Ravana (Devanagari: रावण, IAST Rāvaṇa;), in Hinduism is Rama's main opponent in the Hindu epic, Ramayana. Ravana was the demon king of Lanka (Heladiva) and the most powerful creature in the universe.
In the classic text, he is presented in a negative way, kidnapping Rama Sita's wife, to claim revenge on Rama and his brother Lakshmana for cutting off his sister Surpanakha's nose.
Ravana is known as the most fearsome raxasa . Always evil, cunning and extremely powerful, he had ten heads and boasted of his immortality for having such a supernatural characteristic.
The puranic narrative says that Ravana underwent indescribable sacrifices and that she even offered her head as a sacrificial oblation to shiva. The mighty god, in accepting such an unexpected offering, granted raxasa ten spare heads, which were considered immortal, and which were nothing more than incarnations of the ten vices and evil aspects disseminated by creation, such as anger, hatred, slander, envy, etc.
To eliminate Ravana, the ten heads needed to be cut off simultaneously, otherwise, just like a hydra, Ravana's heads were replaced immediately. With a magic arrow provided by his guru Vixvâmitra , Rama was able to cut off the ten heads of the raxasa simultaneously and thus eliminate the demon and rescue Sita.
Ravana is described as a devoted follower of the god Xiva, in addition to the religious beliefs of his tribe, a great scholar, a capable ruler and a teacher of Veena. He has his apologists and staunch devotees within Hindu traditions, some of whom believe that his description as a man with ten heads (Daśamukha or Daśagrīva) is a reference to him possessing a very thorough knowledge of the Vedas 4 and 6 Upanixades, what makes him as powerful as 10 scholars. However, there are mentions in the Atharvaveda of demonic brahmins called Dasagva (10 heads) and Navagva (nine heads) and the metaphor of a supernatural number of body parts to symbolize powers is ancient in the mythical representations of India. However, another interpretation of the ten-headed Ravana describes him as a complete man, with nine of his heads representing nine feelings that a man can have (anger, pride, jealousy, joy, sadness, fear, selfishness, passion, ambition) and one representing the intellect.
The Great Ravana is also the author of Ravana Sanhita, a powerful book of Hindu strology. Ravana had an in-depth knowledge of Ayurveda and political science (Ravana's Kumara tantram is one of his Ayurveda books). It is said to have possessed the nectar of immortality, which was kept in his navel, thanks to a celestial blessing from Brahma.
According to some theories, he was a historical emperor who reigned over Sri Lanka from 2554 BC to 2517 BC. Lake Rakshastaal, a saltwater formation in Tibet, in the high Himalayas located next to freshwater Lake Manasarovar is considered to be the place of severe Tapasya penance by Ravana.
Appearance: Ravana twins can have any appearance as long as they are both identical!
Personality: Tricky and proud, the inactive twin is more harsh and disinterested in the things around him he is less quarrelsome than his brother
Passive Powers
Enhanced Strength
Being children of a demon, these offspring inherit a much improved strength.
Level 1-10: They can easily destroy iron.
Level 11-25: They can easily destroy steel.
Level 26-35: They can easily destroy titanium.
Level 36-50: They can easily destroy the diamond.
Level 51-99: Can easily destroy adamantium.
Level 100-150: They can easily destroy the vibranium.
Level 151-200: You can easily destroy the divine iron.
Improved Speed
Being semi-demons, these offspring can move at great speeds.
Level 1-10: They can run at 400 km / h.
Level 11-25: They can run at 800 km / h.
Level 26-35: They can run at 1200 km / h.
Level 36-50: They can run at 1600 km / h.
Level 51-99: They can run at 2400 km / h.
Level 100-150: They can run at 2800 km / h.
Level 151-200: They can run at 3200 km / h.
Level 201-250: They can run at 3600 km / h.
Level 251-300: They can run at 4000 km / h.
Like Ravana, these offspring also inherit the ten heads of their father, acquiring their immortality.
Level 1: The only way to kill these offspring permanently is to cut or destroy the ten heads simultaneously, otherwise it will recover automatically.
Cannibal Restoration
The offspring inherit the ability to restore their energies and heal their wounds through the blood or flesh of living beings, having in their mouth 2 wild canines both above and below the mouth.
