infinite vigor. Their initial speed is up to 700km / h, as well as being able to shatter any material inferior to celestial iron. They can support up to 2 tonnes without any problems, having the potential to destroy an entire giant neighborhood with the strength of their fists.


Level 11-25: Your speed increases up to 1400km / h, in addition to acquiring complete immunity to curses, psychic powers, soul control, and skills that aim to manipulate / move your being, either internally or externally. If, as a result of fate, your body is pierced, together with your "blood", there is a gas stored inside it that when in contact with the environment kills and destroys any living organism. In a state of anger, he is now able to completely decimate a large village.


Level 26-35: The descendants of the beast do not have divine energy, but the bestial energy; an energy so ancient and ancestral that it is unknown to almost all existing beings, because of this no ability can absorb the ancestral energy, or even copy its powers. Energy denial, or withdrawal, is also immune. Anyone who tries to copy the powers of Behemoth's son has his body transformed into a salt statue. They increase their speed by up to 2100km / h, in addition to being able to partially (just one member of the body) of their body covered in primordial rock; whose one of the main skills is to completely absorb the physical damage suffered by the same. It has the potential for destruction equivalent to a big city.


Level 36-50: Behemoth was a beast of immense power, so much so that almost no type of power showed any effect against this being, when he shared his own ancestral power with his children, he acquired some protections from it. Like Behemoth, your children cannot be controlled by any being except God. Your mind, body and soul cannot be controlled in any way. It demonstrates amazing physical resistance, where your body can resist the most varied skill shot powers and physical attacks, being immune to climate changes. It acquires resistance to gravity, is not affected by any effect imposed by different territories. The same is immune to spiritual attacks. It runs at 2800km / h, besides being able to destroy two big cities with its fists.


Level 51-100: Behemoth's son transcends time, unaffected by temporal manipulation, resisting and existing beyond time. Thus, it manages to resist even the destruction of all time and exists independently of the temporal flow. In other words, it is an “immunity from manipulation of time” and “immunity from manipulation of fate”. It has the Acausality, existing beyond the flow of cause and effect. Running now at 3500km / h, now destroying a state.


Level 101-150: Running now at 4200km / h, they are able to destroy two states at the same time with extreme ease. Passively an aura of light constantly covers its body, as a kind of protection created by the beast which guarantees them great protection against the powers and abilities of dark beings. The son is completely protected against attacks and powers / abilities from dark beings, only taking 50% of their damage if they are at least 50 levels higher than the descendant of Behemoth.


Level 151-200: Run now at 4900km / h, now managing to destroy an entire country with the strength of your fists. Your voice is capable of manipulating sound; Being able to imitate, intensify, silence and distort, as well as deform, strengthen, echo, accelerate and decrease the sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high speed movement. At low frequencies the sound is potentially fatal for living beings, causing internal damage. High frequencies cannot be heard by demigods and humans, but can be used for sonar effects. Sound vibrations can travel through air, land, water and any form of medium, and because of that, defense using physical barriers is difficult. His cry is already capable of shaking an entire city, causing everyone who hears his voice - and without permission - to perish, having his eardrums blown up.


Level 201-250: Running now at 5600km / h, they manage to destroy two whole countries with their own fists. Develops a birthmark on your chest; the mara is a mountain-like spot that gives Behemoth's son the ability to expand his mind across the surrounding land in an area of ​​up to 10 square kilometers. 


Level 251-300: Running now at an exuberant speed, as 6300km / h can destroy an entire continent without getting tired. Furthermore, it demonstrates the ability to return from death three times per event in addition to becoming immune to semi-absolute controls.


Cosmic Knowledge


Behemoth's children are endowed with enormous wisdom, having a cosmic knowledge.


Level 1-10: Behemoth's son gets to know everything that happens on the street he is on.


Level 11-25: Now he has a greater knowledge, knowing everything that happens in the neighborhood that he is present.


Level 26-35: With a higher level of knowledge, the bestial knows everything that goes on in the block he is on.


Level 36-50: Increasing his knowledge more and more, he knows everything that happens in the blocks he is on.


Level 51-100: Now his knowledge reaches a high level, so that the descendant can know everything that happens in the neighborhoods he is in.


Level 101-150: Get to know absolutely everything in a city.


Level 151-200: Get to know absolutely everything in one state.


Living conditions


Level 1-50: Initially, these beings can be killed by any unnatural means. Similar to an ordinary human.


