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The wife of the supreme god Viracocha [4] , Mama Cocha was also the goddess who represented everything that was feminine and, in the same way, gave balance to the known world. [5]

She was one of the four elementary Mothers; the other three were Pacha Mama , Mama Nina and Mama Waira. [3]

In addition, Mama Cocha, along with Mama Quilla (The Moon) and Pacha Mama , constituted the lunar trinity among the Incas, representing the three lunar phases.

Another important point is that Mama Cocha inhabited the "world from above", that is, Hanan Pacha . In the Inca empire it was conceived that the universe was composed of three aspects or plans complementary to each other: Uku Pacha (world below), Kay Pacha (world of the present) and Hanan Pacha (world from above). Mama Cocha inhabited the latter along with righteous people and other Inca gods such as: Viracocha , Apu Inti , Mama Quilla and Pachacamac, among others.

An ancient Inca legend tells that Mama Cocha was the daughter of the Sun and the Moon. She was also the sister of "Inca" (the Son of the Sun) and was physically described as a pale and beautiful young woman, sent from heaven with her brother to teach ace. people to live and work in peace and in love. [2] People, upon meeting her, recognized her as their protective mother and guide and that of Inca made houses and paths, temples and fortresses. So they plowed the land, which soon


Appearance: Mama Cocha's children are beautiful and charming. With tanned skin like that of a fisherman, they have blue eyes like the sea, which they pulled from their mother. They have defined bodies and emanate a characteristic river smell, which can calm and give good feelings to the people around them.

Personality: They usually relate very well with any sea creatures, as well as with the water itself. They feel extremely cozy in the presence of this universal solvent, since it revitalizes their energies and makes them fit for new adventures. Most of them have a huge passion for horses, and they feel jealous when they see someone riding one of these wings.


Passive Powers


Water Path


Level 1-10: Mama Cocha's children will be able to walk on water, however, due to not having much training with their powers, they will need to concentrate a lot to be able to stay on water, not being able to run, walk fast or



Level 11-25: The demigod, more used to this power, will be able to walk fast or fight while walking on water, not being able to do both at the same time or run.


Level 26-35: Mama Cocha's offspring will be able to run on water while fighting, still being able to make some mistakes and end up “stumbling” and sinking.


Level 36-50: Mama Cocha's children will now be able to run at superhuman speed, reaching up to 400 km / h running


About Water


Level 51-99: Now the demigod can run at 800 km / h over the water.


Level 100-150: Now the demigod can run at 1200 km / h over the water.


Level 151-200: Now the demigod can run at 1600 km / h over the water.


Level 201-250: Now the demigod can run at 2000 km / h over the water.


The Moon and the Sea


On nights with a full moon, the tide of the sea rises, showing the intimate connection between the two. Whether in the sea / ocean or in the moonlight, the demigod will have its attributes (strength, agility and speed) increased.


Level 1-10: Under the moonlight or at sea, the demigod's attributes will increase 2x.


Level 11-25: Attributes will increase 3x.


Level 26-35: Attributes will increase by 4x.


Level 35-50: Attributes will increase 5x.


Level 50-99: Attributes will increase by 6x.


Maritime Affinity


Mama Cocha's children have a great facility for swimming in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, and can even breathe under water.


Level 1-10: In the beginning, the children of the goddess can swim anywhere and stay underwater for a long time, being able to swim up to 400 km / h when submerged.


Level 11-25: More trained, the demigod can stay as long as he wants under the water, even swimming the equivalent of 800 km / h when submerged.


Level 26-35: Now the demigod can reach a speed equivalent to 1200 km / h, but they can also blow air bubbles so that their companions can breathe underwater, although they cannot breathe indefinitely, like the demigod, and it can only make two air bubbles.


Level 36-50: At this level, the demigod can swim at 1600 km / h underwater and make 5 air bubbles for his companions.


Level 51-99: Mama Cocha's children can now swim at 2000 km / h underwater and make 8 air bubbles for their companions.


Water Healing

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By having contact with water, Mama Cocha's children are able to heal.

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Level 1-10: Heals from minor injuries.

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Level 11-25: They heal from moderate injuries, such as deep cuts, in addition to getting rid of any toxins in your body.