Level 1-10: Offspring can heal minor injuries and damage through cannibal consumption.
Level 11-25: The offspring can heal from burns, cuts and punctures easily, managing to recover 15% of their energy and vigor quickly.
Level 26-35: The offspring can heal from more serious injuries and injuries by healing from illness, bleeding and loss of small limbs or parts of the body such as fingers, ears, eyes, etc. Recovers 25% of its energies.
Level 36-50: The offspring can heal from almost any type of external damage with ease, managing to regenerate even larger limbs or body parts such as arms, legs and etc., thanks to their immortality, it can regenerate even the heart, lungs and etc. Can restore 35%
Level 51-99: The offspring can heal from internal damage more easily, turning from serious damage to their organs, healing genetic changes, recovering from radiation exposure and even healing from viruses and etc. You can restore up to 45% of your energy. (Depending on the extent of the injuries he may not be able to heal)
Level 100-150: Offspring can heal from mental damage at this level but not many, the simplest being. You can restore up to 55% of your energy.
Ps: Depending on the injuries and damage, it will take more than one body to heal completely.
Divine Invulnerability
It is said that Ravana had received a blessing from Shiva himself, which was one of the reasons for being one of the most powerful creatures among the Hindus. Their offspring also inherited this blessing.
Level 100: The son of the Demon King, when he reaches this level, he gains invulnerability to all powers, abilities and attacks from deities and demons. Since these offspring will not be affected by them.
Ps: Do not confuse with immunity.
Increased Power
Ravana believed that the greater the sacrifice, the greater the power obtained.
Level 70: The offspring has the ability to raise their power and abilities during their combat whenever they kill someone.
Ps: If the victim is weak, the power obtained will be minimal, if the victim is strong the power obtained will be great. The power obtained lasts 5 rounds, after which the offspring return to normal.
Multiple Arms
Like his father, these offspring have up to 20 arms with him that he can use during his battles. They remain inside your body, but whenever necessary they appear to help your offspring.
Level 1-10: They manage to make only 4 more arms appear (not counting the two on the body).
Level 11-25: They manage to raise only 8 more arms (not counting the two on the body). These arms are capable of stretching like rubber against their opponents, being able to attack them from a distance.
Level 26-35: They manage to make only 12 more arms appear (not counting the two on the body). The offspring will be able to use their own infused energy in their fists to produce major destructive attacks.
Level 36-50: They manage to raise only 16 more arms (not counting the two on the body). The offspring can create a kind of sphere between their fists and then shoot at their opponents, generating a medium explosion.
Level 51-99: They manage to make only 20 more arms appear (not counting the two on the body). These arms are capable of creating a kind of aura that allows you to cause spiritual and physical damage to your victims.
Advanced Intellect
Ravana besides being a powerful Demon king he had a great knowledge about the universe, this includes about mundane things and even about the divine world.
Level 1-10: Your offspring acquire a great deal of knowledge about the world, knowing everything that happened 1000 years ago, having an accelerated reasoning managing to deal with situations in a better way knowing how to analyze the probabilities of things happening and judge the best before facts and etc.
Level 11-25: These offspring know everything that happened 2000 years ago.
Level 26-35: These offspring know everything that happened 3000 years ago.
Level 36-50: These offspring know everything that happened 4000 years ago.
Level 51-99: These offspring know everything that happened 5000 years ago.
Level 100-150: These offspring know everything that happened from the creation of the Hindu pantheon to the present day.
Bizarre Appearance
Level 1: Ravana's offspring constantly releases psychoactive substances from their body which, when they come into contact with their opponents, make them see things that they thought were real when in fact they will not be.
Active Powers
Magical powers
The Rakshasas are creatures with magical abilities, their father being the most powerful among these demons, the offspring acquire some magical abilities that can be used during combat.
Level 1-10: Offspring acquire the ability to generate fire and ice by hand.
Level 11-25: Acquires the ability to generate lightning by the hands and can also generate water and acid by the hands.
Level 26-35: Acquires the ability to revive dead bodies for up to 3 rounds (they become zombies that faithfully obey their offspring, after which they see ashes emanating from magical energy). And it can also move matter around you through the mind.
Level 36-50: They can create a kind of magic shield that allows you to protect yourself from other types of attacks (if the attack is too powerful the shield is at risk of breaking). They are capable of creating magical vines that, by touching the body of their allies, heal wounds and damage at an incredible speed, which is almost instantaneous.
