Wadd (in Arabic : واد) was a lunar deity of the Mineus , also known as Ilumquh, ʕAmm and Nana , and his name meant "love" and "friendship".
He was worshiped under the image of a man wearing a long majestic tunic and cape, a sword at his waist and a bow on his shoulder. In one hand a spear and a flag and in the other a quiver full of arrows.
Some say that he looked like Eros, the Greek god, It was related to the Babylonian tree of love and the moon god of Yemen. He was adored throughout Arabia, but originally seems to come from the tribe of 'Udhra, famous for his poets and affection for those in his life, death and poetry embodied in the ideals of loyalty and platonic love.
Temple dedicated to Wadd was demolished by order of Muhammad, and those who resisted demolition were killed in the Khalid ibn al-Walid Expedition (2 Dumatul Jandal) [1] Snakes were believed to be sacred animals for Wadd. [1] He is mentioned in the Koran (71:23) as a deity from the time of the prophet Noah .
Appearance: They have Arab features, always with a brown skin color and brown eyes, they use Arab robes. However, Wadd's children are beautiful, this they took from their father.
Personality: They are cheerful and social with everyone, they usually make many friends. They fall in love very fast and are super romantic.
Passive Powers
We are a family owned and operated business.
Immunity Breaker
Level 1-20: Because he has an extreme affinity with manipulations, loves, psychology, etc., the knowledge of Wadd's offspring on these various subjects is extremely accurate, as a hypercompetence in these aspects, the son of the god of Love is able to break the mental immunities of those who face it, as long as they are at or below the same level.
Level 21-40: Can break mental immunities of demigods with +5 levels higher than yours.
Level 41-60: Can break mental immunities of stronger demigods.
Level 61-80: With a determined effort and the use of lip service, and its powers, it can break mental immunities of lesser gods.
Level 81-100: They are now able to break, invade and use their manipulation powers with
ease, affecting stronger demigods and smaller gods.
Level 101-120: Your wisdom in the areas of the mind becomes splendid, affecting even greater gods.
Armed Expertise
Wadd was portrayed with a sword on his waist, a bow and quivers on his back and a spear in his hands, so his children have a high mastery with such weapons.
Levels 1-10: Even though they are a newcomer to the camp, Wadd's children have the basic knowledge of the bow and arrow, spear and sword.
Levels 11-25: Mastery with the bow has become something surprising, managing to hit your targets without much effort. Now with the spear and sword, Wadd's son manages to make more difficult movements with the adaptation of brusquality even though they are still early.
Levels 26-35: The handling of the bow has become enviable, being able to hit moving targets. In addition to being able to throw the spear at the opponent with certain skill, in addition to obtaining high control with the spear and sword, being able to perform all the precise movements without expending part of his energy.
Level 36-50: Mastery with the bow is perfect, being able to shoot more than one arrow, as well as shooting while running, and even making the arrow change its direction using something on the way. Just as the demigod discovered all the tricks and privileges exercised by the skill with the spear and sword, being able to control it perfectly, besides having the ability to make impossible movements with them.
It is the ability to read or feel feelings and emotions. This ability also allows to increase or reduce emotions already existing in living beings, affecting any type of emotion.
Level 1-30: Get to know what a person is feeling just by looking at it, in addition to being able to manipulate the feeling, emotions, sensations of a person touching them, being able to manipulate the coordination of their hormones, being able to induce feelings and emotions varied up to 5 meters away, increasing the effect of your lust and maximizing feelings (making someone sad more sad, for example).
Level 31-60: Can catch a person's emotions, feelings, sensations with just a look. It already has the ability to transfer emotions caught by touch, being able to transfer feelings and “playing” with them as if they were solid or energetic, being able to manipulate within a radius of 10 meters the concentration of hormones and pheromones, being able to create psychoactive substances in the air capable to activate the libido of your opponents or whatever the feelings and sensations, being able to change them to your will.
Level 61-90: Get to know what a person is feeling just by knowing their name. In addition to being able to implant emotions in those who touch or look within a radius of 20 meters, they can manipulate their emotions and develop traumas, mental illnesses, neurological problems, etc., and they can also leave more inspired allies and cancel feelings such as anger, frustration, sadness and etc.
