The Blue Dragon ( Traditional Chinese : 东方 青龙; Simplified Chinese : 东方 青龙; Pinyin : Dōng Fāng Qīng Lóng) is one of the four symbols in the Chinese constellation , and is sometimes called the Blue Dragon of the East. He is known as Seiryuu in Japan and Cheongryong in Korea . It represents the east and the spring season, not to be confused with the mythological yellow dragon that is associated with the Emperor of China .
CHILDREN OF qing long
Appearance: They are thin, have black hair and usually have a blue streak, all children of Qing Long have blue eyes.
Personality: They are respectful and do not tolerate childishness .
Passive Powers
Improved Speed
These beings have their physical capabilities at their peak, managing to move at high speeds.
Level 1-10: Can move at 600 km / h.
Level 11-25: They can move at 1200 km / h.
Level 26-35: They can move at 1800 km / h.
Level 36-50: They can move at 2400 km / h.
Level 51-99: They are able to move at 3000 km / h.
Level 100-150: Can move at 3600 km / h.
Level 151-200: Can move at 4200 km / h.
Level 201-250: Can move at 4800 km / h.
Level 251-300: They can move at 5400 km / h.
Hydrokinetic Consumption
Powers related to or derived from water, ice, etc., things like that are useless against these offspring serving only as food for them. This food can regain its energy and vigor, in addition to increasing its capabilities.
Level 1-20: Can increase your abilities and restore your energy and stamina by 30%.
Level 21-40: Can increase your skills and restore your energy and stamina by 50%
Level 41-60: Can increase your abilities and restore your energy and stamina by 70%.
Level 61-80: Can increase your skills and restore your energy and stamina by 90%.
Level 81-100: Can increase your skills and restore your energy and stamina by 100%
Improved Strength
Being children of an extremely powerful Dragon, these offspring acquire great strength.
Level 1-10: You can destroy houses with your strength.
Level 11-25: Can destroy buildings with your strength.
Level 26-35: You can destroy blocks with your strength.
Level 36-50: Can destroy neighborhoods with your strength.
Level 51-99: You can destroy the city with your strength.
Level 100-150: You can destroy cities with your strength.
Level 151-200: Can destroy states with your strength.
Level 201-250: You can destroy a country with your strength.
The children of the Dragon of the East have an extreme power of regeneration that allows them to survive the most diverse situations.
Level 1-10: Can heal from minor cuts and simple damage.
Level 11-25: Can heal from extensive damage and major cuts.
Level 26-35: Can heal from burns, bleeding and simple psychic damage.
Level 36-50: You can now regenerate parts of the body such as organs too (minus vital ones like brain and heart)
Level 51-99: Can now heal from medium spiritual damage by having a strong and very durable soul, in addition to healing from medium mental damage.
Level 100-150: You can now heal on a more advanced scale taking the minimum amount of time to heal from your injuries no matter the extent.
Good luck
Eastern dragons are seen as beings that usually bring good luck to people, so these offspring have a blessing from their father which bestows good luck on them.
Level 50: The children of Qing Long have incredible luck where they can affect reality in a subconscious way, that is, in an involuntary and passive way, because no matter the situation in which they are or how their offspring are, they will always be able to have good luck. and being able to overcome a certain difficulty, event, attack and etc. However, this power still respects logic, where, for example, if several swords come towards you and the offspring are standing without even trying to protect or defend themselves, their power will not work, but if they try it will work no matter how beast the attempt is. offspring.
Harmony with Nature
Because Qing Long has a certain connection with nature, their offspring have a greenish aura that leaves them in harmony with nature, which guarantees a certain protection against elemental attacks.
Level 1-30: Gives you little protection from elemental attacks.
Level 31-60: Gives you average protection against elemental attacks.
Level 61-90: Gives you great protection from elemental attacks.
Level 91-120: Provides you with powerful protection against elementary attacks and is unaffected by any abilities from the 4 elements fire, water, air and earth.
Great Resistance
Quing Long being an extremely powerful mystical creature and also primordial it has a very resistant body, something that its offspring also inherit.
Level 1-10: Initially demonstrate contaminating immunity, not being affected by diseases, viruses, bacteria or the like, being resistant to pain.
Level 11-25: The children of Qing Long show great physical endurance and extremely dense skin, being useless projectiles against their body.
Level 26-35: Demonstrates mental toughness and also curses.
Level 36-50: They have great magic resistance.
