Circe (from the Greek: Κίρκη, Kírkē; "hawk") was a famous sorceress in Greek mythology. With great alchemical knowledge, Circe was able to produce all kinds of poisons and magic potions. According to legend, she lived on the island of Eéia, in an enchanted palace surrounded by lions and wolves, all humans transformed by her through witchcraft. In addition to being able to turn men into animals, Circe was also able to make forests move and make day into night, being called "Goddess of Night". Circe was the daughter of the sun god Hélios and the nymph Perseis, or, according to other authors, Hécate and Hélios or even Hécate and Eetes. The two most famous myths involving Circe are his encounters with Glauco and the hero Odysseus / Ulysses.
Appearance: As they are DAUGHTERS of other gods, even disinheriting their powers, they still have their characteristics. Upon entering Circe's group of witches, her eyes become purple as a result of the fact that the goddess herself grants her the ability to perform magic. However, your eyes will only be of such a color if you wish, or if there is a magical presence in the place where you find yourself.
Personality: They have a mysterious and often enigmatic personality just like the children of Hecate, with a slight touch of self-centeredness.
Passive Powers
Sorcery and Enchantments
Circe's followers acquire a library full of spells which allows him to recite them. These grimoires are unique and only work when they are in possession of the follower.
Level 1-10: The follower of Circe when materializing his grimoire will be able to recite spells and enchantments, during the combat. The grimorio while using it, will be levitating and materializing a purple aura.
Level 11-25: You will already be able to release new spells and enchantments to be recited, still needing the grimoire.
Level 26-35: You will already be able to release new spells to be recited, still needing the grimoire.
Level 36-50: You can recite several enchantments and spells at the same time and you can also expand the spell's capabilities, increasing its size, shape, power, power, etc. You don't need grimoire anymore.
Level 51-99: Now in addition to being able to use your spells on a large scale, you will be able to create new spells or enchantments during combat.
Ps: The follower can use his spells even when he is without powers, if the place where the follower is has no access to magic, he will not be able to use witchcraft if he is without powers. (You can only use your own spells, and you cannot use any spells of another deity.)
Mystical Immunities
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 20-40: Resistant to physiological needs and harm. Having their physiological needs reduced to a minimum, managing to survive for weeks without eating or sleeping, also being immune to virus diseases, radiation and being resistant to poisons and toxins.
Level 41-60: Circe's follower is immune to mind control and reading, as well as possession.
Level 61-80: Circe's follower is immune to curses and rituals.
Level 81-100: Circe's follower is immune to spells and enchantments.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 101-150: Circe's follower is immune to the magic of beings below her level.
Mark of the Curse
Level 110: When the follower is in combat, by physically touching the body of another being she will be able to manifest a small aura in that area which will quickly form a mark that will not cause any pain to the opponent, in fact he will not even feel that the mark it is there (only magic users or omniscient beings). This mark will make the victim a container for the one who conjured it. When the follower dies, she will be able to transfer her soul to that of another being, thus acquiring this person's body for herself, allowing her to acquire a new body (if that body has powers she will also be able to use them, in addition to having his memory ).
Ps: The follower will be able to cast this mark whenever she wishes, but the body cannot have any being possessing it, if the follower has not been able to enter. This ability only works permanently in sagas.
Magic Weapon
Circe followers when in possession of their scepter (they can magically invoke or undo their scepter at will), he can transfer some of his magical energy just by thinking about it, to his weapon where he will make it stronger, in addition to this be linked to the follower, allowing him to always summon wherever he is or appear wherever he is (he can also switch places with his scepter whenever he wishes in the midst of combat). The follower can also grant this energy to other types of weapons he is using and can enjoy the same capabilities. (If YOUR Scepter is destroyed, it can be rebuilt from the pure will of its bearer, where he can use it again)
Level 1-10: The follower demonstrates excellent mastery with her scepter, her weapon has a durability / resistance similar to steel. Her magic weapon becomes just a portal to her abilities allowing the follower to manifest her powers through that weapon (in limited ways)
Level 11-25: Your weapon is now as tough and durable as diamond, at this level the follower is able to deform his weapon, managing to make the scepter take on different shapes unimaginable. This weapon is now capable of manifesting magical energy around it, managing to use that energy for various purposes, making extremely strong cuts capable of affecting the soul of its opponent, in addition to being able to form purple and destructive beams against its victims.
Level 26-35: Your weapon is now as resistant as adamantium, now managing to manifest elemental magic through your scepter, managing to manifest one element at a time (if you use fire, you can only use fire, if you use darkness you can only use darkness and so on) onwards).
Level 36-50: Your magic weapon now emanates a golden aura which increases the physical capacities of its bearer 3x more allowing you to reach the peak of physical conditioning over human, your strength gets to be able to destroy vibranium, also managing to run at 900 km / h having similar perception and resistance.
Level 51-99: Now your weapon reaches a resistance similar to vibranium, now reaching the peak of its capacity, the weapon is now able to break magical barriers and even common barriers of other beings with levels lower than the follower.
Active Powers
Level 30: Alchemy is a science of understanding, decomposition and recomposition of matter. It would then be the ability to change the physical state of matter into another state of matter. However, it is not an omnipotent technique, as it is not possible to create something out of nothing. If you want to get something, you have to pay a price, and this is the foundation of alchemy, the so-called equivalent exchange.
The Follower will understand and know the atomic-molecular structure and structural properties of the material to be transmuted, after which he will decompose, destroy, or break the physical structure of the material to be transmuted. This makes the material malleable; (it is possible to stop on decomposition). And finally, the recomposition that is the end of transmutation, where the alchemist alters the physical form of the material, being able to even move its atoms in new bonds, transforming them into one or more different substances.
