In Japanese mythology , Izanami ( Jイ ザ ナ ミ meaning "She who invites") is a goddess of both creation and death, and also Izanagi's wife and sister, in charge of creating the lower gods and man. The birth of the fire god caused his death.
Appearance: In general, they have black, opaque hair and eyes so dark that there is no way to differentiate between iris and pupil. They have pale, white, or black skins and strong, rigid features. They don't like the camp uniform very much, as they always try to put on a black to match.
Personality: Izanami's children generally have a dark appearance, with characteristics similar to those of their parents. They are not very social, as they are also sometimes shy. They usually bring fear to other demigods, making them alone.
Passive Skills
Deadly curse
Izanami's children are able to accelerate the process of decomposing things with touch, and this ends up being a curse for them, who always need to wear gloves at first, but over time they end up getting control of such deadly power.
Level 1-30: Initially your touch and capable of causing an unbearable burning in living beings, leaving a black mark, in case of objects or items, they end up stopping for a while, rust or slowly rot, of course only with small things.
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Level 31-60: Now your touch is able to cause putrefaction to start, causing malfunctioning of the arteries, muscles, tissue, veins and the like of the affected area, which reaches an arm, already with inanimate things, causes faster decomposition and objects the size of a chair.
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Level 61-90: Your touch is able to gradually erode the affected area of living beings, already with inanimate things and capable of decomposing things the size of a motorcycle.
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Level 91-120: With your touch and capable of reaching half a body, causing malfunction, pus burns and the like, you can now decompose inanimate things the size of a car. You can already control your power, not needing gloves.
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Level 121-150: It is already capable of affecting a good part of a living being, causing burns, malfunctioning of organs, rotting of meat and the like, it can also affect decomposing things the size of a truck.
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Level 151-180: Your touch is deadly, it can kill just by touching it with your finger, it can decompose things the size of a house.
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Level 181-220: Now, in addition to killing and able to redo the dead, so that it serves in your favor, you can already decompose things the size of a building.
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Level 221-250: Now able to not only touch, but to release through your mouth, a fog capable of killing all those who come into contact, affecting an area the size of a village.
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Level 251-280: Now you can affect an area the size of a city, and you can create an army of dead in your favor.
Note: Not only is your touch deadly, but your blood has the same effects, and can be used in weapons.
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Body fitness
Izanami and her husband Izanagi, were responsible for creating everything, so their children have a resistance and bodily improvement, being able to survive anywhere.
Level 1-20: It has a physiology in which it can adapt to extreme conditions, such as high / low temperatures (-10 ° c to 100 ° c), not needing to breathe, eat or drink water to survive, being immune to diseases , viruses and bacteria, having an adapted and widely controlled body that can expel foreign matter such as Hormones and Pheromones generated by other demigods, also preventing the proliferation of diseases, tumors and genetic abnormalities by your body. Your muscle fibers become stronger and more resembling iron.
Level 21-40: Izanami's offspring have a confused, strange, almost alien DNA; where almost no being is able to understand or modify it. Creation has a high resistance to pain by adapting your brain to various conditions, it understands what is or is not worth being captured and cancels the pain that Creation feels. Just as the offspring's muscle fibers and epidermis are as tough as steel. Izanami's offspring also acquire immunity to the elements of nature.
Level 41-60: Its molecular structure whenever it starts to fight against its opponents, starts to undo and redo the creation without causing pain, generating a series of involuntary and random genetic mutations that cannot be manipulated, the body of the creation becomes so strange that practically becomes a vacuum inside and out to become a representation of illogical and irrationality. In this way, the matter of your body cannot be manipulated by beings of a lower level / power. Its muscle fibers, epidermis and the like are resistant just like titanium.
Level 61-80: Its muscle fibers so compact that physical blows are generally only absorbed and its kinetic energy can be returned by blows or transferred to armaments and fired or used to increase the resistance of the offspring, which resembles adamantium . It is worth noting that absorbing too much or receiving very strong blows can cause you to collapse, or even explode with so much energy.
