Phobos (in Greek: φόβος, fear), in Greek mythology he is the son of Ares and Aphrodite. Deimos' twin brother, symbolizes fear and accompanies Ares on the battlefields, injecting cowardice and fear into the hearts of enemies.
Appearance: With whitish brown skin, the twins have dark brown to black hair that even touches their shoulders, the features of their face as well as their muscles have extreme definition, they always seem to be in an intimidating posture. They are not athletic, but they are born challengers.
Personality: Just as your scowl welcomes you, your features are not the friendliest, they prefer seclusion to impasse, but when someone opposes him or insists on something, the little patience they have left ends. Aggressive and arrogant, they show enormous self-centeredness even to those they love.
Passive Powers
Sword / Spear Proficiency
Phobos' son has an ease in handling sword / spear weaponry. He is totally skilled with this weapon, and manages to perform incredible and unusual maneuvers with this one.
Levels 1-6: Even though he is a newcomer to the camp, the demigod has a high skill with this weaponry, which lets him know its basic use - unlike other campers.
Levels 7-14: In this level, your character can perform more difficult movements with the adaptation of brutality with this weapon, even if they are still initial.
Levels 15-19: Your character manages to throw weaponry at a particular individual with full skill, in addition to obtaining high control of that individual. You can perform all the precise movements without expending much of your energy.
Levels 20-40: In this state, the demigod discovered all the privileges, tricks and tricks by the skill he has with the armament, which can be controlled with perfect perfection. The character has the ability to make movements impossible - and therefore enviable - with him.
Night vision
The son of Phobos as well as the and Athena will be the only demigod capable of seeing better than the rest in the dark.
Levels 1-6: Your vision takes a while to decipher shapes in the dark, but you are already able to recognize any element in a room if you are concentrated.
Levels 7-13: Nothing else is a mystery to you in the dark, see it as if it were a day, perhaps your biggest advantage over everyone else.
Obscure Recovery
Your character, when in a dark place or at night, amplifies his healing capacity, making him regenerate faster.
Levels 1-6: Recovers minor injuries when it is late at night or in extremely dark places.
Levels 7-14: Recovers medium injuries when at night or in dark, closed places.
Levels 15-21: Recovers deep wounds and energy, at night or in dark places.
Shadow of phobia
My children can create one or more spectra just like them except that being completely black will appear behind Phobos' son he will repeat any movement that the demigod doubles the attacks of the Phobos offspring.
Levels 1-8: You can create a spectrum only at night
Levels 9-16: Now you can create two without this evening.
Level 17: Achieving creates up to five spectra of yourself even now they are intangible
Courage by fear
Even though they are children of the God of fear, always wanting to make beings afraid, they learn to share their resistance against fear in battles for their allies.
Level 5: Allies up to fifty meters away start to share their resistance to fear. In addition, their aura affects allies so that they do not feel anything related to the fear of enemies for a round.
Mental ilnesess
My children have full control of the opponents' minds however they can cause several chaos in their minds with a simple touch or look.
Level 15: When the ability is activated, my children will be able to cause various types of mental illnesses in the head of their opponents since they will have full access in the minds of their enemies the effect is two rounds.
No way out
Usually when a person gets scared he has two options to fight or flee the children of Phobos get such dread and fear that their enemies have none of these options.
Level 10: You can do the same faints for five minutes or a turn but for that you must be focused on the enemies.
Phobos and Deimos are brothers and always acted together on the battlefield, this also extends to their children.
Level 1: This way, when the children of panic and fear fight together, their battle attributes increase by quadrupling.
Phobia location
My children felt fears of various demigods and creatures so they will know where their enemies are.
Levels 1-7: The children of Phobos feel demigods and creatures within twenty meters.
Levels 8-14: You can now feel within a radius of thirty meters.
Levels 15-21: Can feel within a radius of fifty meters.
Level 22: Now you will be able to feel within a radius of one hundred meters.
Attractive Terror
Phobos's son will be drawn to the concentrations of people where terror prevails. If not, the demigod will feel the duty to instill terror in others.
