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Nix (in Greek : Νύξ, transl .: Nýx, lit. "Night"), in Greek mythology , is the personification of night. One of the best sources of information about this goddess comes from Hesiod's theogony . Many references are made to Nix in that poem describing the birth of the Greek gods. Night played an important role in the myth as one of the first and most powerful beings to come into existence.

Hesiod affirms that Nix is the daughter of Chaos , being the second creature, followed by his twin brother Erebo , the darkness, emerging from the emptiness, shortly thereafter Gaia , mother Earth, Tartarus , the abysmal darkness, Eros , the love of creation , who are considered brothers of Chaos. [1] From these primordial forces came the rest of the Greek deities.

In his Theogony, Hesiod also describes the forbidden residence of the Night:

“There is also the melancholy house of Night;

pale clouds envelop her in the darkness; Before them, Atlas behaves upright, and on his head, with his tireless arms, firmly supports the wide sky, where Night and Day cross a bronze plateau and then approach each other.


Nix is the patron of witches and witches, she is the Goddess of night secrets and mysteries, queen of night stars. Nix is worshiped by witches and witches, who believed that she gives the land fertility to sprout enchanted herbs. It was also believed that Nix has complete control over life and death, both for men and for Gods. Homer refers to Nix with the epithet "The Tamer of Men and Gods", demonstrating how other Gods respected and feared this most powerful deity.

Nix, like Hades , has a hood that makes her invisible to everyone, thus watching the universe without being noticed. It was Nix who placed Hélio among his sons ( Hemera , Ether and Hespérides ), when the other Titans tried to assassinate him. Zeus has an enormous respect and fearful dread of Nix, the Night Goddess. The children of Nix are the Hierarchy in power for the Gods, most of them are deities that inhabit the underworld and represent indomitable forces that no other god could contain. In one version, the Erinias are the daughters of Nix (Aeschylus).

Nix appears at times as a beneficial Goddess who symbolizes the beauty of the night (similar to Leto ), at times as the cruel Tartárea deity, who curses and punishes with nocturnal terror ( Hécate and Astéria ). Nix is also a Goddess of Death, the first queen of the world of Darkness. She also has prophetic gifts, and it was she who created the weapon that Gaia handed to Cronos to dethrone Uranus . Nix knows the secret of the immortality of the gods, being able to take it away and turn a god into a mortal, as he did with Cronos , after he was dethroned by Zeus .

Sometimes, following the example of Hades , whose name was avoided to be pronounced, they give to Nix Greek names of Euphrone and Eulalia, that is to say, Mother of the good advice. There are those who mark their empire north of Ponto Euxino , in the country of the Cimmerians ; but the situation generally accepted is in the part of Spain, Hespéria, in the region of the west, near the columns of Hercules , limits of the world known to the ancients.


Appearance: Her hair is in contrast to the night, becoming as black as she is. They are thin, which explains why their hair is always messed up. Her skin tone is extremely white, becoming as pale and cold as night. His pupil is black and never dilates.

Personality: They tend to be quiet and authoritarian. They act seriously, in the presence of silence. They don't like noise, much less light. Like their brothers, Thanatos and Hypnos, they are cold and, at times, calculating. They generate kindness with kindness, despite not indigesting disrespect or disrespect towards their belongings.


Passive Powers

Nyx's Blessing


Thanks to her connection to the night generated by her mother, whenever Nyx's children are at night, they get stronger, both physically, mentally and magically. While with these benefits Nyx's children acquire a slightly black aura around them, which causes plants and lower living beings to die and rot. This aura also generates immense fear and dread in demigods, semi-titans and semi-primordials due to the fact that Nyx was a goddess who was feared even by Zeus who had enormous respect and dread for her, whose was known for knowing the secret to remove the immortality of the gods, just as he did with Cronos when he was dethroned.