Level 81-100: The offspring when fighting beings that have more strength or speed, will completely modify their body so that they adapt to the fight, managing to increase their physical attributes twice during three rounds, but after this they are in a vegetative state for twelve real hours. Its resistance allows it to resist hits up to 2x stronger than the creation itself without difficulties.
Level 101-150: Its resistance allows it to be almost invulnerable to physical blows, adapting quickly to almost any type of force absorbing kinetic energy. Now there is an insane increase in neurons and in the speed of the cerebral synapse, thanks to such phenomenon, it is able to react to attacks that are up to twice its speed without even thinking, functioning automatically and almost instantaneously, being able to even now increase your attributes five times for five rounds, however being completely exhausted and in a vegetative state for 24 hours.
Level 151-200: Have 50% magic resistance.
Level 201-250: The offspring has the capacity to have a very high resistance to any form of energy, being able to resist spray blows for some time and not even being easily destroyed by cosmic energies, acquiring a resistance to cosmic bursts. But of course, being a resistance they are obviously affected, but a little less than ordinary campers.
Improved speed
Izanami's children are able to run, fly and swim quickly, as their mother was the creator of everything.
Level 1-10: Initially the offspring can reach a speed of up to 600km / h.
Level 11-25: They already reach a speed of 1200km / h.
Level 26-35: They reach 1800km / h.
Level 36-50: They already reach a speed of 2400km / h.
Level 51-99: They reach 3000km / h.
Level 100-150: The speed reaches 3600km / h.
Level 151-200: It reaches a speed of 4200km / h.
Level 201-250: They reach 4800km / h.
Level 251-300: They reach 5400km / h.
Izanami's children have a natural dark side, which represents what their Mother became after she died in childbirth of the fire god and became queen of the underworld.
Level 1-10: Initially the offspring causes some discomfort for those who look at them, as if a trail of death followed them, making creatures and humans excited when attacking.
Level 11-25: Now the aura and the presence of the offspring causes chills and fear in demigods weaker than the same.
Level 26-35: Now causes a little dread in creatures, humans and demigods of equal levels, causing them to decide not to attack due to this.
Level 36-50: The aura already causes chills, in addition to leaving the environment heavy and morbid, just as a gradual fear and panic begins to affect demigods, monsters, animals, humans and creatures.
Level 51-99: The effect of the offspring's presence is even greater, causing some to decide to run away, wanting to avoid their deaths.
Level 100-150: The aura now causes power / lower level half bloods within 20m to pass out.
Level 151-200: Now the aura prevents psionic powers from working 100% in the offspring, having their potency reduced to 50%, but only if the offspring is higher.
Cosmic Knowledge
Level 1-30: Izanami's offspring are initially born with an incredibly improved mental development having an eidetic memory, in addition to knowing how to calculate the various possibilities that exist on certain occasions through their own perception and choosing the one that has the best chance of materializing, or the best for person on occasion. Offspring always stand out among others in the camp, knowing all kinds of martial arts, with any type of weapon, or without weapons, having the experience of a master in the arts of fighting. The offspring have average knowledge of the basic subjects taught in elementary, middle and higher education such as Portuguese, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography and among other subjects. This allows you to be aware of the rules that each subject imposes and you can use this to analyze your situations and formulate both military and territorial strategies, such strategies almost never fail to be extremely formulated. (It is necessary to know the place, or the army, to know the details that it adds to be able to generate a well elaborated strategy, if the offspring knows all the necessary information they can formulate the strategy in the best way, being able to change it in the middle of the battle , or when it goes wrong, adding new things if possible).
Level 31-60: Now, your mind becomes completely wise, being able to know exactly all the basic subjects taught in elementary, high school and higher education. Not only that, but his mind now expands to a psychological level, where the follower becomes able to understand how the mind of any being works, just spending a few minutes with it, being able to predict the next movements of his opponent through pure perception that almost never fails (it is necessary to know the person and always be talking to him, whether during combat or not, also being able to decipher it through habits, actions and movements).
