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The Sachayoj (from Quichua : sacha (forest) + -yuq (who has) → sachayuq, 'the owner of the forest') is a mythical being of Argentine folklore , the legend's transmission area is the Austral Chaco , especially the province of Santiago del Estero . Sachayuq translates as "Lord of the forest", being the tutelary deity or protector of natural vegetation and especially trees. It is considered that it can appear as a giant animal ( rabbit , guazuncho, vizcacha ); proteic almost as representing various aspects of the chaquenses forests, admitting also as a shrub with a human face.


Appearance: Unlike his mother, his children boast a cordial and tempting appearance. They carry simple features in the distorted feature. Most of the times identified as athletic and burly, they clash with the demigods affiliated with Hanamim, creating a kind of dispute about the startled muscles.

Personality: Children of Yondung follow the contradictory parameter, generalizing the rigidity implanted in the congenital force. Early, boast a solemn maturity, exhibiting the altruistic ability to command some expeditions. However, insolence and arrogance can be a heavy burden to bear in front of the campers with whom you will live.


Passive Powers

Sword skill



Level 1: the offspring will have great skill in swords



Manipulation of elements



Levels: 1-6 controls water and land



Levels: 6-12 controls fire and air



Empathy nature



Level 1: The offspring can feel when someone cuts a tree, pulls a leaf off the tree or even steps on the grass, they will always know where you are if you are in the forest, it is impossible to hide from them in the forest.






Level 1: When it gets close to plants it grows, even if dead, it is reborn and blooms in the same instant.






Offspring when in the forest, will have incredible speed



Levels: 1-6 speed will be 200 km / h



Levels: 6-12 speed will be 500 km / h



Levels: 12-18 speed will be audible



Plant breeding



Level 1: The offspring will be able to create plants of all species and types.






Offspring can heal themselves and heal people with their healing power



Levels: 1-6 can heal minor injuries



Levels: 6-12 will heal medium wounds



Levels: 12-18 can heal deep and serious wounds.


Air element control



The children of the Goddess Oyá will have total control over the air element



Levels: 1-6 will have medium control over the element



Levels: 6-12 will have high control over the element



Levels: 12-18 will have almost omnipotent control of the element



Levels: 18-24 will have control over the omnipotent element



Climate manipulation



You can control the climate as you wish.



Levels: 1-6 can cause lightning to rain and fall (no control over lightning)



Levels: 6-12 may cause lightning to fall on the enemy, such as making it hotter or colder



Protective collar



Level 1: To assume this position, he received from the sorcerer Oxóssi a special kind of erukerê called Eruexim with which he would be protected "just like his mother, his children will have a necklace like this, which will make him immune to magic and mental attacks.



Temple on the Niger River



Level 1: The offspring, whenever they want, can teleport to their mother's temple on the Niger River, where their energies will be recharged.



Mist handling



Level 1: The offspring will be able to create and manipulate the fog making it difficult for enemies in battle



Manipulation of elements



The offspring because their mother is related to nature will have control over the elements and some things related to nature



Levels: 1-6 controls water and land



Levels: 6-12 controls fire and plants



Levels: 12-18 controls air and lightning






Level 1: offspring will be able to fly freely

Active Powers

Arion's Blessing

Arion being an equine and the symbolic personification and fruit of Poseidon, Triton ends up inheriting such a feat from his father, passing it on also to his descendants. They end up inheriting genuine virtues from this mythological creature. When the active power is executed, the body of the heir will emanate a golden color, in addition to adhering to the horse's characteristic qualities, giving it a certain advantage in terms of quality.