Level 51-100: It can evolve now, managing to survive after suffering major physical attacks, but can still be killed if there is removal or destruction of the head, vital organs, or suffers great physical damage (extreme), and can also destroy the body and it will still work.


Level 101-150: He can now survive if he receives major physical blows to his body. But now to kill you, you must decapitate the head, remove and destroy vital organs, or even the body of creation.


Level 151-200: Behemoth's son can now survive if his head is beheaded he will still be able to stay alive. At this level, you can only be killed if your heart is removed and destroyed.


Level 201-250: Now it evolves to become extremely powerful, where only the complete destruction of your body (there cannot be any organ, bone or limb left) will be able to kill you.


Divine Invulnerability


Level 200: Behemoth was God's own strength, the indestructible and inexhaustible essence and the most powerful Heavenly Beast in paradise even though he was a subordinate. Thus, the children of this one inherit part of their energy and acquire their supreme power from invulnerability, dramatically increasing all their resistances and achieving invulnerability to practically everything, not being totally invulnerable to everything but having a high resistance. Invulnerability comes down to being hurt, stunned and injured, but not seriously wounded to death by some kind of power or influence, and can still be stopped, arrested or incapacitated by powers of which he is invulnerable.


Note: This invulnerability applies only to your body and not your soul or mind.



Kingdom of the Beasts


Level 1: A special dimension for the children of the beasts, derived from the one that their parents had, so far only accessible mentally. Through it, the children of Behemoth can talk to each other and to other children of other beasts. They can talk both out loud and mentally as long as they intend to communicate with them. By concentrating, they can visualize each other as well, as if they were actually facing each other, but just being an image in their minds.


Note: Because it is a special dimension for children of beasts, no one will be able to access the mind of some offspring to listen to the conversations, being blocked and rejected by the dimension.


Apocalyptic Adaptation 


Level 100: The Beast's offspring can adapt quickly to any situation, automatically gaining the necessary attributes to face them. In a fight, they can adapt to resist skills, replicate and improve them to outdo their opponents, or spontaneously develop specific countermeasures. They can also analyze and understand any object, person or situation, quickly deducing the best course of action. Being able to develop for example Extra-Sensory Perception when looking for something, Teleportation when trying to reach a distant destination, Transformation when facing many or powerful opponents, etc. The offspring of the beast can recover quickly from any damage, develop immunity to its source, until it rebuilds itself from scratch (or environmental materials / energies if totally destroyed) and therefore


Note: In order for Adaptation to occur, the offspring must survive the attack.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Active Powers


Chaotic Manipulation 


One of the many blessings bestowed on the beasts was the ability to control the primordial force opposing the cosmos, the chaotic force. Such capacity is transmitted genetically to their descendants.


Level 1-50: Initially they are able to manipulate the minds of up to three people, distorting their memories and personality as they see fit. They also have the gift of manipulating gases, flames, earth and water as they see fit, being also able to create them. They can also manipulate and create chaotic bursts of energy that are capable of disintegrating the matter with which they come into contact at a high speed. 


Level 51-100: They are able to generate chaotic energy and double the energy in any way they want, creating constructs with the same that disintegrate matter. They also acquire the ability to change the probability of the facts so that distance skills have their trajectory altered and come to reach another location. It also achieves the ability to double space and thus shorten the distance between two points, in addition to having the ability to teleport yourself or other beings to locations known to you.


Level 101-150: They acquire the ability to release bursts of destructive energy through their hands, which erases the existence of everything they come into contact with. They acquire the ability to alter the divine biology of low-level / low-power half-bloods, managing to neutralize their divine abilities for five rounds. In addition, they are able to manipulate each component of the bodies as long as they understand them, being able to change them as they wish. They also achieve the ability to corrupt souls by altering someone's personality by altering their essence. By touching someone's body, they can make their soul leave it, leaving the person unconscious for five rounds, the soul will return to the body after the rounds and the person will return to consciousness. They manipulate matter at the sub-atomic level.


Level 151-200: They are now able to manipulate the space itself in a state area, allowing the creation of portals, the use of teleports, shortening the distance or even increasing material acceleration.


Level 201-250: They now have the ability to manipulate space-time in an area comparable to a country, which allows them to control the flow of space-time perfectly, travel through space and time - As long as they know where to go -, and even the creation of spatiotemporal locks, preventing the use of spatiotemporal powers / alteration of reality by beings of lower power level.


