In Norse mythology, Hela (Hel or Hell [1]) is the goddess of the Kingdom of the Dead, also called Hel. [2] She is the daughter of Loki and the giant Angurboda, younger sister of Fenrir and the snake Jörmungandr, of the ocean that surrounds Midgard.
Hel was banished by Odin to the underworld named after him, Helheim, which lies deep in Niflheim. Helheim is on the banks of the River Nastronol, which is equivalent to the River Aqueronte in Greek mythology. There, he received the power to dominate nine worlds or regions, where he distributes those sent to him, that is, those who die of old age or disease.
As a thank you for making her ruler of the underworld, Hela gave Odin her two crows Hugin and Munin, who are the messengers between Asgard and the other kingdoms.
His palace is called Elvidner, his table was Hunger, his knife, Starvation, Delay, his servant, Vagareza, his maid, Precipice, his door, Concern, his bed, and Sufferings formed the walls of your quarters. Hela's kingdom was guarded by the dog Garm.
Hela could be easily recognized, half of her body was that of a beautiful woman, and the other part of a terrible decomposing body.
The personality of the goddess Hel differs from that of the gods of the underworld from other mythologies: She is neither good nor bad, just fair. When the spirits of the good, the sick and the elderly were brought before her, she took care of them and gave them comfort. But to those whom she judged to be evil, she mercilessly hurled them into the icy depths of Niflheim.
According to the legends, Hela could not be defeated in her world and no god was willing to face her in her domain, not even Odin or Thor.
There is no passage or report that says that the goddess ever left her domain even for a moment (like Hades, for example, who came out of the underworld to kidnap Persephone).
According to the legends, Hela also did not participate in Ragnarök - the end of the world of Norse mythology, preferring to stay in her domain and not take sides.
The English term Hell (Hell in Portuguese) originates from the name of this goddess.
Appearance: Her children are extremely thin, resembling one of her mother's sides, but on the other hand, they are extremely beautiful, their hair always black and long, their skin completely pale, resembling a dead person, they always have dark circles that end up being charming.
Personality: As much as it seems they are not evil, just like their mother they have the balance of the good and bad sides, but one side can predominate. When Hel's son has some feeling changes occur in the environment eg: Anger, flowers start to wither and the wind blows stronger.
Passive Skills
Death Pass
It is a passive ability of Hel's offspring, with regard to function and speed, the death pass seems to be more instinctive, apparently without requiring prior knowledge for its execution. Produces a different sound; the death pass makes a strident or static noise. Although the technique is exhibited by most children of death gods, the proficiency with which it can be performed is limited only by the individual. Hel's offspring being very proficient in using this technique, managing to move at high speeds, disappearing from one place and reappearing in another, managing to move even in the air as well as on the ground (being able to walk in the air)
Level 01-10: Can move at 600 km / h.
Level 11-25: Can move at 1200 km / h.
Level 26-35: Can move at 1800 km / h.
Level 36-50: Can move at 2400 km / h.
Level 51-99: Can move at 3000 km / h.
Level 100-150: Can move at 3600 km / h.
Level 151-200: Can move at 4200 km / h.
Level 201-250: Can move at 4800 km / h.
Level 251-300: Can move at 5400 km / h.
Great Resistance
Hela's children are very resistant to damage, having great durability during their combats.
Level 1-10: Hela's children exhibit a good tolerance for physical damage (capable of destroying a block)
Level 11-25: They already show resistance to water / ice and fire attacks. His physical resistance is now able to withstand attacks capable of destroying neighborhoods.
Level 26-35: Hela's children already exhibit immunity to water / ice and fire attacks. His physical resistance is now able to withstand attacks capable of destroying the city.
Level 36-50: Hel was recognized for not caring too much for the dead and the living, much less being influenced or accepting bargains, doing her job and ending. Just as she remained neutral, not choosing sides, she too, after making a decision, never went back even if they tried to convince her otherwise. That is why these offspring inherit resistance from psychic attacks from their mother. Their physical resistance is now able to resist attacks capable of destroying regions.
Level 51-99: They already show tolerance against attacks derived from magic, and a certain tolerance for energy attacks. His physical resistance is now able to withstand attacks capable of destroying states.
Level 100-150: They have resistance to spiritual attacks, in addition to having their soul protected against attacks that aim to manipulate it. His physical resistance is now able to withstand attacks capable of destroying a small country.
Level 151-200: They have immunity from necromancy. His physical resistance is now able to withstand attacks capable of destroying a large country.
Level 201-250; His physical resistance is now able to withstand attacks capable of destroying a small continent.
Level 251-300: Your physical resistance is now able to withstand attacks capable of destroying a large continent.
Half Live and Half Dead
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The goddess of Death Hel was said to be somewhat different from the other gods, having one side of her body full of life very reminiscent of an ordinary living creature and very beautiful, while on the other side it was quite ugly and degraded reminiscent of a living dead . Their offspring also have this double appearance, having a beautiful and lively side and a degraded side that looks like the living dead.