Level 1-10: When in contact with at night, the offspring increase their mental and sensory abilities, gaining a superhuman vision and smell, also managing to reason faster than most humans managing to deceive other people more easily, all for because of your thinking that is faster and more ingenious. Also gaining a considerable increase in strength, having a physical strength and agility superior to the lesser demigods, managing to dodge simple blows with ease.


Level 11-25: From this level Nyx's children gain a considerable increase in strength when in contact with at night, being able to easily overcome the strength of Olympian demigods, managing at the height of their strength to easily break iron with their own hands. It also increases your sight and smell, being able to see things at a considerable distance (1500 meters away) and to distinguish smells almost nonexistent.


Level 26-35: Upon reaching this level the offspring are able to take advantage of the blessing even more, beginning to get used to it more. From this level they gain a great increase in their mental capacities, including those of reasoning; being able to reason quickly in combat, being able to easily predict blows from opponents not much faster than them. They can almost always predict their opponents' attacks, regardless of their complexity. Remember that he can predict, but he will not always be able to deflect, it all depends on how complex the opponent's strike is. The offspring also have an enviable physical strength when in contact with the lunar light, being able to break any type of material with less resistance than diamond.


Level 36-50: From this level Nyx's children gain a 100% buff on their abilities. They also double their speed when in contact with lunar light. Its physical strength is destructive, being stronger than any semi-titan (except Atlas).


Level 50-99: From this level your strength advances even more, managing to break diamonds easily with your own hands, also increasing your agility and making movements that would be impossible for normal demigods. Now, just like her mother, her offspring knows the secret to withdrawing divine immortality, thus being able to kill immortals.

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Level 100-150: The offspring can now extend this blessing to up to three other people. It is necessary that it expands its aura to the other person.


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Improved Speed


The bodies of Nyx's children are naturally well defined, which allows them to run at great speeds.


Level 1-10: They can reach speeds of up to 600 km / h.


Level 11-25: They can reach speeds of up to 1200 km / h.


Level 26-35: They can reach speeds of up to 1800 km / h.


Level 36-50: They can reach speeds of up to 2400 km / h.


Level 51-99: They can reach speeds of up to 3500 km / h.


Level 100-150: They can reach speeds of up to 4200 km / h.


Level 151-200: They can reach speeds of up to 4900 km / h.


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Purple Hoodie


Nyx's offspring have a beautiful purple hood with them which allows them to use some gifts.


Level 1-10: The Hood makes you invisible, preventing others from seeing you.


Level 11-25: The hood now in addition to granting invisibility allows it to be imperceptible to the 5 senses of its opponents.


Level 26-35: The hood now provides you with the ability to fly and also to levitate.


Level 36-50: The offspring are now completely imperceptible to any tracking method, and cannot be noticed or tracked by their opponents or any other being.


Level 51-99: The hood now allows you to follow everything that is happening on the planet you are on, knowing literally everything that is happening; not necessarily needing to be in place.


Level 100-150: The offspring can now follow without hurting themselves in the process everything that happens in the galaxy they are in; without having to be in the place where it is happening.


Level 151-200: Now you can follow everything that is happening in the entire universe without getting damaged in the process, without needing to be in the right place where this is happening.


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Starry Black Cloak

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Nyx's offspring have a black cloak with which is a kind of star aura above it, which allows it to control the star dust left by the stars when they die.


Level 1-20: This stardust can take shapes up to 15 meters. Their modeling can be easily undone by the blows of their enemies, and the beings that the offspring have have no degree of intelligence being mere puppets.


Level 21-40: This stardust can take forms of up to 25 meters. Their creations show some resistance.


Level 41-60: This stardust can take shapes up to 35 meters. His modeling is more intelligent.


Level 61-80: This dust can take forms of up to 45 meters. The offspring are now able to share the mind with their creations, being able to perceive everything around them through the senses of their creations, as well as reading their minds. Having incredibly sturdy weapons.


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Level 100: Because your mother is the personification of the night itself and the darkness, being the primordial one of them, your control does not get to become absolute, but your attacks related to the darkness and the moonlight cannot be controlled by anyone else. Nyx's own offspring or the goddess herself.

