In Islamic belief, Maalik (Arabic: مالك / mālik) denotes an angel in Hell / Purgatory (Arabic: جهنم / jahannam) who manages Hellfire, aided by 19 mysterious guards (Sura 74:30) known as Zabaniyya (az- zabānīya; Arabic: الزبانية). In the Qur'an, Maalik is mentioned in Sura 43:77 as the head of the angels of hell. However, the Qur'an itself does not specifically explain or describe the origin, purpose or character of Maalik, but Islamic traditions expand representations with extra-Quranic narratives. In fact, the first codices offer several alternative spellings of this word, including malak meaning "angel", instead of a proper name. [1]
In 43:74 and the following, the Qur'an describes Maalik telling people in hell that they must remain there: "Certainly, unbelievers will be in the torment of hell to remain in it forever. [Torment] will not be relieved by them, and they will be plunged into destruction with deep sorrow, sadness and despair. We did not harm them, but they were the wrongdoers. And they will cry out, 'O Malik! Let your Lord end us!' He will say, 'Certainly, you will remain forever.' In truth, we have brought you the truth, but most of you have a hatred for the truth. "66: 6 points out that punishments are carried out by God's command:" O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from fire [ Jahannam] whose fuel is men and stones, upon whom are [designated] severe and severe angels, who retreat not by [executing] the commands they receive from God, but [precisely] what is commanded of them ".
Appearance: Malik's creations are red and have freckles on her face.
Personality: Malik's creations vow chastity, devotion and obedience to Islam, and cannot have sex with other beings, if they do, they lose their powers.
Passive Powers
Improved Speed
Being the creation of an Archangel, it acquires the ability to move extremely fast.
Level 01-10: Can fly or run at 600 km / h.
Level 11-25: Can fly or run at 1200 km / h.
Level 26-35: Can fly or run at 1,800 km / h.
Level 36-50: Can fly or run at 2,400 km / h.
Level 51-100: Can fly or run at 3,000 km / h.
Level 101-150: Can fly or run at 3,600 km / h.
Level 151-200: Can fly or run at 4,200 km / h.
Level 201-250: Can fly or run at 4,800 km / h.
Angels of Allah
Islamic Angels have a divine connection created by Allah that links their souls and existences, thus allowing angelic creations to take care of each other. Such a connection also works with Allah's children.
Level 01-10: The links between the angelic creations have an initial connection, being able to dialogue via telepathy and understand each other's plans.
Level 11-25: The link between the creations is so strong that one is able to teleport to the other if they are in danger, and can perform a mystical translocation between one point and another.
Level 26-35: From here, creations will have their energies in terms of vigor increased by fifty percent more than they normally have, thus allowing you to stay longer on the battlefield or facing adversity, your energy potential also increases by 50%.
Level 36-50: Just by being close to other angelic creations, Malik's creations are able to replicate the powers used by them in combat (once for power).
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Level 51-99: The link between the two allows both to be able to regenerate each other only with their presence, the regeneration allows an increase of about 5x the pattern.
Level 100-150: When in the presence of one of the angelic creations, the creations have a 100% increase in energy level and still increase their powers by 2x.
Level 151-200: If an Arab angelic creation dies or has its soul sucked or destroyed, their souls are still tied to each other, being able to recreate their body in about 5 rounds while the creation is alive.
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Note: This exhaust valve only works once per event and is only effective in case of death, not blackout. It takes your body three rounds to return with your soul.
Level 201-250: At this level, after being wiped out of existence, a tiny bit of your being will still remain with the other creations, thus allowing either of you to return to existence if the other ends the living event.
Note: Returning from erasing using this method can only be done once per event.
Level 251-300: All attributes of all creations are increased by 3x while they are in the same event and their energy potential is increased by 200%.
Angel of Strength
Malik, as the Angel responsible for being the guardian of Hell, has an extreme strength to face demons, in addition to being the one who carries the Seven Hells and Earth itself on his shoulders while supervising all of them.