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Level 01: The children of the goddess of death have an existence somewhat different from other blood means, being alive and dead at the same time. It is as if part of your being is alive and present in the world of the living (physical plane), the other part already dead and present in the spiritual plane. Because of this, these offspring end up that they cannot be killed once they are already dead, and the part present in the spiritual world ends up allowing the offspring to move on both planes simultaneously if they wish without having to be anchored to a fisic body.
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Note: The offspring can still be damaged by attacks on the soul. If the soul is destroyed, the link between the spirit world is broken and the offspring will die.
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Peculiar Eyes
Thanks to the double side of these offspring, they have a different vision in each eye, where each eye allows you to see the same thing differently.
Level 1-10: Your eyes, in addition to allowing you the spiritual plane, allow you to see your victim's body totally, having a complete view of them.
Level 11-25: The offspring can exert without any difficulty, even on harmful screens such as sunshine, fog that prevents them from seeing and so on.
Level 26-35: The eyes of Hel's offspring can see their intentions, knowing when they will use to attack, kill or take action.
Level 36-50: They can see the areas of the victim's body where they are most vulnerable or weak, knowing where to attack at all times.
Level 51-99: This level is able to accurately identify the positions of targets within a certain range and accurately calculates their likely movement paths based on all known variables. Being able to see auras, divine energies, being able to see invisible.
Level 100-150: The offspring is able to accurately map the three-dimensional terrain within a certain range.
Jotun Physiology of Death
Just like Hela, her offspring also have an unusual and deadly organism, having both the features of a giant and a living dead.
Level 1-10: The Children of Hela have a very cold body similar to that of an ordinary ice giant. Being able to withstand even low temperatures and hot temperatures, at that level Hela's offspring are able to destroy iron with their strength. The physiology of these offspring naturally makes them very tolerant of pain.
Level 11-25: They have a strong presence capable of arousing intense fear in their victims, they are also able to feed on any type of matter (without suffering side effects) having an endless digestive system, managing to survive in other environments. Its strength is capable of destroying steel.
Level 26-35: Hela's offspring can now affect the places where they are bringing death or deadly events, causing their enemies bad luck. They now begin to destroy titanium with their strength, in addition to naturally restoring injuries and physical damage to their body, as the area where it was automatically damaged is frozen and redone.
Level 36-50: Now they are able to feed on a certain material such as metal, divine iron, adamantium and etc., to allow their organism to acquire the same resistance as these said materials in addition to their body acquiring a similar appearance, the density of their body it is also very resistant, similar to that of a common ice giant (resistance compared to diamond), not being affected by perforations or projectiles, they can destroy diamond at this level.
Level 51-99: Hel's offspring already at that level, bad weather accompanies these offspring as well as the winter that is strongly associated with death creating toxic mists just by their presence (allies, and offspring are not affected). At this level, they can destroy adamantium with their strength.
Level 100-150: You can already destroy vibranium with your strength, in addition to your body resistance being equal to that of vibranium. They do not have physiological needs such as resting, or even eating (this includes not being affected by diseases, poisons and other contaminants) and etc.
Level 151-200: Your strength is now able to destroy divine iron, in addition to your body having the same resistance. The intensity of this bodily resistance of the offspring at this level also acts as a kind of armor, making it impossible for him to be harmed by someone who is not at least in his level of power.
Level 201-250: Your strength is now able to easily destroy large buildings (equivalent to a huge building for example).
Level 251-300: They can easily destroy an area equivalent to a block.
Knowledge of Death
After granting Hel the kingdom of the dead, Odin granted him some dominion over the nine kingdoms to the point of allowing her to bring all souls to her kingdom where they are judged and sent to their final destinations. Like her mother, her offspring demonstrate a great deal of knowledge about death.
Level 1-20: Initially, knowledge about the death of offspring tends to be minimal, being able to feel the arrival of death, determining when someone is dead or dying or if others died in a specific location. This can extend to knowing their names and their life expectancy, also achieving after looking at someone to know when they will die, in addition to having knowledge about their past. It also has a sixth sense that passively alerts you when someone or yourself is in danger or risk of death.
Level 21-40: Your perception starts to affect your instincts that allow you to become a master of evasion. Those with this ability can discern several factors of a situation, including the degree of threat that an enemy poses, what movement they will make, where they are going and whether these things are related to causing damage to it, as well as how to hide without opening the presence of someone and how to preserve energy when running. His knowledge of death now provides his offspring with knowledge about past and future events, knowing when people he doesn't even know will die or be annihilated / erased.
Level 41-60: Your knowledge now covers almost everything about / death or anything related to the dead, including everyone who is dead, how they died, everything about their death, everything they went through, etc. The same acquires advantages over this because through this knowledge the offspring gain access to the memories of the deceased, being able to learn things that before did not know or even to be aware of information that others do not know, their mind being vast in knowledge and information (not being affected by Side effects)
Level 61-80: Hela's offspring are knowledgeable about how to kill any living being, regardless of how powerful it is (beings with a higher tier than him, he doesn't know), possessing knowledge about their weaknesses (baldur mistletoe for example ). This ability is of great importance when dealing with seemingly unstoppable opponents and allows the offspring to end their lives with convenient efficiency, managing to kill them easily, even with attacks that prove useless.