Level 251-300: They now have the ability to manipulate space-time so that the speed of themselves or other beings increases or decreases, affecting material abilities and even thoughts, the only limit is that they cannot increase the speed beyond anything light speed. They are given the capacity for conceptual destruction, which allows them to wrap their fists and legs with extremely concentrated destructive energy and with them erase even the space-time around their fists.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Transcendent Creativity 


Behemoth was a divine beast classified as being as powerful as the celestials themselves because of the great blessings bestowed upon them by Yahweh himself. Among one of these blessings was the ability to control existence and even create new fragments for it with certain limitations, such capacity is passed on genetically to the children of the terrestrial beast.


Level 1-50: Initially they have telekinetic capabilities that allow them to move matter in their field of view, with a raised weight limit of 3Ton. They manage to create telekinetic waves to generate pressure on certain objects, being pressures with a power similar to being crushed by the weight of an entire city. With their telekinetic waves they are also able to generate impulses capable of destroying a block and launching objects and people at Mach 2 speed.


Level 51-100: Your telekinesis is now able to lift weights of up to 30 tons without difficulty, moving matter around your field of vision with ease. Its telekinetic waves now generate pulses capable of destroying entire neighborhoods, as well as generating pressure on certain areas that generate pressure similar to being crushed by multiple cities simultaneously, also managing to create force fields around you or more people who are just as resistant regarding the pressure generated by its telekinesis, and this resistance scales together the power of the telekinetic pressure. With their telekinesis they are able to increase the physical capacities of up to three people in five times, lasting while they are in their field of vision.


Level 101-150: Your telekinesis is now able to move matter in your field of vision, managing to move 70 tons without difficulty. It is now capable of generating telekinetic pressures capable of power similar to being crushed by an entire state. It also acquires an advanced manipulation of matter, managing to control it on a molecular scale and being able to control each molecule individually. At this level they also become able to generate psionic force through their own mind, allowing them to create objects of psionic energy, which in turn do not cause damage to the physical matter-energy, not interacting with it and causing only mental damage, as cutting someone's arm with psionic energy, they will not lose their arm, but they will feel the pain of having lost it, also not being able to use it, as if it had actually been cut. The psionic energy will have a green tint. The skill at this level starts to affect immune.


Level 151-200: Your telekinesis now allows you to move hundreds of tons without any effort, managing to generate pressures similar to being crushed by the weight of multiple states. It is now able to control the vectorial force, allowing to increase the speed of a certain being or thing to the speed of light or reduce it to a null point, besides improving or worsening the acceleration of something (Vector manipulation affects only speed of movement). Its vector manipulation is functional down to a molecular level, managing to control the agitation of matter and energy at molecular levels and thus alter its properties in a limited way. 


Level 201-250: Your skill extends and now allows you to lift weights of thousands of tons with your mind, which can generate pressures with similar potential to being crushed by an entire country. Its molecular ability reaches the atomic level, being able to manipulate the atoms individually. They are now able to manipulate energy and also generate it perfectly. His vector control reaches a perfect level too, and he can now manipulate the location of bodies and change them, like teleportation, despite the need to know the location of the body.


Level 251-300: At their peak they are capable of generating pressures comparable to being crushed by entire continents and affecting even the fabric of reality with their telekinesis, which allows the feats that will be listed here;


             ──── Generate a telekinetic pressure point so powerful that it will erase the target's existence. 


             ──── It will allow the creation of force fields that will protect you from the gravitational effects of even a black hole, spatial changes and the temporal flow itself. 


             ──── Generate layers of psionic energy so concentrated that they will make cuts through space-time, being able to create portals that allow them to travel to any point of space or their timeline, as long as they know where they are going. Its cuts also start to affect the physical, preventing regenerative processes and applying a temporal effect that will cause that moment to be recorded in the existence of the being, preventing any type of healing from becoming effective in the cut site while the effect is active. 


             ──── It will also allow you to send your own existence to an unknown dimension, while maintaining a residual quantum body in this dimensional plane, which means that your body is still seen. When using such a technique, they cannot be more affected by attacks, after all they are in another dimension. They will be imperceptible to beings who fail to notice beyond the material dimension, as if they simply do not exist anymore. The skill lasts three rounds.


Sand Manipulation


Level 1-20: In the beginning your power will not be very great, being able to generate sand in small amount and use it to affect the senses of your enemies. In places with sand, you can move around freely and feel and see everything that touches it.


Level 21-40: Stronger, it can create sandstorms due to its ability to generate more sand. It will have an aura that will make the sand it generates faster and more resistant than conventional sands, having the strength of titanium.


