Dragon Slayers are users of Dragon Slayer Magic , a Lost Magic known to be the only one capable of killing dragons.
They are the only ones capable of killing and annihilating the powerful and legendary dragons , each of which has its own specific magic, as well as the dragons that were its masters. In addition, they have the ability to consume the element they exercise, which rejuvenates their abilities. Dragon Hunters are known to have a finer hearing and smell than humans.
Personality: Varies from each, generally despise the Gods and praise the dragons as the strongest
Appearance: They are ordinary humans
Passive Powers
Magic Slayer: Evolution
Level 1: Whenever the hunter kills a creature, it will gain a new addition to its magic. This ability allows him to always change the spell to a specific shape. For example, a character killed a god in an important event, he will then be able to access a spell called God Slayer that grants him an ability derived from divine beings. The same thing with demons and among other races in the RPG. (After killing this certain being and consuming its meat and drinking its blood until only bones are left, the player should consult the saga minister so that it provides him with this particular ability that only a being of this particular race could have)
PS: This is an exclusive ability only for Dragonslayers, children of chaos or people who have the ability to copy abilities, they will not have access to that ability. To have the evolution of this magic, the hunter must eat this being and drink its blood (if it has blood, or bad skin that can damage other people, or even death, the dragonslayer will not feel any side effects, being protected by this magic while the ceremony takes place)
Improved Strength
Dragon slayers have a very dense body which allows them to have a greater strength than normal, besides also guaranteeing them a natural resistance in their hunting. Thanks to dragon-slayer magic, their bodies can achieve great things with this force, in addition to resisting such blows.
Level 1-10: They are able to break rocks and bones with their strength.
Level 11-25: Break iron with your strength.
Level 26-35: They break steel with their strength.
Level 36-50: Break titanium with their strength.
Level 51-99: They break diamond with their strength.
Level 100-150: Break adamantium with their strength.
Level 151-200: They break vibranium with their strength.
Skill with Swords
We are a family owned and operated business.
Dragonslayers are known for their high sword skills.
Level 1-10: Initially, they have the ability to perform basic movements with swords at this level.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 11-25: Now they get a better skill by being able to make better strokes when with swords, not suffering a great difficulty to maintain the posture when with big swords in hand.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 26-35: Your skill rises allowing you to make excellent strokes with the sword, achieving excellent skill with two-handed weapons, being almost unbeatable with this type of weapon. Being able to use swords with one hand not as well as a swordsman.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 36-50: A very high skill, reaching the peak becoming a first-class swordsman with a sword, the dragonslayer can use them both with one hand and with two being an expert with these. His skill is so high that he is able to predict the movements of his opponents when armed with swords (he needs a lot of eye contact, and to know the character's fighting style), being also able to use up to 3 swords.
Level 51-99: Reaches its peak, reaching a level almost comparable to that of a god like Ares, becoming able to use more than 3 swords in combat. Become able to fight spectacularly with the sword knowing all kinds of styles involving the sword, from Kendo, to Ninjutsu or Ronin, varying among other styles.
Animal Empathy
Level 1-10: Initially, dragonslayer is able to understand the feelings of people and animals around them, knowing exactly how they are feeling (necessary to look at the target or listen to it)
Level 11-25: Now you are able to understand other beings like monsters and some demigods.
Level 26-35: He is able to understand the feelings of dragons or beings related to him, even the animal deities.
Killer agility
Levels 1-10: Can climb walls, jump between trees and even jump over small chasms with medium difficulty
Levels 11-25: Now you can handle more extreme challenges like jumping over long distances and grabbing or even climbing walls quickly
Levels 26-35: Now possessing an agility, he is able to dodge quick blows and even arrows or shots in addition to passing quickly through very narrow places
Levels 36-50: Can be more agile than your opponent, whatever he may be, as he has a habit of adapting to the speed of combat
Improved Speed
Having a well-defined and athletic body by nature, these hunters can run at great speeds, in addition to being able to react at such speeds.
Level 1-10: They reach up to 250 km / h.
Level 11-25: They reach 450 km / h.
Level 26-35: They reach 650 km / h.