Level 81-100: The offspring now have even greater knowledge about death, having a certain connection with all living creatures that are in the same territory as they (territory compared to a city), managing to locate them knowing exactly what they are thinking and what they are feeling, this includes the living dead, also having knowledge about beings that are revived.
Level 101-150: You now have a connection to the dead and the living within a range equivalent to a region.
Level 151-200: You now have a connection to the dead and the living within a state-like radius.
Level 201-250: They now have a connection to the dead and the living within a radius of reach equivalent to a small country.
Level 251-300: You now have a connection to the dead and the living within a radius of reach equivalent to a large country.
Return of the dead
Due to the fact that Hela is ruling the underworld, when her children die, their souls will automatically go to their mother's kingdom, where they will be treated, healed and a new body will be created, and then they will return to the world.
Level 200: Once per event.
Level 300: Twice per event.
Note: It is not valid for erasing existence.
Hidden Presence
Being the one who should define the destiny of all beings, her children acquire a protection granted by this goddess.
Level 50: Hel's offspring acquire the ability to move without being perceived, it is as if no one could perceive where she is without her letting them perceive (both physically and spiritually). Being able to be after the victim and the victim will not even feel.
Morbid Aura
The goddess of death was described as having 50% of her body already in a state of extreme decomposition, due to this and her titles as goddess of death, her descendants will possess abilities related to this.
Level 1-30: Since his birth, Hel's children have a sewage-green aura and because of it, they constantly release a rotten smell that resembles that of a decomposing body. When in combat your aura expands actively, covering a radius of ten meters from where the half-blood is, causing those in its radius of influence to be afflicted by worry, being charged with thoughts of constant uncertainty and insecurity, causing those affected to take 50% of what it would normally take to think about something and to act against the offspring, with their conscience occupied mainly by negative thoughts.
Level 31-60: Your aura extends over a 20m radius from where the offspring meets, at this level those who are within their radius of influence are afflicted by the delay. Your general thoughts become 50% slower than normal, it also affects your nervous, bone and muscular system, which also reduces your maximum movement / acceleration and speed by 25%.
Level 61-90: Its aura covers a radius of 40m from where the offspring is, Since it now affects its enemies in its radius of influence with suffering, being an induction to physical and mental pain, those affected feel simultaneously a pain comparable to having your skull constantly crushed, your bones being broken all at once, being a skill that instantly brings extreme pain to those affected is extremely powerful. At this level, their aura also causes the nervous system of those in their area of influence to simply not obey them, being paralyzed while in the radius of influence, in addition the victims' subconscious is also affected by intense and constant fear,
Level 91-120: Its aura extends over a radius of 80m from where the offspring is. The hunger it imposes on its opponents has its effects increased, directly affecting living organisms in such a way that they drain the nutrients in their body and these are transferred to Hel's offspring, making the hunger now not only psychological but also biological, if they are not people who can defend themselves against this, they will simply be unable to use their active skills and will pass out after three consecutive rounds of drainage, being put to death after six rounds being continuously drained. The delay starts to affect the opponents' mind and body so that their perception and overall speeds are reduced by 50%. At this level, those afflicted by the morbid aura also suffer the precipice,
Level 121-150: The aura expands over a 160m radius from where the offspring is. At this level the offspring is able to cause those he considers enemies to be afflicted by an extreme hunger, which gives them the feeling (being only a sensation, affects only the brain of individuals) of weakness and energy insufficiency, making them unable to use your active powers with ease.
Level 151-200: Its aura when expanded covers a radius of 320m from where the offspring is. Those within the radius of influence of your aura can be affected by slowness, which is a state in which the brain waves of those affected are extremely reduced, as if you were in a kind of coma induced by the aura. They can also impose starvation on those they consider to be enemies, this being the ability to remove mineral salts, vitamins, water, nutrients and even oxygen from their bodies in just three shifts, leading them to death almost instantly.
Level 201-250: Your aura now covers an area of 640m from where the offspring is. At this level, your aura becomes extremely dense and powerful, acquiring a dark hue. When the aura expands it starts to emit a dark and deadly energy, the living organisms / cells that come into contact with it simply have their life span advanced instantly, aging the bodies of enemies to the point that their cells are simply completely dead, their bodies reduced to bones.
Hela Duality
Hela is always portrayed as a being in a dualism between Life and Death, something that her offspring also inherit, having some benefits with this.
Level 1-10: When the offspring is in good alignment (positive emotions, or confident) it gains a 25% increase in its energies. When under bad alignment (negative emotions) your attacks are increased by 25%.