0-3 pearls: On extreme occasions of danger or unexpected attacks, Triton's son will own the resplendent aura, which will grant him a moderate increase in speed compared to other campers. The skill extends up to three actions, and after completion, it causes dizziness accompanied by fatigue.
4-7 pearls: At this stage, the descendant of Triton will have opportunities identical to the horse's gifts, such as walking or running on water. When in direct contact with water, the power is doubled and exceeds the agility of all demigods. It also acquires enormous strength thanks to Arion's instinctive attribute.
8-10 pearls: Although it does not undergo physical changes in its appearance, the privileges and benefits of the horse are transmitted to the body of the demigod, enabling it to travel great kilometers in just minimal seconds. During the course, you will have the option to activate water geysers to run through, causing mistakes on the ground and on opponents. As Arion has aptitude in flight, the power allows him to climb a few centimeters from the ground and facilitates locomotion, nothing so extensive. It remains in the air indefinitely, even when unable to perform aerial maneuvers or prolonged flights.

Sound Shell

Affiliated to Poseidon's supernatural gratification for Triton on his eighteenth birthday, the heirs of the deity carry an identical replica of the original, substantiating the sonic attributes included in it. Through repetitive blows, they project random vibrations aimed at mentalized enemies, stunning them to the extent that they control the experienced domain.

0-3 pearls: Blowing the concave end of the oyster, it causes a noise associated with the exclamation of terrestrial elephants. In turn, the consequences are reverberated, causing listeners within 3x3 squares of severe headaches and momentary confusion. They are unable to attack for a turn, trying to understand the phenomenon.
4-7 pearls: The distance boundary is expanded, capturing the demigods present in the 5x5 square space. The victims suffer constant nausea and feel a colossal fear, moving away from the shell responsible for the turmoil generated. You are partially exhausted after performing the accessory's efficiency, giving up using it that day.
8-10 pearls: Once active, it provides widespread chaos. Humans, abyssal creatures and even deities are frightened as they demonstrate experience, being able to restrict the limit by 7x7 squares away and multiplying the catastrophe.

Supreme Imposition

By attributing the sovereign capacity of Triton, you reproduce the same authoritarian characteristics, imposing fear and respect in front of those you most disown. Due to the brutality inserted in the vocal timbre, he gains the right to carry out harmless mandates, never directed at murders or suicide attempts. It works based on fear, since nobody wants to disappoint the son of the aquatic emperor. It is a mixture between the persuasion of Amphitrite and the determination of Poseidon, being linked to the origin of the family itself.

0-4 pearls: Order simple duties, such as cleaning a certain location or transporting objects to planned areas. It works on a single camper, who will be tempted to disrespect you. If this happens, you gain the qualities of a legitimate merman, doubling the speed in addition to the aggressiveness, punishing him with the appropriate punishment. The influence is still harmful, increasing the possibility of it working out in front of girls.
5-8 pearls: Easily implant personal innocence when you are found guilty under any circumstances, refraining from that confusion. Cynicism starts to take over your sneaky personality, abdicating repetitive failures. Because he is more muscularly developed and experienced in the art of imperative persuasion, he instills fear in boys and admiration in girls, enjoying the benefit of providing shared hatred or demanding extended requests, for example, giving up the battle.
8-10 pearls: Monsters obey your orders and take you out of sight, eliminating the danger of sacrificing your own life. The demigods, as a whole, consider the statements and suggestions provided by you, accepting them immediately. Plans, candidates, strategies, this makes your character a natural leader above your usual activities, placing you in a dominant position.

Hydrokinetic Jet

Rather than completely dominating hydrokinesis, Tritão's heirs centralize control in the aquatic shots created from the molecules that make up the oxygen in the air. They do not need any nearby water source to project the jets, despite the difficulty being greater and consuming a lot of energy as the environment is drained.

0-3 pearls: A medium structure is built according to proficiency, lasting only two shifts. It is shaped like a spherical bomb, fueled in front of the agitated droplets. When thrown, it causes imbalance and wet the opponent's clothes entirely, leaving him confused and cold.
4-7 pearls: The jets start to solidify, resulting in two in total. The idealizations can be used as water whips or sequential shots, generating compromising pitches and driving opponents away. It gains the possibility to rotate both fillets clockwise, repelling the approach of individuals and affecting those who remain within a radius of 2x2 squares away.
8-10 pearls: Designs different sizes and shapes from water, transforming them into whatever you want. It includes the ability to explode in aquatic spheres, targeting predestined territories and forcibly expelling targets found there. Whips adopt a brutal intensity, matching the power of sharp blades. It also activates any geyser lost in the ground, launching whoever is on it.