Magic Amulet
Circe's follower is able to transfer some of her magical energy to a particular item or object (it can be anything, a stone, a necklace, an item, etc.). When transferring this object it will start to shine. This particular item will grant the follower the ability to see the animals' vital energy in essence, taking advantage of their specific abilities.
Level 1-10: The follower is able to take advantage of the vital energy of small animals, being able to take advantage of their certain natural abilities.
Level 11-25: The follower is able to take advantage of the vital energy of medium sized animals, being able to take advantage of their certain natural abilities.
Level 26-35: The follower is able to take advantage of the vital energy of large animals, being able to take advantage of their certain natural abilities.
Level 36-50: The follower is able to take advantage of the vital energy of prehistoric animals (dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, etc.), being able to take advantage of their certain natural abilities.
Level 51-99: The follower will be able to use the vital energy of 2 animals at the same time, being able to use their particular natural abilities.
Ps: The item only works with the offspring, or with those she allows.
Magic Portions
Circe's follower was extremely good at producing magic portions. Thus, he also had expertise in growing herbs, whether they were of magical, toxic or other types.
Level 50: The follower is able to summon different types of plants of magical origins or not, the follower will be able to create portions of incredible magical abilities, managing to break even the magical immunity of his opponents. Their portions can be of various modalities, from toxic, addictive, medicinal or healer, offensive or defensive, cursed portions, and among other types, these portions can be injectable, consumed or destroyed (when the containers are broken or destroyed, capsules or films that protect them). Their portions can be in the form of drugs and can create drugs that have the same effect as existing drugs (such as heroin, cracker, etc.) and also manage to create new drugs with different effects that directly or indirectly affect your opponent with certain triggers, when injected or consumed among other means. You can also create medicinal portions or healers that allow you to heal your companions from almost injuries, poisons, radiation and among other things (if it is very strong toxins, a sample is needed so that the follower can identify and thus create a portion that combats the effect easily , and may even cause the victim to create antibodies), the defensive portions cover several types, managing to create portions that increase the defensive capacities (such as resistance, durability, etc.) and among other types of defensive portions such as those that create protective barriers, those that they generate mists when the containers that protect them are destroyed, also managing to create portions capable of granting immunities to their companions (nothing exaggerated).
Ps: It is necessary to explain exactly what each magic portion does, for some portions there will be a time limit that can be defined by the character himself (no exaggeration), in terms of portions related to drugs and for some types of poisons, these depend on the amount that was inserted, inhaled or consumed by the victim. Their portions cannot be undone by almost any existing method, only the follower can undo their portions because only she knows what was introduced in her creation (omnipotent beings can undo). Magic users or offspring with medicinal abilities cannot do much without discovering what was used to help their companions. Permanent portions will only be accepted in sagas, in events the effect will disappear after its end.
Magic of love
Its followers are able to manifest a form of magic differentiated from the others, this is the magic of love.
Level 1-20: Initially, the follower is able to change her feelings according to the moment, being able to make a negative feeling turn into a positive feeling and vice versa (the follower can choose which feeling). She is also able to also know what her opponent is thinking and can also detect love in the air (knowing when someone is in love or any love desire) if she can detect her abilities, they will be expanded up to 3x more. The follower is also able to create small magical illusions related to love, managing to create a loving atmosphere between two people, or a moment between them and etc. managing to remove the attention of their opponents from the combat.
Level 21-40: Your abilities with this magic are improved allowing you to now change the feelings of your opponents to a greater degree managing to make them feel attracted to other people that they did not know or did not like before, also managing to make them feel high sexual desires for other people (following their respective sexuality). At this level the follower is able to cast some spells (related to love) against her opponent.
Level 41-60: Now the follower can feel and manipulate all aspects of love, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling love (getting stronger through it) until manifesting emotional energy (physical contact, it can cause loving emotions in addition to hurting) at the physical level. At this level, the offspring is able to force their victims to fight, venerate, love, even sacrifice for you (needs physical contact), the victim will be able to do nothing but obey.
Level 61-90: The follower is now able to manifest the magic of sex which allows her to use different methods of inflicting and using sex / pleasure as a form of magic, when using this magic, her body undergoes an alteration obtaining a more complex appearance. flashy managing to increase your breasts, your body can see more being compared to the most sensual woman in the world or even more and among other things. Being able to cast countless spells related to these in addition to enjoying the great magical abilities it offers you.
Spiritual Manipulation
Circe was a goddess of black magic, so her followers acquire great spiritual abilities.
Level 1-10: Initially Circe's followers will demonstrate the ability to locate opponents or companions who are invisible, and can magically make them visible again if they wish. Those who are invisible, the follower will see with a bluish glow similar to mana. He becomes able to see the spiritual plane with difficulty and cannot interact with the beings that inhabit it.
Level 11-25: The follower will now be able to see the spiritual plane easily, when doing this his eyes will emanate a magical glow. You can interact with beings on the spiritual plane, you still have no authority over this plane, and you can ask for small favors for only good spirits, who will have the option to refuse or accept.
Level 26-35: At this level the follower will now be able to exercise some degree of authority managing to repel spirits and banish them (if he is too strong, it will not affect him), the follower will be able to hide his presence and soul from other beings (with level inferior to yours), it manages to impose its will on beings of a good nature, managing to give orders to them.