Level 11-25: During a fight against the offspring he exercises the ability to judge his victims, if he is a good person, he gains a 25% increase in his energies during the fight, if he is a bad person he comes to lose to lose energy continuously until the end of the fight (it takes 5 rounds to get exhausted).
Level 26-35: Now the offspring is covered by a transparent aura, on one side it is light and flows smoothly, representing life, the offspring can now use the vital energy around them to expand regenerative powers reducing their time of duration of your body's regeneration, the level of regeneration that such energy provides reaches the cellular level, however it does not mean that the regeneration will be something fast, taking 1 round to repair damages such as cuts and perforations (as long as it has not affected any vital organ) . On the other side, the aura has a more aggressive fluidity, representing death, the offspring do not feel the damage of their body, as if it were dead and their nerves did not work, however at this level the offspring can only endure the pain of cuts and perforations (provided it has not affected any vital organ).
Levels 36-50: The vital energy starts to expand the regenerative process of your body in order to repair cuts and perforations in 1 minute, now it will also be able to regenerate from perforations in the vital organs and restructure broken bones after a round. The offspring will also not experience pain from pierced organs and broken bones, so they can fight, for example, normally with a spear stuck in the chest, the aura of life will keep the offspring alive while the aura of death leaves the process painless. The offspring will still bleed.
Levels 51-99: Now the hel offspring will have their body sustained more effectively, it will regenerate from perforations in the vital organs and broken bones in 1 minute, will be able to recover an entire limb and repair brain damage (physical and mental) after one round. Equally you will no longer feel pain for such, enduring brain traumas and loss of limbs, now your body will be unable to bleed, the aura of death will cause the platelets to dry out more quickly thus interrupting the bleeding, with that the offspring will be able to fight even without an arm remaining on the battlefield while the aura of life works on its regeneration.
Levels 100-150: Now the aura of life acts more quickly by regenerating the offspring's body from injuries such as limb loss and brain damage in 1 minute. The aura of life starts to gain another peculiarity acting as an improved defense mechanism, such as converting the damage received by the offspring into vital energy for the same, thus being able to increase its physical attributes up to 5 times. The aura of death will endure the pain of whatever damage is done to your body, moreover the more pain it is enduring the less energy the offspring will spend, so the offspring while in pain will be able to endure forms that have a limit of time for another round which can be crucial to the outcome of a battle.
Levels 151-200: The damage received will now generate more vital energy for the offspring, which now may have their physical attributes increased by 10 times. Now the aura of death will convert your pain into enough energy for the offspring to remain in shape for two more rounds.
Note: You will only be able to support shapes for a longer time if that shape does not threaten the existence of Hel's offspring.
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Active Skills
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Deadly Weapon
Hela's children are able to infuse their divine energy into a weapon, depending on the taste of their offspring, and may take the form of a scythe, a sword or even a scepter for example. This weapon naturally has part of the divine energy of the offspring guaranteeing the same great divine and mortal attacks against its opponents, affecting the soul and the physical body of its targets.
Level 1-10: When you raise your weapon, a sea of skulls will appear from the ground that robs the lives of those who are trapped in it or those close to it, whose power has been drained from their offspring.
Level 11-25: The offspring with their weapon, by raising it creates a vortex of skulls mounted on top of tendrils of deadly energy that actively seek life (from the offspring's enemies) and try to steal it once it comes into contact. contact die in the same instant.
Level 26-35: When handling their weapon the offspring can summon nine spectral dragons that chase their targets at high speed (the same as the offspring) and once their targets are hit they have their souls sucked in and die quickly.
Level 36-50: Hela's offspring are able to create various poisonous particles and control them, shaping them in various ways, such as spiral currents, waves, or explosions to attack their opponents, once their body and soul has affected them, the veins around the victim's eyes swell and then the victims violently expectorate the blood before, presumably, dying of contraction, all in mere moments (taking 3 rounds, until it gets worse)
Note: The offspring can undo the effects if they wish.
Level 51-99: The offspring can make the weapon transform into countless spectral currents that are visible only in the astral plane and once they catch their opponents they are trapped and incapacitated (physically and spiritually) not being able to break free and neither use powers (unless they are of a higher tier), having their vital and divine energies absorbed (takes 3 rounds)
Level 100-150: The offspring supported by their deadly weapon by generating a series of crescent-shaped bars, moving away from it to cut everything they come into contact with in the surrounding area. As harmful as this technique is, it can also be used as an effective defense, showing itself capable of cutting magical / divine attacks (skill shot) and, thus, preventing them from coming into contact with the offspring.
Level 151-200: The weapon of death when it takes the form of a blade, it separates into a thousand small and thin spectral fragments, which fly away from the hilt, leaving only the blade handle in the hand of the offspring. While the blades are supposedly too small to be seen normally, they reflect light in a way that looks like cherry petals. By swinging the blade's handle, the offspring can control the blade's fragments, allowing it to destroy opponents (both body and soul) from a distance and break through almost all physical or astral defenses. Blades can be used for defensive purposes, as they can protect offspring from attacks (skill shot).
