Loki (also known as Loke and / or possibly Lothur) is a god or giant in Norse mythology . God of trickery and mischief, he is also connected to magic and can take any form he wants. He does not belong to the Aesir , although he lives with them. It is often considered a symbol of evil , treacherous, of little confidence; and although their antics often cause short-term problems for the gods, they often benefit, in the end, from Loki's antics. He is among the most complex figures in Norse mythology.
He has a great sense of strategy and uses his skills for his interests, involving intrigue and complex lies. Being a mix of god and giant, his relationship with the other gods is troubled. According to Norse legends he would lead an army in Ragnarok. However, he is respected by Thor . He also helps Thor retrieve his Mjölnir hammer, stolen by the giants, obtains some of the most precious artifacts from the gods - such as Mjölnir herself, Odin's spear, Gungnir, Sif's golden hair and Freyr's magical ship, Skidbladnir.
The references to Loki are in Edda in verse , compiled in the 13th century from traditional sources, in Edda in prose and in Heimskringla , written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson . It also appears in Runic poems , poetry of scalds , and Scandinavian folklore. There are theories that connect the character with air or fire, and that he may be the same figure as the god Lóðurr , one of Odin's brothers. Composer Richard Wagner introduced the character with the Germanic name Loge in his opera tetralogy Der Ring des Nibelungen . However, this variation of the name actually refers to another Nordic character, the fire giant Logi , which reinforces his relationship with fire.
Appearance: Pale as snow, the sons of Loki appear sinister and maleficent, with most of the time clearly evil and harsh features. Their eyes are usually in rare cases green, but usually opaque, so differentiating the iris from the pupil is a more complex job than it should be. We are a family owned and operated business.
Personality: Like his father, Loki's descendants are introverted and mysterious. They are destined to start Ragnarok and are usually playful, sometimes making bad games. Usually, their presence causes chills in those close to them, as if they expelled a frightening aura. They usually have a strong temper, but they are not bullies or bullies.
Passive Powers
High Speed
Loki was classified as one of the gods of war, the Aesir, but he was not a combatant type like Thor or Odin, who were more powerful. Loki was quick, cunning, being faster than strong. Your offspring will have high speed and agility.
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Level 01-10: The speed is 300 km / h, being able to dodge attacks with twice your speed.
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Level 11-25: The speed is 600 km / h.
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Level 26-35: The speed is 900 km / h.
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Level 36-50: The speed is 1200 km / h.
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Level 51-99: The speed is 1500 km / h, being able to dodge attacks with three times its speed.
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Level 100-150: The speed is 1800 km / h.
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Level 151-200: The speed is 2100 km / h.
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Level 201-250: The speed is 2400 km / h.
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Level 251-300: The speed is 2700 km / h, being able to dodge attacks with four times its speed.
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Giant God
Loki lived among the gods, but he is always classified as a giant. Regarding belonging to one race or the other, both have incredible characteristics, which both Loki and his offspring have, because by blood Loki is a giant, but in terms of power he is equivalent to a god, being one of the most powerful among the Jotunn.
Level 1-10: Having been born in Jotunheim, often portrayed as a cold environment, in addition to being a mountain range in Norway whose peak is one of the places with the lowest temperature on the planet, Loki's offspring will show immunity to cold and ice. Like his father, despite the fact that he is not a brute warrior like Thor, he has a force capable of destroying steel with his bare hands, being able to resist attacks that destroy cars and continue doing a physical activity such as running for hours, without getting tired. It also has the ability to heal minor injuries.
Level 11-25: Being a Jotunn, Loki's offspring will have a great deal of knowledge about the giants, their history, their customs, including their land, above any deity who had wisdom and knowledge. His strength makes him capable of breaking titanium with his hands, being able to withstand the destruction of a house and to continue fighting even if he expends large amounts of energy, showing that he has an abnormal amount of energy or a lower expenditure when compared to other demigods. It also has the ability to heal medium wounds
Level 26-35: Jotunn, in certain texts, also includes the fire giants, inhabitants of Muspelheim, so Loki's offspring will also know about them. Giants also show a slow aging when compared to other demigods for being a giant. The strength of the offspring allows it to easily destroy diamonds with bare hands, allowing the offspring to withstand attacks that destroy entire buildings and can go days without having to eat or fulfill any physiological needs that ordinary humans need. It also has the ability to heal deep wounds.