Level 1: The demigod will be guided intuitively until I find points where people feel frightened, if not, they will feel obliged to torment others.
Immunity to fear / panic
Level 1: All the Children of Phobos are practically feeling no fear or panic after all they are his children, and the stronger they become, the less fear and panic they feel, so they can act calmly in the most extreme circumstances. In other words, they will be immune to fear and will have a lot of resistance to panic.
Mental stamina
Takes possession of attacks that affect the brain better than other campers, such as illusions, seductions and other types. Upon passing a certain level that the demigod possesses, the resistance becomes even greater.
Levels 1-6: The demigod gains an extra delay in his brain, making it take longer to get dizzy and hypnotized about mental attacks, unlike others.
Levels 7-14: Even though he is still hypnotized by the delayed time, the camper already ceases the dizziness circulated by the mental power.
Levels 15-21: Now the demigod gains an invigorated resistance, further slowing the brain. Even though he is still dizzy, he is no longer hypnotized by mental attacks.
Levels 22: Now it becomes with an extreme resistance coupled to the brain in relation to mental attacks - including active ones -, never being affected by them. They are indifferent to those possessing that power.
Active Powers
Prayer to Phobos
Phobos' son when motivated to cause terror can utter a prayer developed by the Spartans to instill fear in their opponents.
"Phobos, Father of phobia, terror and awe
Take this opponent into his bitter tears. "
Levels 1-6: Prayer allows the opponent to relive his worst memories and enter a trance state, fearing that he will repeat himself.
Levels 7-14: At this level, prayer is able to go as far as the opponent's memory would normally not reach and to search for memories, memories that torment your opponent and make him retreat with impetus.
Levels 15-21: You have reached the peak of the power of prayer. At this level, there is no longer a need to revive memories, when uttering it, Phobos's son becomes the opponent's greatest fear, causing him to surrender or even run.
Dark Cloak
Phobos' son releases a dense dark mist from his mouth that coats his body like a black tunic.
Levels 1-6: Initially the mantle will be a thin layer through which the demigod's body can still be seen, it will also be responsible for making the opponent see scenes of bloody battles from the past.
Levels 7-14: The mantle in this state has become darker, leaving Phobos' son's body protected from any attack (for 2 rounds). When used for attack, the cloak is responsible for reproducing scenes of close friends of the opponent being killed.
Levels 15-20: The cloak has become like an impenetrable armor for any magical or physical attack. In this state, Phobos' son is able to remove the cloak and place it on someone else, when done, the cloak will be responsible for bringing the opponent into a coma through despair.
Uncommon Torture
Fear can lead both demigods and caricatures to madness or even death.
Level 10: You can torture opponents, creating panic and fear in your mind, your torture is unusual and cruel. If you use it too much, it could bring the enemy to the brink of death, and Phobos' children became totally tired.
Level 20: The creation of your fear becomes advanced and unusual by using and focusing more on creation, it can drive the opponent crazy, dementia related things, the effects will last for two rounds.
Princess / Prince of Fear
The children of Phobos use fear to their advantage that help them in battles making their skills stronger
Level 10: When this ability is activated, your body will be full of black marks, especially your eyes. Their strength and speed will triple, making them perfect for just two rounds.
Panic Control
Phobos' children are able to instigate how to control panic in people or crowds, and can absorb them for themselves and dispel them later.
Levels 1-6: The demigod is capable of instigating panic through the touch of his hands as well as being able to drain mild despair through chanting.
Levels 7-13: You have been able to instill fear in up to two people by emitting a dark laugh. It can drain panic from up to three people when you stand between them.
Levels 15-19: Now you are able to instill despair in a 10x10 square radius by opening your arms and laughing out loud. Through a very loud cry the son of Phobos is able to drain the fear of an entire crowd for himself and dispel it, making it disappear.
Scary Change
Phobos's son is able to induce scares by modifying the scenario, applying illusions even to deaths and horrible places.
