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Before RPG - Event Dates

Protouniverso - No time or matter : At the top of the ineffable and transcendental, there was only the great, unreachable, inexplicable, omnipotent and supreme "Heavenly Father". He created an inscrutable kingdom, perfect of balance and creative power called "Pleroma", and then created two archetypal forms of consciousness called aeons being Jesus and Sophia.

Protouniverso - No time or matter : The youngest and most adventurous named Sophia, wished to see beyond the Plorama Kingdom, and wished to probe outside Plorama. Christ, her heavenly consort, was unable to restrain her, who continued with her adventurous way. Confused by having nothing but Plorama, the same without authorization from the Father created the inexistence (Sheol) and then the existence (Demiurgo) that appeared as a tiny particle of light in the middle of the void.

Protouniverso - No time or matter : The tiny particle of light began to extend until Demiurgo appeared.

Protouniverso. No time or matter : Demiurge spread his grace through emptiness, but part of the emptiness was without Demiurge's grace, out of Demiurge's lack of light came a being called Tehom who was created in the midst of darkness consuming a little of Demiurge's light due to the little space left in that void where they occupied

Protouniverso. No time or matter : Tehom and Demiurgo unite and together they defeat Sheol, the governor of that void, and consequently generating existence.

+ - 14 billion years ago : Demiurge begins the creation of the universe, creates several worlds with creatures to show Tehom that there could be more than just the two, but she destroyed those worlds with wars, famine, pests and deaths as a consequence the four knights appear: Death, Hunger, Plague and War.

+ - 13.9 billion years ago: Demiurge tries once again to create new worlds but again, this time he creates the Eldricht who rule the universe for a few million years, when he notes that Tehom will destroy them, the same creates purgatory and sends them there. Demiurgo then saddles three of the knights and removes the illuminated part that existed in Tehom, generating a creature called Light and leaving Tehom more weakened.

+ - 13.5 billion years ago: Demiurge tries to convince Luz to join him to face Tehom, but she refuses, so Demiurge faces her by defeating and sealing her.

+ - 13.1 billion years ago: God gives life to the first five angels: Lucifer, Miguel, Gabriel, Rafael and Metatron so that they help Demiurge against the darkness. Tehom creates his monster-gods: Tanin, Enuma and Kingu and an army of dark soldiers. Death creates its reapers and its own plan, the world of reapers.

+ - 13 billion years ago: The "Primal Battles" begins. Kingu creates the sword "Black Fire" and faces Miguel, who uses the sword "Flame of Death". Miguel wins the battle and seals Kingu, keeping his sword. Gabriel faces Tanin using the sword "Scourge of Fire" against Tanin's "Eye of the Serpent" sword. Gabriel wins the battle and also seals Tanin. Lucifer uses the sword "Ray of Aurora" to face Enuma, who uses the sword "Blue Eyes". Lucifer wins the battle and seals Enuma. Rafael uses the sword "Espada da Cura" to battle the great army of dark soldiers, Rafael wins the battle and murders them. Metatron does not participate in the battle, only writing all the events on his holy tablet. Demiurgo faces Tehom. Demiurge wins the battle and sends Tehom to an eternal seal.

+ - 12.5 billion years ago: Birth of the other angelics and the creation of the first paradise.

+ - 12.2 billion years ago: The expansion of matter creates' 'cosmic creases' in the universe, giving rise to other alternative universes such as Pollaris and Nidavellir, the exact number of existing universes is unknown, but these together make up the multiverse. Under secrecy and fearing that all the angels would rebel against him someday, Dermiugo created the seven archons that were creatures above the angels, these being: Abraxas, Iao, Sabaoth, Astaphanos, Adonaios, Elaios and Horaios that were spread throughout the universes creating countless forms of life and spreading that Demiurge was the Supreme God and creator of all existence.

+ - 12 billion years ago: Formation of stars and galaxies in the universe. Angelics establish the Seven Heavens as their main dimension. Lucifer began to envy and distrust Demiurge's power and began to obtain the desire to rise above him, beginning to influence other angels to join him.

+ - 11 billion years ago: 1/3 of all angelics join Lucifer.

+ - 10.9 billion years ago: Demiurge expels the devil from paradise with the angels who followed him and creates a prison for the devil called "Hell". In hell, Lucifer begins the creation of a new race, the demons.

+ - 4 Billion years ago: Demiurge creates the planet earth, like several other planets scattered throughout the universe with lives like the gray aliens.

+ - 250 million years ago : Demiurgo creates the "Goblins" and gives them a gigantic power so that they can rule the land as they wish.

+ - 65 million years ago: Demiurge also created the dinosaurs to live on earth, the Goblins began to feel jealous of the dinosaurs, and at that moment a gap was opened for the demons and fallen angels that were in hell to enter the earth and started to influence the Goblins to revolt against the dinosaurs, the Goblins then created a super powerful meteor that extinguished the entire race of dinosaurs and consequently left the earth in a catastrophic situation, Demiurgo was enraged and banished all the Goblins to another reality. locking.

+ - 50 million years ago: Trapped in another reality, the Goblins managed to create beings in the main reality by joining their powers with the cosmos of the universe, with the intention that the gods would revolt against Demiurge and liberate them, hence divinities like: Chaos , Alfadur, Eternity among other pagan deities who ignore the elves and decide to follow their own lives

+ -: 3 million years ago : Reconstruction of the planet, creation of Adam and Lilith, expulsion of Lilith and creation of Eve.

+ -: 2 million years ago: Birth of Zeus.

+ - 1800000 BC - First ice age. Chaos creates more Greek gods and thousands of humans and creatures who believe that Chaos is the true "god" and stop believing in God and start believing in these Greek gods.

AD 30 - The Savior is crucified and ascends.

+ -500 AD - The gods already have many children and who are now being chased by monsters, the Greek gods decide to create the first camp called "Camp Half-Blood"

550 AD - The gods of other mythologies started to create other camps inspired by the "Camp Half-Blood" model, and several camps appeared around the world.

2001 AD - Nordics and Greeks reach an agreement and live together in a single camp.

AD 2010 - Several mythologies agree with the Greeks and everyone starts living on Long Island with the Greeks and the Norse.

2015 AD - The agreement that existed between all the camps was broken, and the camps were separated, God chose to carry out an extension of the territory of Long Island, leaving it the size of a continent, and divided the lands for each camp.

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