Hecate, also called Persia, was the daughter of the titans Astéria - the starry night and Perses - the god of lust and destruction, but she was raised by Persephone - the queen of hell, where she lived. Hecate used to live on Olympus, but he aroused his mother's wrath when he stole a jar of carmine. She fled to the land and, becoming unclean, was taken to darkness to be purified. Living in Hades, she presided over the purification and atonement ceremonies and rituals. Hecate in Greek means "the distant".
He had characteristics different from the other gods but Zeus gave him prestige. After the victory of the Olympic gods against the titans, the titanomachy, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades shared the universe with each other. Zeus had heaven and earth, Poseidon had oceans and Hades received the world of darkness and the dead. Hecate maintained his dominion over the earth, the skies, the seas and the underworld, continuing to be honored by the gods who respected her and maintained their power over the world and the underworld.
She is represented sometimes with three bodies, sometimes with one body and three heads, with a tiara with a lunar crescent on her forehead, one or two torches in her hands and serpents wrapped around her neck. Its three faces symbolize the virgin, the mother and the old lady. Having the power to look in three directions at the same time, she could see fate, the past that interfered with the present and that could harm the future. The three faces came to symbolize their power over the underworld, helping the goddess Persephone to judge the dead.
For the Romans it was considered Trivia - the goddess of crossroads. Associated with the cypress, Hécate accompanied his dogs, wolves and black sheep. Because of their relationship with enchantments, spells and obscurity, the magicians and witches of ancient Greece made offerings to them with dogs and black lambs at the end of each new moon. He also fought Hercules when he tried to face Cerberus, the three-headed guardian dog from hell that always accompanied him.
Hecate's threefold power extended from hell to land and sea. She prowled the land on the nights of the new moon and at sea she had her love affairs. Considered a triple deity: lunar, infernal and marine, the sailors considered her as the titular goddess and asked her to ensure good crossings. Zeus himself gave him the power to grant or deny any desire to mortals and immortals. It was Hecate who helped Demeter when she wandered around the world in search of her daughter Persephone.
When Persephone, Demeter's beloved daughter, was kidnapped by Hades - the lord of the underworld - when she picked flowers, her mother wandered in despair across the earth. Lady of cereals and food, the great mother Demeter, mortified by sadness, deprived all beings of food. Nothing was born on earth and Hecate, being wise and observing what happened, told Demeter what had happened to Persephone.
Zeus decided to interfere and ordered Persephone to return to his mother, as long as he had not eaten any food in hell. However, before returning, Persephone ate some pomegranate seeds, the fruit associated with the crossings of the spirit. That way he could spend two parts of the year on the surface with the Mother, that was when the earth flourished. But Persephone was to return to Hades a part, that was when the land ceased to flourish.
Hecate spread his benevolence to men, giving thanks to those who asked for them. It gave material prosperity, the gift of eloquence in politics, victory in battles and games. It provided abundant fish for fishermen and made cattle thrive or wither. Her privileges extended to all fields and she was invoked as the goddess who nurtured the youth, protector of children, nurse and healer of youth and women.
It was believed that she appeared on New Moon nights with her horrible pack in front of travelers crossing the roads. She was considered the goddess of magic and the night in its most terrible and dark aspects. With its enchanting power, it also sent night terrors and specters to harass mortals. She frequented crossroads, cemeteries and places of crimes and orgies, thus becoming the lady of rites and black magic. Lady of the gates between the world of the living and the underground world of shadows, Hécate is the conductor of souls and the Lamps, nymphs of the Underground, are his companions.
With Eetes, Hécate spawned the sorceress Circe - the goddess of the night who became a famous sorceress with immense power of alchemy. According to legend, Hecate's daughter made poisons, magic potions and could turn men into animals. Living in a palace full of artifices on Ea or Eana Island, off the coast of Italy, Circe became the goddess of the New Moon or Black Moon, being related to horrendous death, witchcraft, curses, revenge, precognitive dreams, black magic and spells she prepared in her big cauldrons.
Most of the times they have dark and velvety hair like the night and eyes with bicolor irises - that is, one of each color - usually very unusual colors, such as purple, gray, yellow, orange, red and gold, which used to characterize witches .
Personality: They have a constant treacherous and dangerous expression and an ethereal aura and seem to think they are superior. Somewhat somber, not so much as the children of Hades, are more human and enigmatic and do not mix with others easily, and feel better in the moonlight. They have an unusual characteristic, which is the triple personality, a trait inherited from their mother.
Passive Powers
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The Three Faces
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Like her mother, Hécate's proples are born with 3 distinct faces, which can sum up her personality. The first face has the personality of a virgin, the second has the personality of a mother and the third that of a wise old woman.
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Level 01-10: Hécate's offspring is initially able to change his personality to that of one of his three faces, being able to pass for an innocent and shy person with the face of the virgin; being able to be a super protective and affectionate offspring with a strong personality with the mother's face and as an offspring knew and a thick skin with the old lady's face. The offspring are also able to look in 3 directions at the same time, being able to see everything perfectly similar to surveillance cameras which nothing will escape their eyes once seen.
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Level 11-25: Hecate's offspring are able to look at a person's past through physical contact, managing to see that person's entire year.
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Level 26-35: You can see up to 3 years of a person's past.
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Level 36-50: Now you can see the past of several people at the same time, using each face for a different person without being overwhelmed, as well as being able to glimpse your own future with the old woman's face. It will allow you to see what will happen in 3 rounds. (1 time per fight)
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Level 51-99: At its peak, the offspring manage to free the 3 Faces in the form of clones identical to the offspring. These clones cannot be seen or felt at all on the physical plane, only those who can see the astral (spiritual) plane. These clones will have the same powers as the offspring and will be able to affect the physical and spiritual plane of their opponents, being able to defeat their opponents easily, only attacks of magical origin can affect these clones, being any other useless.
Mystical Perception
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Level 01-10: Hecate's son can also feel the mana that exudes from any demigod or be empowered. This ability allows you to know when a physical, kinetic, magical or mystical attack will be made from any location within a radius of 30 meters around the offspring, thus preventing surprise attacks. (Only attacks that affect the outside of the offspring)
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Level 11-25: Since birth, Hecate's children can feel any magical aura, of any gender, miles away. This ability is very useful as it serves as a warning, showing you whether you are about to see someone good or bad. Getting to know what he is (demigod, creature, monster, demon and etc.)
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Level 26-35: Hecate's son can automatically locate himself without any difficulty (thus knowing where he is). Using the winds and the earth to his advantage, the demigod will be able to find any being easily, often also knowing which way to go, because his mother is the goddess of the ways.