Level 61-90: Now the children learn about various areas involving mechanics, civil engineering, besides being able to build technological things or not and among other related worldly modalities. Knowing how to fix broken things (of any kind, even divine in most cases, but you need to know how the material was made and what types of items were used in its creation). In addition to understanding civil engineering, which is the branch of engineering that encompasses the conception, design, construction and maintenance of all types of infrastructure necessary for the well-being and development of society, in addition to preserving the natural environment, in addition to understand about construction and forges,
Level 91-120: The offspring now expand their mental capacity and are now able to understand perfectly about military, chemical, nuclear fields as well as to understand about advocacy. The demigod understands how each existing strategy, protocols, rules and punishments of divine or mundane origin, holding knowledge that involves the use of both chemical and nuclear substances, of harmful, toxic or radioactive origin, among other things. The demigod basically extends his intelligence to inhuman levels and can use his knowledge for various purposes, being able to use his skill in advocacy to find ways to break even the most impossible rules to break, even the simplest ones, being a master in robberies and thefts, being able to perform the most complicated operations easily, even the simplest.
Level 121-150: Your mind reaches capacities beyond inhumane now a cosmic intelligence. The offspring expands their mind to a level compared to the gods, while a simple demigod sees an ant, or a certain inanimate or alive thing, as it really is in its formation, A can see something bigger, being able to see even the essence, knowing just by looking at your opponent how good he is and how good he can get, through pure deduction. The follower's eyes become able to see everything that is possible, from physical, mental, deductive, empathic and various other types through the eyes, having eyes that never fail. Being a very intelligent being he can understand the mind of any being, easily sympathizing with other beings, having a very convincing language.
Level 151-180: The offspring of the Mind have their mind at its peak, having a mind dozens of times superior to the greatest geniuses of humanity. Covering any worldly modality, having knowledge about everything that was invented by gods and humans since the beginning of time. The offspring of the mind become one of the wisest demigods in knowledge and can know how to make any being nervous or calm easily. The being is incredibly good at manipulating his opponents and can induce his allies, opponents or anyone, even an entire army, to do his bidding through his own lip service. Whether by blackmail, a threat, a scam, a motivation among many other possible things, his ability to analyze the probabilities expands to extremely high levels,
Inherited respect
As the son of the goddess Mother, Izanami's children have a certain influence and protection from the Japanese gods and other living things, both mundane and hell.
Level 1-50: Offspring are not initially targeted mainly by animals, demigods from their weakest pantheon and humans.
Level 51-100: Now mundane creatures and monsters are unlikely to advance against the offspring.
Level 101-150: Demigods with levels equal to offspring will not attack you, having respect for Izanami's son, just as some infernal creatures will hesitate to attack first.
Level 151-200: Now legendary creatures, weaker demigods, hellish and spiritual creatures will avoid attacking the offspring, respecting them.
Sense of Presence
As children of a goddess of life and death, Izanami's children are capable of feeling beings and powers.
Level 1-30: Initially the offspring can feel presence within a radius of 10 meters.
Level 31-60: Can feel presence in a 20m radius.
Level 61-90: Can feel everything in a 40m radius.
Level 91-120: The area reaches 80m.
Level 121-150: You are now able to feel everything in an area of 160m.
Level 151-180: Covers a sensitivity that detects everything within a 200m radius.
The children of the creative goddess have an amazing capacity for healing and regeneration.
Level 1-50: Offspring can regenerate minor and minor injuries.
Level 51-100: Offspring can regenerate slightly larger and medium wounds.
Level 101-150: Offspring can regenerate more or less large and deep wounds.
Level 151-200: Offspring can regenerate very large and serious injuries.
Level 201-250: Offspring can regenerate fatal wounds and regenerate limbs.
Level 251-300: Offspring can regenerate wounds that leave them on the verge of death. Upon reaching this level, the offspring will stop aging.
Return of the dead
Level 100: Due to the fact that Izanami is ruling the underworld, when her children die, their souls will automatically go to their mother's kingdom, where their souls will be treated, healed and a new body will be created, and then they will return to the world. Only once per event.