Level 36-50: Jotunn are usually translated as Ice Giants, always presented with ice-related powers. Like a Jotun, the offspring will have a very cold breath, capable of generating a thick layer of ice with their breath, even capable of freezing an entire neighborhood of that pore. The strength of the offspring allows him to destroy adamanium with his bare hands, being able to resist the destruction of blocks easily, being a complete anomaly, having his needs reduced to the maximum. It also has the ability to heal serious injuries in a matter of seconds.
Level 51-99: The Jotun, both those of ice and fire, have always shown a deep hatred for the gods. Being one of their children and one of the strongest, the offspring will be able to concentrate all their anger and fury and then they will be enveloped in blue flames, as cold as the offspring's breath, granting them 50% more speed and ability to make the ground crack and sink with a single step. This state will last for 2 rounds, and will need 4 rounds to be used again. Even outside this state of fury, the offspring can easily break off vibranium with their hands, resisting attacks that completely destroy a city. His father had been trapped in a cave, from which he could not leave until the beginning of Ragnarok, with nothing to eat or drink, showing an ability to stay long periods without eating or drinking without suffering from it,
Be Smart
Loki has always shown himself, whether in mythology or in the media, as a highly intelligent being. He was so clever and cunning that the gods always suspected him, avoiding interacting with him whenever possible. The intelligence of the Giant God will be passed on to your offspring.
Level 01-50: The offspring is more intelligent than any other human being around them since birth, being able to perform extremely complex faster than the fastest computers ever developed. Your mind gives you an immense capacity for learning and memorizing, being able to easily learn techniques and skills until you reach the level of mastery of someone who has learned for years, without any mistake like a fighting style or a language, having full knowledge of the human world and the worlds of its mythology besides being a great strategist.
Level 51-100: Upon reaching this level, the offspring's mind is a free space for them to create, having an absurd perception capacity in addition to invention, they can perceive what other people want or think without the need to read the mind of them, just looking at his face and observing the same, you can almost see behind that person just by looking at him. He is also able to fight several people with the same problem without problems, in addition to having high instincts and the ability to learn only from looking once, as long as it is not a god skill or purchased.
Mastery of Spears and Blades
Level 01-50: Due to their natural intelligence, the offspring will have, from an early age, the maximum mastery of weapons that humans can have, in this case with the spears and any type of blade that exists.
Level 51-100: When their intelligence reaches its maximum, the offspring reach the limit of the mastery of spears and blades, their movements being more than perfect and they reach the point that impossible movements can be made with them.
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Loki has always been presented as a great manipulator, whether in his lies or in his ability to convince others to help with his crazy plans, such as the time he convinced Thor to wear a wedding dress to pass for Freya and retrieve his hammer .
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Level 01-10: From an early age the offspring is already an apt manipulator. With your words you can surprise the enemy, being able to say things so absurd so suddenly that it is impossible to predict and he will say. This ability will leave the enemy confused for a few seconds.
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Level 11-25: The offspring's lies come out of your mouth as naturally as truths come out, and it is not even possible to discern when you are being sincere or not. Even the craziest of the offspring can put others in doubt about the truth of their words.
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Level 26-35: With your words, you can influence the opinions and decisions of others, even if your words are not welcome, they will still remain in people's minds, unable to ignore your words. Your words can also deeply offend someone, sparking both fury and shame in others.
Level 36-50: With your words, the offspring can incite conflicts between great allies or cease them between deep rivals. His voice already reaches a large number of people, and can make humans and demigods weaker than he would obey him unconsciously, even without any reason to do so.
Level 51-99: The voice of the offspring will now sound like the voice of people's conscience, urged to listen to their advice and suggestions, very tempted to follow them, whether they are good or not. The mask that the offspring wears when lying is so secret, realistic and sincere that not even the gods will be able to see what goes on in the offspring's mind, unable to see their actions. Demigods of your level and mythological monsters will unconsciously hear the words of the offspring, following your orders without realizing it.