Level 1-30: Right at the beginning of its power, creation is able to break the steel, with little difficulty to do so, and when it uses its shoulders as support, it becomes able to build houses with its strength.
Level 31-60: The semi-angelic is now strong enough to destroy a house with his blows and break the titanium, being able to erect huge buildings by supporting them on his shoulders.
Level 61-90: Without great efforts, the semi angelic is able to destroy buildings with his blows, break the diamond and is now able to raise a mountain when using his shoulders as support.
Level 91-120: The creation manages to destroy mountains with its enviable strength, break the adamantium and is strong enough to lift an entire city on its shoulders.
Level 121-150: The semi-angelic manages to destroy cities with his blows, also showing his great strength enough to lift a state on his shoulders and break the vibranium.
Level 151-200: Now creation is capable of destroying states with few blows, being able to lift whole nations over their shoulders with some difficulty and break the divine iron.
Level 201-250: At this level of strength, the semi angelic is capable of destroying entire nations and, with due effort, lifting entire continents when using his shoulders as support.
Level 201-250: Semi-angelics can now destroy entire continents with a series of blows, they also already lift large asteroids, satellites and dwarf planets when using their backs as support.
Level 251-300: At the height of their strength, creations have been able to destroy a planet with their blows, and through the use of their shoulders as support, they reach enough strength to lift it and can throw it with little difficulty.
Magi Pururgo
Islam's position on witchcraft for both those who practice magic and those who believe in witchcraft can be summed up in one sentence. Witchcraft is absolutely prohibited, intelligible and obsolete, being just a lie to justify supernatural means, Malik's creations can purge their own magical energy close to them, having not only a high resistance in them but also a way to purge Magic, being able to deny and cancel any form of magical manifestation.
Level 1-40: Malik's creations already start with a small resistance to magic, being able to withstand receiving simple spells without taking damage and resisting basic forms of witchcraft such as fireballs, lightning and etc. without even moving, reducing passively the magical abilities of those who are close to creation by 10% each round of combat, gradually decreasing the ability to channel magic energy.
Level 41-80: Creations receive greater resistance to magic, being able to resist all spells considered "simple" and basic forms of witchcraft, reducing the magical abilities of offspring with respect to magic by 15% each round, and can resist a lot more easily spells such as demonic magic or black magic, they cannot be affected by curses for a long time, suffer pain for a long time or on a larger scale and their powers cannot be totally canceled by magic, having a decrease of only 75% at full capacity if the user is very powerful.
Level 81-120: Reduces spell capacity by 20% each round, now able to purge part of the spell those who are close to Malik's creation within a radius of up to 5 meters cannot channel the magic energy, having a limited amount of energy they are prohibited from performing complex spells or anything that requires a lot of magical energy (only beings of a lower or equal level are affected). Its resistance rises, having almost total resistance to Elemental magic, the creation takes only half the total magic damage used against it.
Level 121-160: Can purge up to 25% of a person's magic ability per round, and can cause simple spells to simply be countered, very complex feats do not work within a radius of 10 meters, and have a much greater resistance to magic black in general. His resistance is so strong that his energies cannot be changed by magic means and his presence cannot be changed / found through mystics (as long as the magician / sorcerer is not stronger than creation).
Level 161-200: Creations expunge 30% of the magic of any being close to him who is an enemy. He knows all the magical aspects, being able to know how to cancel them and create countermeasures against them, in a radius of 15 meters, any being that uses magic cannot access external sources of mana and cannot obtain channeling, without the “unlimited source” of mana, it is always drained gradually in the presence of creation until there is nothing left (if creation doesn’t dissipate this accumulated energy in your body, it will explode itself because of the amount of power accumulated in your body, this absorbed mana is converted into divine energy for creation to use). Acquires a resistance to black magic and simpler magic forms, tiring wizards and users of magic extremely quickly.
