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Neith (also called Nit, Net and Neit) is, in Egyptian mythology, the goddess of war and hunting, creator of men and gods, funerary deity and inventor goddess, she is also called Tehenut, being an ancient Egyptian goddess whose cult it comes from the pre-dynastic period, in which it had the shape of a scarab, then it became the goddess of war, hunting and inventing goddess. Plato stated that in Saís, Athena merged with Neith, due to the attributes of war and weaving, and had the owl as the same symbolic animal, in its funerary aspect, she is the protective goddess of the dead: she invented the fabric (she converted patron of the weavers) that offers both sales and the shroud to the dead.

SONS OF neith

Appearance: They have black hair and silver-colored eyes, brown or brown skin and muscular or sculptural bodies.

Personality: They are extremely loyal to their allies. They have an indomitable spirit for leadership, they love being challenged when it comes to precision and they hate that they take their goals away, like an arrow that has its target set.


Passive Powers


Improved Speed


Like their mother, these offspring are incredibly fast, managing to move with excellent lightness.


Level 1-10: Can move at 600 km / h.


Level 11-25: They can move at 1200 km / h.


Level 26-35: They can move at 1800 km / h.


Level 36-50: They can move at 2400 km / h.


Level 51-99: They are able to move at 3000 km / h.


Level 100-150: Can move at 3600 km / h.


Level 151-200: Can move at 4200 km / h.


Level 201-250: Can move at 4800 km / h.


Level 251-300: They can move at 5400 km / h.


Divine Hunters

Neith was a great hunter, being her most prevalent attribute. Just like their mother, these offspring naturally manage to hunt any type of being, getting from studying him and also how to kill him.


Level 1-10: Silent Presence: Neith's offspring have an undetectable presence, being completely silent; being able to approach or appear behind their opponents and they will not even notice.


Level 11-25: Hunting for Prey: Neith's offspring have great perceptual abilities, always being able to detect their victims once they are hunting them. Their prey are also unable to stay more than 30 meters away from their offspring, suffering severe damage to their bodies and minds.


Level 26-35: Divine Mimic: Neith's children when hunting their victims, they acquire traces of the physiology of their prey, for example if you are hunting an animal, you will have the physiology of that animal and its natural abilities, if you are hunting a creature you will have your physiology and the natural abilities granted from that being. (The effect is undone after the target is killed)


Level 51-99: Trapmaster: Neith's offspring are masters at creating traps, be they common or even complex ones. Using his divine energy he can deposit it in places he is in physical contact or looking at, being able to create simple or complex traps of divine origins, having containment effects (preventing the use of powers for example), traps capable of killing his victims ( a trap that fires harpoons that affect the target’s energy, contain poisons and even kill the target) and among other types of traps.


Level 100-150: Hunter's Instinct: Neith's offspring when they are in a situation of great need, weakness or serious injury; as a gesture of self defense, it will undergo an increase in its stamina and strength, allowing the hunter to shoot its prey faster.


Level 151-200: Fighting Death: Neith's offspring when they are killed by someone, and her body is in a decent position, she is able to come back to life for 4 rounds, in case she manages to kill her killer in those 4 rounds, it manages to return to life permanently. (1 time per event)


Level 201-250: Perfect Hunter: In the face of combat, the offspring (enemies) of the offspring become risky beings, losing virtually any immortality or protection that they may have, their victims becoming vulnerable to attacks by the offspring, even if be immune. (If they have higher levels, it does not affect you)


Level 251-300: Hunter's Cloak: After killing their prey, the hunter is able to create a skin for his victims, even if the victim is dead, these skins still have some of the victim's energy, which allows the offspring to use up to 3 active powers of these victims (4 rounds, 2 times per event or saga)


Sixth Sense


Level 1-30: As children of the great Goddess of hunting and the dead, Neith's offspring received a blessing from their mother that always favors them during combat. Neith's offspring have a sense of precognitive "danger" or "sixth sense" that warns them of potential or immediate danger by manifesting a tingling sensation in the back of the skull and is linked to its divine aesthetic, allowing it to avoid most injuries, unless he cognitively replaces his automatic reflexes. The exact nature of this sense is unknown, although it is activated by its connection with the interacting dead (skill shot attacks) or even whispering in your mind, warning you of attacks against you.


