Lilith (commonly Lilith angelism) (in Hebrew: לילית, in ancient Arabic: ليليث) was a goddess worshiped in Mesopotamia associated with winds and storms, who were thought to be carriers of disease and death.
Lilith appears as a nocturnal demon in the traditional Jewish and Islamic belief as the first woman of the biblical character Adam, and in one passage (Pat 81: 455f) she is accused of being the serpent that led Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. This assertion that Lilith was Eve's predecessor, however, appears only for the first time in the Alphabet of Ben-Sira composed around the 7th century, and this connection to Adam and Eve never existed nor to Creation.
More recently, this story has been increasingly adopted and even discussed whether or not it is told in the Bible. However, in addition to the passage referred to below, it is no longer referred to. Lilith has been worshiped within high magic ever since, as the goddess who rules the tip of the pyramid, Lilith was also worshiped primarily in ancient Babylon.
Appearance: Lilith's children have distinctive features from other campers, usually have a fair complexion and they have red eyes like an apple, in some cases, as black as the night. They have black hair and most tend to have long hair.
Personality: They are manipulative and biased towards others, they can easily deceive and invent innumerable lies to achieve their goals.
Passive Powers
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Lilith's Blessing
Lilith never accepted her submission to Adam, always saying that they were equal and should be so in everything they did. Opposing Adam.
Level 01: Lilith's children cannot be controlled in any way, these semi-demons are not submissive to anyone, obeying only themselves. Skills that seek to control your mind, your body / soul do not work.
High Strength
Lilith's children are quite strong thanks to their demonic nature, managing to face other enemies normally.
Level 01-10: They manage to destroy steel with their strength.
Level 11-25: They manage to destroy titanium with their strength.
Level 26-35: They manage to destroy diamond with their strength.
Level 36-50: They manage to destroy adamantium with their strength.
Level 51-99: They manage to destroy vibranium with their strength.
Level 100-150: They are able to destroy divine iron with their strength.
Level 151-200: They are able to destroy celestial iron with their strength.
High Speed
These semi-demons are extremely fast, reaching the same speed both on land and in the air with their demonic wings.
Level 01-10: Can run and fly at 600 km / h.
Level 11-25: Can run and fly at 1200 km / h.
Level 26-35: They can run and fly at 1800 km / h.
Level 36-50: They can run and fly at 2400 km / h.
Level 51-99: Can run and fly at 3000 km / h.
Level 100-150: They can run and fly at 3600 km / h.
Level 151-200: They can run and fly at 4200 km / h.
Level 201-250: They can run and fly at 4800 km / h.
Level 251-300: They can run and fly at 5400 km / h.
Queen of Hell
Lilith, after escaping from Eden, she married the King of Hell, becoming the first human being to be tempted and also a demon to exist. As such, it has control over demons.
Level 01-10: Lilith's offspring will be able to command evil and dark spirits, acting as her servants, never raising her hand against it.
Level 11-25: Lilith's offspring will be able to dictate orders to the lowest beings in hell, not becoming demons, but being of a stronger race than the spirits previously.
Level 26-35: Lilith's offspring will be able to walk through any infernal realm of any mythology, without running the risk of being attacked by infernal beings, who will pay respect to her.
Level 36-50: Lilith's offspring will be able to give commands to lesser demons from hell, these serving as her personal army, being sincere and faithful to her, even if they are demons related to lies.
Level 51-99: Lilith's offspring will be able to rule over bigger demons, these providing services to the offspring whenever she wishes.
Level 100-150: Lilith's offspring will have the respect of fallen angels who will not raise a hand against her, even if they do no favors for her, they will not stand against her and will avoid the maximum conflict with her.
Level 151-200: Lilith's offspring can ask favors from demonic lords, who are very respectful to her, never raising a hand against her.
Tempting Beauty
Lilith was the first woman to be created by Yahweh, having such great beauty. Her offspring also inherited her mother's incredible beauty.
Level 01-20: Lilith's offspring will have an unusual beauty from birth, reaching the maximum beauty that a human could achieve, always standing out in the crowd and calling everyone. Thus the offspring will have a high charisma and people in society will naturally be attracted to the offspring. It will also have the ability to attract people of the same sex, opposite sex or any other type of sex, not to mention that it is capable of arousing sexual desires in others easily.