Level 200: Twice per event.
Level 300: Three times per event.
Note: It is not valid for erasing existence.
Between two worlds
Because they are children of the creative goddess and at the same time of death, they have a double appearance, with a beautiful and full side of life and a degraded side that looks like the living dead.
Level 01: The children of the goddess of death have an existence somewhat different from other blood means, being alive and dead at the same time. It is as if part of your being is alive and present in the world of the living (physical plane), the other part is already dead and present in the spiritual plane. Because of this, these offspring end up that they cannot be killed once they are already dead, and the part present in the spiritual world ends up allowing the offspring to move on both planes simultaneously if they wish without having to be anchored to a fisic body.
Note: The offspring can still be damaged by attacks on the soul. If the soul is destroyed, the link between the spirit world is broken and the offspring will die.
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Active Skills
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Sun & Moon
Because they are children of the goddess who created the sun and moon, they have the ability to manipulate, generate and control sunlight and lunar, as well as other aspects, such as gravity, plasma, temperature and the like.
Levels 1-30: Initially the offspring can freely manipulate the lunar and solar light next to themselves, distorting it with some difficulty. It can create small objects made of light (like daggers and etc ...), they manage to gather the light in up to five luminous spheres of about five centimeters and launch them as bursts against their opponents, causing medium burns and external damage, reaching up to twenty meters away from you. They can also create an "aura" of light to reduce the effect of dark attacks by up to 25%, or to fortify themselves, being able to dodge projectiles and increase their physical resistance.
Levels 31-60: They manage to blur someone's vision due to the distortion of light, you can also deflect the light from yourself in this way gaining a natural invisibility. They can also become light for a few rounds (2 rounds), thus becoming immune to physical blows and gaining semi intangibility and can pass through not very large solid objects, also being able to move quickly when in this form. It can also absorb lunar / star and solar light, thus recovering its energy easily and quickly, taking full advantage of the light and its energy. As well as it can manipulate gravity in a 40m radius and the temperature.
Levels 61-90: Acquires the ability to generate light, both lunar (at night) and solar (during the day), regardless of whether it is cloudy or indoors, also managing to create larger, medium-sized things (long swords, hammer chairs, etc ...). It can generate enough light to illuminate an entire place and can make up to three people invisible beyond yourself. It can also generate animated solid light, and can create whips and tentacles between different shapes with its light. The area affected by gravity and temperature manipulation reaches 100m.
Levels 91-120: Its form of light now remains for much longer (8 rounds in a row) and can also only partially change into light. You can also control the light to a much higher level, now being able to manipulate the light of an entire city without too many complications, being able to do great things with the moon / star and solar light. Its bursts are now more powerful and larger, and can also create up to ten of them. The offspring can now even generate lunar winds, generate medium amounts of plasma, lunar earth and material from the stars, the offspring's thermal and gravitational manipulation covers 250m.
Levels 121-150: From this level onwards, it will be able to generate wings made of light and change its own appearance with light (luminous parts, hair with light, etc. .. purely aesthetic). They can also absorb all the light from an area of three kilometers away, completely preventing the view of any being in this area. It can involve weapons and objects with a luminous aura, being able to move them away with thoughts only. The offspring can also manipulate gravity and temperature within a 500m radius.
Levels 151-180: It reaches the peak of its control, being able to do many things with the moon / star and solar light, from small things to huge things. You have total control in the exchange between your light form and your physical form, being able to change your will without time limit. It can also generate physical projections of itself which it can fight normally, possessing a great speed and strength for being made of light (They have no powers beyond the manipulation of light), and its ability to generate and control gravity, plasma, lunar matter , stellar and the like also becomes perfect.
Izanami was the goddess of life and death, so her children have the gift of necromantic art, which consists of invoking, controlling, exchanging and imprisoning souls in inanimate and similar bodies.