Level 201-240: The creations expunge 35% of the magic capacity of a being per round, being able to leave him totally without energy with time, acquires a resistance of about 80% to magic in general, older and powerful mystical arts can affect the creation, but others like Red Magic, gray magic, Elemental magic and etc. do not work, and can now destroy runes within 20 meters of Creation, they are not effective against creation, being able to undo spells, curses and magical effects both malignant as well as benign.
Level 241-280: Acquires a semi-immunity to magic, being able to cancel 40% of a being's magic each round, magical energy reserves, channeling or internal sources are simply destroyed and absorbed for creation, feeding on the magic . Each time you use magic in the presence of the creation, it benefits and increases its power, becoming stronger as magic is released, magical effects that damage your body are simply canceled, depending on its intensity.
Obs: Such power only works with magical beings with less level than the offspring. Your opponents' magic ability reduction is reduced only when you are within 10 yards of the target.
Warrior Resistance
Archangel Malik's creations have a beautiful and defined body, but not too muscular. Like an archangel, his creation has the ability to be immensely resistant to any kind of damage.
Level 1-10: Initially, the semi angelic inherits a great resistance to pain, not being influenced by it in addition to also having a high tolerance to it, besides being able to totally control his emotions during the fighting. Your body is highly resistant to diseases and bodily imperfections such as tumors or changes caused by biokinesis.
Level 11-25: The semi-angelic acquires a good climatic resistance, not being affected by changes in the climate, being able to fight in great or low temperatures naturally. The demigod also acquires incredible lungs which enable him to remain conscious and well in falls from high altitudes or to swim under strong currents for hours, in addition to being able to hold his breath for a long time.
Level 26-35: The semi angelic acquires a good resistance to physical blows and may suffer numerous injuries or traumas that can still remain conscious and recover quickly. At this level, creation exhibits very high resistance to pain. Your body also takes hours to look exhausted or tired, and has great vigor.
Level 36-50: The semi-angelic are now able to resist against numerous types of kinetic or elementary attacks against their body, and burns can even affect the creation, but it does not care much, remaining in combat. Their bodies also acquire a gravitational resistance where they are able to withstand its increase to levels higher than creation.
Level 51-99: The semi angelic can now withstand extreme levels of increased gravity, being able to withstand powerful bursts of energy against his body and still remain active.
Level 100-150: The creation exhibits a semi-immunity to physical damage, not being too damaged or affected by attacks like these, thus acquiring an invulnerability.
Angelic Regeneration
Malik's creations have a high regenerative power.
Level 1-10: Can heal from damage and simple cuts.
Level 11-25: Can heal from damage and more extensive cuts.
Level 26-35: Can heal from burns, bleeds and punctures easily.
Level 36-50: Can regenerate in a much shorter time than normal.
Level 51-100: Can heal internal damage easily, as well as regenerate vital organs such as lungs. In addition, it has cell regeneration.
Level 101-150: Can heal from mental injuries and injuries as it can regenerate from medium injuries.
Level 151-200: Can heal spiritual damage easily. So, even if your body is reduced to ashes or nothing, it can return.
Level 201-250: You can prevent your regeneration from being denied, and you can reverse that condition in four rounds. Thus, it will be necessary to destroy the body and soul of Malik's creation.
Infernal Resistance
Malik is the Archangel responsible for guarding the doors of all seven Hells, so, through constant contact, the creation acquires certain adaptive resistances that his father gave them so that, in the future, Malik's creations can protect the Gates of Hell over Kujata.
Level 1-50: Infernal Resistance: Malik's creations are highly resistant to damage from infernal beings in general, dealing around 25% of the damage done to any demonic being, be it physical, magical, spiritual or mental. In addition, creation is highly resistant and if not immune to any mental powers and based on lip-sync or seduction, becoming immune if they come from demonic beings.
Level 51-99: Hellfire: Malik's creations are enormously resistant to spiritual damage in general and curses, having an innate ability to have a 90% resistance to infernal flames of any kind, and can easily resist their effects.