Level 36-50: You have already acquired a great degree of authority, now being able to impose your will on evil spirits, managing to give orders to them, also being able to the soul of living beings like that of your opponent, being able to corrupt it by stirring your memories, in your personality and among other things. The follower becomes able to invoke beings from the spiritual plane and can order these souls to possess people, objects, living or inanimate beings (plants, tables, pencils, animals, etc.).
Level 51-99: Becomes a great representative of Circe in the spiritual realm, his black magic allows him to perform great spiritual feats, being able to disfigure souls, to unite them (to join several souls of varied indoles in a physical body, and can even absorb these souls for themselves in order to increase their capacities. Their capacities even allow them to affect on a large scale the soul of their opponents where only immune can resist their deeds. The follower can control any type of soul / spirit that inhabits the spiritual plane, being able to use them for various varied purposes, managing to animate inanimate objects and beings, to revive dead bodies, to possess people, animals and other beings, being able to make them slaves and among other things.
Level 100-150: Reaches a level where you have excellent authority over the spiritual realm, managing to control beings that inhabit it, and you can also destroy spirits through physical contact or when you are close enough. Your control over your opponents' souls is increased and you can accomplish countless deeds.
Braided Hair
The hair of Circe's followers is usually quite long, as this allowed them to braid her hair, which was identified by her master as a form of her own magic.
Level 1-10: Initially in your hair it is possible to make only one knot of your braid, the follower will be able to glimpse her own future, being able to predict what will happen 2 rounds ahead this will allow her to be able to know what will come to try her defeat (if the future changes the visions will also change). They can also predict the future of other people when they maintain constant physical contact.
Level 11-25: Now the second braid knot is created by increasing the destructive capabilities of the previous level, as well as being able to control the forces of creation, and can simply recreate things that have been lost and can no longer be acquired (like an arm that was destroyed, not being able to recreate a person entirely only body parts being quite limited by the number of times) she is also able to create magical items with unique powers for a limited time (3 rounds) the follower is also able to create objects inanimate in their hands or even to give life to people who died recently or to inanimate beings by placing souls of other living beings inside them.
Level 26-35: Now the third knot of her braid is formed, increasing the capacities of the previous braids and also allowing the follower to manifest magical threads imbued with destructive capabilities and can create bombs with these threads or even expand her creative abilities through it , managing to use these magic threads for various purposes, whether offensive, defensive or medicinal. These wires have a diamond-like resistance (increasing to diamond and vibranium in the next knots).
Level 36-50: Now the fourth knot of your braid is formed, increasing the capabilities of the previous braids. Now she is able to weave the destiny of her companions and her victims, being able to write the future of each one (she must specify exactly what she will do in the next 5 rounds) managing to prevent her colleague or even you from dying in an event, making this event never happen or even making someone else take your place.
Level 51-99: Now the fifth knot of your braid is formed, increasing the capabilities of the previous braids. Now he is able to manipulate the means of destruction on a small scale, being able to blow up a person from the inside out, also being able to blow things up by contact or even at the cellular level, among other things. Being able to attract or summon destructive monsters and induce them to destroy everything around them. It is also able to disintegrate what it touches and may even imbue its weapons or mana constructs with its destructive capabilities.
Level 100-150: Now the sixth knot of your braid is formed, increasing the capabilities of the previous braids. Her creative abilities are now elevated to great levels allowing her to even recreate someone who was completely destroyed as well as giving her life back, now being able to be able to destroy her victims with just a snap of the fingers by atomic or magical means, managing to cause injuries to her companions or even illnesses and among other things, the follower is able to destroy items or recreate them whatever they may be, also managing to create extremely strong items for longer periods (5 rounds).
Level 90 Circe's follower is able to transfer her magical energy to a certain object or person (who is holding or touching). When transferring this energy to an object or person, they will become an explosive similar to a C4. It is enough for the follower to want and that person will explode destroying everything and everyone who is close, the explosion is capable of consuming an entire city. The follower can also use souls to use as fuel for the explosion, the more energy or souls has more destructive range the bomb will have, the follower can also modify the explosive, to be something molecular, cellular, atomic or nuclear and can also create a bomb spiritual condensing it with its magical energy.
Ps: If you use your magic power, you won't be able to use any active or passive power for 4 rounds. If you use these souls they will be destroyed and cannot be used again.
Your faithful companions
Circe's follower can, whenever she wishes, summon various wild animals to help her. These animals are actually humans who were bewitched by their master. The follower is also able to animate inanimate objects and beings and can give them life or even transform them into animals.
Level 1-10: These animals are up to 10 meters high.
Level 11-25: These animals are up to 20 meters high.
Level 26-35: These animals are up to 30 meters high.
Level 36-50: These animals are up to 40 meters high.
Level 51-99: These animals are up to 50 meters high.
Level 100-150: These animals are up to 60 meters high.
Ps: When speaking Circ-Circ you will be able to bewitch your opponents, living / inanimate objects / beings, transmuting them into an animal, becoming submissive to the follower (whoever has immunity to spells will not be affected), and can also animate inanimate objects and beings that you come (you can even animate drawings, tables, pencils, flowers, plants, etc.).
Ancestral Voice
Circe's follower is able to manifest a spectral voice from the spiritual plane whenever they want, which will prevent any of her victims from concentrating.
Level 1-10: The voice is capable of causing damage to your hearing.
Level 11-25: Can make you lose your hearing.
Level 26-35: You are now able to destroy your opponents' tyrants.
Level 36-50: For more resistant beings, the voice can enter your head and keep messing with it, creating hallucinations or seeing your memories.
Level 51-99: She makes her victims mere puppets for the follower while listening to the voices.
