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Thor ( Old Norse : Þórr) is the Norse pagan god of thunder and battle. He belongs to the clan of the gods Æsir , and is the son of the god Odin. Thor uses the Mjolnir hammer as a weapon, and has the Megingjord belt, which gives him enormous strength. It is associated with thunder , lightning , storms , oak trees, strength, protection of humanity and also sanctification, healing and fertility. [1]

The deity was known for Germanic mythology and paganism as Þunor (in Old English ) or Donar (in Old High German ), due to the protogermanic language Þunraz (which means "thunder"). Thor is also called Ásaþórr, Ökuþórr, Hlórriði and Véurr.

Ultimately due to the proto-European religion , Thor is a god duly highlighted in all the recorded history of the Germanic peoples , from the Roman occupation of Germanian regions, to the tribal expansions of the migration period , his high popularity during the it was viking . Within the modern period, Thor continued to be recognized in the rural folklore of all Germanic regions, it is often referred to in place names and the day of the week Thursday / Donnerstag ( Thursday ) or Thor's Day, has been used since the pagan period until today.

He is the son of Odin (the supreme god of Asgard ) and Jord (the goddess of Midgard ), [2] he was married to Sif . During Ragnarök . Thor will kill and be killed by Jörmungandr .


Appearance: Thor's descendants usually have long hair in blond and red tones, their eyes have a light shade of blue that seems to shine in dimly lit places. Men have a large body and well-defined muscles, it is also normal to see them wasting a big beard the same color as their hair. Women are short in stature, but their body is relatively defined like valkyries, and they also have beautiful features on their faces.

Personality: They tend to be rude, authoritarian and always try to impose their leadership, following their father's temperament. Sometimes they can be friendly, but when angry, they are explosive like a storm. They always try to maintain the title of best demigods in the camp, in search of perfection.


Passive Powers

Brute force

Since Thor is also the god of strength, his children have sturdy muscles that are much stronger than normal, and can withstand heavy loads or deform solid structures easily, even if he doesn't have much muscle mass. Still, they are weaker than the children of Tyr.

Levels 1-6: He is one of the strongest youth of his age, almost never losing an arm wrestling. Can carry heavy objects easily, such as chests or crates.

Levels 7-12: Disarm opponents using only your strength, or knock them down with a single blow. Lifts heavier objects with a little more effort, like stone benches. Armed attacks have a considerable increase in damage.

Nordic Warrior

Level 7: A little known fact about Thor is that not only is he known throughout history as the Norse God of thunder and strength, but also of war. From birth, he was prepared to be Asgard's best warrior. He showed proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, aerial combat, fencing, mace wielding, hammers and wrestling. Being a God of War, he dominated several fighting styles (historical and modern) from both Asgard and Earth. He is also considered one of the most powerful fighters in history, who occasionally defeats enemies who are even more powerful than he is. His offspring inherited his knowledge in Fighting.

Electron and Synapse Manipulation


Level 1-6: Basic control.

Level 7-12: Control in a medium way.

Level 13-20: Long-term control

Electrical Resistance

Your character has an invulnerability to electricity and can withstand several types of attacks by this element.

Level 1: Has immense immunity against electricity, not suffering any kind of pain. Whether through sockets or lightning, the damage is ineffective. Your body works like a battery that is charged if it comes in contact with the energy, invigorating it a little.

Climate Humor

Your mood directly influences time. If you are sad, the whole sky will be covered with dark clouds laden with rain, and the temperature will be low. When happy, the sun will shine like never before, and light fights will drag the leaves across the floor.

Levels 1-6: The influence on the weather is minimal, such that only light rain and dark clouds will form, or cool breezes with a great sun.

Levels 7-12: When angry a heavy storm will begin, with random thunderstorms and lightning across the field. If you are calm, it will seem that there are almost no winds, so still that everything will be

Levels 13-20: Your mood influences the worst storm or the best day of the camp, all in the extreme.


This ability consists of making the demigod make great leaps, and even stabilize in the air, as if there is no gravity in the environment.

Levels 1-6: Make big jumps, but not yet flat in the air. It is essential that the demigod interprets training, we will be watching.

Levels 7-12: After so much training you can finally glide in the air, but at a low height and only for a maximum of two turns.

Levels 13-20: He starts to control the body in the air, reaching a great speed, he can fly for five consecutive shifts at a height considered abnormal.

Levels 21-26: You can reach the skies and fly flawlessly over the clouds, learn to perform acrobatics and twirls in the air, staying up to seven flight turns.


Level 1: You move faster and more easily, thus increasing dodge.

Skill with Hammers

Level 1: This weapon is perfect for the children of Thor who have total expertise with it and are able to make precise movements.

Electrical Healing

Levels 1-6: Heals automatically when hit by electricity.

Levels 7-12: This ability allows you to heal your friends and companions with electricity.


Divine Resistance


Level 1: Thor by his own divine Asgardian nature enables him to resist innumerable damage to the body, from injuries, fractures and large explosions, often leaving the demigod with no damage to the body. Sharp blades on thor's body are useless. Their offspring have a colossal willpower allowing them to overcome their limits in any situation and even hold their breath for long periods of time.