Level 91-120: Your character can feel the person's feeling just because they are close and manipulating them only with a look within a radius of 30 meters. Memories are directly linked to emotions; therefore, Wadd's offspring can control not only the physical and literal sense of emotions but also the representative, being able to literally manipulate feelings and sensations, can erase recent memories and with a certain effort make the opponent forget about deaths and tragedies, and can forget the purpose of the fight and stop facing him etc., being able to brainwash the opponent or clear his memories of some kind of sensation.
Wadd's offspring has the ability to communicate with animals, whether normal or not, with extremely high communication and decoding capabilities.
Level 1-10: Offspring are fully capable of communicating with smaller animals such as cats, dogs and pets, having the ability to use ophidioglossia, which is the ability to communicate with any serpentine being or at least a reptile .
Level 11-25: The offspring are able to speak to beings such as horses, lions and larger and more intelligent beings, and can now create mental links with such beings, the follower is able to induce certain animals to actions such as making a high concentration of bats in a single place or even squirrels.
Level 26-35: The offspring can speak via mental link to any living being on planet Earth, and can induce larger animals to feats like making bats to make extremely loud and high-pitched sounds to make the opponent distracted and even be able to make animals that have been invoked by other people to follow his orders without blinking.
Level 36-50: Offspring have the ability to decode any system and speak any language on earth, being able to decipher any mystery or new or runic language that may arise, being able to decipher magic seals and languages of dead languages such as Latin and even archaic languages lost in time.
Level 51-99: Offspring have the ability to issue orders to any living animal, having the ability to decipher any code language or even use their senses to sense magical runes and magic circles, and may even (not cancel) prevent certain magical effects simpler and even avoid surprise effects of magic or even non-magic traps, being able to understand the functionality of any existing power and technology.
Level 100-150: Has the ability to understand the operation of any magic and can understand the functionality of any power in operation, and can even circumvent certain powers having the idea of any weakness of any kinetic, magical power or even physical powers that they may have the deciphered pattern, being able to even give orders and communicate with mythological and divine beings.
Untouchable Beauty
Wadd was seen as the god Eros, so he had great beauty, which he passed on to his children, which makes them admired and not chosen as a target.
Level 1-10: It is able to leave animals and some demigods confused, and can easily lose them.
Level 11-25: It will no longer be chosen as the first target among monsters or even some demigods, the effect is canceled if attacked.
Level 26-35: Now you are not targeted by even an enemy demigod, even if you attack the effect does not cancel.
Level 36-50: Now and seldom targeted by lesser gods.
Level 51-99: Your harmony has become quite high, not being chosen as the target of even a lesser god, even when attacking.
Level 100-150: Becomes unsusceptible to attacks from larger gods.
Lunar Charisma
Wadd's children, like their father, have surprising beauty and charisma, especially at night, managing to use both to their advantage during interactions with other beings. Overnight this ability has twice the effect
Levels 1-10: The offspring, by having a unique beauty, can easily distract someone in a conversation, in order to easily hold that person's attention. They are also very charismatic to the point of easily befriending other campers.
Levels 11-25: At this level, they are able to use their charisma to easily obtain information from other people, as they convey a unique and intriguing feeling of confidence and mystery.
Levels 26-35: Thanks to their beauty and charisma, they are now able to distract enemies in battle as well, diverting opponents' attention to themselves for two rounds, while making enemies hesitate to attack their offspring. The effect is twice as effective in the opposite sex.
Levels 36-50: Now you can distract your opponent for three rounds. He also already manages to easily influence other people's big decisions with his charisma, being able to influence other people easily.
Levels 50-99: At this level the beauty and charisma of the offspring are so unique, that they will never be the first to be attacked when in a group, always being avoided when in combat. It is also difficult for someone to feel angry at their offspring without much reason.
Psychological and Physical Resistance
Because they are children of Wadd, the god of love, friendship, moon, it will not be easy for them to fall into manipulation or control over the same that involve these elements. Just as your body has a resistance to poisons and toxins, as snakes are your father's divine animals.
Level 1-10: As a child of the god of love, it is difficult to fall into some kind of manipulation that involves it, but it is not impossible. Just like poisons and natural toxins (plants and animals) hardly affect you as much.
Level 11-25: Gain an extra degree of resistance to emotional manipulation, and now that resistance also applies to the feeling of longing, in the same way that dark, lunar, toxic and poisonous attacks don't have much effect, if you are a demigod with fewer levels.