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Level 26-35: They heal from serious injuries such as dismemberment and can get rid of debilitating effects.

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Level 36-50: Contact with water now starts to break any spell or curse on the offspring.


Level 51-99: At this stage, if the offspring have up to 24 hours of dead and are released into some natural source of water, they can revive.


Level 100-150: Now the offspring works like a starfish, if dead for up to 48 hours, it can revive even if a tiny part of its body, like a finger, is thrown into a natural source of water.


Level 151-200: The time slot now increases to 72 hours.


Communication with Marine Beings

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Because Mama Cocha is the creator of the entire aquatic environment, her children can communicate and control these beings.


Level 1-10: Can communicate with small aquatic animals. They understand what you say and can even give you information you need. You can only communicate with fish that are close to you.


Level 11-25: Now you can communicate with fish by sonar, being able to ask for help from any fish over a distance of up to 500 meters.


Level 26-35: The range is now 1000 meters and the fish will follow your orders and see you as a leader. You can see any sea creature that is up to 2000 meters away, as if it were radar.


Level 36-50: The range now reaches 2000 meters and can communicate with any sea creature. Now you can see any sea creature that is up to 4000 meters away.


Level 51-99: At this stage, the range reaches 4000 meters and all sea creatures start to obey you, you are seen as a leader by everyone in the aquatic environment. In addition, the radar area is 8000 meters.


Level 100-150: The range reaches 8000 meters, you can control sea creatures created by other demigods, as long as your level is higher than his. Now your radar is up to 16,000 meters.


Level 151-200: The range becomes 16000 meters. In this area you have full control over the mind of any living being that may enter the water that the offspring is in. In addition, your radar can reach up to 32000 meters.


Untouchable Beauty


Sons of Mama Cocha have an extreme beauty, which they can use to make people confused, and they can lose them.


Level 1-10: You will no longer be chosen as the first target for animals in general, humans and some creatures.


Level 11-25: Has the ability not to be chosen to be attacked at first by demigods.


Level 26-35: Stay up to three actions without being attacked in the first place, as much as normal animals and humans, as well as any type of demigod; the power feature may drop if you attack the enemy.


Level 36-50: Stay up to five rounds without being attacked by demigods and lesser gods, even if you get a lot of attention or attack it.


Level 51-99: Your character can stay up to seven rounds without being attacked by minor and major gods, even if it draws a lot of attention or attacks the enemy.

Water Teleportation


The demigod is capable of merging with a water source (from rivers and lakes, to the small puddle found in the center of the bromeliads) and literally merging with it, with which it can emerge from another puddle or watercourse. .


Levels 1-10: You can reappear at any source of water within a radius of 5 km.


Levels 11-25: the radius already increases to 10 km.


Levels 26-35: Now the nymph will reappear 20 km away at most.


Levels 36-50: the limit is now 100 km.


Levels 51-99: Nymphs can teleport up to a distance of 150 km.


Levels 100-150: The radius increases to 200 km.


Water body


Level 1-30: When the demigod enters the water somewhere, it may turn the color of the water, making it somewhat invisible to others from those around it. However, you can still be caught by visions of warmth, location skills.


Level 31-60: MamaCocha's children can now blend into the water as if they were a part of it, "dissolving" in the water and becoming invisible. Visions of warmth and location skills cannot find them, even if others do. Pay attention to where it is hidden.


Level 61-90: Now the children of the goddess can, when they are out of the water, transform their body into water and make physical attacks pass by themselves without causing any damage, but this form can only be maintained for 3 turns.


Level 91-120: The body shape made of water can now be maintained for 5 turns.


Level 121-150: Form can now be maintained for 7 turns.


Ocean Force


Mama Cocha was the goddess of all waters, her children acquire absurd strength at a time.


Levels 1-50: The demigod is extremely strong, obtaining the strength of the ocean is capable of obtaining the strength of 2 large dolphins at this level, being able to use the force for aggressive purposes or not.


Levels 51-100: The demigod at this level is capable of supporting the weight of 5 dolphins easily.


Levels 101-150: Your strength at this level is unmatched, the demigod is able to crush anyone who tries to oppose you with his strength.


Marine Smell


Level 1: Mama Cocha's children have a different smell from the others, it is a smell of the salty sea and everything that inhabits it, so you can easily confuse monsters and may go unnoticed by them.