Level 100-150: Hidden Curse: As demons have a habit of cursing and cursing anyone who is against them (or not), Malik's creations acquire immunity from curses and diseases of any kind, becoming indifferent to them.
Level 151-200: Divine Mind: Reaching more resistance, as Malik is hundreds of thousands of Angels guarding the gates of Hell, his creations acquire the ability to be immune to mental powers from demons in general, only being able to have their mental immunities broken if the creation has at least 20 more levels.
Level 201-250: Diabolic Light: The Angel's creations are highly resistant now to Diabolic Light, not being immune but being able to resist without being erased by it for about two to three rounds, depending on the strength of the user demons.
Level 251-300: Forbidden Magic: Malik's creations are extremely resistant to magic naturally, but now spells from demonic beings no longer work against it, even if they break immunities. Only absolute magic can hurt you.
Note: Demons are not only from the demonic camp, offspring of Ghouls, Ifrits and users of demonic forms while using them also count as demons.
Cosmic Knowledge
Malik's creations are blessed with wisdom and insight to be able to take care of all the hell gates at the same time, thus having the ability to see and feel everything in a certain area.
Level 1-10: Malik's creation gets to know everything that happens on the street he is on.
Level 11-25: Now he has a greater knowledge, knowing everything that happens in the neighborhood that he is present.
Level 26-35: With a higher level of knowledge, the celestial knows everything that goes on in the block he is on.
Level 36-50: Increasing his knowledge more and more, the Celestial knows everything that happens in the blocks that he is.
Level 51-100: Now his knowledge reaches a high level, the creation being able to know everything that happens in the neighborhoods he is in.
Level 101-150: Get to know absolutely everything in a city.
Level 151-200: Get to know absolutely everything in one state.
Angelic Wings
To take care of the seven hellish gates, Malik needed to be extremely fast and accurate to avoid breaches and prevent the release of demons on the earth. Thus, his creations acquire angelic wings that not only allow him to fly but also protect them.
Level 1-10: Its wings are as resistant as iron and when flying its speed doubles.
Level 11-25: Its wings are as resistant as steel and when flying its speed triples.
Level 26-35: Its wings are as resistant as titanium and when flying its speed quadruples.
Level 36-50: Its wings are as resistant as diamond and when flying its speed increases fivefold.
Level 51-99: Its wings are as resistant as adamantium and when flying its sixfold speed.
Level 100-150: Its wings are as resistant as vibranium and when flying its eptoplicate speed.
Level 151-200: Its wings are as sturdy as divine iron and when flying its octuple speed.
Level 201-250: When flying, your speed increases by 10x.
Level 251-300: When flying, your speed reaches its peak, reaching 11x its previous capacity.
Level 100: One of the skills that these creations acquire from their creator is timelessness, managing to transcend time without being affected by temporal manipulation.
Active Powers
Advanced Smithing
Ability comes down to harming dark and demonic creatures with your touch and increasing the efficiency of your strikes, due to the fact that demons are always in greater quantity. Malik's creation is capable of destroying demons with just the touch or the enchantment of their weapons, which they create by touching it.
Level 50-100: Malik's creation is able, with the touch, to burn infernal beings as semi-demons, still not being able to kill, but with a prolonged touch it can destroy limbs such as an arm or the head of the infernal being, such a touch affects the soul of the demon demon.
Level 100-150: Can generate the instant disintegration of a semi-demon member from touch, being able to generate a generalized slight burning just by looking, the more sins the demon committed the faster he will burn, this applies to dark beings and nephilins.
Level 151-200: Such an ability can enchant weapons, and can make a sword lethal to demons, dark beings and nephilim, your weapons truly become Demon Killer and can cause fatal damage to demons and semi-demons.
Obs: valid only while the creation is holding the weapon.
Level 201-250: Can quickly transform infernal beings (nephilins, semi-demons) and dark beings (offspring of related gods) into dust and can blind semi-demons and demons with just their presence, permanently burning their eyes with sacred light (valid only when the level is lower than the creation).