Level 100-150: The words of the offspring can deceive whoever is their declared enemy, they can deceive even the offspring itself. The offspring can make their enemies stop feeling pain, making them believe that it is just as false as they can make themselves, as well as making enemies that they do not have certain powers (two passive and two active, not including divine form) for up to 3 rounds. Demigods up to 20 levels stronger than the offspring and minor deities will be passive to obey orders from the offspring inconveniently.
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Combat Master
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Loki is classified as an Aesir, a god of war, a warrior, although not as capable in brute force when compared to Thor. But Loki has participated in fights, showing he has knowledge in combat as when he fought against Heimdall and prolonged the fight for a long time.
Level 01-20: The offspring will have great knowledge in martial arts, reaching the level of being equivalent to that of a human master in this area.
Level 21-40: The offspring will naturally be able to block attacks and immediately counterattack, hitting enemies' vital points in order to reduce the enemy's defense by 1 quarter.
Level 41-60: The offspring acquire the largest field of view, being able to see up to 360 ° around them, and can even defend themselves from attacks behind them easily.
Level 61-80: The offspring acquire the ability to reach vital points of other people, which can cause great damage when reaching certain places, as well as immobilizing limbs and restraining others. Points are the places where the energy of a person or demigod flows, so when you reach those points, you can generate these effects.
Level 81-100: At its maximum, the offspring reaches the maximum mastery of martial arts, being better than any master who has ever existed on the face of the earth.
Loki is a very treacherous being, he was a thief because he entered several places and stole what he wanted and was also a crafty killer, since he managed to kill Baldur who was already considered impossible to be hit by anything, still managing to do the other be guilty. These skills will be passed on to the demigod.
Level 01-10: A killer without good locomotion skills can easily be caught, so the offspring has always had a sense of balance and space, being able to move quickly through an environment through parkour movements, capable of climbing almost all surfaces and balance. Sneak attacking will do more damage to the enemy.
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Level 11-25: The offspring are extremely stealthy and can easily disguise themselves in the crowd without appearing to be there. His steps make no sound, his intentions are completely hidden, even his feelings are not visible to those who know him.
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Level 26-35: The offspring acquire the ability to hear very distant and low sounds as long as they are up to 50 meters away from them. The offspring can quickly approach someone and steal any item they have without being able to feel it.
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Level 36-50: The offspring can set traps that take the lives of others easily, making the death look like an accident or someone else's fault, either by throwing the evidence against that person or making them do the job dirty. The offspring can also discreetly hit someone when passing close to that person without their feeling.
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Level 51-99: The offspring develops a sixth sense that serves more as a special vision. It generates and releases an undetectable wave of energy that allows you to find people, beings or clues depending on the objective of the people. The wave also changes the aura of people in the eyes of the offspring, with the blue colored allies, enemy reds and gold being the offspring's different targets / objectives.
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Level 100-150: At this level, when faced with several enemies, if not in their field of view, the offspring can attack one from behind and thus start a chain of murders, moving at such a speed that it almost looks like a teleportation , appearing right behind the victim, with the weapon practically already embedded in the victim's body, being almost impossible to deflect, only if he has a higher level than his offspring. All sneak attacks by the offspring will inhibit healing abilities, causing the wound to continue to bleed.
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Level 151-200: Upon reaching this point, the offspring acquire the ability that with clapping hands can stun the enemy. Being within 10 meters of the enemies, it will leave them a little confused. Being 5 meters from these, you can leave them stunned, with aching heads and ears buzzing. Less than 2 meters from the enemy, it can leave you paralyzed. Standing right next to or in front of him, you can make the enemy pass out. All effects last for 3 rounds, but unconsciousness will last for up to 5 rounds.
Mental stamina
Due to the complexity that is Loki both in mythology and in the new media, it becomes a complex being to interpret, being unable to say whether it is good or bad, even considering its actions. The god's great wit and intelligence makes him an unknown person before others. So, that trait will also be attributed to your offspring.
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Level 01-20: The offspring's mind is so complex that it is highly resistant to mental reading or mental invasion. It also has the capacity to perceive illusions and hallucinations, although it cannot escape the first.
Level 21-40: It has high resistance to hypnosis and hallucinations, also quite resistant to the manipulation of its memories.