Active Powers


Water clones


Levels 1-20: With water, you can make it take its identical shape, creating a clone just like you. Initially it only serves to confuse the target, only attacking with physical blows.


Levels 21-40: Now the ability of your clones will increase, being able to attack the enemy, with the skills of half the level of the offspring. You can make up to two clones.


Levels 41-60: You can now make up to three clones and they will be able to use all the skills of the offspring.


Levels 61-80: You can now make up to four clones.


Level 81-100: Can make up to 5 clones.


Level 101-120: You can make 6 Clones, and they can use all the additional passive offspring.


Temperature Control

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Level 1-10: You can cool the water down to 0 ° C and heat it up to 100 ° C.

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Level 11-25: You can cool the water down to -50 ° C and heat it up to 200 ° C.

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Level 26-35: You can cool the water down to -100 ° C and heat it up to 300ºC.

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Level 36-50: You can cool the water down to -150 ° C and heat it up to 400ºC.

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Level 51-99: You can cool the water down to -200 ° C and heat it up to 500ºC.


Level 100-150 You can cool the water down to -275ºC and heat it up to 600ºC.

Water Prison


The demigod can manipulate water in order to trap his opponent in a sphere, where he will have air to breathe, but which will restrict his abilities.


Level 10-30: The demigod can imprison only one person with this ability and will restrict the active abilities of those who have a lower level than you.


Level 31-50: The demigod can now imprison 3 people with his ability.


Level 51-70: The demigod can now imprison 5 people with his ability.


Level 71-90: The demigod can imprison 8 people with his ability.


NOTE: People with levels equal to or higher than that of users can be freed from prison and will not have any of their powers restricted. If the opponent can still fight, the prison will always last 4 rounds, but if he is unconscious, he will not have a time limit, only undoing when he awakens in some way or by the will of the demigod himself.


Lordship of Waters


MamaCocha was the goddess creator of all existing sources of water, her children have control over this element at a time.


Level 1-10: You will have minimal control over the water, being able to launch small blows with it, such as water spheres and small bursts, as long as you have a nearby source. It can manipulate the physical states of the water, making it freeze or vaporize and control it even in those states.

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Level 11-25: Now your control becomes average, you can create water out of nothing and shape it the way you want. Your blows become a little stronger than before, being able to knock down trees on impact and destroy rocks.

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Level 26-35: Your control is now on a large scale. Can handle water with extreme ease. You can create water inside any place, as in bodies, making them explode, but being consistent, the explosion is not immediate, so be careful.


Level 36-50: Your control over the water now becomes perfect. You can create a tsunami in a standing lake with a little effort.


Level 51-99: Your hydrokinetic control is now global, you can perform any feat with your power without having any wear and tear, in addition to creating portals between water sources (example: from a river to a lake). In addition to being able to control the water created by other demigods of lower levels.


Oceanic Rest


Due to the services made to MamaCocha for protection, his children with their manipulation of water, the demigod becomes able to heal his and others' wounds.


Level 1-30: MamaCocha's children create “corals” made of water that will envelop him and his companions, healing minor injuries.


Level 31-60: Corals can now heal medium wounds.


Level 61-90: At this level, corals can heal large and serious injuries.


Level 91-120: With great power, the demigod can heal people who are close to death, but can only do that with. At most two people and more himself.


Aquatic Network


The offspring of Mama Cocha can expand their energy over a certain area through the water vapors that exist in the atmosphere and can see everything inside that area, such as objects or people.


Level 1-10: The demigod can feel everything within 100 meters.


Level 11-25: The demigod can feel everything in an area of ​​250 meters.


Level 26-35: The demigod can feel everything in an area of ​​500 meters.


Level 36-50: The demigod can feel everything in an area of ​​750 meters.


Level 51-99: The demigod can feel everything in an area of ​​1 km.


Level 100-150: The demigod can feel everything in an area of ​​2 km.

Army of the Deep


The offspring of Mama Cocha can summon beings from the depths of the ocean to fight. They will have dark, wet, scaly skin, sharp claws and fangs. They can swim at great speeds, their bodies are well developed to withstand great pressures from the depths of the ocean, thus having great physical resistance and a definitely superhuman strength. If you are near a lake, sea or ocean, they will emerge from the water and help the demigod. If you are far from the water, they will go through a portal and appear to assist in the fight.