Level 201-250: Similar to the previous level, the shape increases the number of tiny blades immensely. It creates a spherical formation of numerous blade fragments in the shape of cherry petals, which revolve around the opponent like a cloud before flying at them from all possible angles, without leaving blind spots and with no possibility of escape. It starts to collapse on itself, erasing the opponent's existence.
Level 251-300: The final attack of these offspring, after mastering all the secrets of the weapon of death. Through the command of the offspring, she manages to condense each blade (in the form of petals) into a single powerful sword, dramatically increasing its cutting power. The deadly energy and the pressure that this attack releases is immense. The blade looks white and its aura takes the form of a bird, earning the sword name of the white emperor. Pure white wings and a halo circle, made of concentrated divine energy, form on the back of the offspring. The blade can wipe out the existence of its target in a single stroke, and the wings can be used for flight during the attack.
Note: Only the offspring is able to handle the weapon, anyone who tries will have their divine / mystical and vital energies through the sword, in addition to being extremely heavy in the hands of other beings (who do not have the consent of the offspring)
Elements of the Underworld
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Just as your mother is the absolute queen of Helhein, these offspring are also born with a strong relationship with this underworld, managing to generate, control and shape the elements of this kingdom.
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Level 1-10: Can create constructs or launch spheres of ice, water. It can even generate mists which cause deadly illusions to their victims.
Level 11-25: Can fire blasts of ice and extremely hot water. In addition to controlling the temperature and extent of the fog.
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Level 26-35: The offspring can already mimic themselves in ice, water or even fog.
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Level 36-50: They already exhibit a great deal of control over these elements by not spending too much energy on them.
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Level 51-99: You are able to control these elements to affect the interior of your victims and are able to freeze them easily. The waters acquire the ability to stick each particle of water to the victim's body, draining their energies (divine, mystical and vital). The fog, on the other hand, is toxic, causing all the organs of the victim to fail, in addition to being able to leave their victims trapped in a loop (repeating their traumatic memories endlessly)
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Level 100-150: They acquire perfect control over these elements, managing to affect a large area of territory if desired (equivalent to a region). Managing to break his opponents' immunity.
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Level 151-200: Your control extends to a state.
Level 201-250: Your control extends to a country.
Level 251-300: Your control extends to a small continent.
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Note: Helhein's Ice can freeze anything, and it cannot be melted or undone without the offspring desiring (or by beings of higher tier), its main capacity is to suck the vital energy of the victims until death. The waters of the nastranol river are able to disable all the victim's senses with each attack, in addition to immobilizing the victim's body as if he were trapped, requiring great strength to be able to move.
Energy of the Dead
Being children of the Queen of the Dead, Hel's offspring have the ability to create, model and manipulate Nether, the "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living and the dead. Nether is best known as the substance that makes up the Underworld, an underground dimension where all souls go when they pass. Nether is very similar to Aether "the Celestial Element", as it is from a Plane that exists between the planes of matter and energy. Like Aether, Nether is a Spiritual Element, which means that it cannot be perceived by any physical sense. The only way Nether can be seen physically is if it has been mixed with an element of the Physical Realm, with Darkness, Fire or Earth being the most common choices.
Level 50-100: Hela's offspring initially do not have much control over the Nether. By concentrating his energy at the point of his finger, it fires a white aura, which envelops the enemy and drags him to the entrance to the world of the dead, being able to separate the soul of the enemy from his body and send him to the entrance of death , or also sending your body close to your soul. The shock of the blow can be powerful enough to hurt your soul when it is sent to the world of the dead (helhein), leaving it in a coma, only with the aid of the offspring can it return.
Level 101-150: The offspring can concentrate their divine energy with the Nether managing to materialize it physically in the form of flames which incinerate the body and soul around them, using them to feed the flames that directly hurt the opponent's soul.
Level 151-200: The offspring controlling the spiritual forces, it accumulates the lost souls nearby in the palm of the hand, forcing those souls to become pure spiritual energy and uses them as a powder to produce a kind of beam that works as fuel to generate a terrible and gigantic explosion capable of destroying someone physically and spiritually (within a radius compared to a city). The magnitude of the explosion is proportional to the strength of the souls and spirits used, the more soul in the place the greater the damage.
Level 201-250: The offspring starts to control spiritual and elementary forces.
Level 251-300: At its peak the offspring starts to control the Nether with a certain dominance, managing at its peak to gather the Nether around its body, protecting the offspring from attacks aimed at destroying its body and soul. (2 times per event or saga, lasts 3 rounds).
Personal Underworld
Being children of the absolute Queen of the Underworld, the children of Hel have a personal underworld.
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Level 300: Hel's offspring can enter his personal underworld, where he can shape the place to his tastes, managing to banish beings to his personal underworld if he wants to. Like his mother, these offspring are invincible in their personal underworld, and cannot defeat him in their domains in any way, having control of reality in this place.