Level 36-50: They reach 850 km / h.
Level 51-99: They reach 1050 km / h.
Level 100-150: They reach 1250 km / h.
Level 151-200: They reach 1450 km / h.
Improved Stamina
Dragon hunters demonstrate great resistance, being able to withstand many blows and also to physiological harms.
Level 1-10: Initially, they have a slim and young body, without physical or mental deformation, presenting a strong resistance to diseases and aging.
Level 11-25: Demonstrate good resistance to physical attacks and also to climate change. Your body has great vigor, almost unlimited.
Level 26-35: Your resistance to physical blows increases, in addition to being able to acquire great resistance to diseases, viruses, bacteria and toxins.
Level 36-50: Your body is resistant to kinetic attacks. Hardly being knocked out by these easily.
Level 51-99: Your mind is resistant to psychic and magical attacks but is still not very effective.
Level 100-150: Demonstrate great resistance to skills derived from magic.
Draconian senses
Level 1-10: Your senses are initially compared to that of an ordinary human, with your sense of smell elevated to a superhuman level.
Level 11-25: Your senses are elevated to the level of a wild animal, being able to locate your victims easily. Being able to hear and see everything within a radius of 20 meters, managing to reach up to 30 meters with your sense of smell.
Level 36-50: Your senses rise to the level of monstrous creatures, managing to locate all your enemies around you, and you can even smell the hormones.
Level 51-99: Your senses rise to the level of a dragon, overcoming monsters like werewolves with your nose and hearing.
Super Jump
These hunters have a very light body, which makes them very agile, thanks to this they have the superhuman ability to make great leaps.
Level 1-10: Can jump up to 20 meters.
Level 11-25: Can jump up to 40 meters.
Level 26-35: Can jump up to 60 meters.
Level 36-50: Can jump up to 80 meters.
Level 51-99: Can jump up to 100 meters.
Level 100-150: Can jump up to 120 meters.
Lethal Toxin
Level 1: Thanks to dragonslayer magic, the offspring's body has its entire body full of toxins and lethal poisons for reptilian beings, especially dragons. Any type of reptilian who touches you in a way that seeks to harm you or hurt you, will have your body filled with these toxins and poisons, killing you in 2 rounds. These poisons have no cure, only beings like Asclepius' children or users of higher level magic can heal these victims.
Active Powers
Jurassic Mount
Dragon slayers will be able to summon dinosaurs to help you in pursuits that you cannot easily follow. The hunter can create a mental link with this animal and maintain communication with it, which will follow it faithfully.
Level 1-10: You can summon 1 velociraptor.
Level 11-25: Summons up to 2 velociraptors.
Level 26-35: Summons up to 3 velociraptors.
Level 36-50: Summons up to 4 velociraptors.
Level 51-99: Can summon the fearsome Carnotaurus.
Draconian consumption
Using his slayer magic, the dragon slayer is able to feed and absorb any form of existing element (thanks to this, he manages to recover energy, satisfy hunger, etc.) and be able to manipulate that particular absorbed element.
Level 1-10: Initially the character will be able to feed or absorb only one element. By absorbing this particular element, the user will be able to manipulate it for 2 rounds.
Level 11-25: You can manipulate this particular element for 3 rounds.
Level 26-35: You can manipulate this particular element for 4 rounds.
Level 36-50: It shows itself capable of feeding or absorbing up to 2 elements (however this needs to match what you absorbed first, such as fire and electricity, metal and shadows, etc.). By absorbing it, it will be able to manipulate such elements, being able to use you together.
Level 51-99: It shows itself capable of feeding or absorbing up to 3 elements and being able to use them in combat as you wish for 5 rounds.
Level 100-150: You can now feed or absorb an impure element (unique elements, such as black, divine flames, Stygian ice, etc.). He can also manipulate you as you wish for 5 rounds. After these rounds pass, the camper will fall to the ground extremely badly, because this element causes damage to his body.
Dragon Force
This magic gives you the ability to fight dragons, on an equal footing, but many dragons sometimes demonstrate a great capacity for destruction, which can make these hunters weak before them. For this reason, this ancient magic gave him the metamorphic ability to transform into a dragon.