Level 26-35: Gains yet another degree of resistance to emotional manipulation, and this resistance also counts for illusions. Toxins, poisons, lunar and dark attacks only affect it when used by beings of higher levels.
Level 36-50: Now you can get out of an illusion easier, but only if you find a flawed spot in it that proves to be an illusion, if it is not, you will not be able to let go. Stronger toxins and poisons hardly affect you anymore.
Level 51-99: Now if he sees someone trapped in a manipulation or illusion that involves such feelings, he can release the same, but he can only do this with one target at a time and at most twice per battle. Poisonous, toxic, lunar and dark attacks no longer affect you, having only a 10% efficiency rate.
Level 100-150: You have gigantic resistance to any kind of mental and emotional game, it is almost impossible for you to fall into any of these, and you will no longer be affected by toxins, poisons, lunar and dark attacks.
Calm of the Moon
They say that the moon brings calm to people and represents tranquility, therefore, Wadd's son manages to bring such feelings with him, managing to influence others and himself with such characteristics.
Levels 11-25: When they arrive somewhere, if the offspring want it, it will end up becoming a calmer place, making disagreements less likely in the presence of Wadd's son.
Levels 26-35: At this level, those in your presence, including your own offspring, gain 50% resistance to skills that involve negative feelings (Anger, fear, etc ...). It also generates a bonus for skills that require concentration or precision, doubling the chance of success for those skills. It also manages, with a certain concentration, to calm irrational creatures and ferocious animals.
Levels 36-50: From this level onwards, the tranquility and calm emanated by Wadd's son start to affect even more those in his presence, starting to affect abilities that increase the opponent's attributes when they are angry or some kind of feeling, causing the opposite effect to the ability. In this case, if he faces an opponent who gains twice as much strength when angry, he will have his strength cut in half, and so on.
Levels 50-99: Even now it exudes so much tranquility that it is almost impossible to have a disagreement in its presence, unless the offspring want, it is also able to calm irrational creatures easily, requiring no effort to do so.
Lunar Blessing
Whenever they are in the moonlight, Wadd's children become stronger physically, mentally and mystically thanks to their connection to the moon generated by their father, in addition to obtaining other benefits as well. To work, Wadd's son must be in contact with the moonlight, but it doesn't matter what form it is, as long as it comes from the moon.
Levels 1-10: When in contact with the moonlight, the offspring increase their mental and sensory abilities, gaining a vision and a sense of smell about humans, also being able to reason faster than most humans being able to deceive other people more easily by thinking faster and more ingenious. Also gaining a considerable increase in strength, having a physical strength and agility superior to most, managing to avoid simple blows with ease. At this level, it is still mandatory that the connection with the lunar light be direct, and cannot be influenced by anything (pass through transparent materials, be deflected by mirrors or powers, etc ...)
Levels 11-25: From this level onwards, the sons of Wadd gain a considerable increase in strength when in contact with the lunar light, being able to easily overcome the strength of ordinary demigods, managing at the height of their strength to easily break iron with their own hands. They also gain incredible vision and smell, being able to see things from a considerable distance and distinguish almost non-existent smells. At this level, they are able to take advantage of 25% of the effects if the light is not direct, also being able to absorb lunar light at night to use the effects during the day for an hour (with 25% of the effect)
Levels 26-35: Upon reaching this level the offspring are able to take advantage of the blessing even more, beginning to get more used to it. From this level they gain a great increase in their reasoning ability, being able to reason quickly in combat, being able to easily predict opponents' blows not much faster than them, almost always being able to predict the attacks of their opponents regardless of their complexity. Remember that he can predict, but he will not always be able to deflect, it all depends on how complex the opponent's strike is. The offspring also have an enviable physical strength when in contact with the lunar light, being able to break any type of material with less resistance than diamond. At this level, the use of indirect light is 50%,
Levels 36-50: From this level onwards, Wadd's children gain a 200% buff on their night skills. They also double their speed when in contact with lunar light. At this level the use of indirect light is 75%, also being able to store the lunar light and use it for four hours during the day (75%)
Levels 50-99: From this level on, the offspring acquire a fifty percent resistance to psychic attacks when they are in contact with the lunar light. His strength now advances even more, managing to break diamonds easily with his own hands, also increasing his agility, managing to make movements that much would say to be impossible. At this level, the offspring already take advantage of indirect light by 100%, with no penalty for not being direct, and they can also store lunar light and use it for eight hours during the day (75%)
Levels 100-150: At this level, all previous effects gain a 200% buff, also acquiring the ability to extend the blessing to another person, but they will be without the 200% buff. At this level, there is no difference between the use of direct and indirect light and it can absorb so much moon light that it can enjoy the blessing freely all day long.