Level 01-30: Izanami's offspring initially acquire the ability to perceive and interact with the spiritual plane, being able to summon souls and spiritual beings to be able to seek knowledge and these spirits have informed you everything you want to know, they also manage to become intangible as well as spirits, they can perceive the supernatural seeing invisible and also being able to detect life and energy. The offspring can also revive corpses, managing to exert some influence over death at this level, being able to perceive when someone will or will die, perceiving even when they are about to die acting as an alert that always alerted the offspring during their combats, even if they don't be noticing it.
Level 31-60: The offspring are now able to command the living dead, managing to create them, control them and even kill them if they want, managing to create any type of living dead, even draugrs; offspring can also cause and control pain in their victims with just a simple hand gesture. Being children of the one who determines the final destiny of the dead so the children of this goddess are able to control, dominate, banish and destroy souls, spirits, ghosts and spiritual beings (if this one is more powerful, the offspring will not be able to dominate this very well), also exercising spiritual as if mimicking in a spirit, managing to remain invisible and even possess other beings. An interesting skill is that even if they manage to exercise control over the dead, their offspring can also use these living dead as a channel for their powers,
Level 61-90: The offspring acquire a better ability on necromancy, managing to absorb the vital energy of their victims; managing to use spiritual magic at this level, managing to control the spirits that inhabit the spiritual plane, managing to summon them, channel them and even use their powers for their own purposes; being a very powerful magic as it not only allows the offspring to use the various spiritual powers but also to channel their own spirit to be able to conjure various attacks of energy, accessing the ability to manipulate the spiritual and vital energy and even to control the souls being able to absorb them and use it as a means to temporarily increase your power.
Level 91-120: The offspring at this level are even more adept at necromancy and are now able to feed on the aura of their victims or even absorb them for themselves by obtaining the energy that makes up their opponents' auras and use them as if were yours (including the power it grants, but it is not permanent lasting a maximum of 2 rounds). At this level, they manage to manipulate, generate and shape the ectoplasm, being able to control the body of their victims through their hands and even control fungi and use them against their victims. Also being able to explore necromancy more deeply to the point of being able to revive other beings that have bodies in good condition, but needs the soul to be accessible.
Level 121-150: The offspring achieve full control over necromancy, acquiring control over death itself, acquiring the ability to control death, inducing it in different ways, managing to use their energy to produce a dark and obscure mist which can kill anything in range; the offspring also dominate the force of death by becoming an excellent representative of their mother over death. It acquires the ability to immobilize other beings, managing to prevent them from moving either physically, spiritually or even the mind itself, becoming a temporarily inanimate being (for up to 3 rounds). At its peak, the offspring acquire the ability to cast spells related to necromancy, creating runes capable of generating unique effects and among other things.
Level 151-180: The offspring at this level already acquire the ability to prevent death, through a spell that acts naturally when the offspring is in danger, where she manages to create a rune both on the offspring and on another being she has touched physically, where instead of the offspring dying or being erased, she will be the one who will be erased or killed (1 time per event or saga).
Izanami was the creator of all kinds of natural phenomena, so her children are able to generate and control the climate, favoring them and the like.
Level 1-10: Initially the offspring are able to control natural aerial phenomena, such as gusts of wind, small hurricanes, make it rain or stop, control the clouds, darken the sky or lighten and the like, but on a small scale.
Level 11-25: Offspring can now control aerial phenomena on a medium scale, but their control expands to control natural terrestrial phenomena, such as causing tremors, cracks, sandstorms, quicksand and the like, but on a small scale.
Level 26-35: The offspring can now control terrestrial phenomena on a medium scale, as well as control aquatic phenomena, such as tsunamis, tidal waves, pororocas, waterspouts and the like.
Level 36-50: Offspring can now control more difficult natural phenomena, such as snowfalls, manipulate the direction of lightning, volcanic eruptions, typhoons and the like.
Level 51-99: The offspring are able to control and generate phenomena such as meteorite falls, eclipses, temperature rise, hailstorm and the like.
Level 100-150: Izanami's offspring are already able to create diseases and spread them across a continent through the control of natural phenomena, starting with the endemic, epidemic and pandemic stage.