Level 11-25: You can only change its shape, acquiring draconian characteristics and traits. Featuring wings, claws, a large natural armor composed of scales, night vision, an increase in its strength, where it will be able to create medium craters on the ground and among other natural abilities. The ability to spit out a particular element (the one you have consumed).
Level 26-35: Now he shows himself capable of transforming himself into a true dragon of varying size (the player can define characteristics), he will have only one element of his choice (being able to manipulate him at will, besides being immune to him) .
Level 36-50: When transforming into a dragon you will be able to enjoy 2 elements of your choice. This dragon will demonstrate attributes capable of destroying entire cities, as well as resisting attacks capable of destroying cities.
Level 51-99: When transforming into a dragon you will be able to enjoy 3 elements of your choice, having attributes capable of destroying states and surviving attacks of the same impact.
Level 100-150: When you feel a strong hatred or go into an outbreak of rage you can turn into an impure dragon, such a dragon will have a fur similar to the element (if it is black flames, it will be purely made of black flames, if it is of ice will be the same). You can enjoy only one impure element (divine elements, created by deities or higher beings), besides being immune to it. Your attributes will grow to a level where you can raze continents and resist attacks that can destroy continents.
Hunter's Armor
In their hunts they need to wear equipment capable of helping you against dragons. The hunter will be able to summon an armor that will cover his entire body, where it will present several thorns around the armor which will grant him protection against anyone who tries to snatch or attack him melee. With this armor also comes a sword.
Level 1-10: The armor and sword have iron-like resistance.
Level 11-25: Armor and sword have steel-like resistance. Now the hunter will be able to increase these spines around the armor, in order to pierce his opponent, or to protect him, in a layer of thorns.
Level 26-35: The armor and sword have a similar resistance to titanium.
Level 36-50: The armor and sword have a diamond-like resistance.
Level 51-99: The armor and sword have a resistance similar to adamantium.
Level 100-150: The armor and sword have a resistance similar to vibranium.
Hereditary ingenuity
Dragon Slayers hunt dragons for ages, and for this reason, they manage to create the most incredible artifices of war against these beasts from the beginning of their training, as if knowledge were hereditary.
Levels 1-10: The Dragon Slayer with simple objects like wood and stones can create catapults and cannons with short range but some effectiveness. Produced between a few hours.
Levels 11-25: Now he can easily produce metal and with it create more deadly machines like halberds and spear launchers. The equipment produced in minutes is relatively effective.
Levels 26-35: All the equipment that Dragon Slayer creates is still reinforced by a magic of durability and resistance, and can be made of any material. And these are produced in seconds. Able to pierce any magical barrier.
Levels 36-50: Now with his building magic already improved, he can simply bring out his battle machines and devices. And these are capable of hurting anything, even if it is heavenly or with protective magic.
Baby Exceed
Dragon hunters have a kind of best friend with them, which is an exceed. A small being similar to the size of a rabbit, which has wings.
Level 1: This little winged being has wings that allow him to fly as well as carry people (only one at a time), he carries a backpack full of food. This exceed has the magical ability to absorb small potions of energy and to have a shape derived from this particular energy, being able to use simple abilities derived from it.
Draconic Personification
The hunter will be able to release all his energy and mold it into the shape of a dragon, which will faithfully obey his wishes and orders, he will possess the same powers as the hunter. Orders are sent psychically.
Level 1-10: The dragon is 20 meters long.
Level 11-25: The dragon is 40 meters long.
Level 26-35: The dragon is 60 meters long.
Level 36-50: The dragon is 80 meters long.
Level 51-99: The dragon has 100 meters.
Level 100-150: The dragon is 120 meters long.
Level 151-200: The dragon is 140 meters long.
PS: Once per event or saga. The offspring will not be able to use any power for 5 rounds, as they used all their energy in this ability.