Level 10-20: The demigod can summon 10 of those creatures that will obey you.


Level 21-40: The demigod can summon 20 of those creatures that will obey you.


Level 41-60: The demigod can summon 30 of those creatures that will obey you.


Level 61-80: The demigod can summon a small army that will only obey the demigod.


Nest of the Sea


The offspring of Mama Cocha can make a dome of water around you and others, protecting you from various attacks without breaking.


Level 1-20: The dome in the beginning can only be maintained for 2 turns, resisting attacks capable of destroying houses.


Level 21-40: The dome can be maintained for 3 turns, resisting attacks that destroy a forest.


Level 41-60: The dome can be maintained for 4 turns, resisting attacks that destroy a city.


Level 61-90: The dome can be maintained for 5 turns, resisting highly destructive attacks.


Level 90-120: The dome has reached such a level that it is able to withstand almost any attack of great devastation, being maintained for 6 shifts without problems.

Sun & Moon


Mama Cocha was not only known as the goddess of all waters, but also as the daughter of Apu Inti and Mama Quilla, Sol and Lua. So she could exercise dominion over such stars, her children at the same time, are capable of such a feat.


Levels 1-10: You can initially manipulate the lunar light close to you freely, distorting it with some difficulty. Its manipulation is small and it can create small objects made of the energy of the moon, besides being able to gather the energy in up to five luminous spheres of about five centimeters and launch them as bursts against its opponents, causing burns and medium external damage reaching up to twenty meters of away from you. They can also create an “aura” of light to reduce the effect of dark attacks. They can only use their menecinesis while the moon is under the sky. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation. As well as Manages to minimally manipulate the basic aspects of a sun, being able to manipulate, absorb and model the solar energy present in the place on a basic scale. By absorbing it, it is able to become as resistant as iron and deflect projectiles such as arrows and the like with ease. It can absorb only during the day.


Level 11-25: They manage to blur someone's vision due to the distortion of the energy light, also being able to deflect the light from themselves, gaining a natural invisibility. They can also become light for three rounds, thus becoming intangible beings, that is, they become immune to physical blows and can pass through solid objects not very large. It can also absorb lunar energy (including the brightness of the moon), thus recovering its energies, taking full advantage of the light and its energy. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation. As in this level, he receives a considerable increase in all his previous achievements, both in the manipulation, as in the absorption and modeling of the solar energy of such a star, but it still depends on the energy present in the place. By absorbing it becomes as resistant as steel and can easily deflect bullets from a distance. Can absorb only during the day.


Level 26-35: Acquires the ability to generate moonlight, also managing to create larger, medium-sized things. It can generate enough lunar light to illuminate an entire mansion, and you can now make up to three people invisible besides yourself while being touched by the offspring. It can also make the energy and lunar light solid and lively, being able to create whips and tentacles between different forms with its light. Now the aura generated by Mama Cocha's offspring causes the effect of dark attacks to be drastically reduced. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation. It can easily manipulate, absorb and model solar energy on a large scale, even being able to generate and store small amounts of it for future use. When absorbed, it becomes resistant as titanium, managing to deflect rifle shots from a distance with ease. Its strength becomes so high that it can lift 10 tons at once. It can absorb during the day in a limit amount of up to 2 shifts and use at night or in places without it for the same amount of shifts.


Level 36-50: Your form of light now remains for much longer (8 rounds in a row) and can also only partially change into light. You can also control the light to a much greater degree, now being able to manipulate the light of an entire city without difficulty. Their bursts are now more powerful and larger, and can create up to ten of them. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation. Now it is extremely easy to manipulate, absorb and model solar energy and nuclear energy with little perfection, generating both in moderate amounts equal to that of an ordinary star. Its resistance reaches that of the diamond and has the strength to lift 100 tons at once. It can absorb during the day and from sources present for up to 3 shifts and use them when needed for the same time limit.