Level 51-99: They have resistance to both temporal and elementary attacks.
Level 100-150: They have resistance to spiritual and energy attacks.
Mystical Blessing
The Qing Long offspring from birth have a blessing from their father that guarantee them some abilities derived from the signs and constellations that he governed and represented.
Level 1-30: The Qing Long offspring have a 50% increase in speed. They also have protection provided by the constellation of the heart that protects you from sentimental abilities.
Level 31-60: They now have a blessing from the tiger guaranteeing an extra-sensory perception, being able to perceive other existential plans, even interacting with beings or things from these plans. They also have the protection of the constellation of the tail, which guarantees them a kind of sixth sense that allows them to react and perceive subconsciously attacks attacks.
Level 61-90: They now have the blessing of the dragon that provides them with intimidation, causing beings with a lower level than yours to fall unconscious to the ground due to the pressure they feel, have a blessing from the horn that allows them to know secrets, to perceive hidden things and even listen to psychic conversations.
Level 91-120: They have the blessing of the sieve and neck, getting to know how their opponents are feeling and even gaining a great view that allows them to see things at atomic levels, x-ray, infrared, etc.
Level 121-150: They have the blessing of the fourth constellation which reduces their opponents' attack damage by 40%, and increases their attack damage by 60%.
Mystical Scream of Dragons
The offspring of Qing Long are able to access a kind of ability that they inherited from their father, being the draconic cry, which once used it can affect things around.
Level 1-10: Initially the cry of the offspring emits strong sound waves capable of launching anything within 50 meters, and can even change the trajectory of skill shot attacks.
Level 11-25: At this level, this cry is capable of creating illusory clones of the offspring, being present on the physical and spiritual plane.
Level 26-35: They are now able to summon a dense fog around them that prevent their victims from locating, and tracking skills are useless.
Level 36-50: This scream is able to emit extreme sound waves, being able to easily kill a person by destroying his eardrums.
Enhanced Senses
The offspring of Qing Long, has extremely improved senses thanks to its draconic part.
Level 1-10: The Qing Long offspring have exponentially superior senses compared to an incredible hunter. Initially, their vision and hearing are elevated, and they may initially have a developed vision, being able to see great distances of up to 30 meters, and may include microscopic capabilities in their vision or in X-rays, their eyes being more developed, they can look at the sky without having to worry about the sun blurring your vision. Their hearing extends to a dome where the offspring is able to hear everything that is within a radius of up to 30 meters, being able to hear things that would be humanly impossible, such as the walking of an ant, the breathing of small beings and among other things.
Level 11-25: Your sense of smell and touch are increased in a much greater way than before, allowing your sense of smell to capture even the smallest of smells, being able to locate people through smell and find anyone after having smelled them for the first time. It is as if his sense of smell memorizes every scent he has ever smelled in his life, and he can always remember his offspring helping Qing Long's son to discover those responsible for heinous acts at events. His touch is shown to be extremely better being able to support his sense of smell, thus being able to locate his victims even better, thanks to his developed touch he is able to perceive everything possible to be perceived by the physical touch on a person, animal, corpse and among others beings. The offspring of Qing Long are able to know how a person feels about contact, how he reacts to a certain situation, how he died, being able to relive events through his own perception so he can better identify how his victim was killed.
Level 26-35: Your capacities are now rising, your senses are extremely enlarged, you can now see up to an area of 50 meters easily, having now embedded in your vision the ability to see things 180 ° degrees in addition to being able to see perfectly in night environments, which may include the ability to see your opponents in infrared, where your eyes get a red tint. Their hearing rises to a unique ability of the children of Qing Long to be able to hear the sound frequency in great scales in excellent quality (if it is too low or too high it can cause damage to the offspring's ears) being able to hear everything that is within a radius of 70 meters. His touch now rises to psychic sensations where he can feel sensations that are either homicidal, pure, or good. It already acquires a good taste and is now able to do basic things perfectly, being one of the only senses that have been less developed.
Level 36-50: Your vision is now expanded and you can have 360 degrees, being able to see the spiritual plane with your vision with some difficulty, at this level the offspring can see invisible beings, without being able to see their face right, only being able to see that there are invisible creatures. His vision expands to the ability to see other beings that are invisible and can easily locate them with his eyes. Their sense of smell rises, being able to detect things that the offspring were incapable of, being able to use their sense of smell to sniff out hormones and pheromones and distinguish them quickly, being able to use them in a way even superior to that of a blind man.