Level 51-99: Can create barriers made of magic energy that can protect you from attacks (it has the same risk as the shield), in addition to countering simpler attacks. It can also materialize and dematerialize both your body (being able to go elsewhere) and inanimate objects.
Level 100-150: You can deposit some magical energy in places or people creating traps or magical protections of various types, each trap has a trigger (the longer the offspring takes to create the more powerful the trap will be). You can also read minds.
The Evil Heads
Ravana's offspring have ten heads that are perceptible only on the spiritual plane which constantly provide information to the offspring, with each head representing an addiction or evil aspect of humanity. During their combats the offspring can release these evil aspects or addictions against their opponents, always weakening them.
Level 1-20:
• Wrath: Through the power of the first skull, demigods are able to create, or increase the anger present in people, causing allies and, certainly their enemies, to fight against each other almost involuntarily, since the main focus of his anger he became his own companion.
• Envy: through the feeling caused by the second head, a great greed arises in their targets, and they will do everything to be like you, feeling incredibly tempted to steal your items and powers (if they have copying skills). In addition, they will also try to copy their actions while fighting, removing their main focus from combat.
• Avarice: through the power of the third head, the targets acquire a great love for what is yours, becoming incredibly possessive, jealous and careful, not wanting anyone to touch anything. Thus, they will often hesitate in attacks and actions, for fear of losing something, however insignificant it may be.
Level 21-40:
• Laziness: The fourth head causes its targets to be very lazy, often accompanied by discouragement. Through this feeling, the speed (both movement and reaction) is reduced by half and, in some cases, the enemy leaves the fight, out of laziness.
• Gluttony: an insatiable thirst and hunger caused by the fifth head, making your enemies stop what they are doing to feed themselves, even if it is necessary to commit cannibalism to do so.
Level 41-60:
• Pride: the sixth head is the incarnation of pride and, through its powers, Ravana's offspring exert extreme pride on their enemies, which leave them overconfident and, consequently, careless, so they can easily be surprised by an attack.
• Lie / Maledicence: the seventh head is different from the others, since its power can manifest itself in several different ways. The first and simplest form of its manifestation gives the offspring an impeccable language, being able to lie and convince most beings to perfection, even being able to deceive gods, and to get their requests answered. The second form of manifestation of this power, is the vice of lying, which will cause the target to lie on impulse, so that it is clear that he is lying, or also through absolute sincerity, which prevents the target from omitting something. The third and final manifestation of this power is paranoia, which comes with insecurity. Through this, the targets of that power become unable to trust someone, becoming extremely suspicious, thus acquiring several internal conflicts, which drastically reduce their concentration and focus.
Level 61-80:
• Drugs: this great addiction, apparent in different ways is what the eighth head represents, and this will be used in favor of the demon princes. In combat, a dense or imperceptible mist will be exhaled from the head, and you will have the ability to put targets under the effect of any existing drug, including medications, etc. The mist does not need to be inspired, as it also reaches subcutaneously (skin).
Level 81-100:
• Hatred: the evil aspect represented by the ninth head, seen as one of the greatest irrational manifestations of being, being as powerful or even more than love. Being disseminated on the battlefield, all targets (allies can be included) contract this irrational and insatiable hatred, hating everything, everyone and even themselves. Thus, they become unable to carry out attacks or actions that require minimal concentration or focus, acting only on impulse.
Level 101-120:
• Lust: the power of the last head is released, this being the most powerful of the vices, since it is also a carnal necessity. Thus, all of your enemies within a 100-meter radius succumb to lust, losing themselves entirely in combat, since they are now desperate for sex and will die if they fail to copulate (two rounds).
The Cannibal
Level 1-10: On the one of your arms (shoulder height), a blade of material generated by the offspring appears, it is wrapped around the arm, forming a kind of drill on your arm, which can extend and reach your enemy. It has the strength of steel.
Level 11-25: From your back (upper back), it forms something that resembles a pair of wings, which you can use to glide and jump higher, highlight parts that fly towards the enemy or even engage with them for defense. It has the strength of titanium.
Note: With each new shape acquired, the resistance of the previous ones increases and remains the same as the new shape.