Purgatory Algae

In short, the body of the vegetable adheres to the same characteristics of sharp blades, being controlled in the face of the power bestowed on the demigod, however, according to the evolutionary line of the demigod, algae become both an offensive and defensive material.

0-3 pearls: The leaves will undergo a slow transfiguration process, taking two shifts until they are ready. They are not yet able to have their own control, so they depend on your hands to hurt someone. After three actions, they will cease their offensive posture, resuming their former function.
4-7 pearls: Power grows and the leafy foliage of seaweed and undergrowth helps you during the attack. It covers up to four simultaneous razors, and you can also take advantage of the control, when not turned into blades, to use them as vines or to shape medium structures - take into account the time of joining and molding. It lasts five shifts.
8-10 pearls: It dominates any type of plantation, whether it is shallow or extensive. The algae adopt the similar appearance of overbearing razors, causing perforations or horrifying thuds in the opponent's dermis.

Sleeping Anemones

The sons of Tethys control the substances embedded in the anemone stems, extracting from the properties several sequelae referring to the power of the goddess. Being a goddess of fertility, she transfers to her heirs the tendency to manipulate everything in the aquatic environment that is directed at the abundance of marine plants.

0-3 pearls: It is possible to awaken the gas by retaining a medium accumulation of attention, taking two shifts until it is spread. The victim will feel little thirst and his irises will adopt a reddish color, providing constant burning and yawning, minimizing the physical abilities of the respective demigod.
4-7 pearls: Your retina begins to weigh and, if you fall asleep, you will have stormy hallucinations during sleep, preferably outside of combat. Awake, he will bear the consequences of a chronic shortness of breath, as if he were simulating his own drowning.
8-10 pearls: The effect is considered nutritional: campers who continue to inhale the fragrance are at risk of life, starting to avoid close contact with the children of Tethys due to the high concentrated power.

Coraline Obstacles

As Tethys was called the goddess of diversified aquatic flora, her heirs carry skills from her mother. With that, they enjoy the advantage to build obstacles in the way of the opponents, causing failures in blows and confusions in the victim's mind.

0-3 pearls: Pointing your finger at a reef cluster, drag two units of pointed corals in the instructed direction. They will accept your new position and can be camouflaged if you improve your strategy, with the option of covering it with green leaves.
4-6 pearls: It is useful and effective in combat, extending through the coral home; however it requires a lot of strength and concentration from your character. You will be able to orchestrate the projection of a gathered range of corals behind your opponent, and if you succeed in pushing him forward, it will lead to the imminent fall.
7-9 pearls: They assume the shape of a long extended rug, unifying and merging the laminated shapes, reaching the limit of six squares. If it is camouflaged in the aquatic environment, the opponent will be sent into the crack, causing imprisonment for three turns.
10 pearls: Nurturing a domain beyond the control of submerged fauna, it manipulates corals quickly, even having the opportunity to throw them at the chosen target.

Tutelary Ecosphere

Based on the mastery of the lady of the oceanic plants, your children will receive extra protection in needful situations, absorbing the control of the landscape to transform their ornaments into useful weapons in combat.

0-3 pearls: Small starfish will appear if the opportunity is propitious, curling around rival ankles, attracting your attention. They are not able to drag them yet, only to tickle and distract.
4-6 pearls: The ascendancy of power increases, replacing the old distracting accessories in extensible threads of algae. They carry the ability to violently knock an opponent to the ground as they steal his balance, or even to shake him in the air for a short time. It draws a lot of strength from your character, requiring time to rest after the skill ends.
7-10 pearls: At the maximum levels, it will administer supremacy over seafood, commanding from minimal harmless corals to poisonous anemones, imposing their orders on them.


Versatile darts

Taumante's heirs add natural expertise in the face of automatic beasts with propitious spells, similarly identical to the properties of the rainbow. Under the condition that he equips himself with the standard weaponry used to shoot from afar, he alternates the functions of four projectiles. Each unit carries a specific purpose, and is materialized as you adjust the preparations of the handgun.