Serpentine Features
Snakes were Wadd's sacred animal, so his children were blessed by him, acquiring characteristics of such reptiles.
Level 1-20: Initially, the demigod has an enviable flexibility, as if he were a great contortionist and acrobat, managing to use such for corporal fights, climbing and the like. In addition to the flexibility the demigod is capable of forking his tongue, which gives him the ability to capture odors and threats in a 15m² radius, helping him when looking for someone or something, as well as changing his vision, acquiring infrared, allowing to detect heat signals at 25m² of you, having a body of a real snake, the offspring of Wadd have their organs "thin" and squeezed, having no blood to be manipulated, their organs are narrow and difficult to be adjusted and may change their position at any time being a circuit of wires, having elastic and flexible bones allowing even more acrobatic abilities.
Level 21-40: Even if snakes don't have ears, they have good hearing, something that Wadd's children acquire, thus being able to hear noises up to 30m², since their ability to smell odors through their tongue and 40m², and their infrared and 50m², being able to see through water, trees and rocks, being able to have microscopic vision, infrared, x-ray and etc., being able to see extremely small beings at great distances.
Level 41-60: Snakes are cold-blooded creatures, so the children of Wadd manage to lower their body temperature, thus being able to be free of other beings that can detect signs of heat or even to pretend their death. Now he is able to hear noise at 60m², in the same way that he can smell odors, since his heat vision reaches 80m², being able to see through walls.
Level 61-80: There are snakes in almost every type of environment, so Wadd's children will adapt to any type of environment, be it hot, cold, humid, desert, etc. Just as they acquire a strength capable of breaking all the bones of a human body. Your hearing, heat vision and odor capture, reach an area of 100m².
Level 81-100: They are able to create prey and eject it from anywhere on their body by applying their venom, and can extend their body as if they were several snakes, snakes are literally part of their existence, being able to convert into several snakes at the same time and create giant snakes that come out of your mouth and then you come out of the snake's own mouth, being able to create infinite snake clones that attack the opponent, Wadd's offspring can also be transmuted into hundreds of long, thin snakes that hide and start to surround the enemy, increasing its “population” on a scale of increasing fold with each round.
Active Powers
Gravitational Manipulation
Due to the lunar bond that Wadd's offspring have, they are able to create and manipulate gravity, one of the fundamental forces of nature, and gravitons, which are hypothetical particles that transmit the force of gravity on bodies. With this capacity, it can cause an entire area determined by it to have a lighter gravitational force, causing all the bodies present to float, or heavier, making movement difficult or impossible. It can control the area in which the altered gravity acts, and can make gravity light or heavy around a single body instead of engulfing an entire area. With the control of the gravitational force, the user is able to attract and repel matter and energy, which is an advantage both offensively and defensively.
Level 01-10: The offspring are capable of controlling the gravity of an area of up to 50 square meters.
Level 11-25: The area now expands to 100 square meters.
Level 26-35: The area changes to 200 meters.
Level 36-50: Controls an area of up to 400 square meters.
Level 51-99: The area expands to 800 square meters.
Level 100-150: Now controls an area of up to 1600 square meters.
Level 151-200: The area increases to 3200 square meters.
Level 201-250: Controls an area of up to 6400 square meters.
Mini Moon
The offspring of Wadd is able to create in his hand a mini moon, where he can use it to maintain his powers if he is in places where there is no moonlight, and can also launch this mini moon on his opponents as a form of attack, which explodes and it can destroy the matter it touches as if it were a concentrated version of the Moon itself, its density is extremely high and it is very heavy for its opponents, most users of super strength cannot bear the moon in their arms, it can explode in beams of lunar energy with thousands of micro needles that destroy atoms and blow them up.
Level 30-60: The moon is up to 5 meters.
Level 61-90: The star is up to 20 meters.