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Obscure Recovery


For being offspring of the primordial of the night, of the death, of the magic and of the darkness, when it is in dark places, cold or even at night, its regeneration will be amplified.


Levels 1-10: Nyx's offspring can lessen their pain, in addition to regenerating minor wounds quickly.


Levels 11-25: Regeneration now increases, which can regenerate deeper wounds. It can also alleviate illnesses in general.


Levels 26-35: Its physical regeneration is semi-perfect, being able to restore light, deep cuts, and even burns.


Levels 36-50: Now even very serious burns will be healed, in addition to internal and external wounds being healed with extreme ease.

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Levels 51-99: While in an extremely dark place, your body will be as tough as a diamond. Thus, it is extremely difficult to hurt Nyx's offspring.


Levels 100-150: While in a cold place, your body will be tough like diamond. Thus, it is extremely difficult to hurt Nyx's offspring.


Levels 151-200: While at night, your body will be as tough as diamond. Thus, it is extremely difficult to hurt Nyx's offspring.


Levels 201-250: Now your energy will also be restored almost immediately.


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Invincible Night


Nyx, like the night itself, has the ability to be everywhere, listening and knowing everything.


Level 50: During the night the semi-primordial is able to spread his Darkness over the place, becoming semi-omniscient and semi-omnipresent; restricting itself only to that affected area.


Level 100: Your body will fall apart in shadows, while You will become semi-omniscient and semi-omnipresent during any night. It doesn't matter if it is light or dark, at night, you will be there.


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Silver Eyes


The Sons of Nyx have beautiful silver eyes reflecting the moonlight, just as their skin is pale giving a “focus” to their eyes. Thanks to this, Nyx's son passively has the ability to see the mystical, astral, energetic world, etc. Nothing goes unnoticed by Nyx's son, also having a 360 ° view. The eyes are ruthless and show the truth, the future and even the past.


Level 1-10: When someone looks into the eyes of Nyx's son, he may see a small glimpse of the past in which the person wishes to see.


Level 11-25: Now you can see a small glimpse of the future that the person wants to see.


Levels 26-35: Upon reaching this level, the eyes can even see anything in the physical, astral, energetic and mystical world. Nothing goes unnoticed, and you can even see everything that is invisible.


Levels 36-50: The vision becomes perfect in 360 °, making great warriors in even physical combat. The vision becomes perfect for those who look at it, being able to see the future and the past. However, if Nyx's son is tired; the future and the past are uncertain, doubtful and the vision may not last long.


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Queen of the World of Darkness


Nyx was considered the first queen of the world of darkness, thanks to this her offspring inherit from their mother access to the world of darkness, a kingdom made purely of darkness and primordial shadows commanded by their mother Nyx.


Level 100: It can create portals, or cracks for it, in addition to being able to make these portals able to send only parts of the enemy's body to the place or even the whole body. Within this obscure world the offspring have absolute control over it, in addition to being able to define and reshape it to their tastes.


Divine Tamer

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Nyx was recognized as the Tamer of men and gods, so much so that it was one of the reasons that the deities feared and respected her. 

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Level 200: The semi primordial when reaching this level proves to be able to give orders to the beings around them, these orders being undeniable, even managing to give orders to gods and they executed it if the offspring so desired.

Active Powers

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Black magic


As the patron of witches, Nyx's offspring inherit some degree of magic, this being black magic.


Level 1-30: Being a little beginner in the branch of black magic, the offspring can access only sorcery (there will be some spells at the end of the tab) and magic spells, managing to use them in different ways, and in general they are summarized to control, persuade, bless and curse beings and objects. While sorcery is a little more expansive, managing to perform it through magical rituals, spell pronunciations and more.


Level 31-60: The offspring already acquire access to umbracinesis, managing to control the darkness and shadows of Bel pleasure, as well as showing affinity with necromancy since their mother was considered a goddess of death. Acquiring access to a variety of powers related to death, managing to revive bodies, kill people through touch or even through deadly auras created through the energy of the offspring, also managing to create deaths and among other types of powers granted by necromancy.