Cosmic Fire
Cosmic fire is a flame of exponential energy that Malik's creation holds within itself because Malik is always represented as surrounded by hellish flames, increasing his cosmic energy with each passing level. The cosmic Flame has a baby blue and white color throughout, with marks of some stars in them, it seems that it is possible to see galaxies or the cosmos in the flames themselves.
Level 1-50: Cosmic fire is initially only about 10x hotter than ordinary flames, and it can burn any flammable material extremely quickly and cause various metals to melt like iron, gold and copper easily, and can even make tungsten melt extremely quickly, and can cause metals to even enter a gaseous state or complete evaporation. Its initial handling is low.
Level 51-99: Now the cosmic flame is able to affect even the soul of those affected by it for a few seconds, increasing its heat by about 10x its previous value. The flames can now burn basically any existing matter, whether in the mundane or the divine, there are still slight difficulties in melting divine iron. Their handling becomes average.
Level 100-150: The cosmic flame becomes capable of being 10x hotter than the previous level, acquiring the ability to destroy spells and powers in general, the cosmic flame has the same power as cosmic bursts, acquiring the ability to spread and hardly be erased by any means. Their handling becomes high.
Level 151-200: The Cosmic Flame acquires the ability to extinguish things and energies in general, acquiring the ability to easily destroy barriers and even banish skills for two rounds when extinguished by cosmic fire, and can also stop elemental powers. Its handling becomes perfect.
Level 201-250: Can affect even your victims' internals using Cosmic Flames.
Demon Slayer: Eternal Variant
The Demon Slayer Ability is a characteristic of those who invest their life and energy in order to hunt demons, developing dozens of devices to be able to hunt, kill or arrest such beings quickly, easily and efficiently.
Level 1-40: Eternal Evolution: The capacity for eternal evolution of angelic creations is based on: Each demon killed by the creation of Malik will have his life, vital energy, demonic energy and even his own existence merged the corpulence of the creation of Malik, increasing thus its total power in an absurd and striking amount, which can vary from 20% to 200% increase for each soul and from 50% to 400% each existence.
Level 41-80: Eternal Adaptation: The ability to adapt an angelic creation with the Demon Slayer characteristic is immense, increasing its resistance to ANY damage from demonic beings for each hunted permanently. For each demon hunted, the Demon Slayer gains 10% adaptivity, which is a resistance to all damage and demonic effect, reaching a maximum of 90%.
Level 81-120: Eternal Reincarnation: If you fight a demonic being who has some form of regeneration or / and immortality, creation sucks these attributes into itself, increasing the characteristics of its own powers and leaving the demonic being without such tributes.
Level 121-160: Eternal Hability: By killing any demonic being, the Demon Slayer, by sucking its vitality and essence, is able to acquire its abilities with the intention of fighting the demons themselves, being able to acquire a passive ability and two active abilities until the end of the event.
Level 161-200: Eternal Purification & Demon King: When facing more than one demon, the creation is able to activate the Demon King, an aura of energy that reverberates through hundreds of meters, the demons receive such pressure in a way that affects their physical in such a way that even your spirit and mind are shaken, passing out / immobilizing instantly if you have a lower level. Eternal Purification is the ability to make demonic beings who are under the presence of the creation of Malik within a radius of 10 meters will slowly have their black essence sucked by the creation that will become stronger with this and after 6 turns all the essence is sucked and the target of such an ability becomes a slave to creation. Slaves do not possess demonic powers and inherit passive and Demon Slayer powers.
Level 201-240: Eternal Hunt: The capacity for demonic detection, summing up the ability of the Demon Slayer to smell the “essence” of the very essence of demons, acquiring an ability to feel demons that are existing in another plane (like a personal hell) ).
Malik literally means "The King", thus acquiring some exclusive abilities of Kings and Emperors.