Level 91-120: The star is up to 40 meters.
Level 121-150: The star is up to 60 meters.
Level 151-180: The star is up to 90 meters.
Level 181-200: The star has up to 100 meters.
Note: 3 times per event
Like Wadd and a lunar god, his children are able to manipulate and absorb lunar energy and even the moon's glow.
Levels 1-10: You can manipulate the lunar light close to you freely, distorting it with some difficulty. Their manipulation is small and can create small objects made of the energy of the moon, besides being able to gather the energy in up to five luminous spheres of about five centimeters and launch them as bursts against their opponents, causing burns and medium external damage reaching up to twenty meters in length. away from you. They can also create an “aura” of light to reduce the effect of dark attacks. They can only use their menecinesis while the moon is under the sky. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.
Level 11-25: They manage to blur someone's vision due to the distortion of the energy light, also being able to deflect the light from themselves, gaining a natural invisibility. They can also become light for three rounds, thus becoming intangible beings, that is, they become immune to physical blows and can pass through solid objects not very large. It can also absorb lunar energy (including the brightness of the moon), thus recovering its energies, taking full advantage of the light and its energy. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.
Level 26-35: Acquires the ability to generate moonlight, also managing to create larger, medium-sized things. It can generate enough lunar light to illuminate an entire mansion, and you can now make up to three people invisible besides yourself while being touched by the offspring. It can also make the energy and lunar light solid and lively, being able to create whips and tentacles between different forms with its light. Now the aura generated by Wadd's brood causes the effect of dark attacks to be drastically reduced. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.
Nível 36-50: Sua forma de luz agora se mantém durante muito mais tempo (8 rodadas seguidas) podendo também se transformar apenas parcialmente em luz. Pode também controlar a luz a um nível muito maior, conseguindo agora manipular a luz de uma cidade inteira sem dificuldades. Suas rajadas agora são mais potentes e maiores, podendo criar até dez das mesmas. É necessário o uso das mãos para a manipulação.
Level 50-99: From this level onwards, it is able to create a small moon under the place, completely preventing the view of any being in this area. The moon is the size of a building, and in addition to radiating a lot of lunar light, it can be used as a direct attack, being launched against an opponent. They can also involve weapons and objects with a luminous aura, being able to move them at distances only with thoughts, also managing from this level to affect immune to light. The use of hands is no longer necessary.
Level 100-150: You will now be able to direct the power of reflection, being able to use it only to 'reflect' techniques you have seen, copying them. This copy is not perfect and needs training, in addition to being applied only to physical skills, it cannot be used for magic.
Level 151-200: Reach the peak of your ability, now having perfect control under the energy and light of the moon, creating everything from small things to huge things. You have total control in the exchange between your light form and your physical form, being able to change your will without time limit.
Wadd Armaments
Level 1-30: Initially the demigod will invoke a metallic gold tunic, such a robe will give the demigod resistance to any type of temperature and climate change in general, in addition to having the resistance of Vibranium, also giving a strength capable of break diamond. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 31-60: The demigod is capable of summoning a brownish gray cape, such a robe will give the ability to make the demigod invisible for an unlimited amount of time, and also to make him fly freely at a speed of 800km / h. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 61-90: The offspring of wadd will be able to summon a Sword, such a weapon will be resistant like diamond, besides being able to fire cuts made of lunar energy that can channel energy from other attacks, diverting magical energy, for example, if well handled by cancel blows entirely. Lasts 6 rounds.
Level 91-120: The demigod will summon a silver Bow, and on its shore a quiver with arrows that contains paralyzing poison, enchanted with the ability to cause platonic love, remove all negative feelings, or even cause gravitational pressure on your target. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 121-150: Now the demigod is able to summon a spear made of diamond and its laminar area of vibranium, it can be launched and controlled by the demigod through the mind or hand movements at will, having the same powers as sword and can pierce any matter. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 151-180: Now the demigod is able to invoke a white flag with a golden rod, where he will shout “May Wadd's love fall on us”, with this he will stick the object in the ground and all those who are fighting will go drop your weapons, as well as those who try to attack the demigod and his allies will become weak, having their powers dormant and canceled if they insist, all within a radius of 1km. Lasts 5 rounds.