Level 50-99: From this level onwards, it is able to create a small moon under the place, completely preventing the view of any being in this area. The moon is the size of a building, and in addition to radiating a lot of lunar light, it can be used as a direct attack, being launched against an opponent. They can also involve weapons and objects with a luminous aura, being able to move them at distances only with thoughts, also managing from this level to affect immune to light. The use of hands is no longer necessary.


Level 100-150: You will now be able to direct the power of reflection, being able to use it only to 'reflect' techniques you have seen, copying them. This copy is not perfect and needs training, in addition to being applied only to physical skills, it cannot be used for magic. Now it can control, manipulate, absorb and model solar / nuclear energy on a perfect scale, being able to generate both in large quantities, being able to generate something close to the sun. Its resistance reaches that of adamantium and its strength is capable of lifting 500 tons with great difficulties. It can absorb during the day and from variable sources that emit or reflect it for up to 4 shifts, and use it for the same time absorbed.


Level 151-200: Reach the peak of your ability, now having perfect control under the energy and light of the moon, creating everything from small things to huge things. You have total control in the exchange between your light form and your physical form, being able to change your will without time limit. At the height of this skill, it already has a global scale for its manipulation, control, absorption and modeling, as it reaches almost total mastery in such. The levels of nuclear / solar energy it can generate, reach Antares, the sun of another galaxy. By absorbing both nuclear and solar energy, the individual can even avoid attacks from all types of projectiles. Its resistance already reaches the vibranium, where it will have an orange skin and covered with a "luminous paste". Its brutality reaches the level of being able to lift 1000 tons at once. It can absorb from any source or emission of solar or nuclear energy for its use for 5 shifts, and use it for the same time absorbed.


Note: The offspring can keep the energy in their body for up to 24 hours, having to expel it after that time or it will explode.


Right on Hanan Pancha


Mama Cocha was the queen of Hanan Pancha, the heavenly or divine world, so her children have respect and dominion over it.


Level 1-30: The offspring of MamaCocha has enormous respect among the offspring of Inca deities and also on the smaller ones. These will never be attacked by them. On the contrary, they will help you. Large offspring (Viracocha, Inti, E Mamas) are not affected.


Level 31-60: The demigod manages to make even the offspring of the great help him, and they may never attack him.


Level 61-90: The demigod is blessed by the queen of the Incas, with the ability to use once per event or saga, a passive power and an asset of a deity who has a relationship with Hanan Pancha for 3 rounds (even one of the great ones) deities).


Level 91-120: The offspring of Mama Cocha, becomes able to summon a minor deity (Supay, Inti, Mama Quilla) to help you during any event or saga, she will help you for 5 rounds, after time runs out, the divinity will disappear. (once per event or saga)


Level 121-140: Now you can now summon one of the 4 Inca elemental mothers to help you in any event or saga, for 5 rounds. (once per event or saga).


Level 141-160: At his peak, the demigod is able to summon one of the great Inca deities (Viracocha or Mamacocha) to help him during the event or saga. (once per event or saga)


OS: The deities will be like a second character for the player who will be able to control him following the powers of his own tab.


Divine form


Upon entering such a form, the demigod will turn totally sky blue, while a robe similar to the water-green Greek tunic with wave-like movements will envelop you, a golden crown will appear over your head, in the right hand a sphere will appear, it will keep spinning, it will represent all the water in the world, an element from which it will have total omnipotence, being able to do whatever it wants, canceling other attacks, controlling, putting the world into a flood and the like. As well as its beauty will be tremendous, in addition to having the body totally liquid, where attacks will simply pass through.


Level 180-200: Lasts two rounds.


Level 221-240: Lasts three rounds.


Level 241-260: Lasts 4 rounds.


Level 261-280: Lasts 5 rounds.


Note: Reload time of 10 rounds after the end of use.



One of the most terrible of all existing swords, it looks like a giant knife covered with shark scales. It is a living, conscious weapon and has the ability to suck the opponent's vital energy without necessarily touching it passively.

Marine Orb

A small blue sphere made of water, such an item and capable of flooding an area of ​​30m around the demigod, thus giving it the ability to use its aquatic powers.


Water harpoon


Harpoon made of oricalco, the same and capable of firing powerful jets of water, which are capable of dragging a simple car.


Power grid


A blue colored net that can be placed on someone, such an item has the ability to restore the energy of those who are covered.

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