Ps: The follower can also talk psychically with other people using that voice (the victim will not get hurt)
Magic wand
Level 150: Upon reaching this level, the follower acquires her master's last teaching which is the enchantment that allows her to invoke her master's wand (the enchantment will be left below).
After reciting the spell, a great magical energy will be formed taking the form of a wand, this wand will exhibit an exorbitant magical power, it will pass this energy into its holder which will fortify each cell, atom, bone, organ, each part of the his body allowing him to assume the peak of his physical mental and spiritual capacities. The wand allows you to freely manipulate the magical energy at your leisure with an infinite amount of magical power. Being able to accomplish countless feats, being able to fight against the biggest users of spells freely without any problem. The wand allows you to use any type of existing magic (except the absolute) from black, arcane, white and other existing ones.
Ps: The wand remains active for 6 rounds and can only be invoked once per event or saga. Users of magic or beings that manipulate energy will not be able to control the magic energy that the wand provides to its bearer, nor will he be able to wield this wand if he tries, the energy of the wand will go all the way inside the body and the victim will have his body. exploded from the inside out.
Enchantment: Oh mighty wand that had been used by my mistress, grant me the opportunity to use it once. Give me overwhelming power so that I can defeat my opponents.
Personified Form
Circe's follower as well as any warlock they have an embodiment of their own magic, which can be physically represented during combat or when needed.
Level 1-20: Circe's follower is able to materialize her mana, it has condensed into the shape of a bird (its color can be defined by the player itself). This bird will serve only as a shield preventing the follower from getting hurt against physical or spiritual attacks.
Level 21-40: Now the follower will be able to materialize his mana in an aura (color that the player wants) covered with large magic bars that protect him from physical and spiritual damage, even if the follower moves the protective aura will remain at protecting (for 3 rounds, depending on the impact force it can break, after time it takes effort from the follower to maintain the aura).
Level 41-60: The follower has now managed to materialize large amounts of mana, which will allow her to transform that mana into a great humanoid up to 100 meters high, the player will be able to define his physical characteristics (such as clothes, weapons, face, etc.) . This giant will have great physical abilities, being able to manifest elemental magic and attribute to these elements spiritual abilities such as the ability to affect his opponent's soul (he can use only one element at a time), the giant will protect the follower of mental abilities and also protect her spiritual and physical abilities. Your blows can easily destroy villages. The offspring can materialize weapons for the giant and use it as a puppet easily.
Level 61-90: Now the follower is able to materialize the fourth phase of the personified form, which is the animalistic one. The follower will be able to transform her mana into an animal creature of pure mana. This creature has the appearance of an animal (which the follower wants and can also define its characteristics) and has a size dr up to 50 meters. In this form, her offensive abilities and her agility are improved allowing her to carry out more stealthy attacks, in this way the follower is able to manifest elemental magic and match her movements.
Level 91-120: Reaches the fifth and final form, where all of your mana is materialized externally by coating your body with it, the mana then invigorates your abilities, increasing them by up to 10x (physical, mental, spiritual) in that form your magic can to be manifested naturally, you don't even need to recite spells or incantations they will simply activate with your thinking. Its physical capacities reach the level of destroying an entire city, its speed reaches sonorous while its resistance equals its strength. Becomes immune to psychic abilities, in addition to being able to have a resistance to spiritual abilities (This form lasts 3 rounds, after that it will come undone, to maintain it it is necessary to channel something very strong)
Lunar Control
Circe is considered a lunar goddess, so her disciples are able to alter the phases of the moon when it is night and cause astrological events on Earth.
Level 30-60: The Circe follower is able to passively absorb the lunar glow when she is at night, thus strengthening herself, managing to expand her physical and perceptual capacities by up to 5x, acquiring superhuman attributes, managing to move at speeds over -human (900 km / h), having a physical force capable of creating small craters in the ground besides being able to break bones with their punches, besides destroying diamonds with their fists. It acquires a resistance and durability that allows it to resist physical blows on humans, besides acquiring a good perception. The follower will also be able to control the water on a small scale in addition to controlling gravity moderately. Being able to release beams of purple light that cause kinetic damage to your opponent.
PS: The ability works only when it is at night, or under the exposure of a moon. The fuller the moon is, the stronger the follower will feel (Increasing 3x more the follower's physical and perceptual abilities), increasing her physical capacities 2x more each round.
Nível 61-90: Circe sendo uma deusa lunar está ligada a Lua nova por isso seus seguidores adquirem a capacidade de alterar a fase da lua para uma lua nova, podendo fazer o dia virar noite se assim desejar. Sob influência da Lua nova, as capacidades mágicas e físicas da seguidora se elevam, tendo um aumento de 10x, adquirindo capacidades inumanas, conseguindo agora se movimentar em velocidade maiores que o som, alcançando o mach 5. Sua força se mostra capaz de de criar médias crateras podendo destruir vibranium. Seus olhos liberam rajadas opticas capazes de congelar seus oponentes, podendo controlar a água e a criocinese de maneira mediana e a gravidade em longa escala. A lua nova lhe fornece criar uma enorme floresta negra repleta animais com tamanhos variados tendo seus atributos aumentados 10x mais que o normal. A seguidora de Circe se desejar pode movimentar essa floresta podendo levar ela para outros lugares. A mini Lua dessa vez dura 5 rodadas.