Love for all
With this ability, Wadd's son can bring love back to those who have no feelings. The person will feel the intense heat of love and there is no power or ability that can block it. With that your powers involving your domain "love" will work perfectly. It can easily break immunities just with the desire to win.
Level 30-60: Is able to make demigods begin to love someone choosing Wadd's offspring, can manipulate such feeling as a poison that corrodes their victims for a short time (3 rounds), making them crazy for the love of one single person or being, be it another demigod or an ant.
Level 61-90: And able to play with feelings like Depression, Deep Love, drowsiness and Despair without difficulties, which can affect even those who have no feelings, can undo “armored” hearts and resist to such types of ability without difficulties, affecting love itself as the symbol of the heart, allowing the offspring to literally control the target's heart after it is affected by the ability.
Level 91-120: Now any creature or demigod is affected, even indirectly, just being in your presence, creating a wave of love for Wadd's offspring, any and all opponents of your presence will begin to love you without thinking twice, protecting you at all costs for a period of 5 rounds, complying with all your orders.
Level 121-150: Now not even minor deities escape their power, being able to send them to perform simple or complex acts, can keep gods under their control and cause wars by just a single kiss from Wadd's offspring.
Magic of love
As they are the children of a god of love, they are able to manifest a form of magic differentiated from the others, this is the magic of love.
Level 1-20: Initially the demigod is able to change his feelings according to the moment, making a negative feeling a positive feeling and vice versa (the follower can choose which feeling). He is also able to know also what his opponent is thinking and can also detect love in the air (knowing when someone is in love or any love desire) if he can detect his abilities will be expanded up to 3x more. The offspring is also capable of creating small magical illusions related to love, managing to create a loving atmosphere between two people, or a moment between them and etc. managing to remove the attention of their opponents from the combat.
Nível 21-40: Suas capacidades com essa magia se aprimoram lhe permitindo agora mudar os sentimentos de seus adversários em um grau maior conseguindo os fazer sentirem atração por outras pessoas que antes não conheciam ou não gostavam, também conseguindo fazer elas sentirem altos desejos sexuais por outras pessoas (seguindo sua respectiva sexualidade). Nesse nível o semideus é capaz de conjurar alguns feitiços (relacionados ao amor) contra seu oponente.
Level 41-60: Now the demigod can feel and manipulate all aspects of love, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling love (getting stronger through him) until manifesting emotional energy (physical contact, manages to cause loving emotions in addition to hurting) at the physical level. At this level, the offspring is capable of forcing their victims to fight, venerate, love, even sacrifice for you (needs physical contact), the victim will be unable to do anything but obey.
Level 61-90: Wadd's offspring is now able to manifest the magic of sex which allows her to use different methods of inflicting and using sex / pleasure as a form of magic, when using this magic, her body undergoes a change obtaining a more striking appearance managing to increase your breasts, your body can be more filling being compared to the most sensual woman in the world (if you are a woman, in cases of man, well you already know) or even more and among other things. Being able to cast countless spells related to these in addition to enjoying the great magical abilities it offers you.
Because snakes are a symbol of Wadd, their offspring have the ability to create poison in general, transferring through the lips or touch, which can affect the user caught easily by them, which can even kill it.
Level 1-10: Can create toxic enzymes that, when in contact with the victim, can make her gasp. The poison can be released by the lips or by touching the person, creating small mists and poisons capable of leaving an area of the body numb.
Level 11-25: The lips or the touch release a fine smoke that can make the victim very tired and can also cause hallucinations, often related to the opponent's fears, which can alter their sense of reality like an LSD trip.
Level 26-35: When they come into contact with any body region of the victim, they cause an intense burn, leaving the place incandescent, and may even delay the movements of the target until paralyzing it completely, also leading to the wear and tear of his mind.
Level 36-50: Releases smoke that affects an area of 20m, which has the ability to faint its victims without difficulty, and can cause them to suffocate inside the gas.
Level 51-99: The lips, when in contact with a person, can make them go into a coma and depending on the intensity, even killing, gaining greater control over the handling of poisons, Wadd's offspring can alter inorganic substances in poisons known in the real world, which can make poisonous essences and alter poison properties, such as making a flower that kills instantly after smelling its scent, creating rivers of poison and making its own blood become poisonous to the extreme, which can create mists that slowly necrotize the target without the knowledge of it, gradually making his senses fall asleep during the use of the mist.