Level 51-99: Reaching the peak, your vision now encompasses the ability to see the spiritual plane easily, your vision also reaches catastrophic levels and you can see your victims subatomically. Their senses also reach their peak and they can work mutually as one and can help their offspring in different situations.
Active Powers
Wood Handling
The main element of Qing Long was said to be wood, and therefore such control of it had been inherited by his sons. Being able to create, model and manipulate wood / wood plants, including trees, shrubs and lianas. They can cause the wood to grow, move / attack or even rise from the ground and "walk", mute the wood by rearranging the DNA structure, revive the withered or dead wood or manipulate the dead and also live wood and etc.
Level 1-10: Wood is as tough and durable as iron.
Level 11-25: Wood is as tough and durable as steel.
Level 26-35: Wood is as tough and durable as titanium.
Level 36-50: Wood is as tough and durable as diamond.
Level 51-99: Wood is as resistant and durable as adamantium.
Level 100-150: Wood is as resistant and durable as vibranium.
Level 151-200: Wood is as tough and durable as divine iron.
Chi Control
Being extremely powerful, this Dragon was able to control large amounts of Chi. The children of Qing Long are able to generate, shape and manipulate Chi. By learning to take advantage of this latent inner energy, the offspring can obtain superhuman abilities and use them in cases of extreme combat. Some examples include physically manifesting all of your inner strength and releasing it to the fullest extent of your power through sheer willpower. Chi control can allow for extraordinary abilities, strength, speed, durability and reflexes, or in some cases , enable the use of energy explosions, elementary manipulation, hyperactivity and, sometimes, invulnerability.
Level 1-50: Control on a small scale.
Level 51-100: Control on a medium scale.
Level 101-150: Control on a large scale.
Level 151-200: Control in perfect scale.
Level 201-250: Control on a continental scale.
Eastern dragons were said to be portrayed as immense sea snakes, so the children of Qing Long inherit control over water and can shape, manipulate and generate it.
Level 1-10: Initially they are able to generate small proportions of water that can be used to heal you, or even to create small constructs made of water.
Level 11-25: You can now generate, shape and control average water proportions that allow you to perform countless achievements. Just like creating creatures out of water.
Level 26-35: The offspring are able to mimic parts of their body in water or their entire body if they prefer.
Level 36-50: Can defeat and absorb water-related attacks against you (from lower-level characters), extending your power to large areas and being able to control entire rivers if you prefer.
Level 51-99: The offspring are now able to manipulate water in a more advanced way, reaching the molecular level if they wish.
Level 100-150: At its peak you can control all the water on the planet if you prefer, achieving total control over the water element, but not absolute.
Plant Manipulation
Qing Long was said to represent the spring season with the color green sometimes as a representation, so their offspring inherit control over the plants, managing to create, control and shape them.
Level 1-20: Control on a small scale.
Level 21-40: Control on a medium scale.
Level 41-60: Control on a large scale.
Level 61-80: Control in perfect scale.
Level 81-100: Control on a global scale.
Draconian Impact
The offspring of Qing Long accumulates around his body a large amount of divine energy, the energy proves to be so powerful that it causes a small destruction in the soil around him, as soon as he desires the offspring then attacks his opponent by releasing all the energy he has accumulated in the form of several dragons, dragons are so powerful that they can consume any type of energy that is in the way (except that of destruction) until it reaches the victim or the victims.
Level 20-40: You can launch up to 10 dragons against your opponent, destroying the entire scenario that is beyond causing death damage to your victims.
Level 41-60: Can launch up to 20 dragons capable of disintegrating their victims.
Level 61-80: Can launch up to 30 dragons and they are able to destroy even barriers and protections easily.
Level 81-100: Can launch up to 40 dragons capable of destroying their victims physically and spiritually.
Dragon's Nest
Level 70: The children of Qing Long are able to use their own energy as a form of protection, managing to create a large non-manipulative aquatic protection that protects you against other attacks, being a powerful protection capable of protecting you against attacks. of energy, elementary, magical and spiritual easily. It is also capable of controlling the length and width of the barrier.
Reality Change
Qing Long was said to symbolize creativity, which allowed him to change reality around him, just as his offspring are also capable.
Level 1-40: Can materialize, dematerialize items, weapons, etc., in addition to being able to decrease distances.
Level 41-80: It can make inanimate things and unreal beings come to life as well as it can shape the landscape around you, managing to rewrite it.