Level 91-120: Upon reaching its peak, the follower is able to manifest the black moon. It allows him to raise his physical capacities to incredible levels, being able to raise him 15x more reaching high speeds like the mach 15, possessing an incredible force capable of demolishing buildings with his punches, besides being able to destroy other types of solid matter. Since her master is a vengeful goddess, when the black moon is active the follower is able to bring out the worst nightmares of her enemies, they will be much stronger than the opponents and can use the same powers as they do. Under the influence of the black moon, the follower's magical abilities rise by up to 20x and can achieve numerous feats. The mini moon lasts 7 rounds.
Level 121-150: At this level, the follower, when receiving the lunar brightness of any moon, even the mini moon (which at this level lasts as many rounds as the follower desires) will have its physical and perceptual capacities increased by 20x, now being able to move at the speed of up to mach 25 being able to raze entire cities with their strength. The follower at this level acquires the ability to control the lunar aspects, in addition to controlling the cryokinesis, hydrokinesis and gravitokinesis and also managing to affect the earth's tides causing astrological or climatic events.
Ps: The new moon and the black moon will only remain active for 5 rounds, after that it is necessary to wait another 5 rounds to use again.
Mana Manipulation
The Circe Follower is able to manipulate mana, which is a vital energy of magical origin. This energy has a varied color according to the mood of the follower, when she is in a good mood the mana will be purple, when she is in a bad mood it will be red, and when she is sad she will be blue.
Level 1-10: The Circe follower is initially able to control mana on a small scale, managing to feel life within up to a radius of 30 meters, also managing to materialize constructs, platforms and not-so-resistant force fields breaking easily, being the offspring must strive to maintain them. The follower is also able to deform her mana and generate explosions which, when thrown, will cause small explosions. Being able to fly by concentrating a small amount of Mana in his body, besides being able to levitate small things that are not so heavy, besides being able to talk telepathically with other beings that speak the same language.
Level 11-25: The follower is now able to generate armaments (weapons and equipment), constructs, platforms and force fields now resistant to steel, being able to use them in combat freely, now being able to manipulate their magical life energy better way by being able to move more dense objects more easily, being able to move even less heavy people. When touching objects or people, she will be able to feel her aura and character, in addition to being able to see recent memories (with much effort), they have the ability to capture radiation and energies emitted by any objects or people. By concentrating, they are able to emit extremely hot rays which can cause burns of up to third degree or even kill their victims, in addition to the offspring being able to generate light through their mana.
Level 26-35: The follower is already capable of generating constructs and, among other things, with diamond-like resistance, having its previous capacities improved having an improved telekinesis, being able to lift solid and dense materials easily (not exaggerated), it is already capable understand other living beings through their telekinesis, also being able to see the future in small flashes in two ways, when touching something or someone you can see the future of this person or thing or when you are in a trance so you can see your own future, now he is able to generate illusions in his opponents by altering the scenario and reality on a small scale. In addition to being able to repair objects when involving them with mana, they also acquire the ability to teleport, when engaging with a large amount of Mana.
Level 36-50: Circe's follower is extremely evolved now being able to control her mana in a more experienced way managing to generate tangible constructs and Force fields with resistance similar to vibranium and among other things.
Level 51-99: In her final form, the follower acquires total control over her mana, managing to use it in almost infinite ways, her mana becomes almost infinite reacting according to her feelings, if they are good and stable their powers will be normal , if they are out of control, their powers will also be so increasing. At this level, the follower acquires the ability to change the reality around her by achieving some notorious deeds, the follower is also able to enter an anodite form, where her body is produced from pure mana.
Necromancy is a strand of black magic focused on the ability to use magic that involves the dead, the life force and souls.
Level 1-10: The followers acquire the ability to talk to the dead, and may also be able to clearly visualize the spiritual plane. It may even be able to interact with the beings that live there, this capacity expands to be able to conjure the dead to life, being a kind of living dead that follows its will, limited to only 5 living dead, being any type of being that is in the veil. (This ability extends to demigods, monsters, etc., however it is necessary that they died in the same event or saga.)
Level 11-25: Having a good experience with the spiritual world, the follower becomes able to redirect, now being able to feel their regrets, their hurts, being able, through physical touch, or spiritual (through the soul) to see their memories when he was still alive, thus being able to know sometimes important things, his ability to conjure the living dead increases to 15, now he can equip them with weapons, and he can even restructure damaged parts (such as spinal columns, develop the legs, etc.).
Level 26-35: The follower is now able not only to summon as many dead as she wants, but to be able to summon both vengeful and good spirits and use them for various purposes, being able to give them orders whatever they may be, being able to order possess your opponent among several other ends.
Level 36-50: Being able to know when someone died, being able to predict 3 minutes of the future, thus knowing what will happen within that period of time easily. At this level, your undead can acquire intelligence, not only that it can even generate a zombie apocalypse, being able to conjure a dead person and then spread death everywhere, being able to choose if you want, through touch to transform weaker beings into zombies (if you are a weaker being like human and animal npcs they will become instantly, now demigods need to be at least 10 levels weaker than you taking 2 rounds). Through necromancy the follower is able to generate living dead with harmful, toxic or chemical agents in her body and can use this to her advantage in events and sagas (it must be explained as well as how the bio weapon works).