Level 31-60: This sixth sense is now also able to create a general response of the order of several seconds: not being able to discern the nature of the threat by the sensation, however, however, they can discern the severity of the danger by the force of your answer to it. This directional sensation can guide you away from hidden weapons / attacks and enemies.


Level 61-90: Neith's offspring can also detect and dodge randomly targeted attacks. Your sixth sense is sufficiently well connected to your reflexes to the point that a threat can trigger them even when the offspring are distracted or off guard.


Level 91-120: This sixth sense now works with better accuracy, being able to provide the offspring now with information about the attacks against you, knowing exactly what will come.


Ps: Works with physical, magical and spiritual attacks as well.


Forecast Eyes


Neith's children have golden eyes like the sun, and these eyes have great perceptual abilities, being able to see the next actions of their targets through post images, during combat. These eyes can also see in the infrared / x-ray and the astral plane.


Level 1-10: Initially your eyes can see the physical movements of your opponents as long as you keep your eyes focused on them, as well as speaking and etc. This prediction is accurate, being able to visualize accurately.


Level 11-25: You can effortlessly visualize your targets, being able to see their next movements.


Level 26-35: You can now predict their actions, being able to view now even the use of powers (skill shot).


Level 36-50: Can foresee the use of any power that your opponent uses, being that those who are not skill shot, the target will display a color aura peculiar to each type of attack, each aura will inform the offspring the type of power .


Level 51-99: The offspring are now able to face their targets to dominate their will, through the pure pressure that their bodies feel, weighing each part of the body, thus managing to prevent them from attacking.


Level 100-150: These eyes can override powers derived from precognition within 100 meters.


War goddess


Neith is also said to be a War deity, being considered a great warrior, as well as her offspring who naturally demonstrate great skill in combat and use of weapons.


Level 1-10: Combat advantage: Neith's offspring when in combat, their opponents suffer a decrease in their speed, losing 25% of it.


Level 11-25: Reinforcement: Neith's offspring have a kind of "armor" in their body in the form of an aura that protects their body from viruses, poisonous radiation in the air and also against projectiles and blades with titanium resistance.


Level 26-35: Weaknesses: Neith's offspring can see their victims' weaknesses as a kind of aim, once they hit these areas, the offspring can make their victim lose 35% of their energy. In addition to making them slow down.

Level 36-50: Armament: Instinctively, the offspring's body parts are coated with a dark metallic alloy formed by the offspring's divine energy, when they are attacked, serving as a protection, since they have a resistance compared to adamantium.


Level 51-99: Fury: Neith's children, when irritated or without energy, they manage to acquire a little more divine energy (30%), in exchange for 30% of their vital energy. (3 times per event or saga, the third offspring dying soon after.)


Divine Bow and Arrow


Like Neith, these offspring are great archers, having expertise in the use of bow and arrow, these offspring always carry with them a bow composed of stellar matter, together with divine arrows. These arrows naturally have no power at all, but when they come into contact with the offspring's hand it naturally uses the offspring's energy to acquire their abilities. Your arrows have the ability to chase your targets, no matter where they go, whether in space or even elsewhere on the planet.


Level 1-20: Initially your arrows have simple abilities, such as blinding your victims or piercing the matter. Also possessing explosive arrows but nothing exaggerated.


Level 21-40: The offspring are now able to shoot arrows with elemental abilities, such as arrows of fire, water, ice, lightning, etc. They are also now able to achieve intangibles and deny regeneration. At this level, these arrows also manage to turn the dead into mummies loyal to their offspring for 3 rounds.


Level 41-60: Your arrows can now easily affect souls. In addition to becoming more practical, as these arrows have dimensional and temporal capabilities, managing to paralyze time in the area in which it is or even make your arrows travel between dimensions.

Level 61-80: Your arrows now acquire energetic capacities, the offspring being able to shoot arrows composed of other types of energy, such as divine, mystical, cosmic, etc.


Level 81-100: Your arrows at their peak acquire the ability to adopt any type of effect, now also managing to kill their victims easily, once hit.



Divine Regeneration

Neith's offspring like her mother have a great healing factor.


Level 1-10: Can heal from minor cuts and simple damage.


Level 11-25: They are now able to heal themselves from major damage and large, serious injuries.


