In classical mythology , Hermanubis was the Egyptian-Roman god who combined Hermes ( Greek mythology ) with Anubis ( Egyptian mythology ). Its cult was particularly popular during the Roman Empire , but over time it lost its popularity and in the fall of the Roman Empire it was almost forgotten.
Appearance: May vary entirely.
Personality: They may vary, as this deity is a mixture of two gods.
Passive Powers
Your character is able to perform extremely flexible movements with the members of his body, being able to pass through small or very tight places, without breaking his bones.
Levels 1-6: Your character is able to perform flexible hip and arm movements, like an advanced level gymnast.
Levels 7-20: Your character is now able to pass through extremely tight places like iron bars or enter small holes.
Levels 21-40: Now with mastery, your character is capable of embracing his own body and positioning himself in small places such as inside a suitcase or stretching it, being able to extend up to 20 centimeters to another member of the body (arms, legs and hip)
Refined Reflexes
Your character is slim and agile. His movements are graceful, which allows him to dodge several blows.
Levels 1-6: Your character has a little more agility, just with the legs.
Levels 7-14: Your character has much greater agility with his hands.
Levels 15-25: Your character can move nimbly with his entire body, avoiding almost everything.
Levels 26-40: Your character can deflect arrows by 2 squares and two rounds in a row.
Your character can run much faster and for much longer than a normal person.
Levels 1-6: Your character can run much faster than others, if he is in pursuit, he will always run more, except for creatures.
Level 7: You can run an entire room at once, and while running, projectiles will never hit you.
Dagger Skill
Hermes' son has a high handle with a dagger. In addition, he is totally adept at making incredible and unusual maneuvers with him, and can even throw him at his opponents.
Levels 1-6: Even though he is new to the camp, the demigod has a high skill that lets him know the basic use of a dagger, unlike other campers.
Levels 7-15: Hermes' son is now able to make more difficult movements by adapting brusqueness with the dagger, even if they are still initial.
Levels 16-26: Your character manages to throw the dagger at the opponent with certain skill, in addition to obtaining high control with the dagger, being able to perform all the necessary movements without expending part of his energy.
Levels 27-40: Now the demigod has discovered all the tricks and privileges exercised by the skill with the dagger, being able to control it perfectly, as well as having the ability to make impossible movements with it.
Light step
Level 1: At this level Hermes' children are very silent, even when running they are inaudible.
Level 3: The Son of Hermes develops a charming Charm.
Level 5: Because Hermes is a very shrewd god of charming speech, his children are immune to any mental manipulative power, that is, no speech or cheating will affect them.
Level 4: The Hero when he enters his stealth mode, and able to move without being seen and without making a noise, becoming practically invisible to inattentive eyes, but for that he needs spaces with low light.
Level 5: Every time the camper deals damage to the enemy, his movement speed will be increased by 5%, cumulative to a maximum of 80%.
Son of Commerce
Level 1: Hermes is god of commerce, profit and merchants. Your children receive a small bonus when they carry out any commercial negotiation of any kind, and can receive more profit, discount and various. Hermes' children have a 50% discount on the entire Comercial Center!
Supernatural Dodge
Level 15: The hero acquires the intuitive ability to react to danger before his senses can identify the threat. EX: a knife and thrown towards the hero's back, he felt the intuitive need to react and dodged before his senses could even detect the threat.
Magic & Alchemy
Level 5: The camper understands very well about poisons, potions and spells, and can cancel their effect or use it for their benefit.
Level 20: The camper can use items from his friends without them realizing that they have stolen their items.
To float
Level 15: At this level, the camper's steps are so light and fast that he can float and even walk on water.
Level 7: The camper understands can communicate with monsters and animals, to ask for help or anything else.
Level 17: Because your father has two snakes in his caduceus, you have the power to talk to the snakes, and they obey you
Dimensional Pocket
Level 10: No matter the size of the item, Hermes' child pocket will always create a dimensional space large enough to contain it. Children of Hermes can take as many items as they want.
Poison Immunity
Level 1: The constant contact with the poison of George and Martha of the Dagger that he gained from his Father makes the children of Hermes immune to any poison.