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Level 41-60: It has high resistance to the manipulation of your emotions and desires.
Level 61-80: It has high resistance to illusions, being able to escape from it in up to 2 rounds. It will also have high resistance to the mental control of others.
Level 81-100: Has high resistance to mental attacks.
Level 101-120: Upon reaching this level, the offspring acquire a mental immunity to everything that involves their mind or their feelings, this can only be broken by those with absolute control and a level higher than their own. It can still be affected by your own lie.
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When invited to stay at Utgard-Loki's house during a trip with Thor and two other young men, they had to fulfill a challenge to entertain the giant and his companions, which was done through competitions. Loki went against the fire itself (this one in disguise) in a competition of those who ate faster, against the fire the giant lost, but left everyone impressed with the speed he ate. He himself declared himself to be the one who ate the most and ate the fastest among the gods. The offspring will have the same monstrous appetite as your father.
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Level 01-10: When eating, the offspring can heal 25% of all their injuries.
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Level 11-25: When eating, the offspring can increase their strength by 25%.
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Level 26-35: When eating, the offspring will be able to heal 50% of all their injuries.
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Level 36-50: By eating the offspring you can increase your strength by 50%.
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Level 51-99: When eating, the offspring will be able to increase all their attributes by 100%, also healing all their wounds.
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Level 100-150: When eating, the offspring can increase all their attributes by 200%. From that level, the offspring can also restore 50% of their energy.
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One of the terms that scholars use to characterize Loki is Trickster. Trickster are classified in mythology, folklore and religion as beings of great intelligence, who take people and disobey rules and norms of behavior. These characteristics are very striking traits in Loki, someone who does not respect others, breaks rules and norms, cheats and deceives those around him. Trickster is also known as an agent of chaos. These characteristics inherited by your offspring allow you some skills that are as natural as breathing.
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Level 01-25: The offspring can enter and leave any place they wish, no matter where they are, if they are blocked by magic or physical objects. He will be able to enter places like this, as well as easily steal items and exchange them for others without realizing it.
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Level 26-50: The offspring will have a rune planted on the bottom of their feet that is always activated, with no need for the offspring to even think about it. The rune will allow the offspring to dodge attacks quickly, fleeing from it for a safe distance, like a sprint that exists in games.
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Level 51-75: The rune at the foot of the offspring now allows her to take a double jump, reaching up to 15 meters in height that way.
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Level 76-100: At its maximum, the offspring can even enter and leave divine dimensions, enter barriers without being detected and break any rules imposed by others, being able to choose to obey it or not.
Active Powers
Magic Energy Manipulation
In some media, Loki is represented manipulating his energy to make attacks, however that energy is his own, which has a magical character. The offspring can manipulate their energy in the same way, with time having consequences for enemies and allies.
Level 01-20: The offspring can exert some of their own energy, thus being able to form small spheres of energy which they can manipulate and shoot at their enemies, having the power to easily destroy steel.
Level 21-40: The offspring can make larger spheres of energy by being able to express more of their magical energy. Now they can easily destroy titanium and the offspring can assign different curses to it. The first curse that can be applied is the person affected will be, necessarily, transformed into an animal, being without his powers for up to 3 rounds. The offspring can keep changing the person's shape as they wish, but this does not affect the time of the curse that will normally pass as if they had received the first one.
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Level 41-60: The offspring can model their energy in constructs with diamond resistance. The second curse is that the person affected will appear with a purple mark on their bodies. For 4 rounds, the mark will be sucking the enemy's physical and vital energy, causing it to tire quickly, in addition to making the victim feel terrible pain throughout the body. Non-cumulative round times.
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Level 61-80: The offspring can make weapons through their energy as well as their constructs naturally, having resistance from adamantium. The third curse is withdrawal of the senses. The more the enemy is hit by the energy spheres, the more and more senses he will lose, until only his body is breathing, he is unable to think in that state or feel anything. Weaker than him will be up to 6 rounds this way, those of his level up to 4, and the strongest 2 rounds.