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Level 36-50: It is the ability to perceive things before they happen, as an advance. It is like a strong premonition. Magically, your opponent's movement is reproduced in your mind before it happens, thus giving you the right way to defend yourself. (3 times per event or saga)
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Level 51-99: Hecate's son when he reaches that level gets to know exactly the powers that his opponent will be using against you. (How the power works, what it will do to your body and how to react to it) It's like a book, he gets to see each ability before his opponent releases it. This ability cannot be contained, as it simply happens in the blink of an eye. (3 times per event or saga)
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Lunar Power
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Hecate also being considered a Goddess of the Moon, his children inherit some powers related to this one.
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Level 01-10: During the night the children of Hecate can create a large silver arch produced from the moonlight. This bow produces arrows made of the same material, which can seriously hurt the opponent depending on the situation, in addition to freezing the part where the arrow pierced him (depending on the depth that the arrow pierces can freeze inwardly). Through the brightness of the moon, demigods can erase the visibility of arrows, so that opponents have more difficulty in deflecting them.
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Level 11-25: On the moonlight, the offspring of Hecate can invoke chains made of moonlight. The offspring control these chains telepathically, being able to arrest the target by immobilizing it and also freezing it, the chains also manage to suck the victim's energy which will further strengthen it, increasing its resistance and durability. It is 50m long.
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Level 26-35: Containing a strong connection with the moon, the offspring acquired control of their own gravity in a medium way, thus being able to alter the gravity of the surrounding area within a radius of 50m leaving it heavy, light or even null, and can also only affect your opponent by creating a gravitational field next to him.
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Level 36-50: Hecate's offspring at night or when the moonlight is most visible, the offspring will be able to manifest a purple-colored wolf cloak around their body, which will fully cover it. The cloak will increase your perceptual abilities (your senses) will also have claws capable of cutting even Vibranium, its resistance will also rise a little, obtaining an animalistic instinct. The offspring will look like a wolf.
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Sorcery and Enchantments
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Hecate's offspring is capable of reciting enchantments and spells.
Level 01-10: Hécate's offspring is a newcomer to witchcraft, thus needing to materialize a grimoire in order to recite spells and enchantments. Good concentration will be required for such achievements. (It will have a list in Hécate's own tab, following its respective level)
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Level 11-25: You will already be able to release new spells to be recited, still needing the library in hand to complete the spell or enchantment.
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Level 26-35: You will already be able to release new spells to be recited, still needing the library in hand to complete the spell or enchantment, and you will not need to be focused.
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Level 36-50: You will now be able to recite spells and enchantments without having to hold the library. Your spells will come out even stronger, managing to make a spell that makes a small fireball, undergo an increase in power, managing to make that fireball twice the size.
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Level 51-99: Now it reaches its peak in this area the offspring acquire mistyokinesis where they will be able to create their own spells and enchantments, whether they are "simple" or even dangerous, in addition to being able to recite other existing spells.
Ps: The spells and enchantments continue to work even when the offspring cannot use any of their powers, and this ability is not affected by removal of powers (except when the land, dimension or reality in which the offspring is, does not have any access to magic, otherwise she will be able to recite her spells and enchantments even when she has no powers that they will still work).
Magic Immunities
Level 20: It is resistant to physiological needs and harm. Having their physiological needs reduced to a minimum, managing to survive for weeks without eating or sleeping, also being immune to virus diseases, radiation and being resistant to poisons and toxins.
Level 40: Hecate's offspring are immune to mind control and reading, as well as possession.
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Level 70: Hecate's offspring are immune to curses and rituals.
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Level 100: Hécate's offspring are immune to spells and enchantments.
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Level 150: Hécate's offspring are immune to the magic of beings below his level.
Rituals and Curses
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Nível 50: Assim como Hécate está ligada ao lado mais negro da Magia, suas prole também estão, sabendo criar e realizar maldições e também rituais sejam eles bons, ruins, perigosos, ou obscuros. Suas maldições quando tem como alvo pessoas, criaturas semideuses e etc, necessita ter alguma parte do DNA ou um pouco da essência da alma desse ser, assim permitindo ela poder proferir suas maldições (essas maldições geralmente podem ser proferidas por meio de palavras, por meio de sacrifícios, por meio de gatilhos como assassinatos, catástrofes e entre outros meios ou condições. Suas maldições também podem ser usadas em si mesmo, podendo se beneficiar ou não com elas, as próles podem amaldiçoar lugares também como uma cidade um acampamento e entre outros exemplos, geralmente esse tipo de maldição necessita de grande poder mágico (necessita canalizar algo para poder amaldiçoar um lugar, ou estar sob influência de fortes sentimentos como a ira e fúria ou raiva extrema. Já seus rituais também necessitam ser aplicadas certas condições como o DNA de alguém ou a essência da alma, as vezes necessários alguns gatilhos ou condições, seus rituais são úteis para muitos fins podendo serem combinados com suas maldições. Os rituais podem ser de vários tipos, os de purificação (purifica sua alma, corpo e mente), corrupção (corromper alma, mente e corpo), a prole é capaz também de realizar rituais obscuros, infernais podendo invocar seres de outras dimensões através deles (necessita ter um recipiente para o invocado habitar como um recipiente temporário) seus rituais também podem ser úteis para estender sua própria vida através de um ritual onde a prole escolhe sua vítima e é capaz de possuir o corpo dela eliminando o antigo dono do corpo sendo este seu possuindo suas capacidades e as da vitima (em geral). Suas maldições e rituais não possuem fim (a prole pode citar exatamente o que a maldição ou ritual faz e como ela faz), podendo amaldiçoar alguém com a licantropia, com o vampirismo e entre outros vários feitos (suas maldições e rituais afetam seres que possuam imunidade a maldições e rituais, menos seres com nível superior ou igual ao da prole e que possua essa imunidade).
Ps: It is always necessary for the offspring to mention the conditions of the ritual (every ritual has conditions, items, or goals to be met). In cases of curses it must contain a part of the DNA or essence of the victim's soul in order to perform the ritual (she may resort to implanting bags of magic in her opponent's robes or in some part of her body, thus not needing to fulfill the conditions to impose a curse on someone). Rituals or curses only have their permanent effect (until the offspring wants to withdraw) in sagas (being necessary to notify the minister), otherwise the effect must be removed at the end of the event.
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Through black magic, Hécate's proclaim has mystical and spiritual abilities.
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Level 01-10: Initially, the star is able to see invisible people and souls from the astral plane, also being able to interact with these souls. However, it still does not have any authority over it and cannot compel them to fulfill their wishes.