Levels 1-6: With a lot of concentration in a totally dark location, the demigod is able to generate hallucinations in a 3x3 radius, creating figures and voices that echo mixed.
Levels 7-13: Even with the concentration requirement and not that of a totally dark location, the demigod is capable of generating figures of deformed people who speak in ancient Greek. It is capable of reproducing shrill noises from battles in the air.
Levels 14-19: The demigod is able to create very real figures of people being killed. Voices make sense in any dialect and the figures are completely perfect, like living spectra.
Astral Explosion
Phobos's son is able - by concentrating - to unleash an astral explosion from his body that drags everything backwards.
Levels 1-6: The demigod after concentrating (3 rounds of action) is capable of triggering an astral impact that causes those around him to be pushed up to two squares.
Levels 7-14: After spending some time concentrating (1 round), the demigod can release from his body along with a howl, the astral impact that will throw everyone around 5 squares backwards.
Levels 15-24: The strike can be instantaneous, but if concentrated (2 actions), it is capable of throwing a pile of ten people within a radius of 8 squares.
Mind control
What can the minds of beings hide? My children have inherited the ability to perfect control of their opponents' minds.
Levels 1-6: My children can now enter the opponent's mind and discover a lot of useful information, but my children and their enemies are immobile while reading the mind.
Levels 7-12: Now you will know everything that is in the opponents' minds besides leaving you paralyzed by reading the Phobos brood will be able to move freely.
Levels 13-20: Nothing can hide from the children of Phobos they have the ability to break the immunity of mental powers thus having full access to the minds of the targets.
Level 21 : You will be able to control the minds of creatures and demigods during the night where your skills have gotten stronger but over a period of ten minutes or in two rounds.
Paralyzed by fear
Fear can bring us many things so my children can choose their opponents to be paralyzed by their phobias.
Level 25: How can the enemies of the fear god invade the minds of the fear god choose their targets to be paralyzed while inside their mind the Phobos cub brings up all their fears that the opponent has or has had, I feel sensations again even worse more vivid the time that the target is paralyzed is at the discretion of the Phobos spawn as soon as the "FlashBack" ends the opponents pass out if it is the demigod's will to make the target go into a vegetative state.
Injecting Phobias
Phobia means fear so my kids can affect opponents with touch phobia that exists and even creates one.
Level 25: Only at this level will my children be ready to inject touch phobia or create one in the enemies thus causing the effects of the phobia perfectly.
Phobos 'children will be able to enter the enemies' minds with just a touch or a glance to induce something related to fear.
Levels 1-10 : The children of Phobos will be able to bring the worst fears brought on the enemies' minds but it only leaves them weak, disoriented losing the course of the battle.
Level 11: My son will be able to enter the minds of his enemies where he will be the greatest fear of his opponent, everything that happens to his opponent in his mind will happen in the real world.
Dark Transformation
You become your own fear of the enemy (as if it were a mutation), making you afraid and afraid of the attack.
Levels 1-6: You will see the person you love most in the form of an evil spirit
Levels 7-12: Now she will see optical effects of herself undergoing frightening mutations from the enemy itself.
Levels 13-21: Now you can transform yourself into anything you want from every fear your opponent felt.
Levels 22-31: Will have the ability to use on demigods who have immunity to fear / terror / panic
Scream of the lord of fear
As Ares the offspring of Phobos for having a great relationship with the god of war, he has the power of a commander, with a shout he increases the power of all the allies of the night (Semi-gods that get stronger during the night). During the battle or absorb the enemy's negative energy to become stronger.
Levels 1-6: Your character's scream is weak, it only takes effect at night, in dark or closed places, giving a 5% increase to the closest nighttime ally.
Levels 7-15: Phobos' offspring now have the power to increase their allies by two.
Levels 16-25: The shout got louder, giving the opponents a little chills, still increasing 10% of the powers of the two allies.
Levels 26-35: The Phobos offspring will now be able to choose who should have the increased power.
Levels 36-45: With the cry the offspring can stun enemies for ten seconds.