Level 51-99: Circe's follower achieving excellent mastery of necromancy. Being able now to cheat death (minus death itself, or beings linked to the underworld and hell). This ability allows that when the follower is hit by any type of skill or blow that leads to death, in any modality of this, Circe's follower, will be able to pretend that this all happened. In front of the opponent the follower will appear to have died, when in fact she is only in a kind of esthealth mode within the spiritual plane. If it is a skill that pulverizes her, then the body will be pulverized, no matter the situation (it does not apply to blackouts), when she then decides she can surprise him by returning completely alive and healthy. (Only beings linked to the underworld or death like Thanatos can discover that the death was false.) Acquiring a broader level becomes able to damage the soul of your opponent, being able to "kill" it, based on affecting the psychological, physical and spiritual of the victim making it more "weak", sucking not only their vital force, but their needs to live, even their healthy feelings, consumed by negative feelings such as anguish, sadness, etc. (Can only cheat death once per event or saga) even your healthy feelings o consumed by negative feelings like anguish, sadness and etc. (Can only cheat death once per event or saga) even your healthy feelings o consumed by negative feelings like anguish, sadness and etc. (Can only cheat death once per event or saga)
Level 100-150: Upon reaching its peak, the follower is able to cheat his death at this level when he is killed or destroyed, the follower may withdraw his soul from the body moments before being totally destroyed by deceiving his opponent, having only the physical destroyed (once per event or saga).
Gloomy manipulation
The follower becomes able to manipulate shadows and darkness at will.
Level 1-10: Can manipulate his own shadow, increasing it, decreasing it, making different movements and creating small objects with it (such as knives, etc.). It can produce up to 5 black spheres of 15 centimeters, which can reach a target up to 25 meters away, causing burns and medium internal damage to the victim's body. He can take any source of darkness around him and cover himself, leaving his clothes, hair and eyes black and he is wrapped in a kind of shadow cocoon that allows him to withstand 30% of the damage caused. The follower, in addition to being able to absorb the darkness and shadows around her, is capable of producing a dark gust that travels up to 25 meters. You can take the shadows around you and use them as an energy source to heal wounds and cuts (not deep cuts),
Level 11-25: Your character manages to camouflage himself in the dark and paralyze a person, "holding" his shadow; can paralyze people by freezing their shadows giving them the same effect. In addition to being able to transmute your body in shadows for a few minutes, thus crossing solid objects of a maximum of 5 meters in length or walls up to 4 centimeters in thickness. With this ability it is also possible to be immune to physical attacks. He manages to blend his body into the shadows and thus appear elsewhere, however, he has to mentally know where he will teleport to. You can teleport at a distance of up to 25 km. Now being able to create constructs of shadows and darkness perfectly. The follower is able to create up to 10 dark energy tentacles,
Level 26-35: Has the ability to generate, control and manipulate the shadow, forming different shapes and making it rigid, in addition to merging the shadow, making it invisible and leaving a totally dark environment. Now it can produce 10 black spheres of 15 centimeters, which can reach a target up to 55 meters away. Your shadow cocoon is able to suck 50% of the damage it tries to do to you. Your healing becomes capable of healing serious injuries by taking a few minutes to heal completely.
Level 36-50: Can teleport at a distance of 45 km. Their intangibility becomes even more lasting, managing to pass through any solid and physical object. Now being able to summon 20 tentacles that can chase multiple targets at the same time, your cloning ability expands to 5 clones of yourself and they can use the same skills as you. Its shadow manipulation rises, releasing dark bursts and having more volatile control of the shadows, managing to telekinetically manipulate weapons around it.
Level 51-99: Being able to teleport through the shadows (up to 65 km) and also ends up receiving another effect, the shadows can move this person, he can now show some signs of the shadows on him. Now being able to control the shadows in a perfect way, having total mastery of this ability, he is able to subdue large amounts of light with his shadows, being able to increase his control for control over darkness, invoking the same ones from the underworld.
Level 100-150: As the biggest shadow dominator now manages to make perfect projections, he can even make his shadow a copy of himself by putting it into combat, in addition to being able to mimic himself in a shadow form for almost unlimited time.
Spells / Enchantments
Sorceresses of Circe, using the lip, wand, staffs or grimoires are able to perform the most diverse spells.
Level spells {1-10}
Accio: You can attract things close to the demigod or throw things away. (Necessary to move hands in movements of attraction or repulsion)
Aguamenti: It is capable of manifesting water capable of healing wounds.
Ascendare alarm: Causes the target to spontaneously combust. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Alohomora: Unlocks closed doors.
Anapneo: Cleans the respiratory trachea and the mouth, if blocked.
Animus: Creates a copy of your opponent with zombie characteristics. It does not have the victim's powers. (This needs to have the person's description).
Aparecium: Makes ink or invisible objects appear.
Aqua Eructo: Produces a large amount of water that can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Animalia Exumai: Expels animals.
Nercusius Verdicu. The first offensive attack by the sorcerers. This attack consists of casting rays of white energy mixed with a water-green color from the wizard's hands. It can cause moderate damage if it hits having the electrical and impacting effect on the target.
Environmental Camuflalis. It allows the sorcerer to camouflage himself in any environment, apparently assuming his properties.
Exolodern: Causes a part of the target's body to explode.
Badickinis Metalalurca. Used to capture the enemy by wrapping him or her in medium-strength metal cables that materialize around the individual.
• Twista Combetitis. Conjures a black energy snake in front of the user, preventing attacks from enemies. However, it can also give strength to the user, by moving his orders and serving as a powerful form of attack.
Anime objectum. When recited the sorcerer can bring an inanimate object to life, allowing it to move on its own. The User can manipulate objects, such as cars, dolls, chairs, etc.
Level 11-25
Magic of the Four Elements. Saying Mundi in mei manus, control all four elements.
Dominum Postus. Stop the time for two rounds.
Aresto Momentum: Slows down something or someone for a few seconds.
Ascendio: Allows the sorcerer to fly.
Avada Kedavra: Causes instant death. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Avifors: Turns the target into a bird (needs to look at the victim) _
Avis: Conjures birds and birds in various ways.