Level 26-35: They are already able to heal themselves from burns and also regenerate small parts of the body.


Level 36-50: They are already able to regenerate larger parts of the body and also organs (minus vital ones)

Level 51-100: Dimensional damage heals easily.

Level 101-150: They are now able to heal themselves from simple spiritual damage.


Level 151-200: They are already able to heal themselves from average spiritual damage.


Divine Resistance


The children of the Primordial Goddess Nyx as great warriors and hunters, they have a very resistant body.


Level 1-10: They have contaminating immunity, not being affected by diseases, besides having resistance against the climate, adapting to cold or hot climates.


Level 11-25: They already have resistance to physical attacks and pain.


Level 26-35: They are already resistant to elemental attacks.


Level 36-50: They are resistant to dimensional attacks.


Level 51-99: They are resistant to spiritual attacks.


Level 100-150: They are resistant to energy attacks.


Level 151-200: Neith's offspring demonstrate protection against those who try to alter or control their destiny, not functioning.


Creator's Will


Neith is seen as a creative goddess, being responsible for creating the entire universe and everything in it, so her offspring have a certain authority over the beings in it and also over certain types of attacks.


Level 1-50: Initially humans and animals did not attack seeing him as an ally choosing to help the same, the same with human beings.


Level 51-100: Offspring now tend not to be attacked by plants or certain mundane creatures (they will not follow you, they just will not attack you, as long as it is not provoked).


Level 101-150: The offspring now have authority over the elements, they will not attack you.


Great Wisdom


Neith was considered an ancient deity of Wisdom, so her offspring inherit her great wisdom.


Level 1-50: Neith's children demonstrate great intelligence, possessing great intuitive abilities and also great creativity in creating things, also possessing an accelerated perception being able to visualize the probabilities of various situations to happen and always judge the best, in addition to be able to foresee and even predict your opponents' next actions. Demonstrating hypercompetence.


Level 51-100: Neith's offspring has an increased sense of consciousness far above the other blood media, being able to perceive everything that occurs within a radius of up to 80 meters, being able to perceive the spiritual plane as well.

Level 101-150: Neith's offspring as well as their mother have great paranormal knowledge, allowing them to know how to hunt almost any prey, having great experience, and knowledge of paranormal beings, how to understand, detect and fight them. (Creatures, monsters, half blood, angel creations, etc.).


Level 151-200: Neith's offspring now have extrasensory perception, managing to acquire information by independent means in any of their known senses or previous experience. This applies to any type of information, knowledge, wisdom, experience, etc. Information can be personal (memories, thoughts, etc.) or impersonal (academic knowledge, data, etc.). This ability can be used passively (as an instinctive reaction) or actively (wanting to know specific information).


Level 201-250: You now have an immense knowledge of where you are. Being aware of most things, like powerful spells, advanced science, where to find someone etc. Some knowledge of the neith offspring may exceed others with the same power, as there may be some things that other beings are unaware of. Neith's offspring has the potential to know almost everything that is happening within an area equivalent to a street.


Level 251-300: This knowledge is now limited to an area compared to blocks.


Active Powers


Divine Arrows


Just like your mother, these offspring have green bands of divine origin all over her body, these bands differently her mother remains invisible until the offspring wishes to use them. Where it uses part of its divine energy, so its arrows emit a glow that acquires some capabilities.


Level 1-10: Increased Strength: The arrows, when consuming a little of the energy of the offspring, can increase the strength of the offspring, managing to destroy buildings and titanium with their strength.


Level 11-25: Speed ​​Increase: The divine Arrows in your body are able to increase the speed of your attacks by 3x.


Level 26-35: Impulse Vector: The arrows manage to allow the offspring to simulate teleportation, managing to disappear and reappear next to their opponents in order to surprise them with an attack.


Level 36-50: Channeling Power: The offspring can absorb the attacks of their opponents, using the arrows on their body, and the offspring does not suffer any side effects (obviously cannot absorb energies from destruction), once the offspring is absorbed can reflect the same against his opponents 3x stronger.