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Level 81-100: The offspring can make any construct, until they make these animated ones (that move alone, like animals), having the resistance of the vibranium. The fourth curse is the person will be controlled by the offspring as if it were a puppet in the hands of the offspring, obeying their commands without being able to question or resist. The control will last 5 rounds for those of your level and 2 for those stronger than the offspring. It is enough for the offspring to think that their victim will do as they say.
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Level 101-120: The offspring can make their energy transform into physical objects (before it was energy with a shape, now the energy will transform into a real object / being), having the resistance of the vibranium, however this will not affect the curses, which will continue to function normally. The fifth curse is the enemy will be thrown into a state of Berserker, leaving him extremely aggressive and completely out of control, the victim still being aware of what he is doing, but unable to control his body, attacking friends and enemies. Not even the offspring can control it. The victim will have a 200% bonus on all of his attributes, which will make his body extremely tired after the end of the curse that will last for 5 rounds.
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Loki has always been shown to have magical abilities, among them that of creating illusions or the like that were very useful to him in the most necessary moments. The offspring, like their father, will be an expert illusionist.
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Level 01-20: The offspring generate simple illusions, through their speech, can leave the person in a state of hypnosis, being able to change their conception about something, being able to make people see differently or affect all their senses, making for example the person "see" things upside down.
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Level 21-40: The offspring can do, within a large area, can create an illusion that alters the environment, and can even bring up warriors (these intangibles) for not being real and hide themselves and their allies in hallucination. The illusion affects even immune because it does not affect the minds, but the environment around.
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Level 41-60: The offspring can now make up to 8 of their clones at the same time, all with the powers that the original. They will act together with the offspring, together combining their powers to increase the offspring's power by 75%, or they can be sent to other locations at the same time as the offspring, with the offspring being able to see and hear what their copies see and hear . The offspring also acquire the ability to, when they are hit by an attack, exchange their body for that of an enemy, one taking the form of the other in this way for 3 rounds. In other words, the enemy takes the damage in its place, and its shape will be transformed into that of the offspring.
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Level 61-80: Offspring can cause powerful illusions, capable of putting their enemies into illusions so realistic that it is impossible to discern reality, even for those capable of identifying illusions. Anyone who is in the offspring of the offspring will be unable to escape from it unless they discover in some way that it is an illusion or if the offspring sets it free.
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Level 81-100: The offspring acquire the ability to make illusions so powerful that they can even torture their victim in the illusion that they will feel in their body, after being released, as if they had actually been tortured, or else kill the victim in the illusion , leading to a state of insanity for up to 5 rounds, this state affecting even immune.
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Like his blood-sworn brother Odin, Loki also displayed a wide variety of magical powers. Your offspring, in turn, will also display magical powers.
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Level 1-10:
Arrows of Light: The offspring can create two dozen arrows of light, which they can launch at enemies and when hitting them, will slow them down, slow them down for 1 round, as if they were in slow motion.
Electric Arrows: The offspring can create two dozen arrows of electricity, which it can launch at enemies and upon striking them, will cause a strong explosion that will throw the enemy away.
Spinning Arrows: The offspring can create a dozen of these arrows that will fly to their enemy, but they will be generating at a high speed, thus making them stronger, capable of piercing metals and overcoming resistance that the offspring cannot (for example, if offspring can break steel, arrows can pierce titanium).
Level 11-25:
Mana Shield: The offspring can generate a shield with the same resistance as the offspring, being able to generate up to 5 inside each other.
Loki Chains: The offspring can generate ropes with the same resistance as the offspring, which will stay for up to 3 rounds, holding the enemy.
Rotational Explosion: The offspring can generate a large sphere with its mana (it spends little energy from the offspring), which will begin to spin and gain even more power. Keeping it spinning for one round allows it to destroy the metal that corresponds to the resistance of the offspring, for two rounds, one metal above the resistance of the offspring, for three rounds, two metals above the resistance of the offspring.
Level 26-35:
Vital Breathing: The offspring can generate from part of their energy in healing energy, being able to heal medium wounds and to ease curses (only in living beings) or debuffs. Using multiple times can drain offspring's energy completely, but heal serious injuries and nullify curses / debuffs. It can be used on itself.
Foot Feathers: The offspring can perform a spell that will make wings appear on their feet, causing them to fly to great heights at the same speed they can fly.