Level 26-35: From the middle of its back, it forms four tentacles that move independently, acting as 4 new members of the offspring and being able to stretch up to three times their size. It has diamond resistance.
Level 36-50: From the lower part of your back, it forms a tail that ends with tweezers at the end, which can act as a claw or scissors, cutting things. The final part of the tail (the part of the tweezers) can be highlighted, planting it like a bomb that explodes, sending shrapnel to all sides. It has the resistance of adamantium.
Level 51-99: From the middle of the back, something similar to a pair of wings appears, those thinner than the previous one, acting more like a shield than a weapon. At the same time, from the lower back, two tentacles appear, with serrated blades on their sides, cutting everything. They have vibranium resistance.
Level 100-150: At most, it can form armor that covers your entire body, including your face. It has claws that come out of the arms and elbows, which it can use to attack in addition to tentacles that help it get around. It has the resistance of Divine Iron.
The Vedic Mantras
Ravana is said to have studied the various Veda texts, so he acquired the ability to recite mystical mantras that can be used during combat; something that their offspring also acquired knowledge.
Level 1-10:
• Naumaku Sanmanda Bodanan Abira Unken: When you pronounce this mantra, you gather an energy in the palm of your hands and release it, being able to pierce a mountain easily.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Makka Jinbara Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, the energy gathers around you, forming a pyramid that acts as a defensive barrier. Lasts 2 rounds.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Omborum: When you pronounce this mantra several times, a circle (mandala) will appear behind you and it will release 4 beasts, the eagle, the dragon, the tiger and the lion that will attack the enemies. 2 times per event.
Level 11-25:
• On Basara Tamakukkan Hakisha Han: In pronouncing this mantra, he invokes a powerful pack of wolves that advance quickly, destroying, biting and cutting whatever is in front of it.
• Om Basara Tamakukkan Yasha Han: When you pronounce this mantra, your energy will form a sword of energy that will cut everything you touch. Lasts 3 rounds, 2 times per round
• Naumaku Shitirya Shibitya Nan Om Basara Ugiri Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, your energy will form an armor that will cover the offspring, having the resistance of the diamond.
Level 26-35:
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Maha Shada Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, he launches a whirlwind of crystal that holds the enemy in a crystal until the offspring releases him.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Makaka Kareiya Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, it generates several sharp crystals that fall as if they were rain, at the same speed as the offspring.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Bishiyora On Sowaka: When you pronounce this mantra, your energy will spread across the floor and crystals will start to appear that on the floor and the entire environment within a radius of 500 meters begins to turn into crystal.
Level 36-50:
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Nandu Ranandu Sowaka: In pronouncing this mantra, he invokes a fire dragon that ignites enemies and overcomes water attacks by those weaker than himself. Lasts 3 rounds.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Agyan Nauei Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, he summons a roaring dragon and rains several fireballs in the area. 3 times per event.
• On Buda Roshiyani Kawani Sowaka: In pronouncing this mantra, he invokes a feather that will travel distances and allow you to see and hear things from elsewhere.
Level 51-99:
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Makka Karura Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, it generates several feathers that revolve around the enemy, as fast as a category 5 hurricane, cutting off everything that touches them. 2 times per event.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Giappyu Saraba Makka Rouro Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, he invokes feathers that attach to the enemy and make his limbs numb, paralyzing him.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Giappyu Saraba Bigunan Sowaka_: When pronouncing this mantra, he invokes hundreds of feathers that start to burn, which will ignite everything that is enemy when they touch. They reach the spiritual plane. 2 times per event.
Level 100-150:
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan On Matarya Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, it generates a powerful sandstorm that does not allow the enemy to see through it, only the offspring.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan On Bokuken Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, it generates a powerful earthquake capable of destroying cities. 2 times per event.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Gyanau Sanra Sanra Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, it generates a powerful tsunami that will sweep across an environment (you don't need to be beside the ocean to use it). 2 times per event.
Level 151-200:
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Gyanau Shibetchi Shibetchi Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, he will invoke a powerful thunder that will devastate everything in an area of 50 meters, except the offspring and their allies.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Makka Naara Sowaka: When you pronounce this mantra, your energy will form several circular blades that will fly around, cutting everything in the environment.
• Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Arou Rikya Sowaka: When pronouncing this mantra, it generates infinite spheres of energy, however small, with the force of a bullet. Lasts 2 rounds, 2 times per event.