Level 61-90: Nyx's offspring already acquire control over the spiritual plane and are able to freely absorb and control the souls of the spiritual plane. The offspring can ask any kind of favor to the spirit and he will then do it, being able to also interact on the spiritual plane, etc.


Level 91-120: It already shows control over mana, being able to generate, shape and control it freely without difficulties. At this level, he also manages to use the underworld magic which allows him to access a small range of powers, such as corruption of the soul and body, where in addition to inducing his victim to a state of pure evil, the offspring also manages to obscure his victim's soul. making the effects of corruption permanent; acquiring a more robust body where it shows better in physical combat in addition to being able to fly through shadowy wings having the ability to own people as well.




☾☾ Ignem: magic that generates 3 fireballs.

☾☾ Mystiko: Nyx ​​was also a goddess of secrets, and that word, makes the target reveal her deepest secrets.

☾☾ Illustret: magic that illuminates the place from where you aim.

☾☾ Afferte: Bring the object to your hand.

☾☾ Paralysis: Paralyzes the enemy for a while [one turn and depending on the enemy's level]

☾☾Sillentium: Makes the enemy silent for two posts

☾☾ Cresplan: Causes black colored vines to start to climb around the opponent's body. They are extremely strong and difficult to break.




☾☾ Animal Transfigurationis: Transform an object into a proportional animal.

Hei Stathei: Control the dead for some time with that word, the hordes of zombies will be loyal to you during this time.

☾☾ Invisibility: leaves an invisible object. [only 1 object, when reached the advanced level it can even be 2 objects]

☾☾ Transforcha: Transforms an object into rubber. It starts with small and medium sized objects. The higher your level, the greater you can transform. [Three times per mission or battle. It lasts until Nyx’s son reverses the spell]

☾☾ Mastraor: This spell causes Nyx's son to donate some of his powers to another demigod. It gets weaker and the effect only lasts for a while. [Twice per mission or battle.

☾☾ Illusio: Makes the enemy hallucinate for a while. (two rounds)

N Somnus: sleep magic. [if you are a weak enemy you will sleep, if you are strong you will only be drowsy for 2 turns]

☾☾ Korakia: Which animal represents death? Crows! Sons of Nyx, by shouting that word, manage to control the crows to do whatever they want, either to hinder the enemy and flee, or just to distract the enemy while preparing their attack.

☾☾ Fortuna Fortis: Magic of luck, makes things work for a while [2 turns, 3 when advanced magic is achieved]

☾☾ Illusini: causes the enemy to hallucinate for a while. (two rounds)

☾☾ Largunimen: The enemy forgets what he would do, his next step. [Twice per mission or battle. Last one post]

☾☾ Estantiun: All enemies lose their sight, as if a black veil covered their eyes [Once per mission or battle. It lasts two posts].

☾☾ Korakia: Which animal represents death? Crows! Sons of Nyx, by shouting that word, manage to control the crows to do whatever they want, either to hinder the enemy and flee, or just to distract the enemy while preparing their attack.




☾☾ Gelidus: freezing magic [if it is weak it will freeze completely, if it is strong the enemy will freeze only part of the body]

☾☾ Corpus transfiguratio: transforms the body into an animal. [Only his body and only one animal per mission, he cannot change afterwards and the transfiguration is done only once]

☾☾ Unfortunate: Causes the enemy to miss both his magical (abilities) and bodily blows. [once a day]

☾☾ Oblivion: Erases recent memory (two-day memory).

☾☾ Sintetio: Needles of black energy with a mixture of iron from the Styx emerge from all directions, piercing the enemy until not a centimeter of its matter remains. When inside, they cause intense pain in all the affected limbs and black bruises appear throughout the perimeter. [Once per mission or battle]

☾☾ Tyflosi: This word makes the target have illusions, see his worst fears, incapacitate him from fighting. [Once a day]

☾☾ Elementarius: You are able to completely control all the elements.