Level 11-25: Hecate's offspring are now able to further deepen their spiritual abilities by being able to see if the individual's soul is evil or if it is good. Whether it is vindictive or good and among other things. When the offspring are in need, an aura may emanate before these souls asking them for small favors that they may or may not do; this aura has a black color when the soul is evil (usually serial killers, sociopaths, etc.) and White when they are good souls (Christians, good people, etc.).
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Ps: You can only ask for favors for souls who are on the spiritual plane and who have no physical body (who are not alive)
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Level 26-35: You are already able to impose your will on good souls, these will obligatorily do their wills, but the camper cannot compel the soul to perform an impure act for his religion (that makes him go to hell or underworld). Only asking for favors that do not involve the murder of someone directly or indirectly.
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Level 36-50: Hecate's offspring are now able to impose their will on souls both good and evil, and they can compel them to do their will, they can ask evil souls to commit heinous acts and good souls from others. She also becomes an excellent representative in the spiritual realm, being able to command souls at her pleasure, rivaling other props or creations from the camp. At this level, the offspring acquire the ability to make their own soul invisible to other beings, also managing to implant obscure scriptures in their soul which will prevent anyone from trying to find you by any existing method (except omnipotent beings), while hidden you will not be able to attack. or interact in any way on the physical or astral plane. You can also do this with other people,
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Level 51-99: Now you are able to banish souls to the Greek underworld, or make them unavailable to move on the spiritual plane (as if you were stuck in something), managing to banish demigods and other beings there as well, but these can return the same place as before if you can. This ability also expands to allow the offspring to burn souls (who are already dead) destroying them for good (you need to be furious with this one).
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Level 100-150: At its peak, the offspring can summon thousands of souls to help them as they wish. The offspring also acquire the ability to use the spiritual energy that keeps them on the astral plane for their benefit, sucking their energy (essence). If souls are good and pure, the offspring will be able to heal their companions from any injury, whether mental, physical or spiritual; also achieving a good resistance and durability being able to resist attacks capable of destroying entire continents. However, offspring are prohibited from killing any being for beast or selfish reasons (only just reasons, such as saving themselves, saving a partner, etc.). If the souls are bad this will acquire great powers, being able to increase its speed being compared to the one of lightning, besides being able to raise its physical attributes to continental levels. By having bad souls the offspring cannot perform any benevolent or good acts directly. This includes saving companions or doing things because it is right. Everything is done according to your own will.
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Ps: If the offspring breaches the rule imposed by the use of Souls he will lose his powers for 3 rounds. Getting extremely weak. The skill remains active for 5 rounds.
Power Amplification
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Hécate's offspring by joining her hands she will be able to materialize a magical ruby. The offspring by channeling the magical power it contains within that ruby will be able to expand their magical abilities.
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Level 01-20: Your magic abilities have increased up to 2x.
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Level 21-40: Your magic abilities increase up to 3x.
Level 41-60: Your magic abilities increase up to 4x.
Level 61-80: Your magic abilities increase up to 5x.
Level 81-100: Your magic abilities increase up to 6x.
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Ps: This skill lasts 4 rounds, being only 1 time per event or saga.
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It is the offspring's ability to absorb or suck mystical or spiritual energy from certain individuals or mystical items. It is one of the basic skills and one of the strongest of the wizard, as he can use in various situations.
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Level 01-20: Hécate's offspring are initially only able to channel only their own mystical energy or that of items and beings she is in constant physical contact with, allowing her to use it for different and varied purposes.
Level 21-40: It is already able to channel the energy from the earth similar to wizards of White or elemental magic. This magic shows itself
more diversified, increasing the regenerative capacities of the offspring and also protecting them from physiological harms (such as drowning underwater, diseases, viruses, poisons and toxins).
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Level 41-60: Hecate's offspring is already able to channel the mystical or spiritual energy of other beings through connection spells, magic circles and also through runic marks of magical origin that the offspring leaves on their victims after the physical contact. In this channeling the offspring is able to use the victim's powers, in addition to using the energy of his opponent instead of his own, and can even kill his opponent if he uses too much energy.
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Ps: The mark can only be removed by magic or omnipotence, otherwise it will remain, and the offspring will be able to channel it freely.
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Level 61-80: Now it reaches the ability to channel Nexus Vortis energy, which is the energy generated by conflicts, catastrophes (accidents with many deaths), genocides, major murders, cosmic or unique events and more. This energy generally makes it possible for the offspring to accomplish great deeds such as the resurrection of a person, incredible deeds capable of beating head-on opponents such as deities and entities. This channeling has no limit, the more the prole can channel the stronger it can get, it also guarantees the offspring mental immunity, climate changes and also physiological needs.
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Level 81-100: At its peak, the offspring is able to channel energy from divinities and entities, being able to acquire protection and exclusive powers from the divinity itself (according to their respective level).
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Ps: The energy absorbed by the channeling can be manifested in many ways, and it can be manifested as a form of materialization or dematerialization, also as regenerative powers being able to heal any type of injury or even revive people (depending on how much the offspring channeled). The offspring acquire the ability to manipulate this magical energy for various purposes.
Animal Summoning
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Hécate's offspring is associated with various animals in the wild, and they can ask these animals for favors, even control them or use them in combat.
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Level 01-10: Hécate's offspring initially can only ask for favors for these canine animals (wolves, dogs, etc.) and cannot invoke them.
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Level 11-25: You can now ask for favors for feline animals and also for reptiles.
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Level 26-35: You can freely request favors for insects and other animals.
Level 36-50: Now the offspring is already able to understand them better, being able to interact with them in addition to controlling them freely, being able to see, feel and speak through them. Being able to transmute your body into several small animals like snakes or birds. (3 times per event or saga)
Level 51-99: It is already capable of transforming itself into these animals, being able to assume a diversified appearance, being able to have partial characteristics of them.
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Hécate's proples are extremely beautiful and can use this against their opponents by manipulating them.
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Level 01-10: Hécate's offspring are initially able to expel a small perfume from their body, which affects the perception of all those who feel the fragrance. This perfume enters the victim making her feel desires for Hécate's offspring, basically the victim will be like a drug addict, wanting more and more of that perfume leaving him susceptible to decisions (allowing the offspring to ask him to do what you say, he as a fool will not even understand what she wants with that, just do)
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Level 11-25: Hécate's offspring now this scent acts even stronger, not only making him want the offspring but now it makes him become crazy in love with her, feeling a platonic love for her. He will not accept competition (he will kill others who are affected by the perfume) he will protect her even if he has to give his life for her, he will do anything to have the heart of the offspring.