Level 151-200: The offspring can now control and generate natural phenomena such as meteor showers, stellar explosions and the like, controlling on an almost planetary scale.
Masochistic empathy
Because they are the children of a goddess of life and death, in addition to being the creator of everything, demigods, by having contact with the victim's blood or any belonging, can cast a kind of curse on them, which causes any damage inflicted on their offspring. from Izanami, be transferred to the target in question, but with a certain limit, since if the offspring does not have a certain regeneration to heal from certain damages, they may die.
Level 1-50: Initially the curse works against just one being, being weaker monster, human, creature and demigods.
Level 51-100: Now works against demigods of the same level as you, and up to two people.
Level 101-150: The curse can be inflicted on up to 3 beings, affecting immune demigods.
Level 151-200: The curse can affect up to four beings.
Level 201-250: The curse already affects up to 5 beings.
Creative hands
Tales say that during a bath to clean up, Izanami ended up giving life to several gods, so his children, when in possession of organic materials or not, are able to give life to the things they create, concentrating a greenish energy in their hands and drawing the initial of its name in the creation, and then it will come to life.
Level 1-50: Izanami's offspring can initially build small things, like clay mice, small arms, metal things and the like.
Level 51-100: Now the offspring can create slightly bigger things, like cats, dolls, toasters, gauntlets and the like.
Level 101-150: The offspring are already able to create medium sized things.
Level 151-200: You can now create slightly larger things, such as full armor, human-sized robots and the like.
Level 201-250: Offspring can create bigger things now.
Level 251-300: Offspring can already create huge things.
Hellish army
Izanami after her death, became the queen of the underworld, and when her beloved Izanagi decided to search there, she ended up seeing how the goddess was, she then summoned an army to chase her beloved away, so the goddess's children can summon creatures from the various levels of the underworld to help you, where they will never go against their offspring.
Level 1-20: Initially the offspring can summon a group of up to 2 evil youkais, such as kappas, bakenekos, jorôgumos, Kiyohime and the like
Level 21-40: You can now summon up to 3 youkai.
Level 41-60: You can now summon 4 youkai.
Level 61-80: You can summon 5 youkai.
Level 81-100: You can summon 6 youkai.
Level 101-150: You can summon 7 youkai.
Level 151-200: You can summon 8 youkai.
Obs; It lasts five rounds.
Izanami's children can become the most diverse things, because their Mother is the creator of everything.
Level 1-30: Initially the offspring can be transformed into small animals and objects for two rounds.
Level 31-60: The offspring can now transform into animals and medium sized objects for 3 rounds.
Level 61-90: Can now be transformed into animals and large objects for 4 rounds.
Level 91-120: The offspring are able to transform into monsters and some medium sized creatures, for 5 rounds.
Level 121-150: Offspring can transform into large creatures and monsters.
Level 151-180: They can now become legendary animals and youkai.
Hellish domain
After death in childbirth, Izanami became governess of the underworld, so his children have the ability to control the infernal and evil elements, such as darkness, infernal fire, plagues, black magic, chaos and souls.
Level 1-30: Initially the offspring is able to control the shadows around them, being able to trap enemies, create constructs, spheres, tentacles and the like.
Level 31-60: Control over shadows becomes more effective, as well as being able to generate pests (grasshoppers, lice, flies and the like) and diseases that spread with touch or through the air, just as it can generate flames coming from the underworld itself, being able to shoot at your enemies, in the form of jets or spheres, can even create barriers with the flames, which affect the soul of the targets.
Level 61-90: The offspring is now capable of generating and controlling darkness, in addition to having perfect control over shadows and average in hellish plagues and flames.
Level 91-120: The offspring now have perfect control over hellish flames and plagues, but not only that, they are able to use medium-scale black magic, as well as summon souls and control them.
Level 121-150: The offspring is already familiar with black magic, being able to use as they wish, as well as darkness, shadows, infernal fire and plagues, as their soul control becomes improved, and they can paralyze opponents' souls when touching, and when people die around you, you can capture their souls and use them on other bodies, being able to control them.