☾☾ Mobilus: You are able to make huge things and objects move, becoming able to even use them against enemies.

☾☾ Ignemus: Countless fireballs will attack your enemy.


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Enchanted Herbs


For wizards and sorcerers Nyx was strongly nudged, being the one that provided them with fertile land and enchanted herbs.


Level 1-20: Initially Nyx's offspring are able to make the soil around them fertile (if it is not), and also generate crops that quickly bloom, resulting in various herbs with mystical effects. At their initial level, these herbs have only illusory and hallucinogenic effects; these can affect their victims through pollen or their fragrance.


Level 21-40: Your enchanted herbs now have healing properties, managing to heal your companion's physical, mental and even spiritual wounds. However it is not an instant thing it takes a specific time to work.


Level 41-60: The mystical herbs now have toxic and poisonous properties now, managing to affect their victims physically, mentally and spiritually, being much more lethal than any other type of common toxins.


Level 61-80: These herbs now when used in sets, the Nyx offspring is capable of creating the most varied types of homemade bombs; being able to produce quite powerful drugs with temporary effects of up to four rounds; these drugs can provide all the effects mentioned above as well as they can also provide, improve or extend a power a quality, a defect, a skill and among other things, but like any drug these have side effects provided by the player during their creation (must maintain consistency, if it produces something very good, the side effects will be severe).


Level 81-100: These drugs are now more extensive and are now able to inhibit both passive and active powers, as well as allowing the offspring to develop ways to perform numerous magical feats, such as astral travel, faking or forging heart-stopping deaths, or even to hide from his opponents, but also not limited to this, because at that level the offspring is shown to be an incredible alchemist managing to cultivate and use the herbs that he creates in different ways. This level can break immunities.


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Prophetic Powers


Nyx besides being the first queen of darkness, she also had prophetic gifts which her offspring also inherited from her.


Level 1-10: Initially Nyx's offspring demonstrate the precognition ability, achieving during their combats having visions of up to 10 seconds of what will happen in the future in a specific place that the offspring desires. Demonstrating some degree of crarisciencia being able to see at least one month of the whole life of a determined matter through the physical touch.


Level 11-25: Nyx's offspring already show greater access to precognition and can see at least 1 minute from the future if they wish; being able at this level to cast small curses on specific targets, not being very powerful curses being simple.


Level 26-35: You can already predict up to an entire round if you wish, you can now curse up to 5 targets easily, these curses being stronger with very catastrophic effects, which can cause a person to die after a psychotic break; or even cause effects like involuntary genetic mutations and many other things.


Level 36-50: The offspring already demonstrate the ability to bless their companions, managing to bless up to 10 people, being able to grant increased power, and certain blessings that grant buffs in general abilities or subpowers such as regeneration and etc.


Level 51-99: Nyx's offspring are capable of causing great curses, which are now capable of cursing immense territories, generating involuntary effects or not being irreversible, and at this level only the offspring can undo such curses. Their blessing capacities are already increased by granting blessings to entire territories at this level, with innumerable types of blessings, from protection, offensive, defensive and even individual.


Level 100-150: Achieve a great control now managing to create deadly and lethal curses, with almost no level at this level being enough to undo your curses and even your most developed blessings, which can kill people, revive people; connecting people to a single body; create certain types of miracles through blessings and etc.


Ps: If the curses or blessings are not well described, the minister may come to deny it.


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Nyx II Blessing


Nyx's offspring are able to access their mother's blessing even during the day, being able to invoke it in the daytime, but for a short time and expending energy.


Levels 1-40: Lasts 2 turns.


Levels 41-80: Lasts 4 turns.


Levels 81-120: Lasts 6 turns.


Levels 121-160: Lasts 8 turns.


Levels 161-200: Lasts 10 turns.


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Shadow Travel


Nyx being the primordial of the night, her offspring can quickly travel between the shadows quickly and effectively. It is as if it "fell" into the shadow, reappearing in a desired location.