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Level 26-35: The offspring manifests a magical aura of green coloration, which through sensual and provocative movements, the offspring will be able to let their opponent fall into small illusions, in addition to making all the tension in his body lessened, becoming more relaxed, thinking that he doesn't have to fight anymore, that everything is over, that he just has to enjoy the show that Hécate's offspring is doing for his opponent (s).
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Level 36-50: Now the offspring is able to develop illusions by exchanging glances at their opponent, when he looks at her, he will fall into technique. Where the offspring will be able to play with his mind in all viable ways, managing to change the scenario where they are to more masochistic or sensual places and among others, being able to change the appearance, size, limbs and etc. of their opponent as well as changing their appearance freely.
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Level 51-99: At its peak the offspring acquire illusionism being able to create and generate illusions wherever they are, managing to make extremely real changes, they affected the 5 senses of the opponents also managing to make them feel feelings according to what the illusion provide. The offspring can use their body as a terrible weapon.
Active Powers
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Demonic Magic
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Being the son of a hellish deity, he will be able to manifest a magic related to the underworld.
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Level 30-60: Hecate's offspring are initially able and manifest the same basic abilities of black magic as reciting spells and enchantments, also being able to interact with spirits and banish them to Hades, or even prevent them from passing through the plane astral or even summon ghosts and etc. Hecate's Offspringis able to summon the black flames of the underworld, being able to use them freely, managing to burn even beings from the astral (spiritual) plane. She is able to materialize and dematerialize portals that allow her to travel interdimensionally as if she were an infernal being. Being able to go to different parts of the Milky Way, to the underworld, to the Kingdom of Zeus, or even to the Kingdom of Poseidon, since his mother was also welcome there. Your portals can also be made in other ways and can be created for black (demonic) dimensions or even for places like the vacuum and send your opponents there. The offspring is capable of amplifying a person’s powers to uncontrollable levels for a few minutes thus causing their victims to lose control and create confusion and create chaos,
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Level 61-90: The offspring now demonstrate improved magical abilities by being able to materialize things that were in the underworld, in the kingdom of Poseidon or even in the kingdom of Zeus (only inanimate things or creatures like furies, seahorses, Hellhounds, etc.). The offspring also demonstrate alchemist abilities, being able to use alchemy whenever they wish, but even these offspring are subject to the law of equivalent exchange, needing to be respected at all times. The offspring are capable of destroying small objects when touched or even fortifying or restoring them, managing to impose diseases, pests, viruses and curses on their opponents or elsewhere (such as scenarios, etc.). Now managing to corrupt the soul of his opponents with his presence alone, making good people become bad people.
Level 91-120: Now Hécate's offspring deepens in his infernal abilities, being able now he is able to distort the reality around him, managing to make a beautiful and peaceful place become a horrible and chaotic place, being able to accomplish others done. The offspring are now able to summon monsters and hellish creatures from the Greek underworld, these being any one and of any modality (except beings like Hades, Persephone, etc.). These demons are extremely powerful, they can be magic demons, physical demons or even psychic demons, being able to summon even creatures like Cerberus easily. The offspring can also increase their physical attributes such as speed, strength, endurance, perception, durability and among others to levels about humans,
Level 121-150: At its peak, Hecate's offspring now manifest extreme magical abilities, even managing to change the reality by transforming the scene now into Hades himself, where the offspring will recover all their energies and will become even stronger in this domain. You learn the ability to merge with these demons by acquiring some skills from fusion. As physiological powers such as black wings, improved senses being able to see in places with low light, being able to speak in any language, the offspring may also manifest darkness, black fire, sound speed, improved physical attributes such as strength, resistance and durability at extremely higher levels capable to destroy cities easily and resist attacks of the same impact. They also manage to transform themselves into black smoke and possess their victims,
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Ps: The fusion lasts 5 rounds, being able to use it only 3 times per event or saga.
Mana Manipulation
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Hecate's offspring is capable of manipulating mana, which is a vital energy of magical origin. This energy has a varied coloring according to the offspring's mood, when she is in a good mood the mana will be purple, when she is in a bad mood it will be red, and when she is sad she will be blue.
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Level 01-10: Hécate's procle initially is able to control mana on a small scale, managing to feel life within up to a radius of 30 meters, also managing to materialize constructs, platforms and Force fields that are not as resistant, breaking easily, being the offspring must strive to maintain them. The offspring are also capable of deforming their mana and generating explosions which, when thrown, will cause small explosions. Being able to fly by concentrating a small amount of Mana in his body, besides being able to levitate small things that are not so heavy, besides being able to talk telepathically with other beings that speak the same language.
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Level 11-25: The procle is now capable of generating armaments (weapons and equipment), constructs, platforms and force fields now resistant to steel, being able to use them in combat freely, now being able to manipulate its magical life energy. better way by being able to move more dense objects more easily, being able to move even less heavy people. Offspring when touching objects or people, they are able to feel their aura and nature, in addition to being able to see recent memories (with much effort), they have the ability to capture radiation and energies emitted by any objects or people. By focusing, they are able to emit extremely hot rays which can cause burns of up to third degree or even kill their victims, in addition to the offspring being able to generate light through their mana.
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Level 26-35: The prople is already capable of generating constructs and, among other things, with diamond-like resistance, having its previous capacities improved having an improved telekinesis, being able to lift solid and dense materials easily (not exaggerated), it is already capable of understand other living beings through their telekinesis, also being able to see the future in small flashes in two ways, when touching something or someone you can see the future of this person or thing or when you are in a trance so you can see your own future, now he is able to generate illusions in his opponents by altering the scenario and reality on a small scale. In addition to being able to repair objects when involving them with mana, they also acquire the ability to teleport, when engaging with a large amount of Mana.
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Level 36-50: Hécate's propon shows to be extremely evolved now being able to control his mana in a more experienced way managing to generate tangible constructs and Force fields with resistance similar to Vibranium and among other things.
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Level 51-99: In its final form the procle acquires total control over its mana, managing to use it in almost infinite ways, its mana becomes almost infinite reacting according to its feelings, if they are good and stable their powers will be normal , if they are out of control, their powers will also be. At this level, the offspring acquires the ability to change the reality around them, achieving some notorious deeds, the offspring is also able to enter an anodite form, where their body is produced from pure mana.
Elemental Magic
Hecate being a goddess with terrestrial domains, her offspring is capable of using elemental magic.