Level 151-180: Control of offspring before souls becomes perfect, as well as control of black magic.
Life is Death
Izanami is seen as a dual goddess, where she started as the creator of everything (life) and became the destroyer of her own creation (death), where everything she once created, returns to her realms. Thus, your children are able to manifest an aura that is their choice, which can be something that helps themselves and their allies, or that destroys their enemies.
Level 1-30: Initially the offspring and capable of manifesting an aura (White or Greenish) that covers 5m, this can be beneficial, such as healing their allies from minor injuries, restoring some of their energy, strengthening and protecting them against physical blows , or you can opt for an aura that gradually draws energy from your enemies, causing muscle pain, skin rashes and tiredness.
Level 31-60: The aura now reaches 12m, being able to heal allies from medium wounds, protect against projectiles or make the aura cause tiredness, madness, severe burns, infections and the like.
Level 61-90: The aura already reaches 20m, healing allies of perforations and deep cuts, in addition to protecting them and restoring more energies, since the malignant aura is capable of drawing strength, tensing muscles, causing tumors and the like.
Level 91-120: The aura reaches 40m, being able to heal fracture allies, torn limbs and some non-vital organs, or you can choose to draw almost all energy from enemies, generate widespread infections, very serious burns, make larvae appear in wounds, cause decomposition into wounds and the like.
Level 121-150: The aura is able to revive two people, restore vital organs, heal torn and related limbs, while the aura of death, and able to draw all energy from the targets, paralyze them physically, mentally and spiritually, can feed of the soul of the targets gradually, it can make organs grow and the like.
Just like their mother, these offspring have a double side, and the offspring can use this double side as a benefit, leaving one part behind and the other in front if they want, also being able to separate from each other, being able to create a duplicate of themselves. even acquiring a shared conscience.
Level 01-10: When the offspring is separated from its half, it may choose to have a filled body or not (the same half dominates the other half that remains blank in the same body as the duplicate), once they are separated each one displays some skills that they normally lack when they are joined. The side that looks more like a living dead when separated from the more alive side of the offspring is more like a conscious living dead, having immunity to physiological needs, immunity to pain; his body remains so different that it is as if there are no vital organs for the living dead, not caring if his heart is drastically damaged or areas such as the lung remain alive, since there is an independence of his organs. Their physical abilities such as speed, agility, strength, durability and resistance are improved, also acquiring immunity to temperature changes. One of the main abilities that can be noticed of this being is the ability to feed on its victims and to transmute them into draugs faithful to their offspring. The vivid side, on the other hand, already shows a great improvement in its speed and agility, also being able to demonstrate a good healing factor which regenerates small injuries or damages that the body may receive, managing to have a basic skill with any weapon that it will put its hands. At this level, you only acquire an increase in your physical capacities and good physiological resistance. The vivid side, on the other hand, already shows a great improvement in its speed and agility, also being able to demonstrate a good healing factor which regenerates small injuries or damages that the body may receive, managing to have a basic skill with any weapon that it will put its hands. At this level, you only acquire an increase in your physical capacities and good physiological resistance. The vivid side, on the other hand, already shows a great improvement in its speed and agility, also being able to demonstrate a good healing factor which regenerates small injuries or damages that the body may receive, managing to have a basic skill with any weapon that it will put its hands. At this level, you only acquire an increase in your physical capacities and good physiological resistance.