Runa Hagalaz
One of the main symbols of the Goddess of Death is her Hagalaz rune, which is the rune that identifies her, something that is very present in her offspring, since they inherit from her mother a mark on her body that is actually a powerful rune. in the form of hail (Hagalaz) tattooed on their bodies. Being an extremely powerful rune, it grants Hel's offspring various abilities.
Level 1-10: One of the first skills granted by the rune is change. Which allows the offspring to change their shape freely.
Level 11-25: The second ability allows Hel's offspring to bond with someone through vision. When activated, his eyes and those of his target shine the same color and the person makes the same movements as the offspring, if the offspring wishes, they can force their victims to make the movements through their hand gestures.
Level 26-35: Another ability granted by this rune, allows the offspring to be able to completely counter the divine and mystical attacks on both themselves and their companions (requires physical contact). (3 times per event or saga).
Level 36-50: The offspring can summon crows, even transform themselves into them. The offspring also manage once they have the face of their victims in mind, materialize a replica of their skull and use it to control and give orders to them.
Level 51-99: The rune allows the offspring to generate and manipulate darkness and light.
Level 100-150: The rune is able to protect the offspring whenever it is in danger, creating extremely resistant barriers (physical, mental and spiritual) around its body to protect it against physical, mental and / or attacks spiritual. (The barrier uses the energy of the offspring to be created, if the opponent's power is logically greater the barrier may break).
Level 151-200: This ability activates on its own (during combat) when the target is weakened, it pierces them from the inside out with several cross-shaped beams of light, which merge into a single vaguely shaped barrier star, with the target sealed inside.
Level 201-250: The offspring can shoot lightning bolts from their eyes and fingers capable of disintegrating their victims, being one of the most powerful attacks of this rune.
Level 251-300: The rune at its peak is able to cause a radical and inevitable change, protecting the offspring from any attack it may receive. The rune will alter the odds by making your opponents miss their attacks against their offspring, failing to hit you. (3 times per event or saga).
Being the son of the goddess of death and queen of the underworld, these offspring exert some degree of magic, awakening necromancy.
Level 1-10: Hel's offspring initially acquire the ability to perceive and interact with the spiritual plane, being able to summon souls and spiritual beings to be able to seek knowledge, and these spirits have informed you everything you want to know, through this magic, the same they can also become intangible as well as spirits, they can perceive the supernatural seeing invisible and also being able to detect life and energy.
Level 11-25: The offspring can also resuscitate corpses, managing to exert some influence over death at this level, being able to perceive when someone is going or will die, perceiving even when they are about to die acting as an alert that has always alerted the offspring during their fighting, even if she is not noticing it.
Level 26-35: The offspring are now able to command the living dead, managing to create them, control them and even kill them if they want, managing to create any type of living dead, even draugrs; offspring can also cause and control pain in their victims with just a simple hand gesture.
Level 36-50: Being the children of the one who determines the final destiny of the dead, that is why the children of this goddess are able to control, dominate, banish and destroy souls, spirits, ghosts and spiritual beings (if this one is more powerful, the offspring will not be able to dominate this much well), also exercising spiritual powers as if mimicking in a spirit, managing to remain invisible and even possess other beings.
Level 51-99: An interesting skill is that even managing to exercise control over the dead the offspring can also use these living dead as a channel for their powers, managing to use their powers without being in place, using one of the dead that is. The offspring acquire a better ability on necromancy, managing to absorb the vital energy of their victims.
Level 100-150: Being able to use spiritual magic at this level, managing to control the spirits that inhabit the spiritual plane, managing to summon them, channel them and even use their powers for their own purposes; being a very powerful magic as it not only allows the offspring to use the various spiritual powers but also to channel their own spirit to be able to conjure various attacks of energy, accessing the ability to manipulate the spiritual and vital energy and even to control the souls being able to absorb them and use it as a means to temporarily increase your power (lasts 2 rounds), and you can also use it to prevent it from being killed or extinguished. Gaining control over spiritual magic.
Level 151-200: The offspring on reaching this level are even more adept at necromancy and are now able to feed on the aura of their victims or even absorb them for themselves by obtaining the energy that makes up their opponents' auras and use them as if were yours (including the power it grants, but it is not permanent lasting a maximum of 2 rounds). At this level, they manage to manipulate, generate and shape the ectoplasm, being able to control the body of their victims through their hands and even control fungi and use them against their victims. The offspring at this level already acquire the ability to prevent death, through a spell that acts naturally when the offspring is in danger, where she can create a rune both on the offspring and on another being whose physical touch she has already touched,
Level 201-250: Also being able to explore necromancy more deeply to the point of being able to revive other beings (even managing to remake the body of these beings, but it needs the soul to be accessible), being able to do this 2 times per event or saga.
Level 251-300: Acquires the ability to immobilize your opponents by exchanging glances, preventing them from moving physically, spiritually and not even the mind itself, becoming a temporarily inanimate being (for up to 3 rounds). At its peak, the offspring acquire the ability to cast spells related to necromancy, creating runes capable of generating unique effects and among other things.