Level 01-30: Initially, Hécate's offspring is capable of manifesting the elements of water and ice, being able to control these in various diversified ways, managing to shape these in addition to controlling their quantity and temperature. Being able to use these elements for medicinal, defensive and offensive purposes.
Level 31-60: Hécate's offspring is capable of manifesting the elements of fire and earth, being able to control these in various diversified ways, managing to shape these in addition to freely controlling them.
Level 61-90: Hécate's offspring is capable of manifesting the elements of air and electricity, being able to control these in various diversified ways, managing to shape them in addition to freely controlling them.
Level 91-120: Hecate's offspring is capable of manifesting the elements of light and darkness, being able to control these in various diversified ways, managing to shape them in addition to freely controlling them.
Level 121-150: At its peak, Hecate's offspring is able to magically control the climate.
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Necromancy is a part of black magic being focused on the ability to use a magic that surrounds the dead, the life force and souls. Level 01-10: The offspring of Hecate acquire the ability to converse with the dead, and can also get clearly visualize the spiritual plane. It may even be able to interact with the beings that live there, this capacity expands to be able to conjure the dead to life, being a kind of living dead that follows its will, limited to only 5 living dead, being any type of being that is in the veil. (This ability extends to demigods, monsters, etc., however it is necessary that they died in the same event or saga.)
Level 11-25: Having already had a good experience with the spiritual world, the offspring is able to redirect, now being able to feel their regrets, their hurts, being able, through physical touch, or spiritual (through the soul) to see their memories when he was still alive, thus being able to know sometimes important things, his ability to conjure the living dead increases to 15, now he can equip them with weapons, and he can even restructure damaged parts (such as spinal columns, develop the legs, etc.).
Level 26-35: Hecate's offspring are now able not only to summon as many dead as they wish, but to be able to summon both vengeful and good spirits and use them for various purposes, being able to give them orders whatever they may be, order that he possesses his opponent among several other ends.
Level 36-50: Being able to know when someone died, being able to predict 3 minutes of the future, thus knowing what will happen within that period of time easily. At this level, your living dead can acquire intelligence, not only that it can even generate a zombie apocalypse, being able to conjure a dead person and then spread death everywhere, being able to choose if you want, through touch to transform weaker beings into zombies (if you are a weaker being like human and animal NPCs they will become instantly, now demigods need to be at least 10 levels weaker than you taking 2 rounds). Through necromancy the offspring can generate living dead with harmful, toxic or chemical agents in their organism and can use this to their advantage in events and sagas (it must be explained as well as how the bio weapon works).
Level 51-99: Hecate's offspring achieving excellent mastery over necromancy. Being able now to cheat death (minus death itself, or beings linked to the underworld and hell). This ability allows that when the offspring is hit by any type of skill or blow that leads to death, in any modality of this, the son of Hecate, will be able to pretend that this all happened. In front of the opponent, Hecate's offspring will appear to have died, when in fact she is only in a kind of stealth mode within the spiritual plane. If it is a skill that pulverizes the offspring, the body will then be pulverized, no matter the situation (it does not apply to blackouts), when Hécate's son then decides she will surprise him by returning completely alive and healthy. (Only beings linked to the underworld or death like Thanatos can discover that the death was false.) Acquiring a broader level becomes able to damage the soul of your opponent, being able to "kill" it, based on affecting the psychological, physical and spiritual of the victim making it more "weak", sucking not only its vital force, but your needs to live, even your healthy feelings o consumed by negative feelings like anguish, sadness and etc. (Can only cheat death once per event or saga) but your needs to live, even your healthy feelings o consumed by negative feelings like anguish, sadness and etc. (Can only cheat death once per event or saga) but your needs to live, even your healthy feelings o consumed by negative feelings like anguish, sadness and etc. (Can only cheat death once per event or saga)
Level 100-150: Upon reaching its peak, the offspring are able to deceive their death, even from their own deletions. At this level, when the offspring is erased, they can withdraw their soul from the body moments before being totally destroyed, deceiving their opponent, having only destroyed physical (1 time per event or saga).
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Gloomy manipulation
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The offspring is able to manipulate shadows and darkness at will.
Level 01-10: Manages to manipulate his own shadow, increasing it, decreasing it, making different movements and creating small objects with it (such as knives, etc.). It can produce up to 5 black spheres of 15 centimeters, which can reach a target up to 25 meters away, causing burns and medium internal damage to the victim's body. He can take any source of darkness around him and cover himself, leaving his clothes, hair and eyes black and he is wrapped in a kind of shadow cocoon that allows him to withstand 30% of the damage caused. The offspring, in addition to being able to absorb the darkness and shadows around them, are capable of producing a dark gust that travels up to 25 meters. You can take the shadows around you and use them as an energy source to heal wounds and cuts (not deep cuts),
Level 11-25: Your character can camouflage himself in the dark and paralyze a person, "holding" his shadow; can paralyze people by freezing their shadows giving them the same effect. In addition to being able to transmute your body into shadows for a few minutes, thus crossing solid objects up to 5 meters in length or walls up to 4 centimeters thick. With this ability it is also possible to be immune to physical attacks. He manages to blend his body into the shadows and thus appear elsewhere, however, he has to mentally know where he will teleport to. You can teleport at a distance of up to 25 km. Now being able to create constructs of shadows and darkness perfectly. The offspring is capable of creating up to 10 dark energy tentacles,
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Level 26-35: Has the ability to generate, control and manipulate the shadow, forming different shapes and making it rigid, in addition to merging the shadow, making it invisible and leaving a totally dark environment. Now it can produce 10 black spheres of 15 centimeters, which can reach a target up to 55 meters away. Your shadow cocoon is able to suck 50% of the damage it tries to do to you. Your healing becomes capable of healing serious injuries by taking a few minutes to heal completely.
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Level 36-50: Can teleport at a distance of 45 km. Their intangibility becomes even more lasting, managing to pass through any solid and physical object. Now being able to summon 20 tentacles that can chase multiple targets at the same time, your cloning capacity expands to 5 clones of yourself and they can use the same skills as you. Its shadow manipulation rises, releasing dark bursts and having more volatile control of the shadows, managing to manipulate the weapons around it through telekinesis.
Level 51-99: Being able to teleport through the shadows (up to 65 km) and also ends up receiving another effect, the shadows can move this person, he can now show some signs of shadows on him. Now being able to control the shadows in a perfect way, having total mastery of this ability, he is able to subdue large amounts of light with his shadows, being able to increase his control for control over darkness, invoking the same ones from the underworld.