Level 21-40: Lilith's offspring acquire the ability to make others yield to their charms with a little effort, affecting humans, monsters and demigods with lesser levels than she herself. Her voice enchants everyone, being able to make others do her will easily, leading others to fall in love with her beauty, which seems not to be affected by the passage of time. Some characteristics of your body will appear more highlighted, drawing more attention from those of the opposite sex, or whose sexual orientation is towards the sex of the offspring.
Level 41-60: Lilith's offspring is perfect, without having any defect in her beauty in any way, leading almost everyone to fall in love with her and believe her words. At this level, he also acquires the ability to manipulate the love relationships of others, being able to turn intrigues (easier) or appease them. Everyone with the same level of offspring will give in to their wishes. Despite his beauty, his mother remains a demon, so the offspring can also cause terror to others and lead them to insanity, precisely because of their beauty that is outside the ordinary world.
Level 61-80: Lilith's offspring has absolute beauty, and it may seem (in the eyes of her victim) that she has changed her appearance to suit her victim's tastes, making everyone up to 20 levels above her, demigods, humans or monsters, believe that she is your soul mate, the love of your life, then the offspring can easily manipulate them, as if they have control of their minds. Every emotion you demonstrate will seem true to others, no matter how hard you try not to believe it. Offspring will be the model of beauty for all who know her, being admired and adored no matter where she goes.
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When she refused to return to Paradise, to Adam, Lilith was cursed to lose 100 children a day, however, her dead children returned as sexual demons, succubi and incubi. Lilith is also known as the mother of many demons for having joined their parents and having had many children by them, being the first of the human-demons. Subsequently being transformed completely into a demon, Lilith only begat demon children. The offspring also acquired the ability to generate demons. The offspring can cause demons to be born out of their blood, infinitely loyal to them, being able to generate them without problems and make them die whenever they wish.
Level 01-30: The offspring can make 2 demons. The types of demons that the offspring can generate are Succubi and Incubuses (female and male sexual demons, respectively). The demons will have high speed, as well as stamina and stamina. They will be able to cause others to fall asleep partially and also to control them mentally through their sexual desires. They can be invisible and change shape, but always maintaining a beauty similar to that of the offspring easily. By kissing the victim or having sex with him, he can suck his energy without problems, strengthening himself or passing his energies on to his offspring. Although they normally maintain their human form, they may reveal part of their demonic form, showing long claws, having a bite that in addition to sucking energy from the victim, keeps it bleeding and paralyzes it,
Level 31-60: The offspring can make 10 demons. The demons you can now make are Imps. Small, red, with horns, wings and goat feet. They are wild and uncontrollable, except for their offspring. They will do anything to disturb the enemies, having great speed (twice the offspring) and great reflexes (see 4 times the speed of the offspring), their claws deeply cut the flesh of any living being weaker than the offspring, their horn can grow and piercing diamond defenses, its bite gives a strong burning sensation and inflicts great pain on the enemy, also being able to make thorns appear from the palm of your hands, injecting a poison that will leave the enemy with an inexplicable sensation of thread, as if it were freezing inside. The demon can see the enemy's deepest desires and fulfill it, but in a completely distorted way and only through a contract, in which the price will be half the victim's life. It can also grow and "devour" enemies, keeping them trapped inside until the offspring orders to release them (works only on those weaker than the offspring).
Level 61-90: The offspring can make 20 demons. Now you can also make physical demons. These will have a high physical capacity, being three times faster than the offspring, more durable than the other demons and also stronger than the offspring, their wings will be enveloped in a fiery aura that can make things go up in flames easily and with the aura generate swords of reddish color, having the same resistance as adamantium.
Level 91-120: The offspring can make 40 demons. You can now make spiritual demons, but you can only make 5 of these. These will not have bodies like the physical ones, because they will be made of spiritual energy (they will still appear to be physical), however, they will have a nucleus that changes location within your body, being necessary to hit the same to cause physical damage to it , or using attacks that affect the soul. They will have the ability to manipulate energy, thus being able to absorb energy attacks, make their own attacks with it, these having the ability to seriously damage the vibranium, make constructs and barriers with its resistance, in addition to the ability to change shape, generate illusions, possessing bodies of those as strong as offspring, besides being able to fly freely.