Demonic Equipment
Ravana's offspring is capable of summoning weapons and armor during combat as they manage to hit their victims both physically and spiritually. Being also able to use the offspring's energy to create countless destructive attacks, such as beams and etc., their armor and shields have an energy aura that will cover both allowing the offspring to resist very strong attacks and also protect them from energy attacks.
Level 1-10: Will have a resistance compared to iron.
Level 11-25: It will have a resistance compared to steel.
Level 26-35: It will have a resistance compared to titanium.
Level 36-50: It will have a resistance compared to the diamond.
Level 51-99: Will have a resistance compared to adamantium.
Level 100-150: It will have a resistance compared to vibranium.
Level 151-200: Will have a resistance compared to divine iron.
Demonic Control
Ravana was considered to be the King of all demons, so his offspring inherit great control and respect over these evil spirits.
Level 1-30: Initially the offspring of Ravana are able to summon a class of evil spirits known as Vetalas (in addition to having their respect, they are loyal to the offspring), which materialize in the form of tangible humanoid creatures. You can summon up to 15 of them. These demons have control over the shadows, being quite dark and stealthy, having wings similar to a bat, possessing qualities similar to those of a vampire, managing to drink the blood of their victims (draining their vital energy through it), in addition to heal through it too. Their main qualities are the ability to hide their presence and deceive the perception of their victims, managing to be in a place and not be soon after, these demons are able to transmute those they bite into vetals (it is not permanent, after combat, the transmuted ones turn to ashes). Having the magical ability to predict the future through visions, they manage to possess other beings and are not affected by exorcisms, managing to induce fear and feed on this feeling, they can perceive and also interact with the spiritual plane.
Level 31-60: At this level the Demon King's son can summon a new category of demons, the Pisachas (they are faithful and fully respect their offspring). Being able to summon up to 35 demons at this level. These spirits have the ability to possess other beings in addition to being able to perceive and interact with the spiritual plane; these demons as well as the vetals worship dark and gloomy places, having control over shadows and darkness, these demons like to devour their victim completely, without even bones remaining. They have the ability to change shape freely, and may also be invisible; also managing to cause diseases, anomalies, also managing to alter the memories, feelings and emotions of the possessed. One of its main skills is the ability to feed on the energy of its victims, this includes their divine energy.
Level 61-90: The offspring can now summon a different evil spirit, a Kirtimukha. It can summon up to 55 evil spirits / demons. These demons have a rather peculiar appearance, with horns, open mouth and large fangs and claws. Their bodies are well defined, having the ability to change shape and become invisible, to possess other beings, in addition to perceiving and interacting with the spiritual plane. Once these demons cause a cut to their victims' bodies, a small amount of demonic energy will enter the victim's body and then begin to devour their victims from the inside out. After 2 rounds the victim will have died and all that is left is just the soul of his victims who have become new kitimukhas loyal to their offspring.
Level 91-120: Offspring can now with the Rakshasa demons. Being able to summon up to 75 evil spirits / demons. Rakshasas have a fierce body with wild and bestial attributes; possessing the ability to change shape, fly, increase or decrease its size, cause earthquakes, storms and even control over the land. Being able to perceive the spiritual plane as well.
Level 121-150: At their peak these offspring can now summon more powerful demons, and can summon up to 95 demons. At this level, Asuras demons can summon, which unlike the others have a force capable of destroying states in addition to resisting attacks of the same impact, have up to 6 arms, a 360 ° view, are immune to pain and only think of destroying everything around them, being able to survive in any environment where they are being experts in all types of combat. These demons have the ability to generate the elements in their arms, managing to increase the destructive power of their attacks, generating bursts, beams, etc. These demons have a feral mind, unable to manipulate them, and have no fear.
Ps: The demons have the same strength as the offspring (minus the Asuras) and the same speed.
Poisonous Claws
Ravana's offspring can use their demonic energy to project extremely poisonous claws into their hands, making it an extremely lethal weapon. The offspring can use these claws as powerful bundles made of the offspring's energy or through melee attacks.
Level 1-20: The claws increase the sensitivity of the victim's body, making him extremely sensitive psychologically, spiritually and physically. Being extremely torturous.