Sharp Senses
Levels 1-6: In the darkness the son of Anubis the demigod has his senses improved by 50%.
Levels 7-12: In the dark, the son of Anubis has 70% improved senses.
Levels 13-20: In the dark, the son of Anubis has 100% improved senses
Shadow Control
Levels 1-6: Has the ability to travel through the shadows.
Levels 7-12: Can control the shadows to attack the opponent at night.
Levels 13-20: Can summon shadow without night.
Immunity to Witchcraft
Level 1: The demigod is completely immune to attacks involving Witchcraft, poisons, curses and spells.
Passage to the Underworld
Level 1: The demigod can go to the underworld and return whenever he wants (Egyptian).
Level 1: Children of Anubis are immortal, if they die they will come back to life, it can take hours / days / weeks / months.
Active Powers
Fast Handling
When the demigod manages to deliver a well-executed blow to the opponent and obtain a loophole to deliver a second or third blow. He will continue doing repetitions of it in sequence until he is in a situation that the most favorable and intelligent is to leave the combo.
Levels 1-6: Your character is surrounded by a whitish aura that rises up to your weapon - both attack and defense - so that it can attack or defend itself in a minimum movement of time, without being able to confuse the target .
Levels 7-14: Now you can see your opponent's movements perfectly, and with the chosen weapon, you can attack or defend yourself twice in the same turn, but only in the same place exercised the first time.
Levels 15-25: Hermes' son performs extremely precise movements, being able to carry out attacks or triple defenses in just one turn, however, with only one of the weapons.
Boomerang Dagger
Your character can throw the Dagger like a boomerang, making it hit some object and return to your hand, if there are no obstacles in the way.
Levels 1-6: Your character can throw the dagger, without aim and not very stable, against the enemy, and if he has no flaws, he returns to his hand.
Levels 7-14: Your character can throw the dagger at opponents like a boomerang with mastery.
Levels 15-25: Your character manages to bring certain objects, attacking the dagger like a boomerang.
Cacophonic Bargain
Taking advantage of his cheating, his character starts a chatter that confuses those who listen to him, disorienting the target.
Levels 1-6: Your words stun the target's brain, guiding it to the right when you want to go to the left.
Levels 7-15: By persuading the target, you can make him hesitate before taking an action, influencing him by suggesting another. Note: Your suggestion is not mandatory, the target will not be forced to listen to you.
Levels 16-25: With too many words, you leave the target totally disoriented, and you can make your brain go down for 30 seconds.
First aid
Your character knows a little bit about medicine and can use that little bit to care for other people.
Levels 1-6: Always carry bandages with you and manage small cuts.
Levels 7-24: You already know more about medicinal arts and can more effectively heal deeper cuts.
Levels 24-40: He is almost a master in medicine and can offer total help when needed, managing to heal almost all types of injuries quickly.
Player's Luck
Level 13: Hermes' son can use this skill only once per narration to make an elaborate move with mastery and perfection, and he can also use it to convince someone, or something like that.
Level 14: The hero is able to make considerable swipes with more precision, at this level it is possible to steal objects like a Spartan Sword or larger quantities of drachmas without being noticed.
Level 16: A fusion of Dash with Quick Cut. You pass the target like lightning while at the same time making a strong, precise and deep cut.
Level 10: Hermes' son's physical and mental abilities now advance to absurd levels when his adrenaline is activated. The demigod becomes extremely agile and stronger, with reflections to the skin, able not only to attack with agility and strength but also to deflect with more precision.
Hermes coin
Level 10: You throw a coin up and everything is slowmotion. You make the desired movement and everything goes back to normal. This skill requires a lot of training and can only be used once in the mission / combat.
Level 15: Because they are so fast, the children of Hermes have an extremely fast metabolism that needs a lot of energy, in the case of food, to keep working. Thus, the hero's recovery is much faster than that of the other demigods, always recovering from injuries and lack of energy every 5 rounds, and needing food during narrations more than the other demigods. The effect is canceled during battles.
Level 5: Since they needed to run and run, the children of Hermes are able to make extremely agile jumping movements, balance, swing and so on.
Hermes Lips
Level 10: The Son of Hermes develops a charming lip service, being able to make the target heed his words at times.