Bombarda: Creates an explosive energy in your fingers that are in a position similar to a weapon. The bullets when hit explode creating a hole in that area similar to a cannon ball.
Maximum Bombarda: Enhanced version of the Bombarda Spell. In this, the explosive energy explodes a similar area as the entire chest, leaving nothing.
Brachium Patch: Heals broken bones of the arm. (Necessary to maintain physical contact)
Slug-faced: Makes the victim vomit slugs. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Carpe Retractum: Conjures a purple light that envelops the object leading it towards you or leading you towards it.
Cave Inimicum: Creates a barrier in a certain place that prevents anyone from penetrating. (You need to keep the spell active otherwise it will fall apart. As long as the spell is active, you won't be able to use any other powers)
Cistem Aperio: Causes the target to explode from the inside out. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Colloportus: Lock doors or passages (Only magic users can undo the lock, needing a higher level)
Confringo: Anything that has physical contact with the offspring explodes. (Necessary to speak at the same moment it was played)
Confundus: I confused the victim by making her suffer dizziness and dizziness.
Crucio: It causes enormous pain in the victim's body.
Defodio: Causes deep indentations to appear on the target.
Lux Moviun: makes the wizard turn light and run at the same speed
Unfortunate: Causes the enemy to miss both his magical (abilities) and corporal blows.
Rest Ituo Nowitus Wespinaetro Itus Vigoratus Perwita. It is a powerful spell that has the power to take mutations out of someone and make them return to normal, like making a demigod lose his powers or undoing a spell.
Level 26-35:
Descending: Causes the target to move downwards.
Deletrius: Destroys a particular object.
Densaugeo: Makes the victim's teeth grow quickly.
Deprimo: Presses the target causing a rupture.
Diffindo: Cuts or tears the target.
Decreasing: Decreases the size of the selected object.
Forms Statues: is capable of giving life to statues.
Depulse: Used to throw things away.
Ebublio: Causes poisonous bubbles to come out of the offspring's mouth or hands (poison causes kidney failure and cell degeneration)
Engorgio: Makes the target grow, increase in size.
Ennervate: Wake up people who are sleeping or in a coma.
Episkey: Through constant physical touch is able to heal people's wounds.
Erect: Assembles or disassembles things.
Stupefy: It makes the person pass out.
Stupore: Keeps the target unconscious.
Evanesco: Makes matter disintegrate (Constant physical touch is required)
Everte Statum: Throws the target away while doing pirouettes in the air.
Expecto Patronum: It is able to summon an animal made of mana.
Rage: Allows the offspring to launch an immense fury at a target for a certain being or object (he will go after the source of his anger and try to kill or destroy you and become a mascot for the offspring).
Ban: The offspring is able to expel their targets from that place temporarily, sending them to a random place from where they are (ex: a random place on planet Earth, other than where the offspring is)
Transmutation: Offspring are capable of transforming an object or person into something else.
Sugar: The offspring is able to suck all the pain that the offspring is feeling (mental, spiritual, physical, and loving pain, among others) in a white sphere that when hit, causes their opponent great pain, similar to that of the offspring I felt (I could literally kill a person in pain depending on how much pain the offspring is feeling).
XForce: The offspring is capable of increasing a certain physical attribute (strength, endurance, perception, durability, speed and others) to levels over humans (for 3 rounds).
Mental Enlargement: Enables the offspring to predict what their opponents will do in the two future rounds 2. (3 times per event or saga)
Teletransport: The ability to teleport, allowing the offspring to teleport (alone, or with people) to other places, however its limit is 100 km (not reaching further than that).
Intangible: Allows the offspring to be intangible (and whoever they are holding) for 4 rounds.
Materialization: Allows the offspring to materialize any type of inanimate object that fits in their hands and that they have already seen (such as weapons, clubs, gloves, clothes, etc.).
Dematerialize: Allows to dematerialize things.
Combat Seal: An enchantment that when used prevents your opponent from using a certain class of powers (attack or defense powers)
Mutilingue: A spell that allows you to read, understand, understand and speak in any language (even dead languages).
Anti-Gravity: It allows the offspring to decrease or increase the gravity imposed on a certain thing or body that the offspring touches.
Expelliarmus: The offspring create an invisible field of up to 30 meters that prevents their opponents from using their powers.
Expelled: The offspring manifests a ball of energy and launches it towards the target disintegrating them with a small explosion.
Finite Incantatem: Eliminates the effect of a spell cast on something or someone. (3 times per event or saga)
Flagrate: Marks the target with fire.
Flipendo: Pushes the object.
Wildfire: Summons humanoid monsters made of fire.
Level 36-50:
Apaerency Transmution: Allows the offspring to change their body at the cellular level to that of another person or animal (copying exactly everything, even fingerprints and minute details), but does not acquire the powers or personality.
Transmutation: Allows the offspring to transmute their body into various small animals (such as snakes, birds, mice, etc.)
Voodoo: When the offspring has the victim's DNA in hand they can recite this spell, which will make this part of the DNA turn into a doll or doll similar to the victim. This doll will be linked to the victim's life. Any external damage the doll suffers the victim will suffer. (Magic users can undo this spell)
Plumbing circle: When the offspring is with their victim in front of their hands and has something sharp, she will then draw a circle design on the victim's forehead (a circle drawn on the floor must be counted). This circle on his forehead will render the victim unconscious and the circle on the floor will allow the offspring to channel his victim (acquiring his powers) and may include more people in the circle. (By the wizarding powers incubated with me, fall before me, and become part of me, nourishing me with unimaginable strength and power.)