0-2 pearls: The dart fired absorbs the bluish color, reminiscent of the cold feelings embedded in the symbolization of the ruling tone. When set, it causes the spread of a thin superficial layer segmented by chills. The affected locomotor limb is paralyzed during a shift, destabilizing it if hit in the kicks thanks to the natural imbalance.
3-5 pearls: Made to target large territorial areas, the violet projectile channels enough power and is used especially on paved soil. Whether in the sand, above the rocks, whatever the intended region, it causes colossal tremors, destabilizing whoever is in the perimeter of 2x2 squares.
6-8 pearls: Built with respect to the origins of the spontaneous method, the yellow arrow symbolizes excessive joy. Buried in the skin of the selected victim, it propagates conflicting feelings, valuing the principle of sudden happiness. However, it goes beyond the usual limits, awakening an unbridled dance in the target. He will drop what he is carrying and grab his closest companion, also wrapping him in the contagious rhythm. It extends over two shifts.
9-10 pearls: Materialized as it gathers the ideal concentration, it shows the presentation of the last dart, associated with the fragments of bloody red. His incandescent rage touches on the opponent, causing other people's fights and causing him to have consequences.

Pearls of Injury

Without a doubt, pearls are the most enriched and luxurious instruments in the ocean; most often found within the shells. Because of this maritime analysis, Taumante's successors manage the movement of the shiny spheres, even in the solid state. The environmental jewel obeys your commands and offers several ways of use.

0 pearls: Disqualified to design the pearls themselves, simply monitor the inflexibility of any one, as long as it is identified near coral regions. As the sand of the Lost City is infested with jewels of this kind, it can bring them to the surface of the ground as it gathers concentration and strength, exerting weakened impulses forward. It does not affect any opponent in this leveling, it only ennobles the landscape in view of the superb details.
2-3 pearls: Materializes the existence of three pearls above the hands, which, while not being thrown, enter a process of constant fluctuation. You can accommodate them according to your preference on the spot, however, they already produce imbalances for those who cross the field. The camouflage of the units is also taken into account, making it difficult to discover the trap.
4-7 pearls: Reject standardized advice, dispensing hours of dedication. Pearls gain the ability to explode, targeting a dimension of 3x3 squares. At first, they do not hatch directly when they land on the desired panorama. They take about a shift to detonate, although they generate almost no suspicion and camouflage themselves well in the fertile sands. The right opponents lose their balance, drop the weapons they are carrying and become dizzy in the meantime.
8-10 pearls: They work as double impact bombs. Seven natural jewels lodge on your open palm, providing you with vast possibilities. Acting in accordance with the previous properties, they now expel enemies concentrated in a space of 5x5 squares, throwing them violently out of the witnessed extension.

Aegis Ostreity

In the same way that oysters keep high-value utensils inside the temporary capsules, his father considers him an object similar to jewelry, taking pride in combining it with the aquatic environment and perhaps "adding charm to him". For this merit, you adhere to the wit of possessing protein synergy, incorporating yourself inside the organic shield derived from the resistant shells.

0-2 pearls: Oyster's superficial layers add greater resistance in your hands, covering from your fingertips to your wrists. At first, it is useful in the interval of offensive combat, giving it extra strength and causing the opponent to falter if he insists on hitting the weapon insistently against solid particles.
3-5 pearls: Equipment coming from the fortified and rigid material composes an armor from the waist down, creating the addendum of the wrists still resistant; the color of the fragment is according to your own preference. Even without proper protection on the forearms and back, it displays perfect vigorous conditions to counter two blows followed by weapons.
6-8 pearls: Whoever sees you during the battle, will be face to face with a replica identical to that of any oyster. Its camouflage is so dense and worked, making it able to confuse nearby enemies and ensure private security between three shifts. Breaks for attack are obviously granted, imposing the force accumulated in the thump due to the stone lining.
9-10 pearls: Holds two flanks of oysters, both in the forefront and the rear above the preserved shoulders. You can enter inside any kind of luxurious hideout: oysters, shells, and all the stereotypes of the Ostreidae family. The defense department is doubled and duplicated, confining you in a container where only the vision is unprotected - designed to provide you with a better optical understanding.