Blessing to hunt
Having the duty and honor of being able to battle to defend their peoples and humanity from the fearsome dragons, Dragon Slayers must be cunning and never give up on their goals
Levels 1-10: If you are in a battle with an enemy and the enemy starts to flee, the camper can quickly reach his prey, no matter the distance
Levels 11-25: In a hand-to-hand fight, no matter how much blood is lost or lack of energy. The Dragon Slayer will always be able to battle as if he still had all his strength at its maximum until his death
Levels 26-35: Even nature collaborates so that the dragon Slayer wins, as he has a duty to maintain the balance of the dragons' life. So winds, tides and even plants always left the best path for the camper and tried to prevent his opponent as much as possible
Levels 36-50: Never being the prey of the mighty dragons, and always hunting them, the dragon Slayer can never be located if hunted and if he is being defeated in a fight, he can only once get all his energy again, as a second chance
Terrifying Presence
The dragonslayer, when he finds himself in a state of intense fury, or very angry, when facing his enemies seriously, they released a large amount of hormones which will make everyone fall asleep, in addition to feeling a great fear that will paralyze them completely, letting them fall to the floor easily.
Level 1-10: Affects everyone within 10 meters.
Level 11-25: Affects everyone within 20 meters.
Level 26-35: Affects everyone within 30 meters.
Level 36-50: Affects everyone within 40 meters.
Level 51-99: Affects everyone within 50 meters.
Level 100-150: Affects everyone within 60 meters.
Level 151-200: Affects everyone within 70 meters.
PS: Victims need to have a lower level than yours. Otherwise, they will only feel strong fear, but not to the point of paralyzing them completely.
Dragon's Tear
The dragonslayer always carries a backpack, where he keeps his supplies, and also tears of dragons (they have the shape of a fruit). It serves as a kind of fuel for your magic, being able to acquire elementary powers without needing draconic consumption.
Level 1-10:
Lacrima do Dragão do Fogo: When devouring this tear, your body will be completely energized, acquiring the ability to manipulate fire at will, as if it had consumed the fire. For 3 rounds (if you feed on fire during the activation of the tear, it may extend the time for another 3 rounds).
Water Dragon's Tear: By devouring this tear, you will acquire the ability to manipulate water at your pleasure (only water in liquid form), changing your temperature to warm, boiling, cold or normal. For 3 rounds (if you drink water during the activation of the tear, it may extend the time for another 3 rounds).
Level 11-25:
Ice Dragon's Tear When devouring this tear, the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate the ice at will. For 3 rounds. (if you consume ice during the activation of the tear, it may extend the time for another 3 rounds).
Lacrima do Dragão de Vapor: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate the steam at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. (If you absorb any type of steam after consuming this tear, you can increase the time to 3 more rounds).
Level 26-35:
Lacrima do Dragão Metálico I: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate the metal at their pleasure, in addition to having their skin mimicked in metal (you can choose from any traditional metal). For 3 rounds. (If you keep eating any type of metal you can extend the tear time to 3 more rounds)
Lacrima do Precioso Dragão: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate the diamond to their pleasure, in addition to having their skin mimicked (they will be able to choose which material they will use, being able to choose between the diamond, ruby, jade and others precious stones). For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Level 36-50:
Lacrima do Dragão Metalico II: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate rare metals at their pleasure, in addition to having their skin mimicked in rare metal (they will be able to choose between adamantium, vibranium and among other rare metals) ). For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Lacrima do Dragão do Raio: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate electricity and conjure rays at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Lacrima do Dragão do Vento: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate the Air at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Poison of the Poison Dragon: When devouring this tear the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate poison and diseases, in addition to also releasing liquid bursts of poison through the mouth or in the form of mist at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Level 51-99:
Lacrima of the Dragon of Darkness: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate the shadows and darkness at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Lacrima do Dragão de Luz: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate the Light at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Lacrima do Dragão Elemental: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate all existing elements at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Level 100-150:
Impure Dragon's Lacrima: When devouring this lacrima the offspring will acquire the ability to manipulate black flames and Stygian ice at their pleasure. For 3 rounds. It works in the same way mentioned in the previous levels.
Lacrima do Rei Dragão: This is a mixed tear, which when consumed, the hunter acquires the ability to use the powers of all the tears mentioned above. For 5 rounds.
PS: The tears are unique, and you cannot use them more than once per event or saga.