Ligaxion: By making physical contact with your targets it will allow the offspring to link your life or someone else's to hers. (any damage that one suffers the other will suffer, regardless of how it is)
Uncontrolling: By reciting this spell, the offspring will be able to get their targets' powers out of control, regardless of who they are.
Twin: Duplicates any object or being.
Glacius: Freezes some object or being for a few seconds.
Immobilus: Paralyzes the target.
Bushin: Allows the offspring to create 5 clones of themselves.
Energy Ball: By reciting the passage mentioned below you will be able to manifest a large amount of energy in your hand, capable of damaging the victim externally. ("Manifest itself as a destroying ball, and destroy my enemy.")
Spell of Metamorf: The offspring by reciting this enchantment will temporarily acquire the abilities of a metamorphic creature (werewolf; Vampire; Hybrid; Werelion; Weretiger, etc.). The excerpt: "By the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed into cunning beasts.
From the circle of life to the evolution of man I shall be reawakened as one with the land."
(The spell must be cast 10 times, looking at the moon)
Impedimenta: Temporarily paralyzes the victim.
Imperio: Causes the victim to be controlled by the wizard who cast the spell.
Impervius: Makes something waterproof.
Incarcerous: Creates mystical chains that are attached to the body.
Fire: Produces a certain amount of flame, which allows the user to use it for offensive or defensive purposes.
Legilimens: Penetrates the victim's mind, being able to see their memories and even read their next movements.
Level 51-99:
Lumus Solem: Creates a large amount of sunlight that can be used for defensive and offensive purposes.
Uranus Metoria: When the offspring recites the spell, then 88 constellations from space descend like meteorites made of pure energy and donate all their power to Circe's offspring. This then, when it finds its target or targets, it releases this energy gathered in a huge attack against its enemy, this attack can be done in several ways, it can be in a C4 explosion capable of decimating an entire big city, or in the form of energy which when released on your opponent, managing to destroy it and leave a huge crater in the ground. (The energy will be able to destroy anything that is in the way, that energy has a variation of each of the existing forms of energy even anti-matter)
Enchantment: All the stars, and immensity ... Show me your appearance ... With all its brilliance ... Oh Tetrabiblos, I am the ruler of the stars ... My aspect is perfection ... Open yourself gate wild. 88 Sky Stars ... Shine! (1 time per event or saga)
Obliviate: Changes or erases the victim's memory.
Oppugno: Makes your victims attack someone.
Petrifucus Totatulus: Petrifies the target.
Reduction: Reduces the size of the target.
Reducto: Disintegrates or destroys solid objects in the launcher's path.
Salvio HexiS: Produces a force field that protects the wizard.
Aqua Extractum - Controls a large aquatic proportion around the opponent by keeping him trapped in a spherical aquatic species, which can kill him by drowning. It is necessary to maintain control of the spell.
Arbos Vitae - Causes roots to rise from the ground, intertwining them in the opponent, whose caster has total control of them.
Arquerum Siccitatis - The wizard controls a huge portion of land, which will correspond to the place where the flash hit. You can make the place take on a desired shape or launch a grotesque rock formation at your opponent.
Aequora Teggo - Conjures an aquatic barrier capable of protecting the caster from elementary fire spells. The size varies between 1 meter to 4 meters that must be specified by the wizard.
Corpus Duo - Causes the opponent to have his wrists and hands trapped, without being able to gesture them, as if they are trapped in something solid.
Defodio Duo - Creates a hole in a surface and causes it to grow in size and depth, that hole will begin to suck everything into it.
Curse Engage Link: After Circe's offspring cast the spell, a curse is thrown at them, so a magic ring is created in both of their hands (the offspring can choose whether it will be in your hand, or in someone else's hand, needing to have something of the victim, like a cloth, body part, DNA, etc.) symbolizing a contract between him. Whenever you both think about using any kind of ability against the other person, an insidious pain spell has taken over your body preventing it from using the ability. Each time they try or think about using one skill against another, the insidious pain spell will create a mark on their body, increasing more and more, once the marks cover their entire body, the person will die.
PS: The ring cannot be undone or removed except by the caster. Only users of magical deities with levels higher than the offspring can withdraw, however the marks remained there. The ring's effect only works when the victims try to use their power against the other directly, but area attacks (which affect the offspring indirectly) will affect you freely.
• Transferra Identica. Transferra Identica is a magic that the sorcerer can use to transfer his body to someone else's (his powers will not be affected). It can be used to exchange other people's bodies as well. The words of the spell must be said three times to work.
• Time Traveling Spell. This magic allows the sorcerer to cause a triangular portal to appear above him, sucking him in and through him he can move for great distances. However, this spell requires time to complete, so if used to evade immediate effects it proves to be a failure.
Complaint gifts
Void Staff
When in possession of the Staff, the Circe follower is able to cast her spells even if she has no energy or powers. The Sphere of the Staff serves as a source of energy, so the possibility of continuing to cast spells. The energy equals the Follower's total energy, that is, the more energy it has, the more energy the Staff will have.
Ascendant's Grimoire
When claiming the library, the Sorceress must spill some of her blood on the pentagram of the cloak in order to "activate" it. After completing the small ritual the witch can speak to spirits, as well as summon 5 witches' spirits that only hinder the opponent. Another way to use these spirits is to assimilate them to the witch's body for 3 rounds, multiplying the effectiveness of her powers by 5 while it lasts.
Moonlight Ring
When in possession of this ring, the Circe follower will passively absorb the lunar light, being able to channel it in the form of a slight Change of Reality (small scale).