Levels 1-10: It is necessary that the shadow is minimally the size of the semi-primordial body, and that it be from an external source (it cannot travel using the shadow itself). You can travel as far as your eyes can see.


Levels 11-25: You can now use small shadows that cover at least the feet of the offspring. The trip can cover distances of up to 1 kilometer. The offspring must know where they are going.


Levels 26-35: You can use your own shadow for the trip, being able to travel from state to state. You need to concentrate and know the exact location of where you are going. You can take Pets with you, and medium sized objects.


Levels 36-50: You can take and send Pets and Large Items on your travels, you can also take up to five people with you.


Levels 51-99: Your trip is perfect, amplifying your own shadow, able to take anyone under the shade. It can take monsters, gods, humans, demigods etc.


Levels 100-150: Now you can travel wherever you want. (Only on earth).

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As her mother is the primordial personification of the night and queen of the night stars, Nyx's offspring are able to manipulate and absorb the lunar energy and even the moon's brightness.


Levels 1-10: You can manipulate the lunar light close to you freely, distorting it with some difficulty. Their manipulation is small and can create small objects made of the energy of the moon, besides being able to gather the energy in up to five luminous spheres of about five centimeters and launch them as bursts against their opponents, causing burns and medium external damage reaching up to twenty meters in length. away from you. They can also create an “aura” of light to reduce the effect of dark attacks. They can only use their menecinesis while the moon is under the sky. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.


Nível 11-25: Conseguem deixar a visão de alguém embaçada por conta da distorção da luz da energia, também podendo desviar a luz de si mesmo, ganhando uma invisibilidade natural. Podem também se tornar luz por três rodadas, dessa forma se tornam seres intangíveis, ou seja, se tornam imune a golpes físicos e podendo atravessar objetos sólidos não muito grandes. Pode também absorver a energia lunar (inclusive o brilho da lua), assim recuperando suas energias, aproveitando totalmente a luz e sua energia. É necessário o uso das mãos para a manipulação.


Level 26-35: Acquires the ability to generate moonlight, also managing to create larger, medium-sized things. It can generate enough lunar light to illuminate an entire mansion, and you can now leave up to three people invisible besides yourself while being touched by the offspring. It can also make the energy and lunar light solid and lively, being able to create whips and tentacles between different forms with its light. Now the aura generated by Nyx's brood causes the effect of dark attacks to be drastically reduced. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.


Level 36-50: Your form of light now remains for much longer (8 rounds in a row) and can also only partially change into light. You can also control the light to a much greater degree, now being able to manipulate the light of an entire city without difficulty. Their bursts are now more powerful and larger, and can create up to ten of them. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.


Level 50-99: From this level onwards, it is able to create a small moon under the place, completely preventing the view of any being in this area. The moon is the size of a building, and in addition to radiating a lot of lunar light, it can be used as a direct attack, being launched against an opponent. They can also involve weapons and objects with a luminous aura, being able to move them at distances only with thoughts, also managing from this level to affect immune to light. The use of hands is no longer necessary.


Level 100-150: You will now be able to direct the power of reflection, being able to use it only to 'reflect' techniques you have seen, copying them. This copy is not perfect and needs training, in addition to being applied only to physical skills, it cannot be used for magic.


Level 151-200: Reach the peak of your ability, now having perfect control under the energy and light of the moon, creating everything from small things to huge things. You have total control in the exchange between your light form and your physical form, being able to change your will without time limit.


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Aura Devourer


Because they are the children of the goddess of night secrets and mysteries, they have the ability to see, control and absolve the aura of living beings. This ability allows the user to do any damage or mental or spiritual change to living beings.


Level 1-10: Your character can see people's auras and colors vary according to mood. Touching a person can alter the person's aura in small proportions; sucking or regenerating its energies slowly, also being able to fortify or weaken them in small proportions. Can affect auras that are close to you (an entire street).


Level 11-25: Can erase small memories of a person and absorb his strength, making him weaker and increasing his own, or the other way around. It can make a person very weak to the point of fainting; just looking at her. It also has the ability to increase the power of others with just a look, but not more than 20%. They even affect an entire neighborhood.