Level 51-99: Redirection: The offspring manages to create arrows capable of redirecting the attacks of their opponents, even if they are powerful, they can be redirected (skill shot)


Level 100-150: Deceleration: The offspring is able to release a spherical transparent field of up to 70 meters around the offspring around the offspring where everyone inside will suffer a great slowdown, becoming so slow that they will not even be able to move. (3 rounds)


Level 151-200: Assassin's Arrows: Neith's offspring manage to create numerous arrows from their body that advance against their targets. Once hit, these arrows cause two effects, which the offspring can choose, being a control of the body and soul through a frequency created by the divine energies of the offspring and the victim, or the simple destruction of the victim's body. (The arrows are invisible and imperceptible).


The Threads of Destiny

Neith's offspring, like her mother, are excellent weavers, managing to generate, shape and control (either mentally or manually) threads, including the threads of destiny, the threads of these offspring being different from the others, not being easily destroyed, they are created through the divine energy of the offspring, making them very resistant / durable.


Level 1-10: Temporal Knowledge: The threads of destiny allow the offspring to receive information from the past, present and future.


Level 11-25: Disability: The wires of the target manage to protect the future of these offspring, preventing their targets from trying to predict the next attack of the offspring and especially the wires.

Level 26-35: Fiocinetico Damage: The offspring is able to make the threads spread throughout the territory, these threads, each part of it is intimately connected with its opponents, where it will feel every touch or damage that the thread suffers, each wire is connected to a certain part of the body and that includes even the soul.


Level 36-50: Temporal Paralysis: The offspring through its influence with the wires, it can temporarily paralyze time, allowing the offspring to attack their victims quickly damaging it. And only after the time returns to normal, the same will feel the injuries.


Level 51-100: Protection of Fate: The wires of fate naturally have a "life of their own", being able to constantly see the future and thus through this information protect the offspring from future attacks at 3x the normal speed of the offspring.


Level 101-150: Cocoon of Destiny: The offspring controls the threads in order to create a very resistant cocoon, within that cocoon the offspring is able to advance and even regress the time in their favor, managing to cancel the timelessness in that territory.

Level 151-200: Time Loop: The wires of fate immobilize their targets to the point of preventing them from moving completely, having their energies absorbed, and meanwhile they fall in a time loop, being doomed to relive every second a given event in their lives.


Level 201-250: Mummy Unlit: The wires are completely wrapped around the body of their targets to the point that they look like a mummy, at that very moment the victim's body starts to have its existence erased, even from the time lines. (After the erasure is completed, even the mummy disappears) Once per event.


Masters of the Universe


Neith was seen as the one who created the universe and also the one who governs this and all things of the same that even includes the cosmos. Your offspring will also have great control over the universe and all things in it.


Level 100-150: Reality Change: Neith's offspring have the ability to change reality on a small scale.


Level 151-200: Fundamental Forces: Neith's offspring acquire the ability to manipulate the four interactive forces of Strong Force, Weak Force, Electromagnetism and Gravity, all in one, managing to control the four fundamental forces of the universe, achieving almost any effect they desire . As a result, the offspring can reorganize matter to create other configurations and even transmute elements and manipulate space-time to a degree, using gravity to distort them.


Level 201-250: Dimensiokinesis: Offspring can create, model and manipulate dimensions, starting with physical 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and 4-D, changing their own dimensions. Advanced uses include manipulation and linking to alternative dimensions and dimensional energy to reach a variety of talents, such as teleportation, portal generation, pocket size creation, etc.


Level 251-300: Etherkinesis: Neith's offspring can create, model and manipulate the Aether, a "powerful and unique" Celestial Element "that flows through the Universe.


Divine Hunt

Level 100: Neith's offspring through her divine energy she is able to create around the offspring countless animals and creatures made of that energy, while the offspring acquire tribal designs on her face, her bow emanating a divine glow. That done, the creatures and animals at the command of the offspring then advance against the enemies chasing and hunting the same (the creatures and animals have 3x the speed of the offspring), while the offspring with its bow, it shoots arrows in the air and soon these multiply, and they travel at a speed compared to lightning. Arrows manage to kill their victims when pierced by it (even the soul is affected).


Obs: The animals when destroyed by their opponents or by their own arrows, they explode and soon reconstitute. Continuing the hunt. Only anti energy undoes these creatures and animals.


Puppet Show


Neith's offspring through its control of divine threads they manage to control their targets like puppets. Such strings are suitable for the use of puppets, which are different from the strings of the destination.