Level 81-120: You can now change people's perceptions, as well as undo existing damage and injuries, as well as alter and generate energy.
Level 121-160: Can undo changes made by temporal, dimensional and magical powers.
Level 161-200: You can change and rewrite the laws of physics to your liking.
Level 201-240: Can control this ability on a continental level.
Seiryu has a strong relationship with astrology being able to control, general and shape the mystical energy found in astronomical concepts / phenomena, such a skill that her offspring inherit.
Level 1-40: Control on a small scale.
Level 41-80: Control on a medium scale.
Level 81-120: Control on a large scale.
Level 121-160: Control in perfect scale.
Level 161-200: Control on a continental scale.
Imperial Dragon Armor
Asian dragons were said to be used only by powerful beings like kings, lords and beings of great influence; that is why these offspring inherit a little of their father's mystical essence in their body, which they are able to manifest freely during their combats, providing them with great power even if it is not comparable with their father's but still differentiates them greatly from the others. demigods.
Level 50-100: In its initial level the offspring can only manifest their father's mystical essence in a kind of a pair of navy blue draconic gloves, being part of a large draconic armor, in addition to a pair of paw-like boots of a Dragon. In addition to these gloves the offspring also receive a large increase in their vital energy. One of the first abilities granted by this glove is to snort the offspring's attributes in 2x in odd rounds (first round, third round, fifth round, etc.), they can also replicate what the offspring touches no matter what it is. At this level, the offspring do not show many powers, but they can already launch powerful mystical energy attacks, as well as using the glove to create a shield capable of reflecting attacks from beings with a level below or equal to yours (skill shot), they can also absorb energy. vital of whomever he touches and increases his, in his glove the dragon claws also allows him to undo protections, barriers, shields and the like, destroying with a single touch (if it is from a being with levels higher than yours, the barrier can hold on, but if it takes too much damage it will break easily). When the offspring want to reach their opponents, they can create some holes in the boots on the back similar to a divine cannon that allow them to increase their speed potentially reaching mach 1 easily, as well as allowing them to fly, fire energy attacks, etc.
Level 101-150: The offspring can now access the dragon essence in a better way managing to acquire the armor on the chest and also on the thighs and waist, their attacks are stronger and they are now able to run through their mystical trucks on the legs in mach 2, also being able to access a semi-vector control allowing you to change the speed of your attacks so that you can make them become faster, it also demonstrates the ability to change your energy to other forms (less than destruction), being able to access the energy from of the Dragons a spiritual energy that is perceptible only on the spiritual and purple plane; it is quite powerful, managing to damage an individual's soul as fast and as strong as the fire of an ordinary dragon. Through its energy, the semi-dragon is able to create on its arm a huge mystical sword that has the ability to gain attributes capable of damaging other beings that normally cannot be hurt, in addition to being able to destroy other materials easily. Your ability to buff your attributes is increased by raising 3x (in odd rounds).
Level 151-200: The same now manages to increase the speed of the cannons to reach mach 3, being also able at that level to control the mystical material that makes up his armor, being able to formulate extremely powerful and resistant weapons and equipment, being able to disintegrate his victims with his attacks in addition to being able to access the ley lines through an imitation of electron ground wire, where the same when standing on the ground will be able to absorb the mystical energy of the ley lines (which are on the planet you are on) to to be able to control magical energy on a continental scale. However, this capacity is not infinite because if it absorbs a lot of magical energy it can end up destroying itself. His sword when acquiring magical energy, manages to be able to feed on energy and elements, managing to drain energies, auras, elements and etc; strengthening the sword even more and not only that but also managing to attack your opponents with these respective types of energy and elements.
Level 201-250: Reaches the full potential of the dragon essence, acquiring the armor of the Imperial Dragon King throughout his body, his speed with the cannons is mach 5.
Draconic Mode
Level 100: The offspring will acquire gray skin as well as their hair which will grow. Black scales will cover his arms and legs, horns will appear on his head, he will be covered in gray robes with gold and blue details similar to a partial transformation into a Dragon. Around you will appear a gigantic snake with black scales and black eyes. Upon reaching this transformation, he shows himself to be able to access the natural energy that exists on the planet that he is able to manipulate and generate freely to attack his opponents. The black serpent that accompanies him serves to give him a support being able to consume energy and matter with total ease, he also acquires control of the spiritual energy since Asian dragons are recognized for their strong relationship with the spiritual plane.