Level 121-150: The offspring can make 100 demons. Finally, you can make hellish demons, but only 3 of these per event and 1 at a time. These will have the same characteristics as the physical and spiritual demons (minus the energy body of the spiritual ones), but they are also graced with the ability to handle fire and ice perfectly, revive the dead, making them their zombies, the ability to generate poison that weakens, blocks the senses or nullifies the enemies' regeneration.
Being nocturnal
In different beliefs, Lilith was said to be a nocturnal being or acting at night. Thus, it will have abilities related to night and darkness, abilities that will be passed on to its offspring.
Level 01-20: Lilith's offspring, at night, will have a 25% bonus on all her attributes. The offspring will have power over the shadows, being able to see in any dark environment without problems, even in absolute shadows. In such a way, you will be able to use the shadows to camouflage yourself, slide over any shadows, transport yourself through the shadows and also make the shadows minimally manipulate and make the enemies freeze in contact with it.
Level 21-40: Lilith's offspring at night and in dark places will have a 50% bonus on all her attributes. The offspring will be able to control the darkness more easily now, now being their control on a medium scale. She will have a black aura that will serve as an armor for her body, she will also be able to make weapons with diamond resistance. Your shadow will be controlled only by the offspring and you can extend it to attach your shadow with that of others, and manipulate them as you wish. The limit to which the shadow extends is up to 15 meters in radius.
Level 41-60: Lilith's offspring at night and in dark places will have a 100% bonus on all her attributes. The offspring will be able to control the darkness more easily now, now being their control on a large scale. It can extend its shadow to a radius of 30 meters, being able to arrest the others, immobilizing them. With its darkness, it can absorb light and darkness from attacks, in addition to being able to regenerate itself with them. Their constructs now have adamantium resistance.
Level 61-80: Lilith's offspring at night and in dark places will have a 150% bonus on all her attributes. The offspring will be able to control the darkness more easily now, and their control is now perfect. The offspring can release a great wave of dark impact that will destroy everything and cause great damage to all beings in an area of a block, shoot a dense and powerful beam of energy and release a cut of darkness that will cut everything in its path. All of these attacks are capabilities to destroy vibranium.
Level 81-100: Lilith's offspring at night and in dark places will have a 200% bonus on all her attributes. The offspring will be able to control the darkness more easily now, and their control is now on a global scale. The offspring can turn completely into shadows and become able to control dark energy freely.
Mother of Vampires
Lilith is often related to vampirism, being the mother of succubi and incubi and also being the one who gave Cain vampire powers. The offspring will also have vampiric powers.
Level 01-30: The offspring will have the respect of other beings who have vampiric powers. Your relationship with blood allows you to see, or rather, feel the blood flow of other beings easily. The offspring also have the ability to turn into bats and have no need to sleep like other demigods, not to mention their soul has great resistance. Unlike other vampires, you will have no problem walking in the sunlight.
Level 31-60: The offspring can regenerate their wounds by consuming blood from their enemies, in addition to restoring 50% energy and will get a 50% bonus on all powers. The offspring also acquire the ability to control bats, which will attack enemies and cause minor injuries to them.
Level 61-90: Bats in the service of the offspring will become completely black (from their vampiric energy) and can serve the offspring in a variety of ways, either by taking the offspring and their allies elsewhere and also conducting electricity, which can easily affect enemies . She will also be able to suck people's blood and make them vampiric servants in the service of the offspring for 5 rounds (affects everyone with lesser levels than the offspring).
Cursed Serpent
Lilith was responsible for tempting Eva, saying that she owned a snake or became a snake for such an act. The offspring, because of this fact, acquired skills related to snakes and snakes.
Level 01-20: The offspring will be able to speak the language of the snakes, being able to ask their help for simple tasks to them. When you ask them for a favor, they acquire a mental link with them, being able to communicate telepathically, speak to them in the human language and see / feel things through them. However, if the snakes are killed, the offspring will experience a little headache. Any normal snake or monster can be tamed by the offspring if it wishes, as long as it is strong enough to do so. Since Lilith was the one who tried to Eva to commit her sin, the offspring will have a great lust, knowing how to try any being of a lower level than herself, less fallen children and creations of angels and higher than these.
Level 21-40: The offspring will have 10 snakes inside, small ones up to 6 meters in length. They will only obey the offspring, which may allow them to leave their bodies and help fight, their scales having the resistance of titanium. They will have a poison that will make the enemy's member numb and unable to be moved by him.