Level 100-150: Upon reaching this level, your character is able to have total control over Oxycinesis, being able to master with mastery all the poisons on earth by changing their properties and modifications, Wadd's offspring can control any type of poison that exists, being able to transform water, wine, liquor and any type of inorganic substance into pure poison, being able to have corrosive capacities the offspring of the god of love can mix these substances to their loving effects, being able to create poisons that impregnate the target with true love and toxic, feeling an eagerness to surrender his own heart for the sake of his love, his manipulation of poisons is so great that it can create diseases and biological weapons without difficulty, and can create radioactive masses and adapted diseases impossible to be cured on a large scale,making whole countries go into anarchy.
Level 151-200: Its control is so high that it can manipulate the internal structure of the body, being able to create any type of poison (psychedelic, loving, corrosive, gas, etc.), it can transform the opponent's internal liquids into a corrosive poison, being able to transform smaller animals and humans into purely poisonous beings, such as toxic monsters that spread the plague to the fullest extent of its capacity, whether for a house, a block or an entire country.
Love is Blind
Like Death, love is blind, totally indifferent to those who “choose” or who will be affected by their gift. Wadd's offspring are simply invisible, leaving all his opponents instantly blind at the start of the battle, it is impossible to determine where love comes from, you just need to ... Feel.
Level 50: Everyone who faces you is automatically blinded during combat, being unable to see anything at all.
Level 100: It becomes impossible for your opponents to feel his presence or to know where he is coming from, feeling that he is everywhere and nowhere at the same time, his divine gift allows opponents not even to know where the offspring of Wadd is in case he's just after her.
Best Friend
Wadd's children are able to summon a snake to help him in battle or to get around. It has great resistance, strength and speed.
Level 1-20: Initially the snake has 5m, in addition to a speed of 200km / h, steel resistance.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 21-40: Now the snake is 8m long and can reach a speed of 400km / h, in addition to its resistance being similar to that of titanium.
Level 41-60: The snake has 12m, reaches a speed of 600km / h, diamond resistance, in addition to swallowing people or shooting acid.
Level 61-80: The snake has 20m, speed of 800km / h, in addition to adamantium resistance.
Level 81-100: The snake has 25m, reaches a speed of 1000km / h, resistance of vibranium, being able to swallow a giant.
Surprise attack
Having the serpent as a divine animal, the children of Wadd when in battle, are able to manifest snakes from their mouths, hands or legs, being able to invoke them in an unlimited way, more snakes can also "spit" other snakes, generating a vicious cycle which doubles the population every few seconds.
Level 1-20: Initially the snakes reach 3m.
Level 21-40: Snakes now extend up to 5m.
Level 41-60: They reach something up to 10m.
Level 61-80: Now reaches 15m.
Level 81-100: You can get something at 20m.
Level 101-120: Extend to 50m.
Love Sting
Through the bite or invocation of an albino snake, which will sting the target, it will make him feel a strong love for Wadd's son, staying by his side and wanting to protect him.
Level 20-40: These effects last for two rounds, affecting only creatures, humans and animals.
Level 41-60: Now lasts 3 rounds, affecting demigods with levels lower than yours.
Level 61-80: Now affects demigods with immunity.
Level 81-100: It affects minor gods.
Level 101-120: Affects greater gods.
Divine Form
Upon entering such a form, the demigod will turn black with the image of several stars on his body, the iris of his eyes will have the image of a waning moon, his hair will turn white, he will have robes similar to those of his father, serpent bracelets will appear in his hands, he will have a divine iron sword around his waist, a magic bow and arrow on his back, with infinite arrows made of moonlight, in his right hand a divine iron spear, on the left a flag white with a snake drawn, which when laying the flag, the whole earth in a radius of 1km, will become the soil identical to that of the moon, where the demigod will be able to control at will, in the same way that he will have omnipotent control over the moon, being able to manipulate gravity, lunar dust, temperature, vacuum and the like, in addition to having absolute control over poison and amorkinese,being able to remove all immunity to his Oxycinesis, all those who do not love Wadd's offspring will find themselves without his powers in his presence during the divine form.
Level 180-200: Lasts two rounds.
Level 201-240: Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 241-260: Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 261-280: Lasts 5 rounds.
Note: 10 shifts recharge time.