Level 26-35: Can suck up enough energy to leave someone in a coma or amplify someone's aura several times including your own. You can already have full access to someone's memories through the aura just as, with a good time, you can change them. At this level it can affect auras of an entire block.

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Level 36-50: Now it takes less time to change someone's memory, needing only a few seconds touching the person for such an act, however the more memories the longer it will take so that big changes may take up to hours to complete (how to change all the memories of someone). Now it affects even an entire city.


Level 50-99: You already have semi-perfect control over auras, being able to make changes to an entire state.

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Level 100-150: Your control is perfect, making it possible for even deities to suffer from your control. Its power can reach even one continent.


Levels 200-250: Now sucking your opponent's aura, your skills are "copied".


Ps: Only two skills per person copied. The same must have been used by the copied in that event. After the event the skills disappear.

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Ps2: Only in SAGAS!

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Primordial Shadows of Nyx


Nyx is also the goddess of death and is the first queen of the world of darkness. Thanks to this he is able to freely invoke the fog that obscures, the shadows and the primordial darkness of his mother's kingdom.


Level 1-10: You can manipulate the shadows close to you freely, distorting it with some ease, as soon as you start manipulating some shadow it automatically becomes a primordial shadow of the Nyx realm, which can only be manipulated by the offspring and the goddess herself. You can create small objects made of shadows (like daggers and etc ...), they can join shadows mixed with a little darkness in up to five dark spheres of about five centimeters and launch them like bursts against their opponents, causing burns and damage external medians, reaching up to fifty meters away from each other. They can also create an “aura” of shadows to reduce the effect of light attacks, as well as reducing the amount of light in a place through the shadows, making it difficult to see.


Level 11-25: They are able to blur someone's vision by dissipating light through the shadows, you can also manipulate the shadow around yourself thereby gaining a natural invisibility in darker places.


Level 26-35: Acquires the ability to generate darkness, also managing to create larger, medium-sized things from both darkness and shadows. It can generate enough darkness and shadows to darken an entire city and can make up to six people invisible besides yourself. Now the aura generated by Nyx's brood causes the effect of light attacks to be completely stopped by the darkness. From this level your shadow form cannot be dispelled by other beings.


Level 36-50: Your shadow / darkness form now remains for much longer (8 rounds in a row) and can also only partially change into shadow. You can also control the shadow to a considerably higher level, now managing to manipulate the darkness in two entire cities without much complications, and you can do great things with your darkness. Their bursts are now more powerful and larger, and can also create up to ten of them.


Level 50-99: From this level onwards, he will be able to feel the presence of other beings miles away through so much external shadows that such a being generates. They can also dissipate all light from an area of ​​three kilometers away, completely preventing the view of any being in this area. It can involve weapons and objects with a dark aura, being able to move them at a distance only with thoughts, also managing from this level to affect immune to shadows. When covering your weapon with its dark aura, it acquires a cut capable of cutting ores easily.


Level 100-150: Reach the peak of your ability, now having perfect control and being able to do countless things with the primordial darkness of the realm of Nyx, from small things to huge things. You have total control in the exchange between your shadow / darkness form and your physical form, being able to change your will without time limit. It can also generate physical projections of itself that they can fight normally, possessing great speed and strength because they are made of darkness (They have no powers beyond the manipulation of shadows and primordial darkness). They can put on their primordial darkness which cannot be destroyed or dissipated,

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Heir of death


Nyx as well as personification of the night was also a goddess of death, known for knowing the secret of the immortality of the gods and for being responsible for creating the scythe that Gaia gave Cronos to dethrone Uranus. Because of this, Nyx's children can dissipate the vital energy of other beings to the point of death.


Level 11-25: Manages to suck the vital energy from other living beings slowly, causing a slow death to the living beings around them taking up to 8 rounds to kill demigods. It is mandatory to maintain physical or visual contact with the victim throughout the process.