Level 100-150: As the biggest shadow dominator now manages to make perfect projections, he can even make his shadow a copy of himself by putting it into combat, in addition to being able to mimic himself in a shadow form for almost unlimited time.
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Wish Grant
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Hecate's offspring inherited from their mother the ability to fulfill wishes. However, it is necessary that the person or being who is asking for the desire believes in what he is saying (if that being is in a situation where he cannot speak, just think about what he wants and Hécate's offspring will be able to hear him).
Level 01-20: Hécate's offspring can only fulfill wishes that involve material goods (such as weapons, equipment, etc.) that have nothing divine.
Level 21-40: Hécate's offspring is already capable of fulfilling wishes that involve people's well-being, such as healing any type of physical or mental injury that a person has and among other related injuries.
Level 41-60: You can already make offensive wishes involving invocations (depending on what you are invoking, you need the approval of the event or saga minister) or the increase of power, even granting powers to other people (for 5 rounds).
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Level 61-80: It is already able to fulfill wishes that where the person is able to heal injuries caused in the soul, such as corruption of the soul and among other things, besides being able to revive someone.
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Level 81-100: Becomes capable of fulfilling even more perverse desires, these being the impotence of your opponent (even immune, in events must have the approval of the minister) managing to fulfill wishes that involve the destruction of this and among others.
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Level 101-120: Becomes capable of fulfilling countless types of wishes that are within Hecate's reach (depending on the spell must have the minister's approval).
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Your Faithful Companion
Hécate's offspring can invoke Cerberus to help him whenever he wishes. This dog has extremely hot skin (being immune to fire, high temperatures and resistant to negative temperatures), can also spit black fireballs, in addition to having superhuman physical attributes surpassing a Nemean Lion several times and has an excellent perception spiritual able to locate any being through your soul.
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Level 01-10: The Cerberus is 10 meters long.
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Level 11-25: The Cerberus is 20 meters long.
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Level 26-35: The Cerberus is 30 meters long.
Level 36-50: The Cerberus is 40 meters long.
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Level 51-99: The Cerberus is 50 meters long.
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Level 100-150: The Cerberus is 60 meters long.
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Moon phases
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Hecate's offspring being a lunar goddess and the night was able to benefit from the different faces of the moon.
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Level 01-20: When it is night, Hécate's offspring will be able to change the phase of the moon initially to the waning one, where it will be able to summon 3 items. Among them are the 2 torches that never go out, being able to illuminate any place that has no light; the other is a dagger which is capable of cutting or injuring any solid matter, and may even injure beings on the spiritual plane or intangibles.
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Level 21-40: The offspring is now able to change to the crescent moon. In this phase of the moon, the offspring is able to increase their physical capacities, up to 3x more, reaching the peak of the physical attributes of humans.
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Level 41-60: Now at full moon the offspring is extremely improved, managing to summon night monsters to help you in combat, such as Wendigo, Ghouls, werewolves, Vampires and other night monsters. During the full moon, magic users suffer a buff which increases their physical capacities by up to 3x, allowing them to be at the height of their superhuman attributes. Their magical abilities also increase 5x more. Offspring during the full moon are able to perform rituals, be they of any type, be they profane, obscure rituals and others. He is also able to recite curses, being able to curse his opponents or even curse himself among other things (depending on the curse or ritual it is necessary to fulfill some conditions).
Level 61-90: Now the offspring can change to the phase of the red moon also known as the blood moon, where Hecate's offspring is able to create a "monster apocalypse" managing to revive corpses from all over the world, managing to call the most various types of monsters, such as the night monsters (mentioned in the previous level) mythological monsters like Hydras, dragons, hellish monsters like Hellhounds, Cerberus, primate animals like dinosaurs and among other beings. On the blood moon, the mystical (magical) powers of magic users are elevated 10x, on this moon monsters are able to transform their victims (anyone who is bitten, scratched, etc.) will transform and be under the control of the offspring that you can give orders to all monsters,
Level 91-120: Now the offspring can ascend the new moon, this moon will allow the offspring to purify their opponents in addition to forgiving them of any harm that they have already done, and can purify their body and soul making them a good person. It also guarantees you the ability to be reborn. When the offspring will die in any way possible under the new moon, the offspring will be able to revive, returning to life 5 rounds after their death. (1 time per new moon)
Level 121-150: Offspring acquire the ability to create an eclipse. During the eclipse, magic users do not lose energy when using their powers, but can use them in an unlimited way. Because the eclipse is a unique event, the offspring is able to channel their energy allowing them to open the veil that separates the physical world from the astral world, allowing souls, spirits and beings from the astral plane to interact with the physical plane and vice versa. Offspring are also capable of freeing souls who are on existential planes to be able to interact on the physical plane. With the veil fallen, anyone who dies will come back to life 5 seconds after death. Offspring are also able to revive people during this event,
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Level 151-200: When Hécate's offspring reach their peak, they are able to manifest the last moon, which is the Black Moon. This moon increases the abilities of dark beings 10x more while magical beings have their magical abilities increased 20x more. Offspring during this phase of the moon awaken the ability to bring the darker side of their opponents (an examination of dark energy comes out of the victim's mouth and then takes the form of itself), and to control them, being able to use them against their victims. These beings will have the same powers, levels, add-ons, etc., as they are the same thing as the victim. During this phase of the moon, the offspring is also able to perform miracles such as bringing several people back to life, banishing any being (less omnipotent) to other places or existential plans,
Ps: The duration of the skill is 5 rounds, after the end of the rounds it is necessary to wait another 5 rounds to be able to use the skill again (you can only invoke a moon or eclipse, being necessary to wait for it to be over before you can invoke another after meeting the deadline). Anything that affects the victim or a scenario, will only be permanent in sagas (must inform the minister)
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Hecate's Spells
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Level 01-10
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Accio: You can attract things close to the demigod or throw things away. (Required moving hands on attraction or repulsion movements)
Aguamenti: It is capable of manifesting water capable of healing wounds.
Ascendare alarm: Causes the target to spontaneously combust. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Alohomora: Unlocks closed doors.
Anapneo: Cleans the respiratory trachea and the mouth, if blocked.
Animus: Creates a copy of your opponent with zombie characteristics. It does not have the victim's powers. (This needs to have the person's description).
Aparecium: Makes ink or invisible objects appear.
Aqua Eructo: Produces a large amount of water that can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Animalia Exumai: Expels animals.
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Level 11-25
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Aresto Momentum: Slows down something or someone for a few seconds.
Ascendio: Allows the sorcerer to fly.
Avada Kedavra: Causes instant death. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Avifors: Turns the target into a bird (needs to look at the victim)
Avis: Conjures birds and birds in various ways.