Level 1-30: The offspring is able to create such threads and connect them to other bodies or objects and control them from a distance, the offspring is also able to control the shape of their threads, making them so thin that not even their opponents will be able to see (this will not interfere with their resistance). However, in order to control living beings, this shows a certain difficulty.


Level 31-60: Now manage to control them normally. The wires are also able to drain energy and vigor from their victims if they try to resist the control of their offspring.


Level 61-90: The offspring now demonstrate the ability to use their divine energy to send information and commands to their puppets, to the point of being able to use these powers during combat. At this level the victim suffers great damage to his body, mind and soul if they try to resist the control of the offspring.

Level 91-120: At this level, the offspring awaken the ability to control the dead, once their wires come into contact with the body of a being that is dead, it manages to emanate a divine glow in the body by removing the internal organs from the victim and preserving his body to prevent decomposition, Neith's offspring then increases the puppet's power (by donating part of its divine energy), and thanks to that divine energy, the puppet acquires more lethal tools and weapons throughout the body ( such as poisons, divine energy cannons, etc.)


Level 121-150: At this level these puppets are slightly different from the original ones and, although the control is the same, the offspring now have access to 1 active power of the deceased, allowing that even if the puppet is dead, he can use two of his powers that owned when in life.

Ps: These divine puppets only last 4 rounds.


Neith being the Goddess of the Cosmos and also the creator of the universe and also ruler of it, the offspring of this goddess have cosmic manipulation.


Level 50-100: Control on a small scale.


Level 101-150: Control on a median scale.

Level 151-200: They control on a large scale.


Level 201-250: Control the perfect scale.


Level 251-300: They are able to affect an entire neighborhood with their attacks.


Primordial Water Handling


Just as your mother was also represented and also considered the personification of Primordial Waters, your offspring will have the ability to control, generate and shape these waters, just like any other mundane water in any state.


Level 1-10: Crocodile Hunt: With its basic control over the primordial waters, the offspring is capable of creating numerous crocodiles made from the primordial Waters, and then they are launched like torpedoes towards the enemy where once they are hit there will be 25 % of your denied energy (divine, mystical, vital, etc.).


Level 11-25: Aquatic Prison: The offspring with their medium control manage to create a spherical layer made up of primordial Waters capable of trapping their targets within it, and the more the victim tries to break free, the faster he will lose his strength, becoming exhausted .


Level 26-35: Fragments of Water: Controlling water on a large scale, the offspring is able to create numerous water droplets, which soon advance towards the victims, once affected, their body and soul will be controlled by the offspring.


Level 36-50: Hunting on the High Seas: Controlling the primordial water on a perfect scale, the offspring are now able to create a huge aquatic prison within a radius of 50 meters, within this prison several aquatic animals are chasing it and draining the offspring's energy quickly.


Level 51-100: Wet: The offspring is able to wet their targets with the primordial waters, once this is done, they are able to use the target as a point so that the offspring can teleport around it, and may even take him by surprise.

Level 101-150: Crocodile Transformation: The offspring, when bathing in the primordial waters, can undergo a transformation, acquiring characteristics and traits of a crocodile, having their physical and perceptual abilities improved, in addition to acquiring a skin as resistant as iron divine.


Level 151-200: Deadly Flood: Acquire a control capable of affecting entire blocks easily, managing at this level to cause a flood throughout this dominating territory, similar to a flood, but these waters are able to absorb the soul and all the energy of its victims , when affected.


Huntress Mark


Neith's offspring have the ability to create a mark on the body of their opponents which affects them both externally and internally.

Level 1-30: Movement Restriction: The mark after appearing on the target's body, the same at the command of the offspring releases divine seals throughout the victim's body restricting his physical movements.


Level 31-60: Loss of Nutrients: The brand consumes the nutrients in the victim's body, killing the cells and the whole life of the organism.


Level 61-90: Animal Mind: The brand induces an increase in psychosis in its victims, causing them to lose control of their actions becoming an irrational being for 3 rounds. However, during this time he cannot use skills other than skill shot.


Level 91-120: Lethality Control: Neith's offspring acquire Lethality control over their victims who are carrying the mark, being subject to their control.


Destination Manipulation


Level 200: Neith is also considered a Goddess of Fate, so her offspring are able to perceive, shape and manipulate fate, allowing them to affect reality in various ways, open and hidden, thereby managing to manipulate the probabilities, manipulate strings quantum, manipulate time and etc.