Levels 46-55: Has the ability to absorb the bad feelings of his opponents by spawning Phobos
increase your powers by 20% the actor gets stronger at night, in closed or dark places.
Level 56-: Reached the peak of the scream of fear can increase power by 25% at most four team allies and with the scream causing despair in the opponents hindering their performance in combat.
Note: Only the powers related to night, darkness and darkness etc.
Summoner in the shadows
Level 15: My children are able to summon the worst nightmares through the shadows and use them as allies in battle. The night beings lasted one round.
Invocation of servants:
Level 10: Phobos' children manage to summon their father's servants the Makhai they were accompanying Phobos on battlefields as well as other deities and spirits associated with war and death, such as, Ares, Deimos, Keres, Polemos, Enyo as well the spirits of battle and hatred will fight tooth and nail alongside the children of fear.
The offspring of Phobos are considered demigods of the night so the same can be transformed into one of the most feared beings of mortals, demigods, creatures etc. Dementors are soulless creatures, considered to be from darkness, they are below all the dirtiest beings on Earth and are capable of repressing human intelligence, as well as sucking their happiness and vital energy. Dementors are described as grotesque humanoid creatures, with more or less 3 meters tall, they wear long, tattered black hooded cloaks, which only reveal their decomposed hands. Under the hood a Dementor has no eyes, so it is believed that he is blind and has the ability to slide without making any noise to his victims feeling his emotions and movements.
Levels 1-6: I managed to turn into quite dark places or during the night with a lot of concentration you can only assume with your appearance you will not be able to use the creature's powers (2 rounds).
Levels 7-15: The demigod manages to interpret the feelings felt by the people around him, knowing if they are nervous, happy, sad, in short, any feeling like this as soon as he interprets the feelings can be transformed even more with the demand for concentration (1 round).
Levels 16-25: Now you can use the transformation without the need for concentration but only at night after all Dementors don't like light.
Levels 26-35: Wherever a Dementor passes, all the joy is sucked in, he exhales a freezing breath, which is able to consume the good emotions of humans and semi-gods making them relive their worst memories. The higher the level from the semi-goddess, the effects caused by them are cumulative, the colder and darker the place will be.
Levels 36-49: Little is known about their mysterious origin, but it is believed that they arose in dark and humid places, came from depressive memories, thus grew and reproduced like fungi, creating fog. So the Phobos offspring may leave o the place with a totally dark fog making the enemies stay totally in the dark thus seeing their depressive memories.
Level 50: With his transformation to the apex he reached a fatal point of the power of this creature called the Dementor's kiss, his most powerful attack. He opens his mouth of darkness, and sucks his victim's vital energy, causing his soul to drain and remain in a vegetative state, without any memory or feeling.
Anti social
Because you are children of the God of fear, people will not like you very much because you have an aura that causes fear with the evolution of your powers. The aura of fear can reach such a point that no one wants to come near you.
Levels 1-6: Emits an aura of fear that drives people away, as they feel your presence is afraid.
Levels 7-14: My children can now leave chills for having panic as their uncle leaves both fear and panic in the environment making demigods feel vulnerable to disrupt their combat performance.
Levels 15-25: Now my children can leave demigods and creatures of levels below their own to feel scared by making them obey the offspring of Phobos.
Levels 26-35: My kids reaching that level can terrify so much demigods and creatures that he will go crazy indefinitely depends on the enemy's phobia if it's levels below the Phobos offspring
they suffered more easily.
Levels 36-45: All monsters and even demigods know your name. You are known among them as the Prince or Princess of Fear thus making enemies feel fear only by your name.
Lion Sword
Divine bronze sword whose dagger is shaped like a lion. The sword is completely black and does extra damage when the opponent is terrified of something
Black Spear
It has an imperial gold blade and its handle is completely black, illustrated with scenes of deaths and wars. The user can make an extremely fast and powerful attack.
Horror Shield
A heavy rectangular shield. It measures 1.20m long and 50cm wide. It is made of a special material, very resistant. It is decorated according to its owner's taste.