Knowledge holder

Level 1: Thor's demigods have inherited their intelligence and may know things that happened in the past a long time ago. A maximum of 3000 years.

Divine power


Level 1: Thor is one of the most powerful gods in the Nordic pantheon, such a deity managed to kill the serpent holding Ragnarok. So he is absolutely immune to poisons, plagues, curses, banishment, possession, electric, mental blows and even the removal of power.


Level 1: Thor has an incalculable force capable of overcoming the gravity of a neutron star, among other feats.



Does not affect me


Level 1: Thor has an impressive adaptation and can adapt to any climate change, whether positive or not. The absolute zero for thor is like just another normal temperature. Warm temperatures for him are nothing.



Level 1-6: It is capable of regenerating severed limbs in a matter of minutes, injuries less serious than that, regenerate in seconds, or even thousandths.


Level 7-12: Already he can regenerate almost all wounds in seconds, at this level he can even regenerate lost organs or ribs, if he loses one liver he will create another.

Electric direction
Level 1-6: Thor's offspring are able to see everything feel within 200 meters, regardless of speed.

Level 7-12: At this level, you can increase the distance radius to 400 meters.

Level 13-20: I have already acquired the ability to increase to 600 meters.

Active Powers

Summon Storms

Unlike storms caused by Climate Humor, these are more brutal and powerful. You can direct the rays wherever you want, and focus the rain on a single point. This asset can counter

Levels 1-6: Creates storms that can hit a fixed point. He orders a single ray to fall somewhere, blowing up that region full. Controls rain in one place.

Levels 7-12: The destructive power of storms becomes greater, being able to fire trees with lightning, and create strong gusts.

Levels 13-20: An entire area will be plagued by the intense thunderstorms and sparks of lightning that will appear in the skies. The sea will be rough, and the whole forest will shake at the pleasure of Thor's son.

Lightning Weapon

Shapes any type of weapon from electrical sparks. The joining of mass electricity causes weapons to gain density, such as a sword, or a shield.

Levels 1-6: The weapons in this element are still fragile and weak, causing only small cuts and small electrical charges. At this level you can only forge daggers.

Levels 7-12: Forge short swords and hatchets, which gain the density of a real weapon, however, made of electricity.

Levels 13-20: Shapes large swords from different blades, medium axes and even shields made from electrical sparks.

Levels 21-27: You can make any weapon with the element, regardless of size.

Electrostatic Field

A large amount of electricity is dispersed through the feet, which then spreads over the nearby terrain, making any enemy approach difficult. This ability also serves to paralyze enemies if they are in constant contact with electrical charges.

Levels 1-6: Through the feet it releases a large mass of electricity that spreads over an area of ​​three squares around Thor's son, making it difficult for everyone in the region to move with small shocks. The electric field lasts three turns, and if the enemy remains in contact with it for the three turns, it will be paralyzed for one turn.

Levels 7-12: The electrocuted area expands to four squares. It will last four turns and the target will need to stay in contact for at least two turns to be paralyzed. The paralysis will now last for two shifts.

Levels 13-20: The electric field reaches five squares, and everyone who enters and stays for at least two shifts will be paralyzed for three shifts.

Raging Winds

It creates strong gusts that drag things back. This ability only, only serves to create phenomena similar to a storm, such as typhoons, tornadoes, etc.

Levels 1-6: Creates gusts that can drag people and furniture backwards. Tornadoes and typhoons are still weak, and can only destabilize at most one person.

Levels 7-12: Summons large tornadoes and typhoons that can take a person out of his place, brutally taking him back. If you use the wind on two or more people, they will only be destabilized.

Levels 13-20: Major aerokinetic phenomena can drag up to a maximum of five people backwards with force. The more energy per, the more destructive power they will have.

Electrical Attribute

You get a new layer of skin made of pure energy. Their movements become faster, and any physical contact will result in slight shocks or even large electrical discharges.

Level 1: Thor's son's entire body structure is covered by a good amount of electricity, which will electrocute at minimal physical contact. Thanks to this new layer of energy on your skin, you will be able to move faster than usual, and your voice will vibrate like an old radio. This effect lasts for five turns, and when stopped it will result in instant paralysis of a single turn.


Levels 1-6: It is a sequence of combos, that is, consecutive attacks of punches or kicks that knock down the enemy. You can make 3 consecutive combos that will work.

Levels 7-12: Can manage five combos, but depending on the enemy, one or the other can fail

Levels 13-20: Ten consecutive strokes that will work and with even more damage.

Look of truth

Level 4: When using the ability to find out who is lying, you can look him in the eye and activate this ability so that the person will begin to speak the truth.

Hammer electricity:

Level 3: Using the hammer and its ability to control electricity, Thor's children can conduct lightning strikes by hitting the hammer on the ground and making electricity follow a course. It uses much less energy and causes more damage.

Steel body

Level 5: When activating this ability, the body of Thor's son becomes armored, starting if it was made of steel and not being wounded so easily. It lasts for two shifts and can only be used twice.