Speed of light
Level 30: When activating this Ability, the son of Hermes reaches 99.9% of the Speed of Light in his movements for 1 turn. After the end of the effect, he will be dizzy and with low energy. Only once per mission.
Perfect Dodge
Level 60: When activating this Ability, the son of Hermes dodges any object that is coming towards him, be it an arrow or a planet.
Within reach
Level 2: Your character can make a magic hand go to the target, bringing it into your hands.
Flying Daggers
Level 15: This ability allows the children of Hermes to perform a combo of blows so fast that, with the naked eye, it gives the impression that their daggers move on their own.
Pest control
Levels 1-6: Anubis' son is able to summon an army of insects to distract the opponent.
Levels 7-12: The insect army will now attempt to attack the opponent.
Levels 13-20: The army emits intoxicating smoke.
Female Insect
Levels 1-6: The son of Anubis discreetly sends a female insect to the opponent, upon landing on the insect the egg will release eggs and hatchlings will be born little by little the insects will begin to feed on all the camper's energy. (It will take 5 rounds for all energy to be sucked in).
Levels 7-12: It will take 4 rounds for all energy to be sucked.
Levels 13-20: It will take 3 rounds for all energy to be sucked.
Insect Transformation
Level 1: If caught in a surprise attack, the son of Anubis turns into countless insects that spread around the place, and after joining, return to the normal physical form of the demigod.
PS: Can be used once a day.
Levels 1-6: It is capable of making an area of 5 meters covered by quicksand, only you will not be affected.
Levels 7-12: It is capable of damaging an area of 10 meters now.
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Levels 13-20: It is capable of damaging an area of 15 meters now.
Levels 1-6: In a single movement the demigod throws a piece of cloth at the opponent who, when touching it, is completely mummified.
Levels 7-12: You can throw up to two cloths at a time.
Levels 13-20: You can throw up to five cloths at a time.
Levels 1-6: The demigod is capable of firing a kind of laser by the hand that pierces everything.
Levels 7-12: The semi god fires the laser with both hands.
Levels 13-20: Can fire lasers for the entire purchase.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Control of the Dead
Levels 1-6: Control dead and can summon up to five underworld warriors.
Levels 7-12: Can summon up to ten underworld warriors.
Levels 13-20: Can summon up to twenty underworld warriors.
Level 3: The user can create a light fog that serves for quick escapes.
Shield of Shadows
Level 2: The demigod who has one of Anubis can summon his power and create a light protective barrier made of shadows
Level 10: The user who has this ability, can become invisible to the naked eye when it is night.
Shadow's master
Level 20: The user can manipulate the shadows and make them take any shape.
Sand storm
Level 3: The children of Anubis have the power to make small sandstorms
Dark Wings
Levels 1-6: The follower makes the shadows around him turn wings on his back, and he can fly, but not too high
Levels 7-12: Now the follower has the strongest wings and can fly higher
Levels 13-20: At this level, the user creates wings so dense and powerful that in addition to flying for much longer and at an unimaginable height, he can also cut his enemy using the wings
Level 10: The chosen ones from Anúbis can apply a perfume on the opponent that can cause a loss of senses, the person feels as if he were dead. Such an effect is only lasting for one round.
Faithful Companion
Anubis' son at birth gets a special dog from his father, the dog is the best friend of the demigod and fights alongside the owner.
Levels 1-6:
The dog jumps 10 meters and starts to urinate, then he starts to turn the body in the air, spreading the piss and causing it to fall on the opponent, so the smell will be marked on the opponent and he will not be able to escape .
The dog is enraged and is covered by a kind of reddish aura, the dog in this form has the strength to bring down a son of Ares.
You understand all the things the dog says, and you can communicate with the dog freely.
Levels 7-12:
The dog becomes you and can assist you in hand-to-hand combat against the enemy.
The son of Anubis and the dog when transformed into its owner can go spinning so fast that they create a kind of hurricane, capable of destroying everything it touches, they usually attack in synchronization.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Levels 13-20:
Demonic Transformation
We are a family owned and operated business.
The dog goes beside him and the demigod and the dog become one, becoming a giant Cerberus capable of destroying a hurricane-like forest. (Lasts 5 rounds)