Temporal Power


Because their mother is associated with the creation of primordial time, their offspring acquire some temporal abilities, which are the ability to paralyze time, to go back and advance it.


Level 1-10: You can freeze time for 2 rounds, you can reverse or advance the time 15 seconds ago or later.


Level 11-25: You can freeze time for 3 rounds, you can reverse or advance the time 25 seconds ago or later.


Level 26-35: You can freeze time for 4 rounds, you can reverse or advance the time 35 seconds ago or later.


Level 36-50: You can freeze time for 5 rounds, you can reverse or advance the time 45 seconds ago or later.


Divine Form


Neith's offspring access its divine form having its body altered undergoing a small transformation around its body, possessing a bow now practically indestructible, possessing the ability to shoot arrows capable of reaching the maximum speed of its opponents, besides also having control of the destiny.


Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.

Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds.


Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.


Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.


Ps: 3 times per event.

Complaint gifts

Neith Arch


When they learn to use the bow and arrow, Neith's children receive an enchanted bow, which shoots electric, explosive and super impacting arrows.




Nível 01-30: Sendo um sapo que carrega o nome de uma deusa com a cabeça de um destes animais, este pet demonstra uma velocidade de incríveis dez (10) mach em seus saltos, podendo esticar sua própria língua por até dez metros em uma velocidade que é o dobro da velocidade que possui normalmente, sendo que a língua possui uma força de pressão similar ao peso de uma cidade. O sapo é do tamanho de um cachorro.


Nível 31-60: O sapo agora possui uma velocidade de vinte (20) mach em seus saltos, sendo que agora o sapo possui uma capacidade de absorção de impacto, que por sua vez é levemente superior à força de pressão que a língua exibe e exibirá, ou seja, escalando baseado na força desta. A energia absorvida é expressada como rajadas de energia cinética que cospe de sua boca, com elas tendo a mesma velocidade que sua língua. A força de sua língua passa a ser similar ao peso de uma grande cidade.


Nível 61-90: O sapo agora possui uma velocidade de trinta (30) mach em seus saltos, mas agora este também possui um veneno líquido em sua pele, que por sua vez acaba por causar uma paralisia na região tocada logo na próxima rodada, sendo que na segunda rodada após o toque já terá se espalhado por todo o corpo do indivíduo. A força de sua língua passa a ser similar ao peso de uma montanha.


Nível 91-120: O sapo agora possui uma velocidade de quarenta (40) mach em seus saltos, agora, o pet também passa a conseguir expelir seu veneno na forma de um gás venenoso de cor esverdeada, mas que é inodoro. Para fazer isso ele só precisa fazer um pouco de força. A força de sua língua passa a ser similar ao peso de uma grande montanha.


Nível 121-150: O sapo agora possui uma velocidade de cinquenta (50) mach em seus saltos, tendo um campo de visão de quase 360°, o que dificulta que seja pego em um ataque surpresa, já que também passam a enxergar em lugares com pouca luz. A força de sua língua passa a ser similar ao peso de uma ilha.


Nível 151-200: O sapo agora possui uma velocidade de sessenta (60) mach em seus saltos, sendo que agora a força de sua língua passa a ser similar ao peso de um pequeno país, porém, seus sistema digestivo possui um leve poder espacial, sendo maior do que deveria ser, se distorcendo de forma que possa ter o volume equivalente a uma casa dentro de si, bastando que engula aquilo ou aquele que deseja afetar, sendo que normalmente faz isso puxando o alvo com sua língua. Isso leva os sujeitos a uma pequena dimensão de bolso que nada mais é que o próprio sistema digestivo do sapo, uma vez lá dentro se torna extremamente difícil encontrar algo, já que como dito, é uma outra dimensão. 


Nível 201-250: O sapo agora possui uma velocidade de setenta (70) mach em seus saltos, e agora a força de sua língua passa a ser similar ao peso de um país. O sapo passa a possuir o poder Eu Misterioso, desde que esteja em um ambiente extremamente úmido. 


Nível 251-300: O sapo agora possui uma velocidade de oitenta (80) mach em seus saltos, e por fim, a força de sua língua passa a ser similar ao peso de um grande país.

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