Level 41-60: The offspring will have 50 snakes inside them, being able to manifest them as normal snakes or as shadowy forms of them, being able to arrest the enemy and crush them with their strength or to pierce them as if they were arrows. The poison causes a strong burn in the place where it was bitten, spreading slowly while causing internal damage within the enemy. The offspring itself will also have the ability to launch a poison sphere that will explode a few seconds later, infecting everyone in the area. Even those with immunity to poison will find it difficult to breathe in this poison smoke.
Level 61-80: The offspring will have 100 snakes inside them. Offspring can infect enemies weaker than themselves with their snakes. The animal inside the enemy's body can cause damage and can roam freely. When the offspring orders (without the need for energy to do so), the snake will leave the victim's body, exploding its belly.
Lullaby comes from "Lilith abi", which means "Lilith go away", a song used to make children or said that they would be devoured by the devil. Lilith's offspring became able to use her singing for other purposes.
Level 1-30: When singing, all of your victims will fall into a deep sleep that will last as long as they continue to sing. With its melody, the offspring will be able to manipulate what their victims will dream, and may have beautiful dreams or terrible nightmares.
Level 31-60: When singing, the offspring can make all their enemies have an indescribable fear for them and their allies, leaving them unable to move, think or do anything else against them.
Level 61-90: When singing, the offspring can make their enemies fall into the illusion they want, remaining in it for as long as they continue to sing, even though their victims can no longer hear them singing.
Level 91-120: When singing, the offspring can cause their victims to have all their senses reduced considerably, their powers to be limited to the basics, in addition to having their minds and spirits affected (they will suffer damage). This song will take the victims of this song to the brink of death, but to conclude the song, the offspring must focus entirely on the song and its targets. This attack cannot be prevented by covering the ears or bursting the eardrums, as this attack goes directly to the enemy's brain.
Level 121-150: When singing, the offspring can make their enemy hear no sound, which would naturally make them go a little crazy, however, singing the second part of the song, they will only be able to hear a terrible and extremely humming hum. loud that will make you pass out in 2 rounds or die when your brain is blown up by the volume of the sound in 3 rounds.
Level 151-180: This chant will use almost all of Lilith's offspring energy and can only be used once per mission / saga. When singing, the dark and demonic energy of the offspring will roam the entire area that is corrupting and consuming all the attacks of others and stealing everyone's energy there while causing terrible damage to everyone in that place, leaving them on the verge of death. Those with high resistance will have slightly reduced damage.
Active Powers
One of the powers Lucifer gave Lilith on one of his visits to the devil, was control over the infernal flames; which their offspring ended up inheriting the ability to generate, control and shape them as they wish.
Level 01-10: Initially, Lilith's offspring can generate small potions from these flames, which can be shaped into fireballs or solid constructs. At this level, they can generate these flames into small fragments or particles which burn the skin of their victims slowly, as it mixes with air.
Level 11-25: You are able to release these flames in greater proportions now being able to release bursts of fire against your opponent, being able to control these flames better. The offspring are also able to control the heat around them and can increase the temperature to extreme levels.
Level 26-35: Your flames are able to materialize in an aura around your body that allows you to quickly burn everything that comes close.
Level 36-50: Achieves excellent control of these flames, being able to freely generate, control and shape them, but still not being able to affect the internal of their victims.
Level 51-99: You are now able to control the flames skillfully, being able to make an entire city devastated by these flames easily, managing to affect and manipulate the internal and external of your victims with these flames, creating combustion, etc.
Level 100-150: They acquire perfect control of the flames, being able to affect the whole planet with these flames and can increase the climate in the whole planet if desired and among other feats.
Note: Being flames from hell, they naturally affect the souls of their enemies and can easily burn them, once your body / soul is burned by them, it takes at least 24 hours for all wounds to heal (slowly) because even powers of healing or regeneration do not work very well when exposed to these flames. These flames can burn inanimate materials such as metals, diamonds and so on.
Level 01-10: The offspring can easily manipulate the air from the beginning, and can generate drafts that lift things up to the weight of the offspring without too many problems. Thus, the offspring will naturally be able to walk in the air and fly, as well as having elevated senses because of these, being able to hear things even more distant and feel with even more details everything she touches.
Level 11-25: Stronger, the offspring can generate stronger drafts, such as gusts capable of easily cutting titanium or launching enemies away. It is capable of making the air swirl rapidly around you, creating a strong defense around you.