Manipulation of Death and Life
Through Hela's dualism where she is linked between life and death, her offspring inherit the same control over the two phases, possessing manipulation of life and death.
Level 1-10: Initially Hel's offspring are able to shape the force of death on their lowest scales, molding the energy of death in simple attacks of energy that manage to eat away at the physical body of their victims by causing their flesh to be devoured by the energy in question seconds.
Level 11-25: You can now deny your opponents' regeneration and healing powers, while also managing to make those powers suffer from their inverse, instead of healing or regenerating their victims, they begin to degenerate their body by killing them quickly. Achieving at this level form attacks like dome capable of reaping the lives of their victims if they come into contact.
Level 26-35: The offspring now if they suffer an attack that will destroy their physical body, they are now able to restore the same seconds after it is destroyed, managing to prevent lower tier beings from being able to revive their victims, leaving them dead for indefinite time, since his existence will be stuck all the time with Hela's offspring as a souvenir.
Level 36-50: It now controls the force of death on a much larger scale, managing to materialize them in simpler forms, creating diseases, poisons, pollution and dead matter, managing to create an aura made of that energy around the offspring that serves to protect it from energy attacks and involving matter, making them cease to exist as they degrade and age to a state where there is not even a trace of them anymore (affecting a radius of 50 meters around the offspring )
Level 51-99: They are now able to cause necrosis more easily by killing their victims (in 2 rounds), being able to create, manipulate, shape, transform, etc. any matter that is rotten or dirty (dirt, grime, stains, grunge, etc.), since the generation and manipulation of pus / icor, mucus, sludge (mucous secretions of animals)) wax, sweat and saliva, for total control over dead and decomposed matter.
Level 100-150: The offspring are now able to arrest their victims, in a time loop, making them see their deaths infinitely, managing at this level to reap the lives of their opponents through physical contact or exchanging glances. Being able to manipulate the mortality / harmfulness / lethality of anything, increasing / decreasing the amount of damage that something can cause. Offspring can project a field around them that decreases time, thus slowing down any target that approaches it and making attack attempts practically useless, they can also accelerate the age of whatever it touches, causing the appropriate damage resulting aging.
Level 151-200: They are now able to determine and control when, how, where and why their targets will die and even induce the circumstances and events that will lead to the indicated targets to death. At this level, they don't need to touch to grow old, just look.
Level 201-250: The offspring release the energy of death around them like a colorless dome (within a radius of 100 meters), where they can age and deteriorate all objects and beings (of equal or lesser tier) around them due to their mere presence. Because of this, it is protected from most close-range and melee attacks, as everything that comes within a specific range of it ages and disintegrates quickly before actually making contact.
Level 251-300: Hela's offspring concentrate the deadly energy in the hands, releasing it against the opponent as a dense sphere of energy capable of breaking through the dimensional planes. This takes on gigantic proportions and at the touch explodes in a devastating attack capable of destroying the body and soul of its opponents in dust.
Kingdom of Eternal Torture
In some Christian translations it is seen that Hel's kingdom according to the Christian concept is a reference to Hell (Hell) which is also a place of torture where sinners are sent and remain for eternity there.
Level 50: Hel's offspring acquire the ability to banish offspring who are considered evil and sinful to one of Helhein's nine levels, where they will only be able to leave the realm of the dead if the offspring wants to. Once inside the underworld, the victim will suffer the most painful tortures that exist, and if he succeeds in returning he will be completely traumatized and horrified and unable to continue the fight.
Deadly Influence
Hel's offspring when activating this ability, it affects all enemies within a defined range. It deals with the influence of the death that the offspring exerts on its affected ones within the range, which tend to die slowly or even quickly.
Level 1-30: Wounds - Initially they are affected by this power, where they will not be able to heal from their wounds as quickly as is normal, as well as suffer simple physical and spiritual damages that will get worse with each round. The range is 30 meters, it takes 6 rounds for the effects to conclude with the death of its victims.
Level 31-60: Illness - Those affected by this power, will be affected by a mystical disease (affecting their mind and body) that increases more and more as the rounds pass, first they feel great fatigue, then their limbs will become heavier, to the point of not even being able to move, their senses will be terribly affected (losing them including sixth sense and ability of perception and awareness), where they have seen to lose the same, in the end they will be unable to do anything. It takes 5 rounds. The range is 60 meters
Level 61-90: Old age - Those affected by this power will have their body and mind aging, increasingly becoming incapacitated until they die of old age. This specific influence aims to affect mainly your abilities such as strength, speed, resistance / immunity, regeneration and control (level of control of your powers), the same ones constantly with the passing of the rounds reduce your control over your powers. (3 rounds for the effects to complete, getting worse in the meantime). The range is 90 meters
Level 91-150: Murder - Those affected by this attack suffer from the loss of prediction and awareness skills (this includes sixth senses), while the damage inflicted on their victims becomes critical at constant risk of death, the speed of reaction and their movement is decreased by 50%.