Runic Mine: The offspring can implant runes on the ground (they will be invisible after being implanted, unable to be located except by the offspring), which will explode when the enemy steps on them.
Level 36-50:
Crystal Dimension: Offspring can generate a parallel dimension where outsiders cannot see outside, and time passes more slowly, up to 5 times more slowly. Nothing that happens within the dimension will affect the outside. Can be used 3 times per event, and those stronger than offspring can escape.
Combat Orbs: The offspring can generate 3 orbs with energies of different abilities, which can assist in combat, one being able to launch rays of ice, other fireballs and the third being able to absorb powers capable of destroying even cities and then releasing energy in an explosion that will destroy the orb. The offspring can invoke these blows together (that is, if one is destroyed, they can only invoke new blows when all the others have been destroyed) and only 3 times per event.
Level 51-99:
Magic League: The offspring will be able to place magical runes on their allies, which cannot be negated by any power to be placed, and the offspring will always be able to know where they are. The league can also be used on your enemies.
Teleport: The offspring can teleport to a place they already know or where they feel their allies / enemies are.
Muggle: The offspring will pose a ridiculous, random and unpredictable pose, thus activating the magic. Upon seeing this pose, the enemy will be so confused that he will be paralyzed for 2 rounds, unable to move or reason. It only works if the enemy is looking at the offspring.
Level 100-150:
Minesweeper: An evolution of the Runic Mine, the offspring will now be able to plant several runes at once, within a radius of 10 meters around them, which will maintain the same characteristics as the previous one, but will be in motion. Can be used 2 times per event.
Chains of Guilt: An evolution of Loki Chains, still with the same characteristics as the previous ones, but sealing the powers of those from the level of the offspring and taking to level 1 the powers of those stronger than the offspring.
Infinite Arrows: An evolution of the arrows used in the first level, these can be made to a large quantity that gives the impression of being infinite, being able to combine the Rotating Arrows with those of Light or Electric Arrows to achieve different effects.
Level 151-200:
Ragnarok: One of the supreme spells. The offspring must place around 9 of their magic runes around their enemy, so for the spell to work. Each rune will release 1 of 9 elements (fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, ice, light, darkness and magma), surrounding the enemy and then approaching it, hitting it at once. This power costs a lot of energy and can be used once per saga, but it is capable of destroying Divine Iron completely.
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Fire Manipulation
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Loki, despite being a giant from Jotunheim, a cold land, was considered to be the god of fire, a god with fire powers, powers of manipulation that were passed on to his offspring.
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Level 1-20: The offspring cannot yet generate their own fire, however they can manipulate the fire of any kind that is around them. The offspring will be able to increase it considerably and to manipulate it freely, but incapable of making constructs.
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Level 21-40: The offspring can generate their own flames, which can make constructs with the flames with the resistance of titanium.
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Level 41-60: The offspring can control the flames on a large scale, being able to cover themselves completely with flames as well as make constructs of these with the resistance of the diamond.
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Level 61-80: The offspring can handle the flames perfectly, being able to make constructs with the resistance of adamantium.
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Level 81-100: The offspring can manipulate the flames on a global scale, being able to drastically increase the temperature to a suffocating level without the offspring being affected by it.
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Loki, like other deities, has the ability to metamorphose, that is, to change shape. This ability allows him to change his shape to whatever he wants, even changing his clothes among others.
Level 01-10: Can transform itself into any existing animal.
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Level 11-25: Can transform itself into creatures that are extinct and into medium sized objects.
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Level 26-35: Can transform into mythical creatures of any size.
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Level 36-50: Can adapt your body with parts of items or animals, or even mythical creatures, becoming a true adaptive chemist.
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Level 51-99: Can morph into any items, having no powers, only his physical abilities. It also manages to metamorphose into people, just by observing their physiognomy, either through photos or in person.
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Level 100-150: Upon reaching its maximum, the offspring can transform into any being that it wants, but it can also combine characteristics of any animal or be mythological, being able to use its abilities freely in this way (for example, it became a snake with a dragon head, will have the snake venom and the dragon fire spit).