Fiery Vortex

Taumante being the father of three specific harpies - Aelo, Ocípite and Celeno -, he graces his offspring with skills related to frantic whirlwinds, dealing with the skills that come from the trinity. Due to the benefit of the circumstance, you manipulate hydrogen particles until you transfigure it into a wind turbine prototype, attracting demigods or pushing them in the opposite direction.

0-3 pearls: Conjures a tiny vertical swirl, still inefficient to modify the defined shape. Achieves the ability to send it in a single direction, driving away intended enemies and temporarily placing them in the corner, witnessing the abrupt fall; the phenomenon has a range of three squares.
4-7 pearls: In the horizontal model, install the flat plane over any opponent in view. The suction process takes a turn to materialize, giving the opponent escape alternatives as long as he is attentive; solemn discretion guarantees that it is free from noise, that is, it will only account for the whirlwind if someone notifies you. The only distorted point is that, instead of pushing it away, it will lift your body in the air for three turns, keeping you there without the possibility of physical attacks being carried out.
8-10 pearls: It brings together two projects of the tourbillon, making them gain enough pressure to make unforgettable attacks. He does not attribute many chances to the target, taking advantage of the first whirlwind as a source of imbalance and placing the second just above, transforming his physique into a true ping-pong simulation until he is completely exhausted.


Distorted Attributes

It is an auxiliary ability, that is, it will only work on allies and enemies. It works as follows: you concentrate parts of the past or the future, depending on the level established. These fragments are passed on as instructed, delaying or accelerating the movement of the named demigods.

0-3 pearls: Applies to an ally the possibility to calibrate the movement of the speed previously designated, promoting greater functioning and flexibility in agile locomotion. It intensifies the power of your shins, making them gain strength and invigorate the stored exhaustion up to that moment. Taking on the skill, he absorbs all the tired demigod's tiredness, having the need to rest and replenish the lost energies.
4-7 pearls: Choose between doubling the favored characteristics of a certain ally or delaying the movement of another opponent. Divided in the choice, if he prefers to delay the victim's locomotion, he will have the feeling of carrying five kilos above his shoulders between three shifts. Your character is unable to provide too many benefits or hexes, contemplating the outcome from afar.
8-10 pearls: It mixes the control of the two options, managing to support two allied campers with extra speed while pouring on two opponents the impression of supporting fifteen kilos on the back, making it difficult to move - except for Ceto's daughter, able to withstand heavy loads .

Premeditated Touch

Despite not having any link or connection with medicine, Proteu was most often claimed for miraculous purposes related to terminal illnesses. Because of these unanswered prayers, the heirs of the god nurture opportunities to help their friends, healing wounds and soothing deep bruises as they speed up the time that the healing process joins the bloodstream of those who touch it. Note: The daily time remains unchanged, only the variation of the supporting method is calibrated.

0-3 pearls: As you carefully press your fingers on the targeted area, it corrupts the acceleration of the period, providing minimal invigorating energies for the target. All exhaustive substances are transported to you, that is, if the victim is very exhausted, all tiredness will become part of your movements. Restores only the ally's fatigue and softens superficial cuts, nothing professional and efficient.
4-7 pearls: More developed and perfected, it stimulates the speed in the circulation of the bloodstream of those who touch, causing the periodic increase in healing. Bruises, strong knocks, dizziness and nausea end up being canceled, transmitting to you fragments of sensations. Remains resistant, as well as who helped. At this stage, Proteu's son raises an offer to help himself, however, he will donate half of the private provision.
8-10 pearls: A range of options is suggested for you. Unlocks the ability to heal instantaneous wounds, extending temporary acceleration in that particular dermis. Mental enchantments also make the list, excluded during manual labor; poisonings follow the similar parameter.

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