Bombarda: Creates an explosive energy in your fingers that are in a position similar to a weapon. The bullets when hit explode creating a hole in that area similar to a cannon ball.
Maximum Bombarda: Enhanced version of the Bombarda Spell. In this, the explosive energy explodes a similar area as the entire chest, leaving nothing.
Brachium Patch: Heals broken bones of the arm. (Necessary to maintain physical contact)
Slug-faced: Makes the victim vomit slugs. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Carpe Retractum: Conjures a purple light that envelops the object leading it towards you or leading you towards it.
Cave Inimicum: Creates a barrier in a certain place that prevents anyone from penetrating. (You need to keep the spell active otherwise it will fall apart. As long as the spell is active, you won't be able to use any other powers)
Cistem Aperio: Causes the target to explode from the inside out. (Necessary to leave your magical signature, either through spell bags, or runes)
Colloportus: Lock doors or passages (Only magic users can undo the lock, needing a higher level)
Confringo: Anything that has physical contact with the offspring explodes. (Necessary to speak at the same moment it was played)
Confundus: I confused the victim by making her suffer dizziness and dizziness.
Crucio: It causes enormous pain in the victim's body.
Defodio: Causes deep indentations to appear on the target.
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Level 26 - 35
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Descending: Causes the target to move downwards.
Deletrius: Destroys a particular object.
Densaugeo: Makes the victim's teeth grow quickly.
Deprimo: Presses the target causing a rupture.
Diffindo: Cuts or tears the target.
Decreasing: Decreases the size of the selected object.
Forms Statues: is capable of giving life to statues.
Depulse: Used to throw things away.
Ebublio: Causes poisonous bubbles to come out of the offspring's mouth or hands (poison causes kidney failure and cell degeneration)
Engorgio: Makes the target grow, increase in size.
Ennervate: Wake up people who are sleeping or in a coma.
Episkey: Through constant physical touch is able to heal people's wounds.
Erect: Assembles or disassembles things.
Stupefy: It makes the person pass out.
Stupore: Keeps the target unconscious.
Evanesco: Makes matter disintegrate (Constant physical touch is required)
Everte Statum: Throws the target away while doing pirouettes in the air.
Expecto Patronum: It is able to summon an animal made of mana.
Rage: Allows the offspring to launch an immense fury at a target for a certain being or object (he will go after the source of his anger and try to kill or destroy you and become a mascot for the offspring).
Ban: The offspring is able to expel their targets from that place temporarily, sending them to a random place from where they are (ex: a random place on planet Earth, other than where the offspring is)
Transmutation: Offspring are capable of transforming an object or person into something else.
Sugar: The offspring is able to suck all the pain that the offspring is feeling (mental, spiritual, physical, and loving pain, among others) in a white sphere that when hit, causes their opponent great pain, similar to that of the offspring I felt (I could literally kill a person in pain depending on how much pain the offspring is feeling).
XForce: The offspring is capable of increasing a certain physical attribute (strength, endurance, perception, durability, speed and others) to levels over humans (for 3 rounds).
Mental Enlargement: Enables the offspring to predict what their opponents will do in the two future rounds 2. (3 times per event or saga)
Teletransport: The ability to teleport, allowing the offspring to teleport (alone, or with people) to other places, however its limit is 100 km (not reaching further than that).
Intangible: Allows the offspring to be intangible (and whoever they are holding) for 4 rounds.
Materialization: Allows the offspring to materialize any type of inanimate object that fits in their hands and that they have already seen (such as weapons, clubs, gloves, clothes, etc.).
Dematerialize: Allows to dematerialize things.
Combat Seal: An enchantment that when used prevents your opponent from using a certain class of powers (attack or defense powers)
Mutilingue: A spell that allows you to read, understand, understand and speak in any language (even dead languages).
Anti-Gravity: It allows the offspring to decrease or increase the gravity imposed on a certain thing or body that the offspring touches.
Expelliarmus: The offspring create an invisible field of up to 30 meters that prevents their opponents from using their powers.
Expelled: The offspring manifests a ball of energy and launches it towards the target disintegrating them with a small explosion.
Finite Incantatem: Eliminates the effect of a spell cast on something or someone. (3 times per event or saga)
Flagrate: Marks the target with fire.
Flipendo: Pushes the object.
Wildfire: Summons humanoid monsters made of fire.
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level 36-50
Apaerency Transmution: Allows the offspring to change their body at the cellular level to that of another person or animal (copying exactly everything, even fingerprints and minute details), but does not acquire the powers or personality.
Transmutation: Allows the offspring to transmute their body into various small animals (such as snakes, birds, mice, etc.)
Voodoo: When the offspring has the victim's DNA in hand, they can recite this spell, which will make this part of the DNA turn into a doll or doll similar to the victim. This doll will be linked to the victim's life. Any external damage the doll suffers the victim will suffer. (Magic users can undo this spell)
Plumbing circle: When the offspring is with their victim in front of their hands and has something sharp, she will then draw a circle design on the victim's forehead (a circle drawn on the floor must be counted). This circle on his forehead will render the victim unconscious and the circle on the floor will allow the offspring to channel his victim (acquiring his powers) and may include more people in the circle. (By the wizarding powers incubated with me, fall before me, and become part of me, nourishing me with unimaginable strength and power.)
Ligaxion: By making physical contact with your targets it will allow the offspring to link your life or someone else's to hers. (any damage that one suffers the other will suffer, regardless of how it is)
Uncontrolling: By reciting this spell, the offspring will be able to get their targets' powers out of control, regardless of who they are.
Twin: Duplicates any object or being.
Glacius: Freezes some object or being for a few seconds.
Immobilus: Paralyzes the target.
Bushin: Allows the offspring to create 5 clones of themselves.
Energy Ball: By reciting the passage mentioned below you will be able to manifest a large amount of energy in your hand, capable of damaging the victim externally. ("Manifest itself as a destroying ball, and destroy my enemy.")
Spell of Metamorf: The offspring by reciting this enchantment will temporarily acquire the abilities of a metamorphic creature (werewolf; Vampire; Hybrid; Werelion; Weretiger, etc.). The excerpt: "By the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man I shall be reawakened as one with the land." (The spell must be cast 10 times, looking at the moon)
Impedimenta: Temporarily paralyzes the victim.
Imperio: Causes the victim to be controlled by the wizard who cast the spell.
Impervius: Makes something waterproof.
Incarcerous: Creates mystical chains that are attached to the body.
Fire: Produces a certain amount of flame, which allows the user to use it for offensive or defensive purposes.