Level 1-40: The King's first power passed to creation is Telepathy. The Power to project part of your own consciousness onto all other psyches through your vital energy, being able to read thoughts within a radius of 500 meters and deepen in them, being able to know what the enemy is thinking and thus adapt to your lifestyle. Fight. The main characteristic of this power is that it is not possible to be immune to it, since it is a projection of the very vital energy of creation and not a simple psychic power.
Level 41-80: The King's Second Power is Empathy, the ability through his eyes to feel what his opponents or his companions are feeling, and by forcing eye contact to make them more affectionate and loving towards the user, exuding an intoxicating aura of peace.
Level 81-120: The King's Third Power is extremely useful in combat: Temporal Paralysis. However, it is not a paralysis of real time, but a power that mixes Telepathy and Empathy in a fusion of skills, projecting its own vital energy on the target and changing its perception of time, making the target stay absolutely still in your body and mind, stopping your representative "Time" for 3 seconds per use. Since it implies the first power, that power is also not considered a psychic ability so it cannot be defended.
Level 121-160: The King's Fourth Power derives directly from the power of Telepathy, being able to enter the target's mind and decipher all of the target's combat codes, being able to predict all his actions within a 3-second radius, activating instantly at the beginning of each clash allowing the breeding to defend itself from almost any blow. This is the only power that can be considered "Passive", since it activates instantly at the start of a fight without the need for activation and can be used without limitation beyond its cost.
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Level 161-200: The King's Fifth Power allows creation to control the memories of its targets, being able to access and modify them, never being able to erase memories and only change their likelihood, not being an effect impossible to be weakened or even broken.
Level 201-240: The King's Sixth Power consists of Absolute Command, the power that truly characterizes Kings; the ability to rule over others without resistance, combining all his powers in one for such a result, if he can make eye contact the Knight can give orders to his opponents that will be followed regardless of his will.
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Level 241-280: The Maximum Real Power consists of the Break: The Power that can finish others, was so powerful that Malik's creation will never have full control over it, being able to use it only for 3 rounds. The Break consists of the user leaving part of his vital energy so intrinsically linked to a being that he is adept at his control, no longer controlling his wills but his Mind, creation simply nullifies Mental and psychic powers while the target is with such active energy.
Note: As they appear from the eyes, only one power can be used simultaneously, but two powers can be used (one in each eye), but they lose half of their efficiency. Most powers damage the eyes of creation regardless of their immunities, and they can develop eye trauma and even become permanently blinded if they use it a lot.
Increased Size
Some mythologists describe Malik as a giant being, so his creations are able to increase his size (he can also increase only parts of his body if he wishes and even his weapons) during his battles.
Level 1-10: Can increase your size by 30 meters.
Level 11-25: Can increase your size by 60 meters.
Level 26-35: Can increase your size by 90 meters.
Nov 36-50: Can increase its size by 120 meters.
Level 51-99: Can increase your size by 150 meters.
Level 100-150: Can increase your size by 180 meters.
Level 151-200: Can increase your size by 210 meters.
Level 201-250: Manages to increase its size by 240 meters.
Level 251-299: Can increase your size by 270 meters.
Level 300: Can increase your size by 300 meters.
Note: Your strength increases by 10% for every 1 meter more height reached by the Angel. In addition, their wings grow proportionately.
Elementary Manipulation
The creations demonstrate a great control over all the elements of the nature being able to control them easily.
Level 1-10: The creations have a basic control over the elements, managing only to create constructs through them.
Level 11-25: The creations are already able to control moderately managing to fire elementary bursts.
Level 26-35: The creations have high control over the elements and can also be mimicked in the elements or even in a hybrid form, bringing them all into one.
Level 36-50: You already have perfect control over the elements, not spending a lot of energy to control them.
Level 51-100: They have global control over the elements.