Level 41-60: At this level, you can create a layer of sand on your body that resembles it, acting naturally as an armor for your body, having the resistance of the diamond. Its constructs, capable of covering a city, have diamond resistance. Affects immune.


Level 61-80: Upon reaching this level, the sand will act as extensions of your body, as if it were your own body, and can even make up to 3 clones of you. It can also turn rocks into sand and make sand back to rock. The strength of your buildings will be adamantium.


Level 81-100: If they are able to affect an area equivalent to several cities through their control of the sand, the sand created and controlled by them will be as resistant as vibranium. They are now able to manipulate the bodies of others by implanting their sand inside them, just as their sand will have a great capacity for absorbing fluids that will allow it to absorb liquids from bodies until they become completely dry and become sand (Depending on the size of the object and the object itself may take longer to have its liquids absorbed, as in some it will simply be impossible). 


Level 101-150: Now your control will affect an area comparable to a state, its sandy buildings become as sturdy as divine iron. Its fluid absorption evolves, now being able to absorb fluids from bodies at an extremely fast speed, transforming a living body into sand in a few seconds. But of course, this ability is underpowered by a limited transmutation ability, which allows you to transform solid matter in your field of view into sand at an absurd speed, in addition to being able to mimic sand for an indefinite time.


Level 151-200: Its control now affects a multi-state area, that is, several states, in addition to that its sand becomes as resistant as celestial iron. Its sandy sensitivity increases even more, now showing itself capable of teleporting to other places with the presence of sand when merging with this one. However, this is shown to be a sub-power of the ability to access the sandy dimension. It is a strange dimension, where there is nothing but sand of all types and gases. An infinite sandstorm that covers everything and causes people to get lost in that place will be constantly happening in it, having their cognitive and instinctual abilities completely crazy. To enter the sand dimension it is only necessary to create a sand hole in a surface in your field of vision and enter it.


Level 201-250: At this level they are already able to affect an entire nation through their control over the sands, being able to create major disasters with it. It is able to create functional copies of its members through sand, how to create an eye of sand and see through it, ears of sand that are able to hear, etc. Its sand not only absorbs fluids now, but also the vitality of the creatures until they become nothing more than dead bodies.


Level 251-300: At their peak they are able to manipulate the sands of time, which allows them to create temporal sandstorms that affect the flow of time in whatever way they want, speeding it up, slowing it down or just stopping time in time. particular area. It is also capable of involving yourself or others in the sands of time, controlling the time of this body as you wish. In addition, they are also capable of creating visions in the sand, being able to see the not-too-long past or future through sandy surfaces. Its control is sufficient to affect several nations.


Santa Luz Branca


Level 50: It is the devastating ability that the children of Behemoth have in common with angels, which is the ability to emit fiery light from their own bodies, mainly through the palm of the hand. This light cannot be absorbed or controlled, decimating even beings immune to light.


Geography Control


Level 1-10: Can attract and repel people and objects close to or far from the offspring, as well as make a protective shield using magnetic force.


Level 11-25: By concentrating the energy, it is able to affect a large area, generating a large explosion capable of wiping a city off the map. It can convert terrestrial energy into electrical energy. Because you don't have a lot of control, it will move around your body using it, giving shocks to whoever touches you. You will also be able to witness energy emanating from any other being that is in contact with the earth as well as sources of electricity.


Level 26-35: With manipulation, you are able to fly using the planet's magnetic shield. You can receive other types of electricity and pass them to the earth, being necessary to be in contact with the ground for this. You can throw rays of that electricity through your hands.


Level 36-50: Can create an electricity field that will serve as a defense, blocking electrical and physical blows in general. You can concentrate a greater amount of electricity in your hands and launch electrical spheres at enemies. Through contact with the ground, it can send small vibrations to feel what's around, in addition to causing tremors.


Level 51-100: You can concentrate a large amount of electricity within yourself and release it at once, generating an electric shock wave that will affect everything within a radius of 10 square kilometers. It can already cause earthquakes on a small scale, and in most materials it can destroy with the right vibration.


Level 101-150: Through water it can cause vibrations, which can cause large waves in this way. You can generate crystals from the beginning, but they will be small, the size of a sewing needle. These may be floating around the offspring and coming together to form bigger things, however, they cannot be very big. The constructs will have the strength of steel and may reflect light.


Level 151-200: Can transmit waves through the air, destabilizing enemies and causing destruction in environments with their vibrations. Now the crystals will be bigger, the size of stones, having the strength of titanium. They can now absorb energy attacks and immediately reflect them with the same power.