Legilimens: Penetrates the victim's mind, being able to see their memories and even read their next movements.
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Level 51-99:
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Lumus Solem: Creates a large amount of sunlight that can be used for defensive and offensive purposes.
Uranus Metoria: When the offspring recites the spell, then 88 constellations from space descend like meteorites made of pure energy and donate all their power to the offspring of Hecate. This then, when it finds its target or targets, it releases this energy gathered in a huge attack against its enemy, this attack can be done in several ways, it can be in a C4 explosion capable of decimating an entire big city, or in the form of energy which when released on your opponent, managing to destroy it and leave a huge crater in the ground. (The energy will be able to destroy anything that is in the way, that energy has a variation of each of the existing forms of energy even anti-matter)
Enchantment: All the stars, and immensity ... Show me your appearance ... With all its brilliance ... Oh Tetrabiblos, I am the ruler of the stars ... My aspect is perfection ... Open yourself gate wild. 88 Sky Stars ... Shine! (1 time per event or saga)
Obliviate: Changes or erases the victim's memory.
Oppugno: Makes your victims attack someone.
Petrifucus Totatulus: Petrifies the target.
Reduction: Reduces the size of the target.
Reducto: Disintegrates or destroys solid objects in the launcher's path.
Salvio HexiS: Produces a force field that protects the wizard.
Aqua Extractum: Controls a large aquatic proportion around the opponent by keeping him trapped in a spherical aquatic species, which can kill him by drowning. You must keep track of the spell.
Arbos Vitae: Causes roots to rise from the ground by intertwining them in the opponent, whose caster has full control of them.
Arquerum Siccitatis: The wizard controls a huge portion of land, which will correspond to the place where the flash hit. You can make the place take on a desired shape or launch a grotesque rock formation at your opponent.
Aequora Teggo: Conjures a water barrier capable of protecting the caster from elementary fire spells. The size varies between 1 meter to 4 meters that must be specified by the wizard.
Corpus Duo: It makes the opponent have his wrists and hands trapped, without being able to gesture them, as if they are trapped in something solid.
Defodio Duo: Creates a hole in a surface and causes it to grow in size and depth, that hole will begin to suck everything into it.
Curse Engage Link: After Hecate's offspring cast the spell, a curse is thrown at them, so a magic ring is created in both hands (the offspring can choose whether it will be in your hand, or in someone else's hand, needing to have something of the victim, like a cloth, body part, DNA, etc.) symbolizing a contract between him. Whenever you both think about using any kind of ability against the other person, an insidious pain spell has taken over your body preventing it from using the ability. Each time they try or think about using one skill against another, the insidious pain spell will create a mark on their body, increasing more and more, once the marks cover their entire body, the person will die.
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PS: The ring cannot be undone or removed except by the caster. Only users of magical deities with levels higher than the offspring can withdraw, however the marks remained there. The ring effect only works when the victims try to use their power against the other directly, but area attacks (which affect the offspring indirectly) will affect you freely.
Magic Spear
It expands the magic power, it is indestructible. When activated, it takes the form of a spear wrapped in an aura of magic, the lower end is as sharp as an ordinary spear, but the upper end is ornamented with stones and magical runes, exuding power. Disabled, it takes the form of a pen, always kept together with the library
Necessary to perform spells, it is a book bound in leather and metal, with infinite pages - with each new skill learned, the enchantment appears automatically written on it. Indestructible. It takes the form of an agenda with space to store a pen - the spear in its simple form and both always return to the pocket of Hécate's son
Manna Wand
Wand made of cypress tree wood that is the basis for performing spells and magical abilities
Small statue of a black frog made of styrene iron, which, at the command of the wearer, releases a representative tongue that stretches infinitely and is made of indestructible rubber, so it can be used as a powerful whip
Nyxetéris é uma criatura mágica com aparência de uma raposa de três caudas, com pelos negros que brilham como o céu estrelado e olhos lilases. Seu poder e habilidades se expandem com o crescimento do semideus, representando o vínculo com Hécate e a magia.
Nível 01-10: Nyxetéris pode detectar magias e criaturas sobrenaturais em um raio de 10 metros. Suas ilusões são simples, criando pequenas distorções visuais ou sonoras para confundir inimigos. Possui velocidade de 5 mach.
Nível 11-25:O raio de detecção aumenta para 30 metros. As ilusões se tornam mais convincentes, permitindo esconder objetos ou alterar aparências temporariamente. Nyxetéris começa a amplificar a velocidade das manifestação mágicas do usuário em 50%. Possui velocidade de 10 mach.
Nível 26-35: Nyxetéris é capaz de criar um pequeno escudo mágico que protege o semideus contra ataques diretos, possuindo durabilidade de uma grande ilha. As ilusões podem enganar grupos e duram mais tempo, isto é, duas rodadas. Possui uma velocidade de 15 mach.
Nível 36-50: A criatura expande sua detecção para 50 metros e pode criar ilusões complexas que afetam paladar e tato. Seu escudo mágico agora possui imunidade mágica e durabilidade de nível de uma grande nação. O mascote possui uma velocidade de 20 mach.
Nível 51-100: Suas ilusões podem cobrir áreas amplas, isto é, 300m³, confundindo até mesmo seres com audição e olfato aguçados. O mascote possui uma velocidade de 40 mach.
Nível 101-150: O raio de detecção alcança 100 metros. As ilusões se tornam indistinguíveis da realidade, afetando os cinco sentidos. Seu escudo mágico pode bloquear ataques poderosos por um curto período (um turno), tendo durabilidade continental. O mascote possui uma velocidade de 60 mach.
Nível 151-200: Nyxetéris adquire a habilidade de transportar o semideus por curtas distâncias (100m) através de um portal sombrio. Suas ilusões agora incluem efeitos de controle emocional em alvos mais fracos. Possui uma velocidade de 80 mach.
Nível 201-250: A criatura tem seu poder espacial fortalecido, onde seu portal pode levar pequenos grupos. Possui velocidade de 100 mach neste nível.
Nível 251-300: Nyxetéris atinge seu ápice, criando ilusões massivas que cobrem até mesmo batalhas inteiras, isto é, áreas de 1km³. Seu escudo mágico é quase intransponível, possuindo imunidade cinética e durabilidade planetária, e ele pode abrir portais intercontinentais para transportar o semideus e aliados. Esse mascote simboliza o domínio crescente dos filhos de Hécate sobre a magia e o mistério, sendo tanto um protetor quanto um aliado estratégico. Possui velocidade de 200 mach neste nível.