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Telepathic Powers
Level 80: Upon reaching this level, the offspring acquire the ability to use their magical energy to use telepathic powers, among them connecting their mind to others, thus listening to what the other thinks and vice versa, reading the minds of others, influence the minds and feelings of others, see memories, and destroy the minds of enemies, driving those of your level to madness or unconsciousness and making those stronger than him to have a terrible headache.
Phantom Menace
Even though the Aesires knew Loki's history, they could never predict when he was going to make one of his own, they didn't even see it when he made some strange move. Even Heimdall did not realize what Loki was going to do at Freya's palace, only to discover that his plan was to steal the necklace from the goddess when he was already running away with it. Thus, the threat of offspring will never be seen until it is too late.
Level 1-40: The offspring cannot have their future read, nor can they be predicted, since it is impossible to predict their movements, intentions or actions in any way. The offspring can also "camouflage" themselves among other people, walk through the crowd without being noticed there.
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Level 41-80: The offspring can become invisible and can remain so for up to 4 rounds.
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Level 81-120: Offspring can completely hide their presence and cannot be detected by anyone other than at least 20 levels above them.
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When Ragnarok starts, Loki will sail the ship called Nagflar, this one made with the nails of the dead. Next to him will be the giant captain Hrym, who will command the giants for the final battle, but Loki will have his own army under his command, an army of the dead under his command. They will be Draugr, holding strength and speeds equivalent to that of the offspring, and with ferocity greater than their offspring.
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Level 1-10: The offspring will be able to summon 10 of these Draugr.
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Level 11-25: The offspring will be able to summon 20 of these Draugr.
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Level 26-35: The offspring will be able to summon 40 of these Draugr.
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Level 36-50: The offspring will be able to summon 80 of these Draugr.
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Level 51-99: The offspring will be able to summon 160 of these Draugr.
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We are a family owned and operated business.
Cursed Trickster Mode
The offspring will acquire a transformation, in which they will be dressed in a bluish-colored suit with simple and light leather armor protecting it, but will have the resistance of adamantium. The outfit also includes a hood and a mask that cover your face.
Level 15-45: The offspring will have the capacity to increase and decrease in size, maintaining their strength and speed, which in the transformation double. The offspring will have at their disposal a pair of daggers with the same resistance as the armor, which the offspring can freely manipulate in their hand, throw them to hit enemies and then summon them back to their hand.
Level 46-75: Offspring the ability to create new hands, up to 9 more hands / feet from any part of their body or any surface within a radius of 10 meters, in addition to being able to create up to 3 of their clones, with the same powers as offspring. Clones can fight in the place of offspring against anyone and at the moment of their death, it will explode, with enough force to blow up a building.
Level 76-105: The transformed offspring, at their maximum, can copy and use the powers of their enemies until the end of their transformation, losing the ability to use them when they lose the transformation. Offspring also acquire the ability to alter gravity, up to 50 times the gravity of the earth, without being affected by it.
Note: The offspring can remain in this transformation for 5 rounds.
Jotunar Items
Loki is known for stealing things belonging to other people and taking them for himself. Many of these items are not highlighted, but the offspring may call on some of these items to help you in battle. The offspring can invoke these 1 time per event.
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Level 01-20:
Reiði Jotunns: It is a reddish-colored crystal. When you invoke it, the crystal will give you 25% magic bonus (ie magic energy bonus) and physical strength, decrease the enemy's resistance to magic powers and each round will restore 10% of the offspring's magical energy.
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Level 21-40:
Hjarta leit: It is a spear made of gold, with the same resistance as the offspring. When you invoke it, the spear can be used to attack and with each attack, its damage will increase by 10%, further injuring the enemy and when attacking the same opponent, it acquires the ability to overcome your defense and that of everyone who has resistance equivalent.
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Level 41-60:
Blóðþyrsta: It is a set of daggers with special elements. One has the element of fire (it will set the enemy on fire), the other is ice (it will create a thick layer of ice in the place it hits) and the third is darkness (it will inject darkness into the wound and it will cause internal pain and make it impossible to move right if reaches a member or similar). The daggers can be launched and will fly until they hit the enemy, being guided.
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Level 61-80:
Erfðir Risastór: It is a sapphire of brilliant color. When invoking it, the stone will remove all the disadvantages imposed on the offspring (like, make it slower, weaker, sleepy, among others) and make it immune to other disadvantages that could be placed on it later.