Level 201-250: It can generate vibrations so large that they equate to the shock waves of a large explosion. Crystals can be generated the size of houses, these being more polished, looking almost smooth. They will have the diamond resistance, being able to be compressed and heated through manipulation and explode, being launched at the speed equivalent to the initial impact wave of an explosion.


Level 251-300: The crystals can be the size of a building, with the resistance of adamantium and capable of storing the user's energy and serving as energy reserve storage later. They can also generate light that will illuminate the environment. They are able to repel any force launched against it, capable of returning against the user.


Bestial Connection


Level 1-50: Initially the son of Behemoth when releasing the power of the beast in its initial levels, will only undergo a partial transformation, acquiring wild features and characteristics in his body. At this level your strength can easily destroy entire blocks, while your speed reaches 2100 km / h. In this state, your body is only surrounded by a large amount of white celestial energy similar to Light. Its power increases dramatically to the point of comparing itself to a lesser deity.


Level 51-100: The son manages to elevate his form, in this state his power is increased being compared to that of a titan. Being able now to exceed the speed of sound, reaching 4200 km / h, in addition to destroying cities with its strength, its regenerative power also rises, managing to cure very severe damages such as hemorrhages, perforations and serious mutilations. The son displays a cloak made of bestial energy around his body that has both defensive and offensive capabilities; this cloak protects you from physical damage and especially from abilities like hell, heavenly fire, etc; the child is also able to use the energy around him to deform his appearance by creating huge limbs. This celestial energy is extremely hot to the point of burning its victims and especially hellish beings, since the son has a resistance to attacks by these beings while he is wrapped in the mantle. Their strength and screams are capable of generating shock waves.


Level 101-150: The son of the Beast increases his power even more compared to a saint, his speed is shown to be higher reaching 6300 km / h and his strength can easily destroy states. Its characteristics get even more wild but it still manages to maintain its consciousness. The son exhibits the ability to use his bestial energy to generate powerful light attacks, even managing to control the light from his bestial energy.


Level 151-200: At this level, the child's body now receives a large amount of bestial energy which destroys all of his skin, being consumed by the bestial energy; soon it takes on a form similar to the monster Behemoth but in a miniature. With a power comparable to that of a celestial (angel, prophet, etc.), the body of the beast is extremely white, produced by pure Holy Light (this does not harm the child. But for those who see it naturally, their eyes will be burned. demonic beings will not be able to get close to the beast, if they do that they will have their body burned by the holy light by the simple approach .. In this state the son can reach the speed of light if he wants and his strength easily destroys countries. A notorious skill is the ability to fire apocalyptic bestial spheres through the mouth in the form of powerful bursts or even spheres, which cannot be stopped even by cosmic energy, anyone caught by them, has their body and soul disintegrated, nullifying any regenerative power (these spheres present in addition to the capabilities of the beast, the priorities of the holy light as well) being effective with any demonic or dark being. It is also notorious a bony layer around the body of the beast which serves to absorb damage and impacts that the beast receives. the priorities of the holy light as well) being effective with any demonic or dark being. It is also notorious a bony layer around the body of the beast which serves to absorb damage and impacts that the beast receives. the priorities of the holy light as well) being effective with any demonic or dark being. It is also notorious a bony layer around the body of the beast which serves to absorb damage and impacts that the beast receives. 


Ps: In this way the child loses the ability to know who is an ally or an enemy, destroying everything that lies ahead.


Level 201-250: Your body in this state is capable of assuming a shape similar to that of the beast, but still in an incomplete form. The son is similar to a beast, however the son's conscience is still present, restricting the celestial energy of being able to dominate him. Its strength can easily destroy entire nations, its apocalyptic spheres can destroy entire continents, its body can generate absurd amounts of holy light as well as the desire in both mouths in powerful bursts or hands in more precise attacks, its speed exceeds the light if you wish. 


Level 251-300: The child ends up losing control completely, with no further restrictions. The minimal presence of the descendant of Behemoth is able to undo manipulations of chaos and even weaken any dark or infernal being by forcing them to retreat if they want to survive. Your strength can destroy continents. 