Electrical Defense

Level 8: Creates an electric force field around you, protecting you from any attack by the enemy.

Thor's fury

Level 12: At this level, you will be able to use this power and Thor will give you a blessing, which will increase your attacks 300 times more.



Level 1-6: The offspring acquired the ability to control the electricity around them and could conjure up small electrokinetic waves.

Level 7-12: Offspring can control electrokinesis in a median way.


Level 13-20: At this level, the offspring controls not only electricity in a global form but also any power that allows controlling energy, adapting to it. The offspring not only manage to materialize the electricity in their hands but can revive dead bodies by throwing a certain amount of electricity into the body making the heart beat again, giving it life again.


PS: The ability affects immune, it can revive those who died as long as there is a body. If the soul is not among them, the demigod will be without his soul.





Level 1-6: Controls atmokinesis low.

Level 7-12: Controls atmokinesis in a medium way.

Level 13-20: Controls global pharma kinesis.



Energy Expenditure


Level 1-6: The offspring have a colossal energy, as long as there is willpower in them, they will continue to fight. It can manipulate its own energy by generating small explosions.


Level 7-12: At this level I have already acquired the ability to create bombs using my own energy, the same acquired resistance to the technique not being affected by it.


Level 13-20: Whenever there is an explosion or even a collision of blows thor can suck it up and use it for anything in the fight.



Level 1-6: Thor has the ability to control the land in a basic way, having difficulties with most techniques.


Level 7-12: You already control in an average way.

Level 13-20: You already control globally, being able to do anything that involves the land.

Hell waves

Level 20: Thor, with a small electric punch to the opponent's body, is able to read and manipulate the opponent's mind in order to torture him with his worst fears through illusions, destroying his reactive, defensive and offensive capacity, until literally destroying the opponent's mind. The external pain is small and imperceptible, like the bite of a mosquito, but the internal pain goes beyond the imagination of any living being. After a level higher than that, the blow became even more powerful, and could even stun even the higher deities as archangels. The victim can only break the effect of the blow if he himself injures his mind and body.



Electric bird

Level 15: Thor uses the palms of his hands to create a furious breath of air combined with electricity, throwing the enemy into the air, and then delivering a powerful blow like an ice phoenix towards the opponent. The impact force of the blow is capable of destroying even a powerful deity and the helmet of a god. If someone is caught by the ice bird, their whole body will be frozen at the cellular level, killing them instantly.



Dragon god of electricity


Level 25: the user creates an extremely powerful lightning bolt. It draws lightning directly into the thunder clouds to complement the power of its attack and control it with electricity. Because the technique uses natural lightning, it hits the ground in 1 / 1000th of a second, it is one of the most powerful lightning techniques that exists. However, the preparation time of the technique decreases its efficiency, if there are no thunder clouds in the area where the user is, he needs to produce them with Fire techniques.

Once a source of lightning is acquired, forming and orienting lightning requires very little energy. In addition, the use seems to destroy the thunder clouds, since the sky is clear after using the technique. As such, this technique can only be used once in a fight and can destroy an entire mountain.



Electric form

Level 1-6: It is capable of transforming your body into pure electricity, however it becomes intangible and cannot hurt your opponents.

Level 7-12: You can already hurt your opponents.



Chaos storm

Level 20: The offspring can create a storm either of lightning or rain, they can cast lightning on anyone even if they cannot see them. Anyone caught in the lightning storm will be sprayed.




Level 25: The user can create, form and manipulate the sound. The user can imitate, intensify, silence and distort, as well as deform, strengthen, echo, accelerate and decrease the sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high speed movement.

At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living things, causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans, but can be used for sonar effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through air, land, water and any form of medium, defense using physical barriers is difficult. Vibrations can also affect at the molecular level.

In essence, sound is an invisible, deadly weapon and a versatile tool.

Thunder Blade


Level 2: using their control over electricity, the offspring is able to materialize weapons made of electricity or even create a mantle around the weapon and throw at the opponent, causing great damage. The weapon acquired power to pierce ANYTHING.

Lightning cut


Level 10: The offspring concentrating a large amount of electricity in one hand is able to materialize a gigantic mass of electricity around the wrist. It makes a sound that is horrible for any other deity or semi god, the sensation is like the singing of 1000 birds constantly singing.

Such a technique allows the user to save time until his technique is finished.

When this lightning cut pierces someone, it burns and destroys everything they touch, leaving nothing.


Ps: The offspring is necessary to place an acidic hand of the fist so that nobody tries to uncontroll their technique. If someone holds your hand too strong while performing the technique, the user's hand will have their hand destroyed.



Electric Eagle

Level 20: The Eagle has immunity to electrical attacks.

Level 30: Now the same when flying and flapping its wings it is able to invoke the power of a storm: its wings are covered by electric energy, launching a powerful electric blast at the opponent.

Level 40: The eagle can easily absorb electrical and fire attacks, launching back at the opponent.

Level 50: It is able to suck the energy of other beings, giving them enormous fatigue.

Level 60: Now it is a fully trained animal, with the ability to dissolve in pure energy and reappear wherever you want.

Ps: You can take up to three demigods with you.

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