Level 151-200: Toxin - This influence starts to restrict the movements of its victims, decreasing their movement speed by 70%, while they are constantly delayed by 2 seconds in their movements and in the creation of their attacks.
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Call of the Underworld
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Hel's offspring is able to summon beings from the underworld to help him during combat.
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Level 01-10: Can summon 10 undead (from any of the nine kingdoms)
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Level 11-25: Can summon 20 undead.
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Level 26-35: Can summon 30 undead.
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Level 36-50: Can summon 40 undead and draugrs.
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Level 51-99: Hel's offspring can summon his mother's steed which has 3 legs and allows him to go anywhere in the nine kingdoms. The horse also gave off a smell of rot which made the land infertile and caused disease in humans and killed nearby plants and vegetables.
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Level 100-150: Can summon the guardian wolf of the gates of the underworld that lived in Hel's realms, known as Garm, being a giant wolf capable of firing blasts of underworld ice through his mouth and being invisible, in addition to his claws can affect up to even the souls of their victims.
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Level 151-200: Can summon the Dragon Nidhogg, being able to devour or feed on anything, and also spit balls or blasts of ice from the underworld
Level 201-250: Hel's offspring are able to summon evil spirits and, in the midst of multiple illusions, launch them on the enemy. These spirits continue in spectral form, advancing rapidly against the opponent, attacking him directly and / or causing a great explosion (affecting his body and soul), and only those who can perceive the astral plane can see these spirits.
Level 251-300: In this technique the offspring conjures several souls of Helhein, who discharge their pain and agony on the target designated by the son of the Goddess of Death. These souls attack the opponent's body and withdraw their soul. When the opponent dies, his soul spends eternity sealed in the helhein, unless the offspring choose to release it.
Emperor of the Dead Form
The offspring will undergo a transformation, their skin turning gray and wrinkled, all flesh practically disappearing from their bodies, their skin sticking to their bones, giving it a skeletal appearance. Your eyes will be orbits of the deepest, bottomless darkness. Your body will be covered with a garment of darkness (not manipulable), which makes it impossible to see if there is anything inside it except the same darkness that makes up your garments. He also acquires a crown above his skeletal face and also a necklace worthy of an emperor with the symbol of an eye, in addition to having his body protected from internal manipulations. In this form the offspring's power grows at extremely high levels, now having semi-absolute control over the force of death, and absolute control over souls.
Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds
Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.
Note: This transformation can only be used 3 times per event.
Mystic cloak
Hela uses her cloak both to improve her skills and to hide her appearance.
With him the demigods deepen their mystical powers to develop control of the elements of nature, controlling the same as they wish.
The brand
After the complaint of the children of Hela, they receive a mark, the Hagalaz rune. One of Odin's runes, which allows demigods the power to cast curses.
Nilfehein's Nordic Wolf
You can summon a wolf from Nilfehein to help you in any type of battle, such as your pet
Sword of Nilfhein
A sword from the world of the dead that helps you in battles
Mini Garm
Nível 1-50: Trata-se de um filhote da besta do Submundo, sendo reconhecido por possuir inicialmente o tamanho de um cachorro adulto, semelhante a um pastor alemão, sua resistência e potencial de penetração das suas garras e presas chega ao de uma cidade grande, enquanto sua velocidade consegue atingir 5 mach. O cão não apresenta habilidades ainda muito claras, embora seja capaz de interagir verbalmente em dialetos humanos.
Nível 51-100: Sua resistência é de várias cidades, sendo este seu potencial de suas presas e garras, a besta ainda possui um tamanho equivalente a um cavalo, tal como conseguem alcançar uma velocidade de 10 mach, podendo agora interagir com as Almas de seus alvos, embora não sejam capazes de apagar de existências.
Nível 101-150: Sua resistência é uma montanha, sendo este seu potencial de suas presas e garras, a besta ainda possui um tamanho equivalente a um gorila, tal como conseguem alcançar uma velocidade de 15 mach, podendo agora cuspir de suas bocas bolas feitas do gelo de Nilfhein que detém o mesmo potencial destes, podendo congelar tudo aquilo que estiver em um raio de 10m abrangendo o corpo e alma.
Nível 151-200: Sua resistência é uma ilha, sendo este seu potencial de suas presas e garras, a besta ainda possui um tamanho equivalente a um gorila, tal como conseguem alcançar uma velocidade de 30 mach, seu feixe de gelo pode alcançar 15m.
Nível 201-250: Sua resistência é uma grande ilha, sendo este seu potencial de suas presas e garras, a besta ainda possui um tamanho equivalente a uma grande construção, tal como conseguem alcançar uma velocidade de 35 mach, seu feixe de gelo pode alcançar 20m.
Nível 251-300: Sua resistência é a de vários países, sendo este seu potencial de suas presas e garras, tal como conseguem alcançar uma velocidade de 50 mach, seu feixe de gelo pode alcançar 30m.