Purification Zone
The Malik Purification Zone consists of the ability to control a Cube made of Holy Light in a varied area around angelic creation that totally restricts powers involving space and time and does not allow any opponents to leave. Inside the dome, creation increases its power in an increasing way with each round that passes inside it, increasing all its characteristics as time passes. Beings that have a dark, demonic or deadly energy within the Cube will begin to lose their general energies and capacities, also reducing their attributes (levels) as time goes by, making such a mere human temporarily.
Level 1-50: The Purification Zone lasts about two rounds; their capacities increase by 50% each round in a multiplicative way; the area extends for about 10 m; Dark, demonic, deadly and dark beings inside the dome lose about 20% of their energy each round and 5 levels.
Level 51-99: The Purification Zone lasts about three rounds; their capacities increase by 100% each round in a multiplicative way; the area extends for about 20 m; Dark, demonic, deadly and dark beings inside the dome lose about 30% of their energy each round and 10 levels.
Level 100-150: The Purification Zone lasts about four rounds; their capacities increase by 150% each round in a multiplicative way; the area extends for about 30 m; Dark, demonic, deadly and dark beings inside the dome lose about 40% of their energy each round and 15 levels.
Level 151-200: The Purification Zone lasts about five rounds; their capacities increase by 200% each round in a multiplicative way, thus doubling; the area extends for about 40 m; Dark, demonic, deadly and dark beings within the dome lose about 50% of their energy each round and 20 levels.
Level 201-250: The Purification Zone lasts about six rounds; their capacities increase by 250% each round in a multiplicative way; the area extends for about 50 m; Dark, demonic, deadly and dark beings inside the dome lose about 60% of their energy each round and 25 levels.
Level 251-299: The Purification Zone lasts about seven rounds; their capacities increase by 300% each round in a multiplicative way; the area extends for about 60 m; Dark, demonic, deadly and dark beings within the dome lose about 75% of their energy each round and 30 levels.
Level 300: The Purification Zone lasts about eight rounds; their capacities increase by 350% each round in a multiplicative way; the area extends for about 70 m; Dark, demonic, deadly and dark beings inside the dome lose about 80% of their energy each round and 35 levels.
These warriors are the guards of hell who assist Malik to look after the seven hells. The creation is able to summon these warriors to help them in fighting, fighting or even to serve as the follower's servants. Servants have the passive powers of creation and their Demon Slayer powers.
Level 01-20: You can summon 01 a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 21-40: You can summon 02 a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 41-60: Can summon 03 a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 61-80: You can summon 04 a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 81-100: 05 can summon a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 101-120: You can summon 06 a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 121-140: You can summon 07 a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 141-160: You can summon 08 a Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 161-180: You can summon a 09 Demon Slayer warrior.
Level 181-200: You can summon 10 Demon Slayer warriors.
Note: They help you for as long as needed.
Sacred Manipulation
The ability that allows the user to manipulate divine or sacred energies or objects that have the same forces. It is a very broad term and has hundreds of different abilities, being able to heal allies, use white magic (divine / angelic), manipulation of light, exorcisms, etc. It is usually very effective against profane and dark beings, like demons, undead and vampires.
Level 1-50: Manipulates such energies in a low way.
Level 51-100: Manipulates such energies in a medium way.
Level 101-150: Manipulates such energies in a high way.
Level 151-200: Manipulates these energies perfectly.
Level 201-250: Manipulates such energies in a way that can affect areas of continental scale.
Arc Angelic Shape
Creation is able to access its true angelic power, reaching level 2 of the power scale. Creation acquires the ability to control large amounts of cosmic energy perfectly, controlling natural aspects such as electromagnetism, absolute control over the elements of nature, in addition to increasing its cosmic knowledge at the level of a country and a historical and future knowledge of up to 100 years, in addition to being able to cause climatic incidents only with its presence due to the massive amount of power applied in this form.
Level 180-200: Duration of up to 2 rounds.
Level 201-220: Duration of up to 3 rounds.
Level 221-240: Duration of up to 4 rounds.
Level 241-260: Duration of up to 5 rounds.
Note: 3 times per event