Level 21-40: The poison emitted by these claws causes a relaxation in the victim's body, causing his body to go into a state of numbness and relaxation similar to anesthesia.
Level 41-60: The claws can now easily paralyze the victim's body, preventing it from moving in any way.
Level 61-80: The claws are able to drain the energy of their victims through the cuts, managing to emit a magical effect of causing any type of injury that they suffer to generate severe bleeding.
Level 81-100: The claws are now capable of killing their victims, injecting poison into their bodies which kills them from the inside out, causing their cells to die and their bodies to lose their vitality each round (after 2 rounds the same will die).
Illusion Manipulation
Rakshasas had great illusory powers, so Ravana's offspring inherited the ability to manipulate illusions.
Level 1-20: It can create simple illusions in the minds of its victims, causing them to become paralyzed, stuck in their mind living the illusion, but without causing any subsequent effects for that reason. The illusion will affect even those of your level and will be what the offspring desires.
Level 21-40: It can cause hallucinogenic pain, causing pain in a part of your body without any reason, causing the victim to hallucinate to explain the reason for that pain, which gets even worse until the victim passes out.
Level 41-60: At this level, you can make projections and change the appearance of things around you, even making the environment change, and you can make a forest turn into a desert, making people feel like they are in one.
Level 61-80: You can make your illusions real, being able to make your holograms palpable or create your "clones", these able to use their powers, but being easily killed, giving the impression that the offspring died, but this will be safe.
Level 81-100: At its maximum, it can make an illusion that the victim thinks he is dead, or that he is killed over and over again, feeling terrible pain and leading to insanity in 7 rounds.
Advanced Metamorphosis
Ravana was considered a Rakshasa demon who possessed great metamorphic abilities, so his offspring ended up inheriting those powers.
Level 1-10: Can become either partially or totally other people.
Level 11-25: Can transform either partially or totally into other animals.
Level 26-35: Can deform your appearance freely.
Level 36-50: Can transform either totally or partially into creatures or monsters.
Level 51-99: Can be transformed either partially or totally into bacteria, etc.
Level 100-150: Can transform totally or partially into any being or thing existing in the universe, including abnormal things, such as a mountain, a planet, and can even transform into death itself (having no power of this being).
Level 151-200: Can be transformed either partially or totally into any element, energy or matter that the offspring desires.
The rakshasas possessed innumerable powers that they called Maya, being descendants of a Rakshasa these offspring acquire these Maya powers.
Level 1-10: Ravana's offspring acquire the ability to fly, being able to reach high altitudes if they wish, having the same speed as they have on land. It can also allow other people to fly, as long as you maintain physical contact.
Level 11-25: The offspring acquire the ability to disappear, managing to remain invisible to their opponents, even managing to hide their presence, make their soul invisible and even hide their smell, etc. Offspring can also make other beings invisible if they choose.
Level 26-35: Offspring acquire the ability to increase or decrease their size freely, also managing to decrease the size of parts of their body such as their organs, their bones and etc., even though it is very small it will not influence your skills while maintaining the same strength you would have at your normal size. Offspring can increase or decrease the size of their mates.
Level 36-50: Ravana's offspring acquire the ability to create seismic shocks, earthquakes and shock waves, shaking the world around them.
Level 51-99: Ravana's offspring are able to create, control and shape the storms at their level at this level.
Level 100-150: Ravana's offspring acquire the ability to control, generate and shape geokinesis perfectly.
Demonic Possession
One of the powers of Rakshasa demons is the ability to possess their victims, so these offspring have this ability.
Level 30: The offspring can transform their body into black smoke which cannot be controlled and when they come into contact with the body of their victims, they are able to possess their body (provided it is lower or equal to their level). It can also have other inanimate beings like a doll for example.
Demonic Form
Upon transformation, the offspring will acquire red skin, shiny black eyes, long black hair and sharp teeth, these are evident. He will receive a belt, leggings, armbands and a golden crown adorned with emeralds and ivory masks as well as a necklace of wooden beads. In this form, the offspring raises their power to the same level as their father, the Demon King, acquiring absolute control over geokinesis and its derivatives.
Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.
Ps: 10 rounds cooldown time after end of use.
Ravana's Helm
A perfect replica of your father's helmet, when worn by the demigod, will grant you immunity from possession and spiritual attacks.