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Level 81-100:
Kátur Töframannsins: It is a violet cover with platinum details. The cape will decrease the damage of magic attacks by 75% and hitting the attack with the cape's fabric will fully reflect the attack back to the enemy that attacked it.
Level 101-120:
Vopn Fjall: It is a silver colored hammer / ax, carved on the handle and on his head with runes. The weapon, when used to attack the enemy, will decrease his resistance at the time of the attack, ignoring any buffs he may have used.
Level 121-140:
Vaktarmaður: It is a pyramid made of crystal, semi-transparent. By invoking this item, it will allow the offspring to predict the fate of everything around them within a radius of 10 meters, that is, the offspring will be able to see what will happen a few seconds (for the offspring will pass milliseconds) in the future at the location they are in, no someone's or your own, but the location. With it, the offspring will also be able to see through an enemy's attack, thus being able to avoid it entirely (similar to being immune to it) once they know it, but they will only be able to do it with one attack at a time.
Note: The effects of items on the offspring, such as crystal, sapphire, cape and pyramid, will lose their effect as soon as they are taken from the offspring and will disappear. Weapons such as the spear, daggers and hammer can be destroyed and will not disappear when removed from the hands of the offspring. Whether they are removed from the offspring or destroyed, the offspring will not be able to summon them again until the end of the event.
Form of the False God
Ao chegar nesse nível, a prole despertará uma transformação especial. Sua pele se tornará branca como a neve, seu cabelo crescerá, chegando até a sua cintura e ficando na cor roxa, e seus olhos irão adquirir a cor rosada, com a pupila se tornando vermelha. A prole será revestida por uma armadura negra e dourada com jóias da cor de seus olhos a adornando, tendo um escudo no braço esquerdo. A prole também receberá uma lança de cabo preto, e ponta da arma dourada e prateada, tendo uma jóia da cor de seus olhos na ponta da arma e uma fita vermelha no cabo. A arma pode criar ondas de choque poderosas que desgastam campos inteiros facilmente, além desta ter a resistência do Ferro Divino como a armadura. A prole adquire a velocidade de 9 Mach e a força o suficiente para destruir Ferro Divino, bem como resistir a ataques que devastam um país. A prole adquire controle absoluto sobre o fogo e ilusões.
Level 180-200: The transformation lasts 2 rounds.
Level 201-220: The transformation lasts 3 rounds.
Level 221-240: The transformation lasts 4 rounds.
Level 241-260: The transformation lasts 5 rounds.
Note: Can only be used once per event. No one can lift the spear other than the offspring, so whoever tries to lift it will feel that it is so heavy that they will not be able to get it off the ground.
It is able to reveal the deepest truths of someone's soul with just one cut. When used, it does not necessarily kill or injure someone ... however, wounds from the truth are much more painful than physical wounds.
Cheater's Staff
A golden staff about 1m long with a griffin claw holding a purplish sphere at one end and with a retractable poisoned blade at the other end, the poison changes according to the owner's will. When in possession of a son of Loki, it serves as an infinite battery powered by lost souls that his father won in bets, giving the cheater more magic ability. His stone of the night has a unique ability, it was given by Hel, sister of the child and goddess of death, giving his brother basic control of the shadows and primordial souls to maintain power in the family.
Daggers of Eternal Suffering
Daggers with their silver blade and handle with trolley leather dyed black. It looks like a common dagger that you can find anywhere, but this one has the most accurate cut in existence, if the user stabs someone in the back, the damage will be doubled, usually causing a paralysis of the limb or in certain cases, loss of respiratory function. stabbed.
Green Snake
Level 20: The snake is capable of making fast leaps and when biting the enemy, it will make it enter into a process of hypnotic trance by the snake; standing completely still.
Level 30: Now it jumps so big that it seems to be flying. Your poison faints.
Level 40: At almost 4 meters, the snake can become invisible and go towards the opponent, wrapping itself around its body and breaking it.
Level 50: It is able to suck the energy of other beings, giving them enormous fatigue.
Level 60: Now it is a fully trained animal, with the ability to create illusions of the highest level equal to Loki.