Level 26-35: At this level, you have greater control of your powers, managing to make your victims agonize as the energy is sucked, they can also do this act more quickly, managing to kill demigods in up to 6 rounds. It is mandatory to maintain physical or visual contact with the victim throughout the process.


Level 36-50: It can already cause several side effects to people to whom Nyx's son has access, managing to make them develop diseases (non-fatal or extreme) and slowly languish until his death. At this level, up to 4 rounds are required, sucking vital energy. It is mandatory to maintain physical or visual contact with the victim throughout the process.


Level 50-99: Now he is extremely easy with his skills, managing to throw diseases at his opponents with drastic and fatal effects.


Level 100-150: Can also suck energy faster, taking up to 2 rounds to kill demigods. At this level, the ability also affects immune to diseases.


Level 151-199: Now you can dethrone semi-titans, sucking your energy for 4 rounds.


Level 200-250: Can do the same with semi-primordials, sucking your energy for 6 rounds.


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Supplication of the Afflicted


By opening their mouths, Nyx's children can reproduce the deepest and most desperate sounds of those trapped in Tartarus and the underworld.


Levels 1-10: The sound reproduced is so terrible that it will make enemies weaker and may temporarily paralyze them. It does not work with opponents with levels higher than yours. Lasts 1 turn, if you use more than once in battle, the offspring's mind will be exhausted. After all, it is invoking the sound of all afflicted souls.


Levels 11-25: Now if you are fighting demigods of a lower level than yours, they will be in a state of intense dread. Looking into your eyes becomes totally depressing. Lasts 2 turns.


Levels 26-35: They are bound to be so terrified that they will try to escape the battle. If it is of a higher level than yours, they will only be in agony of pain. Semi-Titans are now affected. Lasts 3 turns. You can now use it twice per battle without suffering side effects.


Levels 36-50: The plea is so strong that even semi-primordials are affected. Lasts 4 turns.


Levels 51-99: It is the perfect state of supplication for the afflicted. Souls in the form of energy will surround the body of Nyx's offspring causing their hair to be agitated thanks to the souls surrounding their body. Your eyes will lose color, becoming opaque. His gaze will convey sadness, pain, loneliness and suffering. Behind you, the terrifying image of afflicted souls will appear. When the offspring screams, all souls will scream at you. It is possible that the offspring itself cries during the scream because it will literally be invoking all the pain and suffering for itself. The sound wave will be so strong that it will throw the opponent away and leave him in a coma, eating away at his soul.

Night primordial form


The energy of Nyx's offspring changes dramatically, making it equal to a primordial one. Your skin is totally pale, along with your eyes that are white, making it impossible to differentiate the iris from the rest of the eyeball. Their robes are dark, while silver armor covers the offspring's body. Its wings "jump" outwards, also being covered by the armor. In his right hand, a huge sickle with the blade in the shape of a "half moon" is made, whose even the simple touch of it is able to remove the immortality of the victim. The scythe is indestructible, and can destroy any divine metal. In addition to acquiring absolute control over the night, becoming the night itself. During such a way it can easily destroy planets and moons, and may force a moon to crash against the earth. 

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Levels 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.


Levels 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds.


Levels 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.


Levels 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.


NOTE: Can be used once per event


Obscure Blade

Sword made with a piece of the night sky, if the sky at night is very starry, the blade of the sword can emit an intense glow that obscures the opponent's vision for 1 turn.

Night Shield

Extremely resistant shield that at night is totally immune to any mystical ability.

Night Veil

Black cloak that reflects the night sky when used, can make the observer admired for some time. During the night it gives you the ability to teleport over short distances.


Manto Da Noite Estrelada


Este é um item de médio porte, consistindo em um manto de brilho escuro e pequenos pontos brilhantes em sua superfície, representando as estrelas do céu noturno. Uma vez que o usuário cobre suas costas com ele, ficará sob o efeito de uma ocultação quase absoluta, tornando-se imperceptível aos cinco sentidos devido ao poder do manto.

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