Level 26-35: Now, the offspring will always be covered by an aura of light wind that will always heal their wounds, these being at most some serious, but not so deep. Its gusts of wind are capable of shaking structures with ease, being able to cut even constructions made of diamond.
Level 36-50: Become able to heat the air in such a way as to form illusions, become invisible or even generate plasma. Being able to do this, it can also make cold winds capable of freezing environments and even generating oxygen, and can only depend on your ability to breathe if you wish.
Level 51-99: At its maximum, you can turn your body into air for 3 rounds and rotate the air so fast to create a vacuum. Its winds are able to cut vibrenium easily, its wind currents bring down anyone, and can make powerful currents capable of destroying an entire city. Your cure is able to get you out of the half-death state.
Level 01-10: The offspring will be able to control storms and things related to that. In the beginning, it can create tornadoes (and the like) capable of devastating a city.
Level 11-25: The offspring can make a lightning storm capable of destroying a house with each ray.
Level 26-35: The offspring can summon a powerful mist that no one is able to see.
Level 36-50: Offspring can cause ice storms and intense snowfalls, capable of making thick layers of snow and freezing water almost instantly.
Level 51-99: Offspring can cause the strongest of storms, combining everything they already have, plus rough seas, intense storms and destructive winds.
Lucifer's Blessing
Lilith had received some powers from the Devil himself from Lucifer in one of his encounters. Such demonic powers the Lilith offspring inherited.
Level 1-30: The blessing will allow the offspring to transform their human arm into a demonic one, which emanates from a bluish light while covered by red plaques. The arm allows you to pull enemies close or pull yourself close to them (both also apply to objects), make a larger ghostly projection of it that does more damage, attack with electricity (fist wrapped in electricity), absorb energy from attacks and return it in the form of a sphere with the same power (either if its level, less angelic, of an attack per round).
Level 31-60: The blessing allows the offspring to summon a demon servant, this one being small, with red skin, yellow eyes, small horns and a pointed tail, wearing a suit. He will obey only the offspring. Among his abilities he has the ability to fly, increase and decrease in size and become invisible, a cry capable of making those with up to 20 levels above the offspring paralyzed with fear, making them feel sad and guilty, inducing up to 2 rounds of insanity and possessing the body of others for 3 rounds, being able to know everything he knows without restriction, however he will not be able to use his powers, neither those of the victim, nor his (if the victim dies or is hit by an attack that affect the soul, the devil will not be affected).
Level 61-90: The blessing allows the offspring to perfectly handle hellish water, is having a purple hue, being identical to ordinary water in terms of physical properties, but this will absorb the energies of everyone who touches (except the offspring), not being it is possible to swim in it (it sinks and drowns) and when entering an individual's body, it drastically decreased his senses for 3 rounds and his attributes fall in half (including levels). Offspring can also generate water freely and transform it into ice, maintaining the characteristic of absorbing energy.
Level 91-120: The blessing allows the offspring to possess the body of any of their level (less creations of angels) without needing their permission and being able to use their abilities freely, as if they were their own. The possession lasts 5 rounds.
Succubus / Incubus
Lilith's children who died came back to life as Súbucos or Incubos. Lilith's offspring, just like her brothers, died at birth, but came back to life maintaining the human form and the same powers as her brothers, but because she is human, it will take time to awaken her full potential.
Level 01-30: The offspring can absorb their victims' energy through kisses or sexual acts, taking half of their energy and recovering a quarter of theirs, thus also being able to heal injuries. The offspring will be able to demonstrate elongated nails, their wings and their tail, these capable of easily piercing / cutting steel, being their natural weapons.
Level 31-60: The offspring can release sexual pheromones that will attract all those with lesser levels than themselves, now being able to absorb almost all of their victim's energy with their sexual acts, and restore half of their own, as well as heal half of their your injuries. Your natural weapons can now drill / cut diamond.
Level 61-90: The offspring can make their victim unconscious by having all their energy drained, restoring the offspring's energy almost completely and healing their wounds. Its natural weapons affect vibranium, in addition to its very powerful bite, its saliva containing a special substance that does not allow blood to clot, which can lead the victim to death in this way.
Level 91-120: The offspring can, if they so wish, easily kill their victim in this way, healing and completely restoring themselves. Its pheromones affect those with up to 30 levels above it. Your natural weapons can easily pierce / cut Divine Iron.