Level 11-25: The living dead side of the offspring which resembles the appearance of a draugr acquires the ability to generate mist wherever it goes, also managing to increase its size, also remembering the mother's jotun side, which ends up develop more allowing the offspring to decrease the temperature during their combats, managing to generate diseases through the damage it causes to their victims and even control their density if they want. The living dead can also feed on any solid matter he desires, having an infinite digestive system, managing to regenerate as he eats. The vivid side demonstrates the ability to levitate and also use its own vital energy to generate constructs against your opponent if you wish. The vivid side is more like a warrior at the height of his life,
Level 26-35: The living dead side of the offspring exhibits great influence among the living dead, managing to revive dead bodies that are in the given territory just by moving their hands, even though they have usually been dead for a long time, their simple presence creates a virus by the whole scenario which easily kills living beings like humans, plants and etc., turning them into living dead, being able to control their own bodies, generating weapons, new limbs and etc. His abilities are even more evolved, managing to cause a certain intimidation in other undead that are not under his control. At this level, the living dead manages to improve his reasoning abilities, managing to control large quantities of living dead, managing to give orders to them to the point of doing exactly what the offspring wants, managing at that level to control what the offspring eat (only inanimate matter, such as metal, bones, etc.). The offspring's body can adapt to the most diverse scenarios, being able to adapt to aquatic, wintry, and warm territories easily, as well as their undead. The lively side of the offspring acquires skill with weapons and a body very reminiscent of that of a beserker managing to ignore the pain during his battles and even ignore feelings like fear and sadness, getting even stronger when angry, his adrenaline rises to the point of being able to ignore the injuries, driven by anger he will only focus on the battle acquiring a feral mind which is difficult to try to read, being moved by anger, he acquires a certain unpredictability in his movements, performing actions that can be somewhat unpredictable. In this state your physical capacities increase at least 3x more.
Level 36-50: The living dead side of the offspring is now more developed, managing to induce extreme fear and horror in their victims, causing them to become discouraged and even paralyzed, arousing the fear of their victims during combat. At this level he acquires a greater influence on the living dead causing them to kill the ability to transform into draugrs, also managing to partially change their appearance managing to create claws and so on. At its peak, the offspring on their undead side acquire a peculiar ability, which is to transfer some of their energy to those they come into contact with; once this is achieved, the energy will mold itself into several microscopic versions of the offspring and will soon begin to devour the victim's body, eroding even the cells, one round later the victim will see the offspring's face next to his head and in the second round the victim's body dies. Once this occurs, the victim's body is revived and transformed into a draugr, while from within the draugr several clones of the offspring will leave. The vivid side acquires a better healing process, managing to regenerate lost limbs taking at least two rounds, while at that level the offspring's body once it contacts the victim's body is able to implant some of its energy and after two rounds a large amount of hardened clay will form around the victim's body, this being a magical clay which causes serious difficulty in moving, and manages to suck the victim's energy and can grant it to other beings in case of contact. At that level the offspring (both the living dead,
Note: To kill the living dead it is necessary that the body be destroyed, otherwise it is still alive, since the living body is only a semi-God. If one of the two bodies dies, the other will notice, and automatically after 4 rounds if one of the bodies remains alive, what was lost regenerates in the body that remains.
Divine-Duality Form
Upon entering such a form, the offspring can choose between two appearances, being a beautiful and majestic one, with white and shiny clothes, with images of constellations and the like, where in this form the offspring acquire absolute control over life, being able to create, recreate , manipulate and control as you please. The other form, the offspring gains a cadaverous shape, with burned or decomposing parts of the body, ragged clothing and a grayish skin, but in this form the offspring is able to absolutely control the energy of chaos, being able to generate, shape, manipulate and the like as you wish.
Level 180-200: 2 rounds
Level 201-220: 3 rounds
Level 221-240: 4 rounds
Level 241-260: 5 rounds
Obs; Only three times per event.
Shi no tanken (Daggers of death)
Izanami's children when claimed win a pair of black gloves with moss green dots, when the goddess's son needs a dagger appears in each glove, with black handle and greenish blade, such daggers can be thrown, as they have enchanted chains that come back when pulled, the green-looking blades contain a deadly poison.
Izanami no i (Izanami robes)
A green, black and red kimono with some tears, such a garment turns into armor, capable of making the demigod go through solid things or avoid attacks.
Tamashī no nekkuresu (Necklace of souls)
A beautiful cord with a skull and an emerald in the mouth, when necessary, Izanami's son can release an army of specters cursed by the goddess of death.