Level 200: The son of the beast is now able to control the bestial energy, since he fully accepts his celestial offspring. At this level, he ends up managing to enter any form of the bestial connection if he wants without losing control; in addition to also entering a mode made of Holy light, unique. This mode allows the child to perfectly control the holy light, being able to freely generate, control and manipulate it; managing to exceed the speed of light easily, in addition to being able to create the apocalyptic sphere if you want too. The son of the Behemoth beast gains complete control over geokinesis and all other derivatives of it. The son can also summon a monster with the same abilities in a physical manifestation to help him in combat, just as he can switch places with her;




Level 150: Has semi omniscience, being able to know every future and every past, such ability may not work in certain creatures and in some realities. The user knows almost everything that exists while being unaware of certain details or being limited in other ways, possibly only being able to see a timeline or universe, or having only small pieces of information that are missing or blocked, thus allowing the user maintain your sense of free will and uncertainty.




Level 100: Creation reaches the capacity to be able to be in almost the entire universe at once, it can be in alternative reality, dimensions and etc. The user is present in almost all places at the same time, but is usually limited within / to a certain domain, such as time, space or even nothing.


Ground Handling


Level 1-20: Your control already allows you to feel whatever is in contact with the earth, stone and its derivatives, both above and below the ground. It also has the ability to bury itself completely under the ground as well as bury other things, being able to dig tunnels as well as dig up things that are in the ground, but cannot be bigger than a motorcycle.


Level 21-40: It becomes capable of generating earth and rock constructs, these having the resistance of titanium, but it is also capable of making the soil become liquid, thus acting as super efficient quicksand, swallowing everything that is in contract with the earth, as well as polishing most materials originating from it.


Level 41-60: Upon reaching that level, you can expand your senses through the earth and stones, being able to see and hear what the earth sees and hears, being able to use this as a means of communicating with others. Its constructs have the resistance of diamond, being able to transform its body in rock and earth with the same resistance of them. It also has the ability to generate soil and any type of rock, including crystals.


Level 61-80: At this level, the offspring is able to generate landslides and very powerful earthquakes, capable of easily devastating a city. Having originated from earth minerals, metals are also susceptible to manipulation, which can cause them to have the resistance of adamantium, like their constructs. The ability starts to affect immune.


Level 81-100: At its maximum, it can generate the earth, rocks and any type of mineral freely, its constructs having the resistance of vibranium. With the earth, it can trap people inside the rock, transport itself through it to different places, and make the tectonic plates vibrate slightly, already causing intense earthquakes in this way. Your ability affects several cities.


Level 101-150: Your ability will affect the area of ​​a state, now being able to absorb and redirect the Earth's essence to create bundles of energy or even raise the dead (Up to Three). His ground handling is imbued with the spiritual essence of the earth, making his earth-handling and derivative skills now easily affect the astral realm.


Level 151-200: They are now able to manipulate even rocky celestial bodies, thus managing to attract meteors to their location, manipulate stardust and other rocky cosmic materials, also managing to pull pieces of some celestial bodies, leaving craters in them. Obviously they are able to increase the temperature of the rock matter at this level, which can reach a temperature of 3,000 ° C. Its control affects an area comparable to several states. They also become to transform the gaseous matter in its field of vision into rocks / earth.


Level 201-250: They are able to imbue the earth element with the anti-life effect, that is, canceling the life with which it comes in contact. The soil imbued with such an effect gains a black aspect and with cracks that emanate a constant purple glow. All plant life around the earth-morbid element is rotted while the vitality of animals and creatures is absorbed, taking their years off quickly and aging them, despite the fact that beings with great vitality have resistance to this ability and when trying to affect areas the effect will be slower. Upon reaching living bodies with the anti-life rocks they will have the body part totally necrotic and if it is not cut quickly it will spread throughout your body, when being totally infected it will become a statue of anti-life stone, without awareness or vitality. Its control reaches an area of ​​a large country.


Level 251-300: Its control affects an area comparable to a continent, also managing to control the land at a conceptual level. They acquire limited transmutation, managing to transform matter in their field of vision on land at an extreme speed. The earth manipulated by Behemoth's son is not affected by gravity, in addition to having the ability to accelerate, always moving between the speed of sound and that of lightning, although it needs to accelerate to do so.


Complete Bestial Form


The Son becomes able to access his true bestial and heavenly power. It acquires the ability to control large amounts of cosmic energy perfectly, controlling natural aspects such as electromagnetism, having absolute control over the earth element and its derivatives, in addition to increasing its cosmic knowledge at the level of a country and historical knowledge and future of up to 1000 years, it can cause climatic incidents only with its presence due to the massive amount of power applied in this form. It also has all kinesis related to land.


Level 180-200: Duration of up to 2 rounds.


Level 201-220: Duration of up to 3 rounds.


Level 221-240: Duration of up to 4 rounds.


Level 241-260: Duration of up to 5 rounds.


Note: 3 times per event.

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