Moon phases
Lilith was adored in some regions of the world, always being related to night and darkness, as well as being assigned to the moon. The offspring may use a special power that will make the moon appear at a certain stage, thus causing an effect that will affect the entire surrounding area.
Level 01-30: New Moon
The image of a darkened moon. When you show this phase, the entire area will be covered by darkness that can only be controlled by Lilith's offspring. All attacks launched against the offspring by people up to 30 levels above them would be sent back against them. The offspring could also cause a big wave to appear, which will keep everyone off the offspring desired with the impact of it. When they are caught by the wave, when it goes down, they will find themselves trapped by the water that will be sticky and will not release them easily.
Level 31-60: Crescent Moon
The image of the partially grown moon (more than half). When showing this phase, the offspring and all their allies will have a high restoration of their energy, restoring one quarter of this per round. Attacks that involve the growth of a being or something will be faster, happening in half the time. With the crescent moon, attacks involving feelings will have a 50% bonus, those involving love will have a 100% bonus, healing skills will have a 75% bonus, abilities in general will be more likely to work and offspring when activating the ability once during the event you will receive double the prize (Drachmas and Dimas).
Level 61-90: Waning Moon
The image of the moon partially darkened (more than half). When you show this phase, time will slow down to 1/5 of your normal speed for the offspring, that is, everyone will seem to be slower. Those weaker than the offspring will have their powers reduced to basic liabilities, those at the same level as the offspring or up to 30 more levels will only be able to use the basic powers (passive and active). Skills that involve sound will be denied.
Level 91-120: Full Moon
The image of the totally white moon. When showing this phase, the offspring will be able to overcome all those with powers similar to hers, affecting those with up to 40 levels above her. In this phase, she will be able to freely manipulate the feelings of others, being able to totally corrupt them, making them bad. Strength and speed of the offspring and their allies will receive a 150% bonus.
Level 121-150: Blue Moon
The image of the blue moon. When showing off this rare phenomenon, the offspring will put their enemies in the illusion they want, make great friends turn against each other for selfish reasons. The phase of the moon will also cause attacks that take a certain amount of rounds to be executed in a given time.
Level 151-180: Shadowmoon
The image of the moon completely black. When showing this phase, the offspring will be without emotions, will not show any emotions, becoming immune to any type of ability that relates to such. The moon will also affect others who will be forced to tell you the truth, however much they try or want to hide, they will be true to their offspring, revealing even their darkest secrets. The offspring will also be able to spawn 3 dark versions of their enemies (like, there are 3 enemies, there will be 3 dark versions of them, there are only 1, only one version). The dark versions will have the same powers as the originals, but will have no feeling other than the worst of the enemies.
Level 181-210: Red Moon
The image of the red moon as blood. When you show this rare phenomenon, often related to disasters, an earthquake will start by tearing down enemies and creating cracks in the earth, potentially causing enemies to get stuck in it. The stars in the sky will be visible, even in daylight, and they will "fall" (it will be more like meteors) hitting enemies with a force capable of sweeping blocks easily.
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Blood Manipulation
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Since your mother created the vampires, and because the offspring themselves have vampiric powers, she will also have control over the blood.
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Level 01-20: The offspring will be able to handle blood on a small scale, that is, mainly around the offspring. It can create weapons and armor with the strength of steel. All blood around the offspring can be handled freely by the offspring up to a radius of 10 meters.
Level 21-40: The offspring will be able to manipulate blood on a medium scale, their constructs having the resistance of titanium. When injured, all blood from the offspring or ally will return to the body, closing the wound, leaving only a scar. It can affect blood in a large neighborhood area.
Level 41-60: The offspring will be able to manipulate blood on a large scale, their constructs having the resistance of the diamond. The offspring will be able to heal others from any injury, in any state with their blood, but by having the offspring's blood in their bloodstream, the cured will be able to be manipulated by the offspring through their blood, being her puppet. It can affect an entire city if you wish.
Level 61-80: The control of the offspring over the blood is perfect, its constructs have the resistance of adamantium. The offspring's "puppets" may now be forced to have their basic active powers against their will. Offspring can reach an entire country with their manipulation.
Level 81-100: Handling of offspring is global. Your constructs will have the vibranium resistance. The offspring will be able to draw the blood of all their victims and absorb it inside themselves, thus being able to store the same. Then the offspring can release that blood all at once, easily flooding a city like a tsunami, destroying everything in its path.