Ps: Lasts 4 rounds, needing to wait 4 more rounds to be able to use it again.
Divine Form
The offspring will transform, completely losing their human form and becoming a dragon with a slender body, white scales, blue plaques on its belly, with large claws, golden armor on the chest, on the shoulders and a mask that shows long hair white and purple. A blue crystal sphere floats around it. In this form, the offspring acquire absolute control over the water and all its states and derivatives, the blue crystal sphere is able to absorb the vital energy of its opponents when they are close.
Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.
Ps: Can be used 3 times per event.
Lâmina de Qinglong (青龙之刃 - Qīnglóng Zhī Rèn)
A Lâmina de Qinglong é uma espada longa com uma lâmina azul (item de médio porte), forjada com a essência do poder do Dragão Azul. Ao brandir a espada, o portador pode cortar o ar com precisão, gerando lâminas de vento que atingem alvos à distância. A lâmina pode também controlar a água, permitindo ao usuário moldar o elemento em ataques cortantes ou escudos protetores. Em momentos de grande necessidade, a Lâmina de Qinglong libera uma aura dracônica que aumenta em três vezes a velocidade de combate e viagem base do usuário, transformando-o em um guerreiro mais forte em combate. A espada é tanto uma arma letal quanto um símbolo de harmonia entre os elementos da natureza. A durabilidade da espada é de nível de grande planeta, mas seu potencial de ataque é equivalente a uma estrela anã. A velocidade de ataque do item é de 500 mach.
Lanlong é um pequeno dragão azul com escamas de um azul profundo e brilhante, quase como safira. Ele tem olhos prateados que brilham com uma sabedoria serena, e suas pequenas asas têm uma membrana translúcida com reflexos azulados. Suas garras são afiadas e sua presença é imponente, mas não ameaçadora. Lanlong é protetor, leal e sábio, refletindo as qualidades do grande Qinglong. Ele é calmo e prefere evitar confrontos desnecessários, mas não hesitará em agir quando seus aliados estão em perigo. Sua presença é tranquilizadora, e ele sempre está pronto para auxiliar com suas habilidades naturais.
Nível 01-50: Lanlong possui a habilidade de controlar e manipular a água ao seu redor. Ele pode convocar pequenas correntes de água para defesa básica e manobras simples, como purificação de pequenas quantidades de água. Ele possui velocidade de ataque de 20 mach neste ponto, possuindo velocidade de voo de mach 10, durabilidade e potência de ataque de nível ilha.
Nível 51-100: Lanlong pode gerar rajadas de vento moderadas para se deslocar mais rapidamente ou repelir adversários leves. Ele utiliza essa habilidade para auxílio em manobras aéreas e proteção contra ataques menores. Ele possui velocidade de ataque de 40 mach neste ponto, possuindo velocidade de voo de mach 20, durabilidade e potência de ataque de nível grande ilha.
Nível 101-150: As águas que Lanlong manipula possuem propriedades curativas básicas. Ele é capaz de curar ferimentos menores e aliviar um pouco do cansaço de seus aliados, proporcionando recuperação leve após batalhas. Ele possui velocidade de ataque de 60 mach neste ponto, possuindo velocidade de voo de mach 30, durabilidade e potência de ataque de uma grande nação.
Nível 151-200: Lanlong pode se fundir parcialmente ao ambiente, especialmente em áreas aquáticas ou florestais, tornando-se mais difícil de detectar. Essa habilidade permite evitar conflitos ou preparar emboscadas em situações específicas. Ele possui velocidade de ataque de 80 mach neste ponto, possuindo velocidade de voo de mach 40, durabilidade e potência de ataque de nível continental.
Nível 201-250: Lanlong pode respirar debaixo d'água indefinidamente, permitindo-lhe viver tanto em terra quanto em ambientes aquáticos, além de guiar aliados através de corpos de água profundos. Ele possui velocidade de ataque de 200 mach neste ponto, possuindo velocidade de voo de mach 10, durabilidade e potência de ataque de nível lunar.
Nível 251-300: Lanlong pode convocar uma tempestade de baixa intensidade, principalmente com trovões e chuva leve. Essa habilidade pode ser usada para criar um ambiente mais favorável durante confrontos ou intimidar inimigos. Ele possui velocidade de ataque de 300 mach neste ponto, possuindo velocidade de voo de mach 150, durabilidade e potência de ataque no nível de pequeno planeta.