Demonic Transformation
After a certain level, the offspring acquire the capacity to transform. When this occurs, the skin of the offspring will have their skin turned to a metallic blue, as if it were metal, their eyes will be like those of a snake, having a bright blue color. Your chest (bust) will be surrounded by armor, as well as your shoulders and your hands, also receiving a belt and a helmet that will hide your hair, all in the black color of obsidian. Your legs will be replaced by a long snake shape with dark purple scales and metallic-colored plates.
Level 50-80: At this level, the offspring already acquire super sharp senses, being able to hear the sound of a rabbit breathing many meters below the ground, heat vision and the ability to discern small details of things very far away over great distances. If it becomes partially a snake, its skin will have the resistance equivalent to that of adamantium, its speed will be three times greater when transforming and its intimidating gaze will paralyze enemies, as if its vows had turned to stone.
Level 81-110: The offspring will now be able to demonstrate poisonous fangs that could cause the enemy to become paralyzed, hallucinate, a terrible fever and leave him on the verge of death. The offspring will acquire immunity to fear and poisons, as well as the ability to swim in the water at their normal speed without having to breathe.
Level 111-140: At its maximum, the offspring can release a cloud of poison that affects a large area, leaving the victims very weak. Immune to poison will burn in that cloud. With a cry, the offspring can generate an intense storm with strong winds, relentless rain and lightning at all times. In both powers, only the offspring will not be affected. Offspring can also consume people, their mouth opening wide enough for the person to pass through your mouth and into your stomach. The victim will be trapped inside the belly of the offspring who can release her if she wishes, but it must be done before the end of the transformation, otherwise the victim will be consumed by the offspring's body and die.
Note: The transformation lasts 5 rounds.
Level 90: Lilith was also related to owls, being referred to in the English versions of some texts as "screech owl", in translation "owl". The offspring will have the ability to summon an owl that can either fit in the palm of your hand or be three times the height of the offspring, in both forms and can carry the offspring. Its speed will be 2 times that of the offspring, having sharp and resistant claws and beak, having the resistance of vibranium and the ability to cut / drill the same. His vision is super sharp, being able to see things hidden in a dense forest even for miles away (even very high in terms of altitude), being able to see everything around him with up to twice the speed of the offspring. Owls are always related to spirits and the dead, so the owl of the offspring will be able to see spirits and go to the world of the dead and bring 3 dead to the world of the living for 3 rounds, being faithful to the offspring as long as they are there. The owl's scream will be deafening and can easily stun victims. The owl is also related to wisdom and mysteries, so that of the offspring will know everything that happened in the past and about all that existed in the world. Owls are also related to clairvoyance, so the owl may see up to 2 rounds in the future (2 times per event). thus, the offspring will know everything that happened in the past and about all that existed in the world. Owls are also related to clairvoyance, so the owl may see up to 2 rounds in the future (2 times per event). thus, the offspring will know everything that happened in the past and about all that existed in the world. Owls are also related to clairvoyance, so the owl may see up to 2 rounds in the future (2 times per event).
Note: If the offspring summons the owl and it dies anyway, the offspring cannot summon another one until the end of the event. The offspring can clearly understand the owl.
Demonic Form
Upon reaching its full potential, the offspring will release a new shape. Upon changing, the offspring's hair will become extremely black and their skin will turn pale like a corpse's, their eyes black with golden irises. You will have boots that go up to your thigh and gloves that cover your entire arm, all the pieces being as dark as the night pitch. The skin nails will come out of the offspring's body, having a purple color. Two black tentacles will also come from the back of the offspring that end in two large, sharp blades the color of the offspring's nails. In this form, the offspring have absolute control over the infernal fire, their speed will be 10 times that of the sound, with a mere physical contact being able to withdraw the energy of their victim and feed on them, restoring their strengths and citing their injuries, leaving the victim almost dead or even killing her if she wishes. Its claws and the tentacle blades can pierce Celestial Iron easily, inhibiting the regeneration of its enemies on the wounds caused by them and releasing a small amount of a substance that with enough brings the enemy into a coma.
Level 180-200: The transformation lasts 2 rounds.
Level 201-220: The transformation lasts 3 rounds.
Level 221-240: The transformation lasts 4 rounds.
Level 241-260: The transformation lasts 5 rounds.
Note: You can transform only once per event.